\ f. j -• J -. 1 - -/ ' ■ I ' r. ATtnge Daily Net Preaa Run W eather ^ 'For the Week Ended Cloudy, cooler tonight, loer Fehnflii7 It, liMS In 30b; fair,, mild tomorrour, 14,582 high 46-50. Manche$Utr-~>^ £ity. o f VUiage Charm K PRICE SEVEN CENTS VOL. LXXXV, NO. 127 (EIGHTEEN PAGES) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, MARCH 1* 1966 ' (CluaiUed Advertislnc^ Page 15) / ^ Pap^r Clips? COLOGNE, Germany -— Cologne researfchers, check­ core in: ing on the usesxto which 100.000 specific ’ paper clips wbre put.- found that only r a i H one in five was usedf ,.for clipping papers together. WASHINGTON (AP) __ Gardner, to begin a special food when m e d l< ^ goes Into opera- More than one-fourth of the. 100,000,- the statisticians President Johnson submit- service pn^ram under wWch Uon July i. SpawjeSiliip Hits discovered, were used for ioH ir* rnnoTPHR inHnv a local oVganlzatlons will be able "To begin to meet this urgent cleaning purposes -such as ba^“ iced. nutriUous need," he said, "I recommend cradl^to-old age health a d elderly at cut-■ legislation to mobilize public typewriters or pipes. Ex­ education program to help free to those in need, and private resources to revital- actly 19,413 were used as IGGQ poor cnildr6n find incftt This would be done under -an i^e our obsolete hospitals. This chips in card-ganifs, 7,212 Satellite t h e ' hospital needs of the older Americans law passed last' will require ^ loan and grant kept hose plabel 2;431 substituted for a screwdriv­ eld erly. year. / program to asbist in the long- In a le n ^ y message, John- -Johnson’s food prt^posals car- term financing of -hospital re­ er; 4,163 were bent out of Ends Contact a s o n also called for creation of ried with them the threat of newal projects.” shape by doodlers; and fully 7.000 were thrown away eui advisory cohimlttee, on al- continued conflict with Cwi- Modernization, he added, unused or fell to the floor On Landing cohoUsm and a government cen- gress. Complaints have sprung beyond’ brick and mor- ter for research on its cause, up at his proposed 79 per cent and became lost. tar; it must seek ways to cut MOSCOW (AP) — The prevention/And control. cut in the program for subsid- the cost and raise the quality of Soviet Union today larfled The message was skimpy on ized milk for school children, health care and to organize finandug figures. But Johnson Johnson did not back away from health services more efficiently, State Netvs a satellite on Venus, the 'did sdy he was asking for $50 this. Again be emphasized that So he told Gardner to hunt for first maa-made object to million •■"for programs designed those who can should pay for methods of bringing “ high-qual­ ■■ ■ / reach that cloud-wreathed to provide adequate nutrition milk in school lunches. ity medical services to all the Drug Cases planet, the Soviet news for disadvantaged children," in In the medical and health people at the lowest cost.” ■< agency Tass said. addition to $329 million in cash field, Johnson noted that one- “ I also propose,” he said, “ a ■ The satellite was Venus 3, and commodities already in the third of the general hospitals in five-year program of graht.s for From UConn ; launched last Nov. 16. The agen­ budget for school nutrition pro­ the nation, containing 260,000 research and demonstration cy said it carried to the planet’s grams. beds, are obsolete and the pres­ . surface a pennant with the coat'^ (See Page Eleven) "The total federal program of sure on hospitals \4illi grow Continued of arms of the Soviet Union. $379 million is a major redirec­ WILLIMANTIC (AP) — There was no immediate tion of our child nutrition efforts Three University of Con- , claim that Venus 3 made a con- to children who otherwise would necticut students aod a for- grow up hungry, suffer the dis­ Viet Bill VoJte Due : trolled landing, indicating that eases that come from being ill- nfer student, arrested in it had crashed. The Soviet Un­ nourished and lack the energy mid-Februaryi^^and accused ion made history’s first soft ao essential to learning,” he of selling marijuana off- landing on the moon last month. ' said. campus to state police un­ The Russians also announced "N o child In an affluent Mansfield to Kill dercover men, had their they had . launched Cosmos No. A'merlca should be without an cases continued to March -Ill, exactly a week after Cos­ adequate diet. The new pro­ mos 110 lofted two dogs into or­ 22 in Circuit Court today. ■V'tx' I gram will move us far toward Posting bonds of $2,500 each bit. Tile dogs are still up. The that goal.” - Any Morse Rider were Jerome J. Calchera, 22,'of