Public Document Pack 19 September 2017 To: Members of the Public Accountability Board This matter is being dealt with by: Direct Line: email: Dear Colleague Public Accountability Board You are invited to attend the next meeting of the Public Accountability Board which will be held on Tuesday 26th September 2017 at 2.00 pm at Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, Carbrook House, Carbrook Hall Road, Sheffield S9 2EH. The agenda and supporting papers are attached. Car parking will be available. Yours sincerely Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner Enc. South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright Email: [email protected] www.southyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright 18 Regent Street Barnsley South Yorkshire S70 2HG Tel: 01226 774600 Email: [email protected] www.southyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright Email: [email protected] www.southyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright 18 Regent Street Barnsley South Yorkshire S70 2HG Tel: 01226 774600 Email: [email protected] www.southyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY BOARD TUESDAY 26TH SEPTEMBER, 2017, 2.00 PM OFFICE OF THE POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER CARBROOK HOUSE, CARBROOK HALL ROAD, SHEFFIELD S9 2EH AGENDA Item Page 1 Welcome and Apologies Dr A Billings Verbal Update 2 Announcements Dr A Billings Verbal Update 3 Public Questions Dr A Billings Verbal Update 4 Urgent Items Dr A Billings Verbal Update 5 Items to be considered in the Absence of the Public Dr A Billings and Press THAT, using the principles identified under section 100A (4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting for the following items of business, on the grounds that they involve the likely disclosure of exempt information as specified in the relevant paragraphs of Part 1 of Schedule 12A to the Act, as amended, or that they are otherwise operationally sensitive or would attract an exemption under the Freedom of Information Act 2000. 6 Declarations of Interest Dr A Billings Verbal Update 7 Minutes of the meeting of the Public Accountability Dr A Billings 1 - 6 Board held on 29 August 2017 8 Matters Arising/Actions M Buttery 7 - 8 9 Performance Report (2017/18 Plan) - Reducing M Roberts 9 - 16 Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour 10 Budget Monitoring Report N Hiller 17 - 28 11 Report on CSE Activity (including progress against T Forber To Follow consolidated Action Plan & Operation Stovewood investigation progress and resourcing) South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright Email: [email protected] www.southyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk South Yorkshire Police and Crime Commissioner Shaun Wright 18 Regent Street Barnsley South Yorkshire S70 2HG Tel: 01226 774600 Email: [email protected] www.southyorkshire-pcc.gov.uk Item Page 12 Force's early indications of savings proposals for N Hiller To Follow balanced budget 2018/19 and beyond 13 Assurance Report - 101 Dr A Billings 29 - 32 14 Assurance Report - Quad Bikes Dr A Billings 33 - 42 15 IEP Exception Report A Lockley 43 - 54 16 JIAC Exception Report M Lunn 55 - 56 Exclusion of the Public and Press 17 Any Other Business - to be notified at the beginning of the meeting 18 Date and Time of Next Meeting 24 October 2017 at 10:00am, Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner, 5 Carbrook Hall Road, Carbrook, Sheffield, S9 2EH. Agenda Item 7 SOUTH YORKSHIRE’S POLICE AND CRIME COMMISSIONER PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY BOARD 29 AUGUST 2017 PRESENT: Dr Alan Billings (Police and Crime Commissioner) Michelle Buttery (Chief Executive and Solicitor - OPCC) Stephen Watson (Chief Constable, SYP) Mark Roberts (Deputy Chief Constable, SYP) Alison Fletcher (Office Manager, SYP) Tim Forber (Assistant Chief Constable, SYP) David Hartley (Assistant Chief Constable, SYP) Nigel Hiller (Director of Finance, SYP) Sally Parkin (Business Manager, OPCC) Allan Rainford (Chief Financial and Commissioning Officer - OPCC) Erika Redfearn (Head of Governance, OPCC) Rob Winter (Head of Internal Audit) (Business Support Officer, OPCC) PUBLIC There were three members of the public present. 1 WELCOME AND APOLOGIES The Police and Crime Commissioner welcomed those present at the meeting. Apologies for absence were received from: Carrie Goodwin, Andrew Lockley, Melvyn Lunn, Lauren Poultney, Sioned-Mair Richards, Sara Slater and Fiona Topliss. 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS There were no announcements. 