WINTER 1988 r)ie Aposrje MOTHER TERESA A Historic Moment TO RECEIVE ATHENAGORAS THE MEETING OF PATRIARCH DIMITRIOS HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE POPE AWARD by Rev. Dr. Milton B. Efthimiou For four days history stood still as predecessor, Athenagoras I, that the co- Mother Teresa, 1979 Nobel Peace Prize Dimitrios I, Ecumenical Patriarch and celebration of the Holy Eucharist would recipient and founder of the Missionaries members of the Holy Synod as well as indeed become a reality in the not too of Charity, will be the honored guest and other dignitaries paid a visit to the Bishop distant future. The Patriarch in return receive the Third Athenagoras Human of Rome in order to continue the ecumen­ gave the Pope a replica of an early By­ Rights Award at the annual banquet of the ical encounter between the Greek Or­ zantine crucifix, and several other items Archons of the Order of St. Andrew on thodox Church and the Roman Catholic of traditional significance such as a vase, Saturday, February 27th at the Marriott Church that would bring the two great medals, while the Pope responded with Hotel in New York City. churches of Christendom together after another gift of an eleventh-century paint­ 900 years of division between the respec­ ing of our Lord and Saviour, as well as tive two churches. medals and sacred texts of early church As Patriarch Dimitrios and his entour­ writings. age arrived for a private meeting at the Pope's library, John Paul II said, " I wel­ Highlights of the Patriarch's Rome Visit come you to Rome and to the Vatican on Pope John Paul received the Patriarch this historic occasion." The meeting lasted and his entourage at the Tower of San for about forty-five minutes and the Pope Giovanni (St. John), who arrived by motor­ presented the Patriarch with a golden cade from Rome's Leonardo Da Vinci air­ chalice which was symbolical of the de­ port after a flight from Constantinople. sire expressed so often by the Patriarch's (Continued on page 2} ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE TO CONSTANTINOPLE AND ST. NICHOLAS SYMPOSIUM AT MYRA by Christo Daphnides, Archon Kastrinsios If I could make a suggestion to an Ar­ chal Building, and Cardinal Willebrands, Mother Teresa chon on how to enrich his spirit, I would the representative of the Vatican, tell him to take a trip to the Holy See of The award is presented every year to a Then the time came and His Holiness Constantinople and then visit all the Hel­ (Continued person or organization which has consis­ on page 3) lenistic cities in Asia Minor, where tently exemplified by action, St. purpose and Paul, St. John and St. Barnabas, and many dedication their concern for the basic other great men walked and preached. For human rights and religious freedom of all me and my wife, Helen, this pilgrimage people, regardless of race, color or creed. was a purification of our souls. The recommendation for a recipient of At 9 a.m., November 30th, the feast day the award is presented to the National of Saint Andrew, our group Council and then sent to Archbishop entered the la- Patriarchal Church of St. George. kovos for final approval. It could not have been a more touching moment. The first recipient of the Athenagorian The subdued light that was Award was His Eminence Archbishop entering through the glass windows sparked a dra­ lakovos in recognition of his struggle and matic signal for an imminent major event. continued efforts against all violations Everything was so religious, so mystical committed against religious freedom and and yet so strong and human rights. dynamic. This set­ ting moved our hearts so deeply that imme­ The second recipient of this award was diately we sensed the presence of someone former President Jimmy Carter who was Superior. someone very Heavenly. recognized for his untiring efforts for the The dignitaries began arriving, one cause of human rights throughout the world by one, among them the generous donor, Mr. Visitng Jiie Patriarchal^, /roni I. to r, Helen Daphni­ and, in particular, on des; behalf of his efforts in Angelopoulos, Metropolitan of Myra Chrysostomos; Metro­ (Continued from page 2} who contributed six million politan of Perga Evangelos; Christo Daphnides, and dollars for the completion of the Patriar­ Mr. Condos. MOTHER TERESA (Continued from page 1} Italian, of St. Andrew the Apostle utiliz­ the Filioque clause. This was the clause the rebuilding program of the Ecumenical ing Orthodox hymns. Part of the service inserted by the Roman Catholic Church Patriarchate of Constantinople. was to the accompaniment of a guitar of the Procession of the Holy Spirit The Archons of the Order of St. An­ with the whole congregation of youths "From the Father and the son" which drew the Apostle are dedicated laymen of singing. It was one of the highlights of the was the