le 4. 4 .pOCOMENT RESUME 'ED 119 84? . CG 013 981 TITLE 1The Emerging,Aqing Network: 'A Directory of State and ° Area AgenCies on )0ing. Cbmpiied by the Select, Committee on kcjing, House of liepresentatives, .Ninety-Fifth COngress, Second Session. :iNSTITUTION -Cong.resq of the U.S.., Washington, D.C. Hquse Select Committee on Aging. REPORT' NO House-95-11-66 PUB DATE Nov 78 NOTT .131p AVAILABLE FROM Superintendent of °Document:SyU. S. Government Printing O'fficie, Washington, D.C. 20402 Das PRICE, MF01/PC06. Plus Postage. SCRIPTORS Age; *Community Agencies (Public) ;Directoribs: *Federal Programs; *Networks; *OldeI Adults; 1 Professional Personnel; *Social Services; *State Agencies IDENTIFIERS *Aging ABSTRACT . 1 ,Viis directory prcvidesinformation on 56 state units on aging and 599 .Area Agencies onAging, listed alphabetically, by state.. A map of each, state isprqvided so that users can determine the planning and sNerv ice areas (PSAs'lcover in g their commuilites or counties. A director's name, address, phone number, description of area agency structure., and whether ornot it controls nu tion funds undei the Older Americans Act is provided for .each Area A ency on i . Agin .The listing for each state also Specifies which ofttre 10 Fede al regionts the State belongs to; in a separate listing info mation about each of the Federal regions is provided. (Autbor/HLM) de )1- alt r - 4********************************* Reproductions upplitsd hy IMPS are the bmst that can be made * * from +he original document. "'1"7",,`Tir-""'';","-,-,1 RIOMMITTEE PRINT) 6. THE EnRGING AGINGNETWORK , ..., .A OF STATE AND AREA AGENCIES .CC) C7` ON' AGING , N.- . --4 COMPILED BY THE SELECT COMMITTEE ONAGING HOUSE OFREPRE;SENTATIVES NINETY-FIFTH CONGRESS SECOND SESSION U S DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH. EDUCATION WELFARE NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HASBEEN. REPRO. NOVJOMDB11 1978. DUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVEDFROM THE PERSOV ORORGANIZATION ORIGIN ATING IT POINTS OF VIEW OROPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILYREPRE SENT OFFICIAL NATIONAL.INSTITUTE OF EDUCATION POSI TOON OR POL ICY .61 f 'Coilm. Pub. Ncc '95:10; Printes) for the use otthe Igeleet Committee on Aging U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OPFIOE 110-469() WASHINGTON rot tutle by Dm Ouprintondent or DocunietItOk 11.8. (.40VprhiliolitPrinting Office Waghitigton, D.C. t0402 '4 44 FALHOT COMMITTEE ON AGING CIA UDEPEPPER, Florida, Chairman EDWARD R. ROYBAL, California WILLIAM C. WAMPLICR, Virginia, , FRED B. ROONEY, Fonnsylvania Ranking Minority Member MARIO BIAGGI, Now York JOHN PAUL HAMMEXSCHMIDT, Arkansas WALTER FLOWERS, Alabama WIVLIAM.S. COHEN, Maine IKE F. ANDREWS, North Carolina RONALD A. p.A.RASIN, Connootiout \JOHN L. BURTON, California CHARLES E. GRASSLEY, Iowa EDWARD P. BEARD, Rhoda Bland JAilES ABDNOR, South Dakota s MICHAEL T. BLOOM, Iowa THAD COCHRAN, Mississippi DON BONKER, Washington MATTHEW J. RINALDO, Now Jersey THOMAS J. DOWNEY, Now York. MA RC L. MARKS, Pennsylvania JAMES J. FLORIO, Now jersey RA/LPII S. REGULA, Ohio HAROLD E. FORD, Tonnossee JOHN 'E. (JACK) CUNNINGHAM, oW1LLLA,M J. 00 ES, Now JerSoy Washington MARILYN LL , onnossoo JIM SANTINI, Iovada TED R!MENHOcVER, Okialionia ROBERT F. DRINAN, MaitstIchtni6its DAVID W. EVANS, Indiana ' HELEN S. MRYNE4, New Jersoy MARTY RUSSO, Minds STANLEY N. LUNDINE, Now York MARY, ROSE (aAKARdahlo ' ROBERT S. WHINER, sedg Diredor EDWARD F. HOWARD, General Conned IV Ann A. thumunr, Ph. D., Minority kkag, p PREFACE .., Requests come in each week from members, of the Select Commtttee on Aging, other Menaliers of Congress and the general public about whom to con- tact in a particular State ort'community about aging programs. Under the Older Americans Act, each State has.established an.office onaging; 'and most States have in thill designated Area Agencies on Aging to serveolder people in specific comkpunities. These are the agencies to which the Committee refers most of these inquiries. Until now, no easfileference tool disted to permit the identification of these agencies and' the people in charge of them. That ig the purpose of this directory. The publication of this document owes much to many individnals,Yvonne Alstsin 'and,.in the crucial early stages of the work, Nancy Smythe, handled the ----bulk of the Aging Committee's compilation of accurate and timely infotmation. State agencies were surveyed twice by mail, and followup calls made, in a very professional manner. Ed Howard, also of the Committee staff, coordinatedtheir work. We are indebted to two others. Kay Stunec, liaison officer kr theNational Association of Area Agencies on Aging, contributed a great deal of time and expertise to the project, and muCh of the final dOcuMent's usefulness isdirectly attributable to her and her organization. Robert Bostick of the Congressional Research Service directed the graphics work, and I believe that the individual State maps areas well executed aS any I have seen