![Arxiv:1909.08894V1 [Physics.Atom-Ph] 19 Sep 2019 on Degenerate Raman Sideband Cooling (Drsc), Which Was Originally Developed for the Loss-Free Cooling of Neu- III](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
Ground-State Cooling of a Single Atom in a High-Bandwidth Cavity Eduardo Uru~nuela,∗ Wolfgang Alt, Elvira Keiler, Dieter Meschede, Deepak Pandey, Hannes Pfeifer, and Tobias Macha Institut f¨urAngewandte Physik, Universit¨atBonn, Wegelerstraße 8, 53115 Bonn, Germany We report on vibrational ground-state cooling of a single neutral atom coupled to a high- bandwidth Fabry-P´erotcavity. The cooling process relies on degenerate Raman sideband tran- sitions driven by dipole trap beams, which confine the atoms in three dimensions. We infer a one-dimensional motional ground state population close to 90 % by means of Raman spectroscopy. Moreover, lifetime measurements of a cavity-coupled atom exceeding 40 s imply three-dimensional cooling of the atomic motion, which makes this resource-efficient technique particularly interesting for cavity experiments with limited optical access. I. INTRODUCTION dimensional (1D) ground state population close to 90 %. Single atoms coupled to optical resonators are one of the most fundamental platforms in quantum optics and II. EXPERIMENTAL SETUP find applications in many tasks of quantum information science [1{5]. As a light-matter interface, they are a Our setup consists of a single 87Rb atom trapped at promising building block for long-distance quantum com- the center of a high-bandwidth FFPC [16] with CQED munication [6,7] due to their ability to provide single parameters (g; κ, γ) = 2π · (80; 41; 3) MHz, where g is the photons of controlled shape [2] and to store quantum in- single atom-cavity coupling strength. One of the fiber formation [8]. Ultimately, communication will always be mirrors has a higher transmission, providing a single- pushed towards high rates, such that information carry- sided cavity with a highly directional input-output chan- ing photons and corresponding resonators need to have nel [17]. The cavity is placed at the focus of four in- a high bandwidth. At the same time, a strong light- vacuum, aspheric lenses (NA = 0.5), which strongly fo- matter interaction { as required for the reversible transfer cus two pairs of counter-propagating, red-detuned dipole of quantum information { has to be maintained by em- trap (DT) beams at 860 nm [18] in the xy-plane, as de- ploying ensembles of atoms and / or decreasing the cavity picted in Fig.1a. They create a 2D optical lattice, which mode volume [9]. For the latter, fiber Fabry-P´erotcavi- enables atom trapping in the Lamb-Dicke regime [19]. ties (FFPCs) are an attractive choice, since they also fea- One of the lattices acts as a conveyor belt [20] to trans- ture an intrinsic fiber coupling of the mode field [10, 11]. port single atoms from a magneto-optical trap (MOT) For optimal light-matter coupling the atom has to be into the cavity. Confinement in the z-direction is pro- confined within a fraction of the wavelength by cooling vided by the intra-cavity, blue-detuned lock laser field the atomic motion close to the oscillatory ground state. at 770 nm, which is additionally used for stabilizing the A standard technique in narrow-band cavities is cavity resonator length via the Pound-Drever-Hall method [21]. cooling [12, 13]. Its steady-state temperature limit is Hence, the atom is located with sub-wavelength precision Tcav ≈ ~κ/kB, where 2κ is the resonator bandwidth and at an antinode of the cavity mode, which is driven weakly − kB the Boltzmann constant. Effective cavity cooling is by a probe laser [16]. The σ -polarized probe field and therefore ineffective in the regime of high-bandwidth (i.e. the cavity are resonant with the jF = 2; mF = −2i ! 0 open) resonators with 2κ much larger than the natural jF = 3; mF = −3i hyperfine transition of rubidium at atomic linewidth 2γ. In such open-cavity experiments, 780 nm. As a consequence, the presence of an atom is the optical trap depth required for trapping atoms with detected by an increase of the reflected probe power. A high equilibrium temperatures of Tcav will be difficult to magnetic guiding field B of up to 1 G is applied along achieve. the cavity axis. Here, we report on an alternative cooling method based arXiv:1909.08894v1 [physics.atom-ph] 19 Sep 2019 on degenerate Raman Sideband Cooling (dRSC), which was originally developed for the loss-free cooling of neu- III. COOLING METHOD tral atom gases at high densities [14, 15]. We apply this method to three-dimensionally (3D) cool a single atom In order to drive trap-induced, degenerate Raman within the cavity mode using only dipole trap beams, a transitions, the DT beams need to be able to address σ± weak repumping beam and