RABB I . Bennen F. Mille, ASS ISTANT RABB I Jack P. Paskctf .~~ CANTOR lee Coopersmnh ADMIN IS TRATOR Gail R. Kroop ANSHE EMETH RELIGIOUS SCHOOL DIREC TOR ~i1 Susan Kushner ~BULLE~IN MEMORIAL TEMPLE PRESIDE NT Founded 1859 Phyllis M. Zieky Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple • 222 Livingston Avenue • New Brunswick, NJ 0890 1 • (201 )545-6484 ADAR 15 - NISAN 16 5751 /1991 MARCH 1 -31 BETWEEN US ... WORSHIP SERVICES TS'DAK KAH TATS fL MIMAVET FRIDAY, MARCH 1 8:00 P.M. " T s'dakk ah po stpones death." KI TISA - Exodus 30:11-34:35 What a statement! And it is absol utel y RABBI MILLER WILL SPEAK: true. Our sages clearly understood "PURIM! PURIM! PURIM!" the meaning of life and death of the SATURDAY, MARCH 2 10:00 A.M. spirit. They had a fundamental under­ TORAH STUDY & SHABBAT WORSHIP standing of how we live, what makes our lives worthwhile, and why we FRIDAY, MARCH 8 5:45 P.M. SIXTH GRADE SHABBAT DINNER believe the ways we do. They trans­ 8:00 P.M. mitted their view of the world to ll S VAYAKHEL-PEKUDE - Exodus 35:1-40:38 through the Jewish values and ideals FOLK CELEBRATION FOR SHABBAT we carry on. Candle Blessing: Donna Tehel & Jill Dinar Ts'dakkah is one of those special SATURDAY, MARCH 9 11 :00 A.M. values - and it is so much more. For B'NOT MITZVAH OF: it leads to the finest behavior we are AMY TEHEL & ANDREA DINAR capable of carrying out. That is wh y FRIDAY, MARCH 15 8:00 P.M. VAYIKRA - Leviticus 1:1-5:26 we have invited Danny Siegel to spend WE WELCOME DANNY SIEGEL a weekend wi th us. Danny Siegel is AND WE WILL THANK OUR CARING COMMUNITY VOLUNTEERS theTs'dakkah maven in America. He Candle Blessing: Roberta Schwartzberg is a wonderful scholar, an incredibl e Babysitting is available during services see inside. teacher - and he teaches the meaning SATURDAY, MARCH 16 11:00 A.M. of Ts'dakkah and its impact on Oll r BAR MITZVAH OF ADAM SCHWARTZBERG lives. I urge you to mark March 15- 17 on FRIDA Y, MARCH 22 8:00 P.M. your calendar and join us for any and TZAV - Leviticus 6:1-8:36 MARY & SAMUEL HAMELSKY PROGRAM: all of the teaching sessions thatDanny "AVODATH HAKODESH - SACRED SERVICE" will share with us. I have no doubt CANTOR COOPERSMITH - ANSHE EMETH ADULT CHOIR that his subject will challenge yOll , VILLAGE SINGERS OF NYC - NANCY IVES, CELLO move you, and change your life. Candle Blessing: Carolyn Green To all in the congregation, Joan and Babysitting is available during services - see inside. the girls join me in wishing you a SATURDAY, MARCH23 11:00 A.M. happy Purim, a wonderful Pesach. BAR MITZVAH OF DARREN GREEN and a time of peace for Israel and the entire world. WORSHIP SERVICES - MARCH 1991 FROM THE PRESIDENT'S DESK ... FRIDA Yo MARCH 1- It's Purim time - the celebration of MARCH 1991 Esther and Mordechai as they defeated the forces of At the February Board of Trustees meeting, which took Haman (probably a relative of Saddam Hussein). Join place on February 5, 1991, two very important things hap­ pened that I must relay to all of you. The first is that a motion with Rabbi Miller as he explores some of the themes, was made, seconded and carried unanimously that stated that drama, and meaning of this holiday. Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple become a SMOKE FREE FRIDA Yo MARCH 8 -Join with your family in celebrating BUILDING. This means that no smoking of any kind is Shabbat folk style. We will all rejoice in the joy of permitted in the building at any time. It means also that all ash Shabbat. trays and receptacles related to smoking have been removed FRIDA Yo MARCH 15 - Danny Siegel is a teacher, story from the building. It means that NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO teller and maven on the subject of Ts'dakkah. He has SMOKE IN OUR TEMPLE BUILDING. I fully support the inspired students of the world. He will study with us all policy and hope that all of you will cooperate by not smok.ing in the building and encouraging others who come into our weekend (see center page). Join us as he begins an ex­ building not to smoke as well. ploration of righteousness and justice. I shall not go into the merits of the policy, since we are aU Also on this evening, we will honor all of our volun­ aware of the hazards of smoking to ourselves and to others teers who have committed themselves to making life a around us. Suffice it to say that I support this policy com­ little better for others in many ways. pletely and hope that you do, too. FRIDA Y. MARCH 22 - To begin our Mary and Samuel The second issue that I think you should all be made aware Hamelsky Music Weekend, Cantor Lee Coopersmith, of is that Rabbi Jack Paskoff has