* N '. ' a ^ PAGE THIRTY’-SIX ' ■■ ' ‘ \ llanrbfHtpr €t>ratng iii^raib WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18, 1969 Most Manchester Stores Open Tonight Until 9 O^Clock will be borne by the town, prin­ Town^ T ravelers Research cipally by in-kind services. Harkins, following the sign­ Av«rage Daily Net Press Run ing of the contract with Trav­ Sign C-DAP Study Contract elers, said that work on the Fbr nSe Week Ended The Weather C-DAP study will start im­ June M, IMS ^ J / contract waa signed In Harkins added, however, that mediately. Fair and mild .tonight with // tford txiday (or the services he anticipates that 'Travelers lows in the 60s. Tomorrow, / ■ of ^y^elers Research Corp., to will do a good job and that he 15,459 again, (air and warm with does not anticipate any need highs in upper 80s. be the o<™ultant for Manches­ Five-Day Forecast for cancellation WINDSOR LOCKS, Conn. Manchester— A City of Vitiate Charm ter’s two^ar C-DAP (Com­ C-DAP, which can be com­ (AP) — Temperatures In Con­ VOL. LXXXV m , NO. 268 munity DevfelQpment Action pared to jet^massive Comprehen­ necticut from ’Thursday through TWENTY-TWO PAGES MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, AUGUST 14, 1969 (CSaaatfted Ads-ertising on Ftage 19) PRICE TEN CENTS Plan) study. sive P,lah, is a two-year study Monday are expected to average Signing for the tmVh was Ly­ ot a town’s exlstlng/servlces near normal with daytime highs man Hoops, chalrmaiAof Man­ and facilities and a ^'projection from 80 to 86 and overnight chester’s C-DAP AgencjAx^l^ of its needs in the five-year lows in the 60s. nesses were Town Mi___„ ^ period following the study. It The U.S. Weather Bureau pre­ Tons of Confetti Robert Weiss and Joljn^ Har­ ipells out priorities (or accom­ dicts that the weather will be Riots Continue kins, C-DAP executive director. plishing the projected needs. generally warm during the first NEW YORK (AP)— A spe­ cial force of 600 sanitation •nie contract cajJs (or a |67,- M anchester’s two - year half of the perixxl and cooler men has scooped up 300 tons A Toast to Three Men 600 payment to Travelers R e­ C-DAP 'Study will be under a during the last half. search for consultant fees for *160,000 bhdgej with *112,600 of of ticker tape, confetti and Precipitation should total from shredded paper showered on two years. Harkins explained it a state ^.^nt, already ap­ % to H inch, occurring as the Apollo 11 astronauts dur­ that the town has an option to proved by the 'Ejepsrtment of showers Friday and Saturday British Troops ing their ride from toe Bat- cancel the contract at any time Community Affalris> The re - and ral nalong the coast Sun­ f/ : , i . tei7 to City Hall. and to pro-rate the fees. malning *37,600 of bie. budget day. The sanitation department Who Left Sky Unlimited t : predicted a “paper Callout’’ would continue In lower Man­ LOS ANGELES (AP)— M: hattan (or several days after Pre.sident Nixon has toast­ toe Wedneeday parade, as ed the Ajxillo 11 lunar ex­ In Londonderry winds stir up paper that set­ tled on window ledges and plorers as "three brave LONDONDERRY, North­ after the government announced donderry was not immediately building setbacks. men" who penetrated the ern Ireland (AP)—British the move in Belfast, Northern known. An estimate of toe cost was shadows of space and car­ s i . ' / troops moved into this Ireland's capital. The troops The dispatch of southern Irish not available. ried humanity to new Northern Irish city today were fully armed. troops underscored toe stunned heights of imagination. to halt religious rioting A government spokesman reaction of the Irish Republic to Holding aloft a glasa of chom- said the request to use Britts the violence in Northern Ire­ imgne at an extraordinary State that raged unabated after troops had been made by the in­ land. There was special concern dinner We<lnesday night, he told Ulster’s worst night of vio­ spector general of the Royal Ul-'" in toe south for Londonderry, U.S. Prints Nell A. Armstrong, Edwin B. lence in years. Troops of ster Constabulary, the North’s where toe fighting was oenterod Aldrin Jr . and Michael Collins, W' the Irish Republic moved legular police force. in the Bogside, the Catholic "We thank you for your cour­ up to the western border. The request was granted by community here. New R ules “ age We thank you (or raising '4 The troops from Roman Lt. Gen. Ian Harris, command­ Prime Minister Harold Wilson our sights . The sky Is no Catholic southern Ireland e r of about 6,000 British troops of Britain broke off his vacation For Meats longer the limit,’’ in Northern Ireland. The num­ to confer on the situation with