ABC starts pulling away from the pack Ferris sounds note of quiet activism for FCC BroadcastingThe newsweekly of broadcasting and allied arts ii Our 46th Year 1977 T E WALT NS A responsible, successful family series O rr c- N WARNER BROS.TELEVISION DISTRIBUTION. INC. A VA NER COMMUNICATIONS COMPANY When We Deliver Your RADIOARTS FORMAT "We've Only Just Begun Technical Quality Creative Excellence "Confidence in the technical quality "We think EASY COUNTRY is the of syndicated programming is im- greatest country sound in America .. portant at WGSA. THE ENTER- and so do our listeners. Over 300 letters TAINERS tapes meet our high stan- attest to the format's creative excel- dards exceptionally well " lence." WGSA -Ephrata, Pennsylvania WSUE -Sault Ste. Marie, Michigan Music Consistency 6 Control Sound That Is Alive "The consistent sound of THE EN- "The heartbeat at WXKE comes TERTAINERS has led to consistent from the live and friendly sound of THE audience and sales growth." 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A new concept in reliable design, ease of cator, Remote Control Power Adjust. operation and maintenance -and a new high Sophisticated, reliable technology and in transmitting performance. easy maintenance too. The metering panel The Model FM -25KG is a completely self - folds down for easy access to most major sub- contained 25,000W FM Broadcast Transmitter, assemblies. operational at any fixed frequency between 88 Let Engineering Excellence be an every- and 108 MHz, in monaural or stereo, and SCA day quality at your station. Contact AEL for mode. your Broadcast Transmitter requirements. Features include: Mid -Panel Metering, FM: 2,500, 5,000, 10,000, 15,000, 25,000, 40,000 and Automatic Re- Cycling, Remote Control Inter- 50,000 watts. face, VSWR Protection, Elapsed Time Indi- AM: 5,000, 10,000 and 50,000 watts. ttlgf fi3 Vt, CALL Jim Lucy 800 -523 -5354 Lansdale, PA Ed Huber 419 -886-2425 Bellville, OH NRBA Bob Kelly 617 -942 -0055 Boston, MA Carl Rosecranz 404 -492 -5363 Atlanta, GA Attendees Garrett Haston 915 -533 -8211 El Paso, TX Visit Us VISIT US AT THE American Electronic Laboratories, Inc. Suite At Our International Hotel 300 Canal Street, New Orleans, LA 581-1300 Suite AMERICAN ELECTRONIC LABORATORIES, INC. A subsidiary of AEL Industries, Inc. P.O. Box 552, Lansdale, PA 19446 (215) 822 -2929 TWX: 510 -661 -4976 Cable: AMERLAB One, two, three. Alan & Marilyn Bergman Gerald Fried Ian Fraser Outstanding Achievement in Outstanding Achievement in Outstanding Achievement in Musical Composition for a Special Musical Composition for a Series Musical Direction Sybil Roots (Part I) America Salutes Richard Rodgers: The Sound of His Music ASCAP Broadcasting Oct3 The Week in Brief STEAMROLLER ABC -TV smothers the prime -time NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS The Department of Justice opposition, leaving CBS -TV and NBC -TV both more than objects to the appeals court going beyond its remand of five rating points behind the week of Sept. 19. PAGE 29. the crossownership case. It feels the court had no right to tell the FCC how to go about breaking up existing MILDER CASED Van Deerlin subcommittee adopts its broadcast- newspaper combines. PAGE 48. violence report, but criticism of networks is toned down substantially from earlier versions, and public is NAB'S PUBLIC HEARING The cast is set for the opener assessed part of the blame. PAGE 29. in Boston Oct. 18. PAGE 47. ALL OF IT NCTA unveils part two of its plan for WATCH- ALIKES The same kinds of people view deregulating cable at Van Deerlin Communications Act independents and network affiliates, according to a study review hearings. PAGE 30. that INTV is showing to advertisers and agencies. PAGE 49. TV 'INTOXICATION' Ironically, TV cameras were there NBC REGIONAL HUDDLE At the first of four meetings when 15- year -old Ronny Zamora went on trial for murder -TV last week with his attorney claiming he was subliminally with NBC affiliates, network executives review influenced by television programing. The courtroom accomplishments and programing strategy. PAGE 50. broadcast is part of a year -long experiment authorized by the Florida Supreme Court. PAGE 31. PBS SCREENING Public television's expanded line -up of public- service programs for fall is unveiled at Washington headquarters. PAGE 52. ANOTHER FOOT IN DOOR Brooks committee in House recommends opening floor action to radio and television EVEN BETTER McCann -Erickson's Coen revises his via system controlled internally. PAGE 31. earlier bright predictions for broadcasting and advertising. He now says he was too conservative in his CARTER'S DESIGN FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING estimates. PAGE 53. Proposed legislation would try