a tunable magnetic guiding and π-transitions simultaneously, while the Zeeman split- field, which is a simple, resource-efficient configuration ting ∆!B caused by the magnetic field B has to match and especially beneficial for cavity experiments with lim- an integer multiple n of the axial trap frequency ν [22]: ited optical access. By means of Raman spectroscopy and cavity-assisted state detection, we determine a one- ∆!B = n · 2π · ν : (1) 2 (a) (b) & HT LT FIG. 1. (a) Optical fields involved in the degenerate Raman sideband cooling (dRSC) process. The 860 nm dipole trap beams have a slightly non-orthogonal angle with respect to the cavity axis, along which the magnetic guiding field B~ is aligned. Two optical pumping beams enter along the dipole trap (not shown) and along the cavity axis, for the latter in the form of 780 nm probe light entering through the high-transmission (HT) mirror. The low-transmission (LT) mirror makes for a directional, single-sided cavity. A 770 nm lock laser is used to stabilize the resonator length via the Pound-Drever-Hall method. Its field creates an intra-cavity standing wave which traps the atoms along the z-direction. (b) The schematic drawing shows the method of decreasing the quantized motional state jni in an approximately harmonic trap potential with trap frequency ν. The red-detuned dipole traps can drive π-σ− and σ+-π Raman transitions. Additionally, since the 860 nm trap beams are not orthogonal to the cavity axis, they can couple to motional eigenstates in all directions. By optical pumping, the population in F = 1 (not shown) and mF 6= −2 states is transferred back towards jF; mF i = j2; −2i, such that Raman cooling will be constantly active if Equation1 is fulfilled. In previous implementations [14, 15, 23], the lattice con- IV. RESULTS sisted of three coplanar laser beams, two of which were linearly polarized in the lattice plane perpendicular to In Figure2a, long trapping times are observed when- the quantization axis. The third one was elliptically po- ever the absolute value of the magnetic field leads to a larized to enable Raman coupling. In our experiment, Zeeman level shift on the order of the trap frequency the different polarization components are generated by νx; νy or νz, which identifies degenerate Raman transi- the geometric configuration of the dipole trap beams, see tions. From a fit of two Gaussians, the values νx = νy = Figure1a. The beams of DT x,y are slightly inclined with (350 ± 1) kHz and νz = (224 ± 5) kHz are extracted. The respect to the plane normal to the quantization axis (for width of the Gaussians indicate inhomogeneous broaden- ◦ ◦ DTx ≤ 15 and for DTy ∼ 8 ). Hence, the beams of the ing caused by different atom positions in the 3D trapping individual DTs (with linear polarization) are not purely region. Considering the optical power in the beams and π-polarized and mF -state changing two-photon transi- the beam diameters, we estimate upper limits for the trap tions are allowed. frequencies of νx = νy = 400 kHz and νz = 280 kHz, in In order to describe the Raman process, we express the agreement with the measurement. internal hyperfine state jF i of the atom with its mag- In a next step, ∆!B is fixed to 2π·350 kHz, which con- netic sublevel jmF i and its excited vibrational state jni stitutes the optimum value for cooling. Here, we investi- as a set of discrete energy states jF; mF ; ni. By the com- gate in more detail the survival probability for different bined action of the probe light and a repumper resonant cooling times. We find a 1=e lifetime of (42:9 ± 1:0) s by with the jF = 1i ! jF 0 = 2i transition the atom is opti- fitting the data with a stretched exponential [24, 25] of cally pumped to the state j2; −2; ni, see Figure1b. The the type: − + Raman processes are driven by DTx,y as π-σ or σ -π k transitions j2; −2; ni ! j2; −1; n − 1i, reducing the oscil- e−(t/τ) ; (2) latory quantum number n by one. As a result, the atomic population is cooled into the state j2; −2; 0i, which is a with a lifetime τ and a stretching parameter k = (0:8 ± dark state with respect to Raman transitions. Simulta- 0:1). While this function is a phenomenological ap- neously, the presence of the atom is continuously inter- proach, it represents the average decay for an ensem- rogated by probe light. This allows to record the atom ble of decay processes with a distribution of lifetimes τi, trapping lifetime τ in dependence of the Zeeman splitting which depend on the inhomogeneous atom confinement ∆!B. in the dipole traps. In the absence of optical pumping 3 (a) (b) Lifetime [s] Survival probability Zeeman splitting [MHz] Time [s] FIG. 2. (a) A measurement of the atom trapping time τ as a function of the Zeeman splitting ∆!B .
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