The boylsh-l<x>klng Armstrong moved to the area near ber of troops being used in Lon- his home secretary, James Cal­ WASHINGTON (AP) — The mission commander and first I^ndonderry to support laghan, in southwest England. government today published man on the moon—responded in five field hospitals for The talks were believed to oonsumer-proteotton regtUaiionB a sometimes quavering voice i treating injured from the have centered on the use of by which tiHlmately ail moat before 1,440 of the natlon’e eHte: What’s Behind predominantly Protestant British troops, something Wil­ processed commercially In the "We were very privileged to son has resisted in toe pest. United States must be Judged. leave on the moon a plaque on- North wanting to cross The Dispute domed by you. Mr. President, over. The southern mobili­ The three-cornered govern­ Under toe Wholesome Meat Act of 1967 toe states have umUI saying It was oil for mankind." By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS mental war of nerves erupted HOUSE and HALTS zation included transport after a night of violence in next Dec, 16, or a year later un­ The glltlering banquet was and other support units in THE DISPUTE: Roman Cath- capped by presentation of spe- oUcs, outnumbered two to one which at least lo persons were der solne circumstances, to set ANNUAL CLEARANCE combat gear. The number wounded In shooting Incidents. up inspection programs at least dal medals to the pioneering I'irJi'; by Protestants in Northern Ire­ trio imd. poethumously, to three df men involved was not land, claim they are subject to Homes, shops and public build­ equal to feder^ standards. OF SUMMER DRESSES IS ON! ings in six major towns were set The 462-page manuscript Is- astronauts fatally burned in a O Oi announced. discrimination In such matters spacecraft fire In 1967. ablaze. And there were uncount-^ ^sued today by toe Agriculture OalhoUcs and Protestants as jobs, housing and voting. The affair climaxed a trium­ o have been battling almost con­ THE CAUSES: H ie trouble Is ed other injuries as the result of Department sets forth detailed tor phant day of tours through New tinuously since Tuesday in Lon­ rooted In the history of Ireland; i-cldents otoer than shootings. proposals carrying out the o o act. President Nixon i>o.ses with the three A|m)IIo 1! a.stronauts just liefore tlie sUirt York and Chicago, a day devot­ donderry and other parts of the first under English dominabksi The worst of toe rioting con­ "It’s big medicine In terms of ed to on outpouring of American North which is etill part of Brit­ and then in an Ireland divided tinued here as gasoline bombs of a state dinner honoring the moon men at Ik)s Angeles last niglit. l.eft to appreciation (or the feat. additional controls to determine POO ain. between the predominantly were hurled at police this morn­ Armstnmg noted that during more effective consumer protec­ light: Col. Edwin Aldrin ,Ir., (3ol. Mike Collins, the Piesident, and Neil Arm­ The Northern Irish govern­ Catholic south aoid the mainly ing and another building was set till- New York ticker-tape trib­ tion,” Dr. Hyman M. Stelnmetz, ment said the British troops, al­ Protestant north. ablaze in toe Bogside battle­ strong. (AP Photofux) ute he anw a sign telling the as- Consumer and Marketing Serv­ PRICE o 6o 0( ready stationed in tJie province, THE BACKGROUND: In 1916, field. Police and rioters hurled tixinauts, "Through you we ice official, said In an Interview. '2 moved in immediately to help following an uprising against bricks and rocks at each otoer. hmched the moon." Then he Ih e liar-ranging proposals In­ hard-pressed police restore or­ toe British, Ireland became a Shops Slid homes were being said "It was our privilege to- clude mostly exisUt^ federal o o 00 der. republic. This was followed by a boarded up in preparation (or ilay to rroaa toe country lo specifications on meat inspec­ d r a m a tic r ed u c tio n s on A British force took up posi- civil war, which resulted In the another night of terror. touch America " the wild young division between toe 26 counties tion and pexiklng house < ^ ra- OUR ENTIRE REMAINING STOCK Uons outside the Guildhall in An estimated 60 police alone Spacemen Leave Stars Gueets at Ute olaborale slate Londonderry within 10 minutes (See Page EIgbt) (Bee Page Fifteen) dinner, (he first ever held out­ fun furs in (See Page Eight) side Washlngtin, tncludsd msm- liem.of llte Cabinet and the Su­ With Stars in Their Eyes preme Court, 44 of 50 governors, exciting styles re|iresentatlves of the diplomat­ . the lotMt silhouettes to wear from now on .
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