been promoted to the the Anshe Emeth Adult Choir, and the Village Singers of position of Associate Rabbi by a unanimous vote of the Board New York City, under the direction of Marc Mangini will of Trustees. Beginning with his new contract on Jul y I, 1991, Rabbi Paskoff will be the Associate Rabbi of ourTemple. He present " A vodath Hakodesh - Sacred Service" by Ernest has held the position of Assistant Rabbi for three years and Bloch. Nancy Ives will play the cello. Don't miss it! was a student intern with us for a few months prior to thaI BABYSITTING A V AILABLE! before he was ordained. Because of the special programsfor March, babysitting Rabbi Paskoff is a "Mensch" in every sense of the word. will be provided for both March 15 and March 22 . He has fulfilled his responsibilities admirably in his tenure here at Anshe Emeth. He, his wife Risa, and son Ari have PLease call Sue Jacobs at 247-7683 so that we can be become an important and integral part of our Temple fa mily. sure to have enough sitters. I am very pleased and proud to have him serving our congrc­ .....----------------------., gation. I congratulate Rabbi Paskoff on his promotion and USHERING SCHEDULE - MARCH 1991 wish him good luck and success in his continued service to Fri .. March 1 Sanctuary- Robin & Gerald Hom Anshe Emeth. I sincerely hope he finds it challenging. Lobby - Joan & Larry Vant fulfilling and rewarding. I'm sure when you see Rabbi Delavan - Allison & Martin Warzala Paskoff you'll want to wish him a "mazellov" as well . Sal., March 2 No BarlBat Mitzvah B'Shalom, ~A_~ Fri.. March 8 Sanctuary- Andrea & Fred Horowitz Lobby - Beth & David Zahorsky Phyllis M. Zieky, President Delavan - Carol & Barry Sherwin Sal.. March 9 Sanctuary- Roberta & Sandy Schwartzberg Fri. March 15 Sanctuary- Doris & Stuart Kahn ANSHE EMETH TEMPLE SEDER Lobby - Rhea & Martin Basroon Our Seder will be held on Delavan - Betty & Jay Reba SATURDAY, MARCH 30,1991, Sal.. March 16 Sanctuary- Carolyn & Jeffrey Green the second night of Passover. Fri., March 22 Sanctuary- Elaine & Harmon Katz PLAN TO JOIN US! Lobby - Linda & Bertram Busch Delavan - Carole & Norman Rosenberg For more information, call Sar. March 23 Sanctuary - Karen & Mark Zweig Roberta Brown at 536-9437 (March 29 - Passover - First Seder - no evening service) or Debby Stark at 821-8582. Please tr)' to obtain a substitute if you are unable to There will be a reservation form usher when scheduled, and call Fred Greenstein at in the INTERIM BULLETIN. 249-6456 or the Temple office at 545-6484. SECOND ANNUAL MARY & SAMUEL HAMELSKY MUSIC WEEKEND ~ Friday, March 22 through Sunday, March 24 ~ FRIDA Y EVENING, MARCH 22 8:00 p.m. - SHABBAT SERVICE AVODATH HAKODESH SACRED SERVICE by Ernest Bloch Cantor Lee Coopersmith The Anshe Emeth Adult Choir Village Singers of New York City Marc Mangini, Music Director "Chassidic Suite for Cello" - Nancy Ives, Cello SATURDA Y EVENING, MARCH 23 - 8:30 p.m.- CANTORIAL CONCERT "MELODIES FOR SPRING" with CANTOR A VI ALBRECHT CANTOR LEE COOPERSMITH and the ADUL T TEMPLE CHOIR [7:00 p.m. - Gala Champagne Cocktail Hour for Benefactors & Patrons - a separate invitation & ticket information will be mailed to our members] in SUNDA Y AFTERNOON, MARCH 24 - 2:30 P.M. - CHOIR FESTIVAL "JUNIOR CHOIR FESTIVAL" sponsored by the Anshe Emeth Junior Choir ALL ARE INVITED! ADULT EDUCATION KEEPERS OF JEWISH EXCELLENCE MINIMESTER 4 Mondays - March 11, 18, 25 1990-91 Series presents 7:45 Origins of the Passover Haggadah Evenings 1 and 2: Robert Stone and Sam Fisher will explore the origins of the Haggadah, its rich history, and its development into the fonn with which we are familiar today. Evening 3: Cantor Lee Coopersmith will present and LEAH SHAKDIEL sing Passover songs and will explain their historical, musical and religious significance. Monday Evening, March 4, 1991 7:45 Back to Basics: Siddur at 8:00 p.m. This class is taught by Rabbi Jack Paskoff. 8:00 Beginning Hebrew - Continuing HCULTURAL PLURALISM AS A This class is taught by Shoshana Parsells. JEWISH CHALLENGE" 9:00 Collections of the Metropolitan Museum of Leah Shakdiel was born in Jerusalem in 1951 to a family Art, Near East Ancient Art and the Nature of the of Modem Orthodox pioneers. She is a graduate of Zeitlin Land of Geshur Project Religious High School, Bar-Han University and Kercm Jewish­ Dr. Ira Spar, Professor at Ramapo College, will discuss Humanistic Teachers Institutc. Ms. Shakdicl tcaches He­ hi s work at the Metropolitan Museum Cuneiform Tablet brew, Hebrew literature, Judaica, Jewish philosophy, Biblc Project and Near East ancient artifacts.
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