I PAGE TWENTY THURSDAY, iULY 29, 1971 manrlr^atp^. lEvrtting 1|pntUi Average Daily Net Press Run ’The Weather For The Webk Ended Showers, heavy at times, July 17, 1971 with occasional thunderstorms Full Gospel Christian Fellow­ through Saturday; high in 70o. ship, Interdenominational, will Church Reports About Town Democratic Cluh Urged ilanrbTfitpr lEumtim Hrralb Sunday’s outlook . cloudy, have a Bible study and open dis­ 1 5 ,0 0 0 warm, humid. Mias Sally Sherman, dau^ter cussion tonight at 7:80 at Mission Gifts PHIEHIfflST SEALTCST JULY of Mr. and Mrs. John Germ an Orange Hall. To Take Up Local Issues Manchester— A City of Village Charm of Windsor Locks and g^and- Totaled $10,350 daujgfiter of Mr. and Mrs. Neal H ie Manchester Chess Club The newly formed Deihocratlc Public Relations conunittee — Cheney of 89.Brookfield St., has Mrs. William Perry, president VOL. LXXXX, NO. 255 MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, JULY 30, 1971 (Clasoifled Advertiaing on Fage IV) PRICE FIFTEEN CENTS will not meet tonight as sched­ du b of Manchester, whose aim David Paris, chairman. TWENTY-TWO PAGES been named to the spring se­ of the Church of the Nazarene \ uled. is “ to create townwide interest, mester dean’s list at Hartwlck World Missionary Society, has Telephone committee — Ada ICE CREAM SALE announced to the church mem­ participation and involvement Sullivan, chairman. College, Oneonta, N. T. Alan R. Tupek of 19 Concord bership that for the 1970-71 in politics by Manchester Demo­ Membership committee — a Rd. has been named to the high Miss Anne Creed of 53 S. church. year the Manchester crats,’’ should become Involved chairman to be chosen. Save 30c on all half gallon $1.09 flavors honors dean’s list, and Miss in current municipal Issues as State Police Lakewood Circle has been congregation gave $10,350 for FitzPatrick instructed the com­ SEALTEST ICE CREAM Virginia G. Lowe of 27 Scar­ well, said its president last named to the spring semester borough Rd. has been named world missions, of which |516 mittee chairmen to have reports Buy It At Pinehurst night. , J ets Gpllide dean's list at the University of was contributed specifically for ready for the next meeting, to to the honors list, for the spring John J. Fitz(Patrick told the 25 S e a r c h F o r Vermcmt College of Agriculture semester at the University of chapel building construction and be held Aug. 25 at 8 p.m., also members who attended the and Home Economics. New HfLmpshire in (Durham. $4,000 was presented as a gift to at the Marine Corps League club’s monthly meeting, held at the out-gohig Ecuadorian mis- Home. the Marine Corps League Home Retarded Girl Miss Jeanne A. DeCesare of rionarles from Mtmchester, Rev. Marie Mahoney, who was and Mrs. Alfred SwiUn. on Parker St., “ We must be­ PGR 63 Amott Rd. and D<HiEdd M. elected secretary in June, has DURHAM (A P )—The search Over Japan; “ The gift check was particu­ come cognizant of current issues Hubbard of 193 Charter Oak announced her resignation, ef­ for a missing 13-year-old retard­ St. have been named to the larly marked for the purchase and situations. It is our chance 3$c Saving, Too, On Our to become versed in what is go­ fective Aug, 16. She explained ed girl from Cheshire continued Cosmetics spring semester dean’s list at of a sturdy vehicle for the new that her husband has taken a this morning. ing on in Manchester—a chance $1,19 & $ 1 ^ Promium Flavon the University of Connecticut mission station to be opened position in Washington, D. C. we would not have if our club State police said the search irs School of Physical Therapy. this month in Ecuador,’ ’ states Joins Practice and that they will move there. for the girl, identified by po­ didn’t exist.’’ Mrs. Perry. The Oiurch of the lice as Heather Bird, began ear­ Fear Lost Dr. Carlos G. (Benavides, FitzPatrick said he will ap­ 162 Forest Everett Patten of 41 Nazarene has not had- a mis­ FltzPatrlck said that the point a temporary secretary, to ly Thursday morning but was Hamlin St. has been named to sionary program in Ecudor until specialist in ear, nose and club’s executive board is rec­ By EDWIN Q. WHITE Liggetfs serve until the club’s September Pinehurst Grocery called off TTiursday night be­ the spring semester dean’s list this year. Before being com­ throat, is now in association ommending speakers for regu­ Associated Press Writer with Dr. Amos E. Friend at 36 meeting, when a new secretary cause of heavy rain and dark­ .At The Parkade at Rensselaer Polytechnic In­ missioned to Ecuador, the Rev. lar meetings, with a question- Haynes St. where they have re­ wUl be elected. ness. TOKYO (AP)—A Japanese jetliner with 162 per­ stitute, Troy, N.Y., where he is and Mrs. Swain