principal theological cause of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of North Patriarch's visit and one could see the the division between the two churches and South America who have been honor­ Patriarch visibly moved by the singing in 1054 A.D. The recitation by the Pope ed for their outstanding service to the and outpouring of the youth of Rome. In a without this clause tantamounted to an Church by having a Patriarchal title be­ spontaneous gesture of love, the Patriarch admission fay the spiritual leader of stowed upon them by His All Holiness went out into the audience to greet the eight hundred and ten million Roman Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople. young people who were giving the Pa­ Catholic faithful that the Latin Church Patriarch Athenagoras served as Arch­ triarch a standing ovation as is the cus­ confesses formally its adherence to the bishop in the Americas for IB years before tom in Rome and rushed to kiss the hand tenets of the early church to which the being elected Ecumenical Patriarch in and receive the blessing of the Ecumenical Greek Orthodox Church conforms and 1948. He was universally acknowledged Patriarch. Much to the consternation of from which it has never waivered. as a visionary leader of Orthodoxy, num­ the security police, the Patriarch and the 2) In an unprecedented move, the Pope bering over 250 million worldwide, who entourage went out into the streets fol­ came down from the high Altar and worked for peace among Churches and lowing the service and was received fay into the audience where the Patriarch people throughout his life. an overflow crowd who continued the was seated on his patriarchal throne in Mother Teresa will be recognized for chanting of the hymn of St. Andrew with order to escort the Patriarch back up to her global mission which has touched mil­ the addition of the words, "We welcome the high Altar for formal greetings be­ lions the poor, the elderly, the orphaned, you Patriarch Dimitrios." tween the two. This had never happen­ the sick and disabled. Internationally re­ ed before and was indicative of the spected and acclaimed, her life story has The Mass at St. Peter' expression of love and humility on the been beautifully and emotionally told in An overflow crowd in the church as part of the Pope to the Ecumenical the 1986 film Mother Teresa. Clips of the well as about a million onlookers in the leader of world Orthodoxy. (Note; in prize winning documentary will be shown fay producers Ann and Jeanette Petrie dur­ ing the banquet. Andrew Athens, president of the Arch- diocesan Council and chairman of the United Hellenic American Congress will serve as master of ceremonies for the banquet and expected to attend are Ar­ chons, religious and government leaders, members of the diplomatic corps and Greek Orthodox faithful from throughout the western hemisphere. A highlight of the evening will be a pre­ mier showing of a film showing exclusive footage of the December 3-7, 1987 visit of Ecumenical Patriarch Dimitrios to the Vatican and the celebration of the Feast Day of St. Andrew at the Ecumenical Patriarchate in Istanbul. On Sunday, February 28, Archbishop lakovos, Chairman of the Standing Con­ ference of Canonical Orthodox Bishops in America (SCOBA) will celebrate the Ar- chieratical Liturgy of the Sunday of Or­ Patriarch Dimilrios I and Pope John Paul If praying together in Rome. thodoxy [First Sunday of Lent), with fel­ low SCOBA hierarchs at the Archdiocesan square took part in the great basilica of preliminary viewing of video tapes, it Cathedral of the Holy Trinity, beginning St. Peter's. The printed program stated, "Mass was noticeable that the Pope was tear­ at 10:00 a.m. presided over by Pope John Paul II, on ing from both eyes. He obviously knew occasion of the visit of the Ecumenical of the importance of this gesture and PATRIARCH AND POPE Patriarch of Constantinople Dimitrios I." what it meant after so many years of (Continued from page 1) No doubt remembering the last visit to separation. It also was indicative of the Accompanying the Patriarch were; Met­ the Vatican by an Eastern Orthodox leader steadily growing contacts since the ropolitan Chrysostomos of Myra; Metro- on October 26, 3967, when Ecumenical Pa­ 1964 historic meeting between Pope potan Bartholomaios of Philadelphia; Met­ triarch Athenagoras was received in this Paul VI and Athenagoras I in Jerusalem ropolitan Evangelos of Perga; Metropoli­ very basilica, the crowd outside and inside as well as the 3979 visit of Pope John tan Gabriel of Colonia; the Rev. Deacon the basilica broke out into a thundering Paul to Patriarch Dimitrios I in Con­ Meliton, undersecretary of the Synodical ovation when Pope and Patriarch proceed­ stantinople exactly one year after his Office; the Rev.
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