to settle disputes among CPB, PBS, NPR and others, reduce CPB programing role, give greater independence to system and help make it ROPER CONTRADICTED A team from the University of truly national service. PAGE 32. North Carolina contends the surveys that underscore Americans' reliance on TV for news has created and perpetuated a myth. PAGE 54. HOW FERRIS THINKS Appearing at his confirmation hearing on Capitol Hill, the FCC chairman -designate BARRED FROM JAIL The Supreme Court will get a discusses his priorities: children's programing, chance to clarify its earlier ruling that newspeople have reimbursement of citizen groups, license -fee schedules no right to access to prisons or inmates beyond that and another look at network performance. PAGE 34. afforded the general public. It stems from suit involving KOED(TV) San Francisco and the Alameda county sheriff. LEE'S ADVICE The FCC commissioner talks about PAGE 57. technological changes in the offing and advises that local may keep broadcasters from being strong service FINES FOR cary An FCC Cable Television Bureau run off the block. PAGE 37. lawyer suggests a way to crack down on flagrant cable violators, even though the commission may lack authority NEW ORLEANS -BOUND NRBA opens its convention next to impose fines. PAGE 57. Sunday with a packed agenda for the expected 2,600 delegates. PAGE 39. JOKER'S NOT SO WILD The humor and pranks of Edgar Holtz are well known in Washington circles. But when the BROADCASTING ABROAD A Washington conference occasion demands, the president of the Federal provided an opportunity for communications experts Communications Bar Association takes an honest, no- from around the world to explain radio and TV nonsense approach that has earned him the respect of elsewhere. PAGE 40. allies and adversaries alike. PAGE 81. Index to departments Changing Hands 47 Fates & Fortunes 80 Profile 81 Broadcast Advertising. 50 Closed Circuit 7 For the Record 65 Programing 52 Broadcast Journalism. 54 Datebook 16 Media 37 Stock Index 79 Business Briefly_ 8 Editorials 82 Monday Memo. 14 Top of the Week. 29 Cablecasting 57 Equip & Engineering 54 Playlist 59 Where Things Stand. 22 Broadcasting Is published 51 Mondays a year (combined issue at yearend) by BroadCasling Publications Inc.. 1735 DeSales Street. NW Washington, D.C. 20036. Second.class postage paid at Washington. Single issue SI except special issues $2.50 Subscrono, s. U S. and possessions, one year S30. two years $55. three years S75. Canada add S6 per year, all other countries add S8 per year. U.S. and possessions add 5104 yearly for special delivery. S65 for first class. Subscriber's occupation required. Annually: Broadcasting yearbook 530. Cable Sourcebook S20. Eight nuclear power plants strategically located along the Susquehanna River give dramatic emphasis to the present and potential concentration of diversified industries and population centers in the WGAL -lV DMA. With a generating capacity in excess of 6 million kilowatts the plants now provide electric power for all the Channel 8 DMA market, as well as adjacent areas. Shown: giant cooling towers for an installation on Three Mile Island operated by Metropolitan Edison Co. WGAL-TV delivers strong buying power in a diversified area J I ,1 IIOÓrI1u1a...' OW This pioneer TV station effectively covers the entire Lancaster - Harrisburg - York - Lebanon DMA. One of the country's fastest -growing areas, this prosperous market is outstanding for its economic and business diversity and resultant stability. Consider the facts: Manu- .a. facturing .production $7,407,426,000; agri- READ cultural production $232,935,000; effective uI CEBANO HARRISBURG buying income $7,536,683,000. Cash in on Rrq this outstanding buying power - include WGAL -TV in your planning. LANCASTER YORK OETTTáEURO rArO1/1. .... lot. WA ..... M1YO111.1l '.1.... WGAL -TV LANCASTER -HARRISBURG -YORK- LEBANON, PA. WTEV Providence, R. I./New Bedford -Fall River, Mass. WOAL -TV Lancaster-Harrisburg- York -Lebanon, Pa. r STEINMAN TELEVISION STATIONS CfosedECircuit, Insider report: behind the scene, before the fact details of preparation beyond saying he member Mike Shapiro of WFAA -TV Dallas, Wiley connection had been studying FCC issues over past who said, "If the networks don't get the FCC Chairman Richard E. Wiley will several months, it is learned he obtained message this time, they'll never get it," become Washington managing partner in help from at least seven knowledgeable and by Robert Gordon, WCPO -TV Kirkland & Ellis, old -line Chicago -based sources in preparing his written responses Cincinnati, former TV board chairman diversified law firm which pioneered in to questions put to him by committee.
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