Cosmos series normally is a The President also said he has Stafford Springs and Robert H. program of unmanned satellites directed his secretary of Health, WASHINGTON (AP) — With mandate for unrestrained or Leary Jr., 21, of Mansfield. seeking scientific data and the Education and Welfare, Jolm the House heading toward a fndisoriminate enlargement of Posting a $1,000 bond was Carl Tass announcement indicated vote on a $4.8-blUion Viet Naih the military effort.” M. Berman,: Jib; of Colchester, this was the case' with Cosmos military supply, bill. Sen.. Mike Senate passage of the bill Each was presented on one 111. Mansfield, D-Mont., announced seemed assured after a cluster count '^bf violation of the state The first Tass announcemertt Police Rout today he move to WU any of vocal opponents had decided pa^cotics statutes. ’ Apollo Spacecraft Recovered from Atlantic said Venus 3 fell silent before J poU ^ rider li> a similar Senate the measure was "not a proper ' The former student was Pred- Technicians load-the 45,000 pound Apollo spacecraft aboard w e U.S.S. Boxef hitting the planet in the final stage of the flight. m ea^re. vehicle” for battling the admin- erick M. Hughes of Mansfield, ^fter it was recovered h ’om the Atlantic Ocean, east of Ascension Island. The Union Mobs; But before that, Tass said, Mansfiel^ the ^ a t c Demo- istration’s Southeast AslaJi poli- who posted $2,500 bond after first U.S. space step toward the moon, it was launched Saturday from Cape craittc leAder, indicated he be^ regular radio communication oies- presentation on two counts. Kennedy, Fla., aftjer delays, a scrub* and finaUy a quick change of mind that Chiefs Talk Ueves he will have over­ The 17 sena^rs who for 14 had been tyaintained. allowed the flight. whelming support for thus dis- days had talked the bill to a Fast for Peace “ Throughout the flight, regu­ MIAiMI, Fla. (AP) — About posing of a proposal by Sen. standstill. On the Senate floor lar l-adio communication was MIDDLETOWN (AP) — A 300 angry workers vere dls- Wayne Morse, D-Ore. met twice Monday and then an­ maintained with the probe and ^ ^ . J J liie Montana senator said it "Fast for Peace in Viet Nam,” scientific informaition was re­ pfersed by aimed and hetaieted nounced they would not offer a , , . j j oontrov'ersial anUescalation' ceived,” Tass said. police today at a construction on .the Wil later in the day. amendment to. the measure, by f, ^roup of Wesleyan Um- 30 GQP Legislators Ask "During the approach of the site that had becoma a bloody Eanlier,'"8tfter he and House part of . $1.8 billion for lemer- probe to the planet the commu­ battleground for lival- union Speaker Jetm W. MnOotmack ^ c y military /«re' sought by fast/mltiated by the cam- nication period at the final stage members Monday.' had met wUh'President Johnson Johimn A ./ ” pus chapter of, StudenU for a did not take place,” Meaixwhile, leadomAf the . two . Monday MoasaoU--had pred$ct- Hilt Uie ippbbliaon' — WJCbsed Pempcratlb" Society, vroald last This radio silence was not ex­ unions met behind closed doors ed passage by a wide mair^ flil^ stS ^ by administro- tJays tor most participants plained. f with Mi'ami’s police chief in an before the end (rf the week, Uon supporters — made It clear two days for students on ath- effort to resolve the dispute that Morse, a crlUc of Johnson’s backdown on the m onw letic fleams, and eight days for WASHINGTOl/^(AP) — Thirty said. “ W6 are concerned' that It 2 — Nearly 280,000 men classl- (Siee Page Ten) erupted Monday into a street Asia policies, told reporters ■ he / Republlcan /House members neither." fled lA aren't avaUable for the brawl by about ISO men. will offer a rider, to rescind a (See page Ten) (See Page Ten) called l o d J for an immediate The S «u p predicted the ad- draft because toeir papers ar.e Six workmen were tiOBfi- 1964 resolution appro'ving the / - . ministration "may soon seek to "stalled in the bureaucratic talized, 14 arrested. use by Johnson of ftxrce to coun- investlg^on of the draft, ■ increase substantially the num- pipeline.” . British Begin Another man was arrested ter Oommundat aggression in ch argi^ the present system ts ber of U.S. forces in Southeast 3 _ "There does not appear to today and charged 'with carry- Asia. haphazard and mired in a jun- Asia" and said "'we'ean no long- be a clear order of nrlorltv in Cam paign for" tog a concealed 'weapon, a chain Mansfield' said^^ was uncer- glejredtape. - ---er_,,affo«l a haphazard a^ ^^leb th T adS s^ tto^ wrapped around his body under tain whether Sen.' Richard .
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