iT w iL t a Average Dully Circubtfon For the Meeth of I IMW Group a of Cantar ebureh womr A oomblnad rabcanal o f Uuca TUESDAY ONLY! LIMITED QU-^TITY. tiM cluba wlU held tonight at •n. M ti Bkrl Luther League Regolnr'ftc A bou t Tow n Group 8, Mra. Kannath Bur^an^ & Bmnnuar _ . la cBurnli. 6328 OmetaUy fair and wmtlaaed eoM Ttan BMthovena will IM boaU HALE^ SELF SERVE tMlgfet aad Wedneaday, slowi|r iMdw. win haea a Member of cUe Aedit tomorrow evening at 7.80 at the the Banker’a and Colt'a cluba of Plans Program s The Oriftnil In New England! rialag temperatan Thniaday. Hartford In preparation for a Bareae of droalatlaas fM iM irrn titkaanlaa Cltl- Center CongregatloDBl church, C hen ille Bath M ats Rev. Dougins V. M a c l^ n of the combined concert to be given In Manchester— City of VUtage Chdtni ■HM chib win bold cn tmportiint Hartford on Wedneaday, February ■ M tln c c t tithuanlan ball on Gol- Wapplng Community church will “ Torchbearem” to Be AND HEALTH MARKET Smart fiofal pattama on aoUd color, grounda. Blue, orchid, zlve an addreea on ’TaleaUne. The 14, under the direction of Robert peach, green. Mack and white and d^Mmnct. crcv dvMt at eight, o’clock Knoa Chapman. (CtaaMUai Advertiatag ea Page l«> MANCHESTER, C O N N ., TURSDAY. JANUARY .10. 1040 \ (TWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS « i gU_ > 1 1 mcmber^^are requewed hoateaem will be Mra John I^m - Present^ l»y Group VOL. LIX., NO. 102 -ic a M n d . berton. Mra. John Jonea and Mra. From Emanuel Church ►\ F^uIFI ux. DQlPMtb-OBtBell Poeft "Oom- Italian Veteran* TUESDAY SPECIALS Mcmbera of the Board > of Ad­ ■fhe Luther League of the «g M ” WlU meet Ct UlC OCW Emanuel Lutheran church will Double Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales Eatlief' Kills Two Children, Dies in Fire liMfoB bone on Uaonard atreet at ministration of the Emanuel Lu­ theran church and their wlvea will Organ izcil Here aponaor Its annual FCIlowahlp All Day Tuesday. Limitfd'Qo^tity! Seconds of Light .Weight Germans Continue alx o’dilck tonight. Th« nietUng be giioat* at the paraonage tomor­ Service next Sunday evening and Roosevelt Message la ta.ikmiMctlon with the l^gUjiie row night at * o’clock when the will present a program enUtled ftMbelal campaign. Supper will ^ "Torchbearera.” A collection will by membere of the Auxil- (learons and tniateea will meet to A local branch of the Italian organlre for the coming year. be taken and turned over to the I I.Aiaves Cannon Face Cloths War Veterana wfca organised yea- •Synodical. Luther Led|pie to aaalst Hale's Bread 11c Raids on Shipping terday morning at the home of In the flnanring of lta work In the Green and peach plaid centers only. While they laat— The real Matron! aaaoclatlon of Omndmothor’a The Chamlnade club will have Temple Chh-pler, O. E. w ^ Leonard Aceto, 10.1 Spruce street, Aiiguetana Synod.' On Hospitals Given an open meeting Monday after- meet In the .lohn Mather room of with the aelecllon of Mr. Aceto as Roy C. Johnaon,. prcaldent of the noOB, Februarv 5 at Center Church the Mseonlc Temple,' Thuraday president; Luigi Raffa as aecreUry league, will be In charge of the M arm alade Off British Coast Houae. The program will be en- |C doz. fVrnln^t. I'chruary’ 1. Mra. Henry and Modesto Zlto as treasurer. 'Po Bc^lce and’ Will preaent the pro­ ' tlrely of the worke of thla famona "hornion will be the hoateaa. logue and epilogue to the program. 1 form a local branch It was necrea- . woman corapoeer. Scripture rcadlnga will bn gives by Srcoiifl Consecutive Day I Grateful l*arent Sella sary to secure 2.1 members. It Mrs. Beatrice Pnaraon, Mlaa Grace Colonial Pickles Regular 25c Pure Linen Hand Blocked . The Ml/pah Croup of the Wea 505 Ticket^ to Ball To House Members levHn tiiiil'l will meet f'•morrow was ilecldcMl. however, to leave the nennon. M**" Mary Jane Acker­ O f Suddenly Intensi­ pvenUig al 7 o'clock at the Houth charter open for a week or two. man, Arthur Benaon. Richard Hcrggrcn and Richard Hultman. fied Aerial W arfare; Charleston. 8. C., Jan. .30— MethiHlIal church, and the Ceclllan Application for niemberahlp Preaiflput Asks Congretd Thrnn abort talka will be given Keebler Cookies Pk,. Guest Towels 19c (/P)—The young son of Richard 'Vire Turna Out to'Be club at 7 ;.'10 ,'sn l>e made to the president of Nazi Protests COAL------- tiy Kriand Johnaon on ’"Torch Circle, Taffy, Coconut and Butter-C'np Cookies. • I . One Raider Shot Down L. Helterer, a fireman, was I’ opcorn Uopping Party the new organlwitlcm. M la eall- Fine linen In floral and natitical patterns. Red. green, and To Approve Experi­ OM Company a The Booalcr (Tub of the North iiialed that I here are alxuit 7f> here Hciircra of Ycaterday,” • Mlaa stricken with infantile paraly­ blue only. \ As Distress Signals Tell I ItifllatrmxiUa, Jan. 30.