3 PUBLIC QUESTIONS The following questions were submitted by members of the public: Member of the Public “A” “We've been trying to follow developments on Neighbourhood Policing over the past few months - Where can we see an update on this welcome development, and details & dates on its implementation, especially in Sheffield ?” ACC Hartley reported that there would not be a big launch for the Neighbourhood Policing changes, as the transition will be undertaken in stages, however a soft launch date for Sheffield will take place on 11 September; and arrangements are being put in place for the launch. Details of the Neighbourhood Policing Teams will be published on the website in due course. This information is currently being compiled in consultation with key stakeholders and partner agencies. Page 1 OPPC Public Accountability Board 29/08/17 Member of the public “A” also asked:- “Who are the partner agencies?” Discussions took place at the Community Safety Partnerships Gold Group meetings, in Quarters 1 and 2, key stakeholders and partners were involved in these meetings. Member of the public “B” “When the new Policing model is in place would the Chief Constable assure Neighbourhood Watch that we will stop having to fight for recognition and being passed from one member of staff to another and become useful, valued and standard partners voluntarily within the Police Force. As the biggest Volunteer group, we work hard for both Communities and to support the Police Force and it becomes disheartening to find that we have to keep promoting ourselves to the Force.” ACC Hartley reported that Neighbourhood Watch was an integral part of Neighbourhood Policing. The Community Alert System is expected to go live at the end of September/early October and an event to launch this will be organised shortly. The Senior Leadership Group is now in place providing the stability the Force requires and Neil Thomas had been appointed as Force lead. A meeting with Neighbourhood Watch had been arranged towards the end of this week. 4 URGENT ITEMS There were no urgent items. 5 ITEMS TO BE CONSIDERED IN THE ABSENCE OF THE PUBLIC AND PRESS There were no items on the agenda. 6 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest. 7 MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF THE PUBLIC ACCOUNTABILITY BOARD HELD ON 19 JULY 2017 The minutes of the meeting held on 19 July 2017 were accepted as an accurate record, subject to the following change:- Spit Guards It was noted that these were in use by a number of police forces in the UK. The IEP have considered their use by SYP and supported their introduction Page 2 OPPC Public Accountability Board 29/08/17 in custody suites and prisoner transport vans. The IEP supported the decision by SYP not to issue guards as an item of personal kit to officers across SYP, and that they should only be used when officers are actually at risk. DCC Roberts confirmed that the issues raised had been taken into account. Training will be progressed with a projected launch in early 2018. It was noted that Spit Guards are made of fine mesh and are made by a company in Sheffield. 8 MATTERS ARISING/ACTIONS The following matters arising/actions were outstanding:- 253 C Foster had started the collaboration work. J Wright is currently going through the collaboration agreements to ensure they are still ‘fit for purpose’ and will report back to the Joint Independent Audit Committee on 26 September 2017 – ITEM DISCHARGED. 256 Work on the Force Performance Framework is still ongoing – M Buttery and M Roberts to prepare a brief for the next meeting. 264 Findings of the Baseline Assessment - Tenders out and a decision is expected next week – M Buttery to discuss with F Topliss 265 Independent Advisory Groups – ACC Hartley to update CC Watson. 266 Research and Data Gathering report – A report will be presented to the IEP in September. 267 Force Crime Review – October PAB 268 MTFS – September PAB 9 PERFORMANCE REPORT (2017/18 PLAN) DCC Roberts presented the Protecting Vulnerable People Report. Updates were provided on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), Domestic Abuse, Mental Health, Missing Persons and Rape and Serious Sexual Offences. The Commissioner appreciated the figures set out in the report relating to the number of active Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) cases. It provided a sense of where we are at present. The Commissioner asked how the conviction rates relating to child abuse and child abuse/rape compared with other forces nationally/regionally. It was not possible to compare nationally. However, the Force agreed to pull the regional comparisons together for the next meeting. The Commissioner inquired about the low conviction rates under Domestic Abuse and made reference to Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) data which also recognises this. The Force accepted they are not where they wanted to be and reported that over the same timeframe last year they had recorded some improvements and that the current trend appears encouraging; work is continuing to improve the current picture. Page 3 OPPC Public Accountability Board 29/08/17 A discussion followed on postal requisitions and the need to work more closely with CPS to ensure the process runs more smoothly and that both agencies have what they require in a timely manner.
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