in any project ,of this type. Nor would the directory have( been possible without the full and prompt cooperation of State tmd Area Agencies on Aging acroSs the countr3r, who pro- vided much of the initial information and reviewed an early draft of thedirec- tory. The directory lists 56 'iState" units on aging and 599 AreaAgencies odAging. The listings are, to the betit of our ability, accurate a0of November .1, 1978. WO that many entries, it is inevitable that many changes will be necessary in a relatively short time. It is ouT hope that anther organization, perhaps the National A.ssocilition of APOIL Agencies on Ag ig,. will undertake the taskof keeping this information up-to-date in the fu, ure. I trust that the directory will.be a useful tool/for all of us as we try to improve the lives of okier Americans. .,- - CbDBAU PHA'PER,Chairman. i UM f 0 CON9714VS l'age s -(III) 1 Introduction:I:low to use this directory .; ".,. 1 State-by-Stafe breakdown of Area Agencies on Aging: . Alaberfa . , 2 Altiska .1 . 4 ... %. 6 Arizona -, .r Arkansas . .,.. 8 California . _. 10 Colorado ,. 14 1 Connecticut .. 16 Delaware- . , 18 , 20 . Florida . Georgia , , 22 Hawaii 24 Idaho )0 Illincis - r a 28 _,. -, 30 .. Indiana - Iowa - .,. .34 _ 36 Kansas -.. Kentucky ..... 38 Louisiana 40 Maine _ 42 44 . Maryland , 7 MassachuSetts ' 46 Michigan t 50 Minnesota 52. 54 Mississippi . Missouri:: ,... 50 Montana 158 Nebraska - 60 Nbvada, 62 New 1-lainnshire ir 014 , New Airsey 66 - New Maxido 70 \tllew York C - 72 North Cai Mina_ , ..7fp 7 _orth Dakota_ Ohio 80 Oklahdina_ - 82 Oregon 84 Pennsylvania 88 . 92 m Rhode Island ..e South Carolina * . 94 South Dakota_ Tennessee_ Texas_ . 100 Utah -,_ 104 Vermont 1-- 106 Virginia_ 108 Washington_ " 112, 114 West Virginia et 116 . Wisconsin Wyinning , 118 American Samoa,. .120 . District of Columbia , 122 124 . ' Guam - Puerto Rko__.._ .' __...__.._ ___ ___ . _ _ _ 126 Tnist Territory of the Pacific Islandci 128 Virgin Islimdii_ 130 132 i 11EW and AoA Regional Officials__ _ _ __ .._ __... : ..- (v) (I) - :INTRODUCTION: HOW TO USE THIS DIRECTORY , The Select Committee on Aging is plebsed to share the infamationcontained in this Directory o.f State and M.rea AdencieS' on Aging. To find the agencies and officials in. a' particular.comthunity.,begin with the 'alphabetical listing of States in the Table of Contents..The Direbtorylists the name; address and phone numberfor the State office on aging and the name of its director. Also contained is a map of the State, from which you candetermine.., the planning and service area CPS.A") coveting the community orcounty in which_you are interested. An Area 'Agency on Aging has beendesignated for most PSA's, and tbeqirectory lists .the name, ad.dress andphone number of each Area. Agency, along with the name 'of its directst. Includedfor your reference is a description, of the area agency's structure (government agency, council of goverpments, private non-profit group, etc.) 41,ndwhether or not it controls nutrition funds under the Older Americans Act. You will note that seven .States have chosen not to dividethemselves into PSA's; the entire State is a single planning and service areaadministered by the State office. 1 Each State's listing iilso tells you w1ih (4 the 10 Federalregions the State belongs to: In a separate listing after the States, infortnationabout ouch of the Federal regions is provided. 1 Cross hatching means that no Area Agency on Aging isdesignated for that Planning and Service Area. We hope this information will be useful to you. (1) I. - I. 1. .J ALAVAMA (Federal Region IV) 4-- STATE AGENCY ON Annsm MrImmett Eaton, Liirecto4 Commission on Aging, 740 Madison Ave. 'Montgomery, glit.34104, r (205) 832-6640 AREA AGENCIES ^ft, 'P.SA Area agency addie8s7( Director and telephone number Designation Nutrition s'!.1! 1 Nort,14est Alabama Cquncil of Governments, P.O:Mr. Elliott"Conway, Sr COG YeS. Box 2603, Mliscle Shoals, Ala.35660. .(195) 383-3861. .2.West, Alabama Planning and. Developinent Cipmis-Ms. Carole Hill, (205) 345-5545_ COG YeS. sion, P.O. Box 28, TuscaloOsa, Ala.35401. Binningharri Regional Plannihg Commission, 2112Mr. Thomas B,: Holmes, (205) COG Yes. 11 th Ave., south suite 220, Birmingham, Ala, 251-ks9. 35203. Office of Senior Citizens Activities, 309 Nort,h-23t1 St.,Ms. Barbara Bonfield,(205)City Yes. Birminghaln Ala.' n222. 251-7868. 4 East Alabama Regional Planning and Development.Mr. Porter Bpnefield, (205) 237- COG, 'Yes. Commission, 1001 Leighton, P,O: Box 2186, Annis- 8623. ton, Ala.36201. 5South Central Alabama DevolOpment Commis,sion,Ms:SylviaAlexancler,(2051COG Yes. 2815 Dist South Blvd Montgomery, Ala.36116. 2812196. 6Alabama-Tombigee Rivers Regional Planning :IndMr. C. Emmett McConnefr,jr.., COG Yes. Development Commission, Clifton St.,' P.O. Box. (205) 682-4234. v 269, Camden, Ala.36726. 79outheast AlabaMa Regional Planning and Develop-Mr. William Cathell, (205) 79- COG Yes. ment, CoMmission, P.O. Box 1406, Dothan, Ala. 4002.
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