—{IT)—- O. E. W ILLIS « SON. INC. .MctbiKlial I hurch will meet to­ who are eligible. Any Itnllan who Marion Erickaon on "Today’a sis during an epidemic la.Mt mental Program for served with any of the allied forc es I.lglil, Bcarcra" and Krik Modnan O f Reneweil Assaults. year, but recovered. On Broadcasts ; A lire in a barn near here tum- 2 Main St. Phone 5125 night at 7:iri at the North Metho«l- La Touraine Coffe i.k. 26c Federal CouMlructimt M lat church for It a monthly hualncas during the Worbl War may be­ on "The C’all to Paaa on . the This year, Helterer sold ed out to be a popcorn popping Torch.” ► piirly. come a member. Pep« l-Ponnd Packagm London. Jan. 30.—W — A new tickets to the President's Birth­ Are Fruitless Of Approximately 50 Flannel Paja^mas day Ball. The heat popped 15 tons of wave of German ra)dera struck at / popcorn stored in the building, Institutions in Conumr- Macaroni or Spaghetti Knit ciiffa and onktea, help self seat with laa^hx lyalatband la British shipping today for the sec­ ‘ ------ ------------- ----------- r front. Nurocry prints In blue, peach or white. Slzeil 3-8. ond consecutive day of suddenly In- Only Repreflentalion nitiei Where Needi FUEL OIL tmaifled ferial warfare between Are; .Will Save Lives. bPPERS 2 ..r19c Japanese Say Mailc IaihI. Week in Ber­ Si-Hoar Service! Britain and Germany. Cut in Farm lin; Prugraina With­ llerbox Britain announced one raider Washington, Jan. S()—(F 7 -" Depot Square Garage had been shot down as distress sig­ L. T. W O O D out Official Character. President RooiMvelt asked Cod* nals from vessels off the east coast Nazis’Return Funds Urged P h on e 4496 OKE Bouillon Cubes 3 Cans 25c told briefly of the renewed assaults. grass today to approve a 87,500.- a DcSolo .mhI I’lvmoiilli S»r\ir«‘ Nazi Bcoutlng planes were chased Vatican City, Jnn. 30,--(F)-ln 000 to 810,000,000 experimantal away from' shore by British fight­ Is ^EsscnliaP forined sources Indicated today program for Federal conatrucUoa. ers. On Congress PER TON Sani-Sheets that German representations to the of approximately SO homltato lit CASH 1 rm -I lio>. Urup. Shredded Wheat 2 Pkgs. 23c Additional reixjrta from shipping areaa neaping such faettit $12.7S absorbent—non-heating and boUable, In three Vatican against radio broadcasts Waterproof- disclosed the extent of yesterday’s Demand Made on British unable to pay for them. ^ alzea. widespread raids on at least 14 This is all that remains of the home at ijike'Be.seck, near Middlefleld, where 'Alden G fhloMer, telling of excesses attributed to Reduction o f 20 Per Setting fw pi the raquoat in a HOBBY SHOW r. I. .'>1 1,'i larger vessels and numerous traw­ WED., JAN. ,11,2 lo 10 p. m. L, T. Wood Co. Cans At Conference on Asa- 35, fatally shot his two young flaughters and died with them In the burning house, which set German authorities In German- "birthday iMaaage”—^ baiar Ford Dog Food 3 23c lers. and. O nt Reconimended by II BIsaell Street Tel. 44M 18x18 - - - - 39c ina Marii Caae; Anotli- afire. Mrs. .leanettc .Schiosser, 3ft, bound nnd gngged was flrst rarried Into the yard by her m-cupied Poland have been fruit­ hia 58th Mrttiddy—Mf. RoaoerM CENTER CHURCH Two men were killed, one each on Police said she told them Schlosser had been worried about money. less. Appropriations Com­ aald of hia recommqiidatian: HOUSE the trawlera Rigoletto and Durrant, cr Parley Tomorrow. The niily German representation '*1' am eonlldent by machine-gunning front a low- was made in Berlin last week, they mittee in Its Report. limited undertaking will Cans 18x27 - - - - 59c flying raider. ’The 1,487-ton Brit­ By Women’s Federation. I Heinz Soups said, and it was answered with the Bubatantlal returns in saving ish steamer Eaton was missing in Tokyo, Jan. 30.— (;P)—The For­ Afternoon Tea and Rcfreah- n statement that Viitiran radio Washington, Jan. 80.—(F) —A 20 o f Uvea, rehabUltatioh o f ■' “ DEPOT SQUARE <except tJam f'howder, Conaomme and Chicken Gumbo.) the North Sea with a crew, of 18 eign Office announced that For­ Finns Report 'broadcaats were entirely private menta Served During Evc- No. 5 Can lleart’a IVrllght 27x36 $1.00 men. per cent cut In. President Roose­ and increased health aad eign Minister Hachiro Arita told Hitler Sees Germany ^ d without any olflclal character, the people.” ■ h if.
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