spent their first and-answer period to follow. MANCHESTER cently moved their offices. Police said the search for the sons aboard and a Japanese jet fighter collided over majoring in mechanical en­ missionary term from 1905-1070 FltzPatrlck announced that the girl is concentrated in the area gineering. in Peru. Benavides is originally from club will have six standing com­ Shadow of the lunar module is in right foreground with Apen- artist’s concept of the panorama Astronaut David Scott will northern Japan today and crashed in what appeared Long Island and received his between Durham and Walling­ Mrs. Perry also reported that mittees. He named the commit­ nine Mountains and Hadley Rille in the background in this see tonight as he takes his first stroll on the moon. (A P Photo) to be the worst disaster in aviation history. bachelors and medical d egree ford. Police described her as the Society has mailed to world tees and their chairmen smd from the University of Michi­ 5-feet tall, weighing 100 pounds The pilot of the F86F fig h te r ----------------------------------------- 3 mission stati(His 25 boxes con­ said that the rest of their mem­ gan and the University of and said she is a student at parachuted to safety, but the 621 national police and 24 heli- taining clothing, bandages, hos­ bers will be drawn front volun­ Pennsylvania. the Stonegate School here. national police said there was copters assigned to the task, pital patient Jackets, sewing teers. He recommended that After his internship and ser­ She was reported • wearing a First Bid Fails little or no hope of any survi- Prime Minister Elsaku Sato PLAZA DEPT. STORE equipment, children’s games and each member of the club volun­ vice with the Navy he returned gold polo shirt, multicolored vors from the Boeing 727 air- cut short a brief vacation to (We Have A Notion To Please) candles; ’The boxes have been to New York for training at teer to serve on at least one striped shorts and black shoes liner. meet with officials In- E. MIDDLE TPKE. (Next to Popular Market) prepared by volunteers who committee. iBogner’s with buckles. The airline, All Nippon Air- vesUgaUng the disaster, Lenox Hill Hospital and the meet for work sessions on the y/e OPEN WED., THUB8., FBI. tIU 9 New York Bye and Ear Infirm­ The club membership was J.09 Police say the girl is severely ways, said only one foreigner The air self defense force first Tuesday of each month at ary. Upon the completion of his as of last night. Heart retarded and has a speech Im- was aboard the big Jet, the said it had ordered a tempora- the CSiurch of the Nazarene Bomleix Inm On training in 1968 he was appoint­ 'FltzPatrlck named the fol­ pedimMit. Lunar Lander^ Command Ship American flight engineer, Donn ry halt in training flights while Davis Memorial Building, 286 ed Director of Resident Train­ lowing committees and chair­ .Toseph Feeney, the director of M. Carpenter of Detroit, Mich. Uie investlgaUons are going on. Main St. "W e are planning to Mendin|[ Patches & Tapes ing at the infirmary. men; the school, S8iid (Heather has the He had been flying for the line Kelklchl Masuhaka, director send at least 25 more boxes in Political action committee — FRANKS mentality of a four-year-old, but since February 1970. general of the self defense PEJIOALE . Twnx. - i CXXBDDBOir He has also been on the fa­ the year ahead, Mrs. Perry For Peim a Press A All Tour Mending culty of courses in nasal sur­ Atty. Victor Moses, chairman. is not suffering from any dan­ By nightfaU, the poUce said, agency, expressed apologies for said. Dog' gery in Europe and the United Community activities commit­ :h gerous medical condition. 66 bodies had been recovered in the collision and condolences to Featured guest speakers at States. tee—John Sullivan, chairman. He said she was with a group Separated on Second Attempt a mountainous area about 300 the families of the victims, society-sponsored conventions He lives with his wife, Eliza­ Social activities committee — of other children Thursday miles northeast of Tokyo. ' The airliner was on an after- Euid prayer breakfasts during beth and their two children on Bridget Marceau, chairman. A piece of the tall section of « ‘Sht from Hokkaido. Ja- the year have Included the Rev. "King of (See Page Three) By HOWARD BENEDICT Until the second attempt was As Apollo 15 zipped within be more favorable for the en- plain, a desolate desert of cra- Cedar Ridge Dr. in Glaston­ the plane was found, and the ® northernmost main Is- Armand DoU from MozamMque, Aerospace Writer successful there was high dra- 30,000 feet of the peaks of the gine IgnlUon that would start ters and rlver-ltke rilles.
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