The Histories

The Histories

Place Names Latitude Longitude Numbers of Times Mentioned Adriatic Sea 42.7752864 15.885196 3 Paphos 34.757212 32.406593 1 Oaxos 35.3080415 24.8441326 2 Petra 35.25 26.25 2 Siphnus 35.208535 26.108246 4 Abae 38.5831615 22.929852 5 Abdera 40.93950935 24.9795992 13 Abydos 26.409131 31.91627145 18 Acarnania 38.71765475 21.19036225 2 Achaia 38.10212147 22.22458591 8 Achelous river 38.3388321 21.1067111 3 Acheron river 39.2348296 20.4831346 2 Achilleum 39.914982 26.1511315 1 Achilles 46.5 31.5 1 Pyrene 42.468926 2.866662 1 Adramytteum 39.5023635 26.936321 1 Aegaen Sea 37.44094966 25.85418454 9 Aegina island 37.7409397 23.430141 51 Egyptian sea 31.15802 32.68554 1 Egypt 19.21140877 30.56732963 263 Aeolia 38.84644288 26.95080175 2 Ethiopia 14.125005 38.721522 22 Aetolia 38.51650426 21.75966982 1 Agathyrsi 47.5 27.5 11 Agora 40.513545 26.786353 1 Aegae 38.154879 22.314637 2 Aegaleos Mountain 37.154 21.721 1 Aege 39.978627 23.666064 1 Aegira 38.1297925 22.377887 1 Aegilea island 38.1771519 24.1749085 2 Aegion 38.252707 22.081952 1 Aenea 40.439481 22.879124 2 Aenus 40.7248985 26.085729 2 Aenyra 40.683333 24.65 1 Aesa 40.309275 23.060368 1 Acanthus 40.39975 23.880112 8 Acragas 37.29289215 13.58945448 4 Acrothoum 38.4526062 23.2197021 1 Akrothooi 40.183833 24.34933 1 Alabanda 37.59557847 27.97571613 2 Alalia 42.10240033 9.511828 2 Alopecae 37.95 23.749997 1 Alpeni 38.801852 22.586084 4 Amathus 34.712264 33.13708095 3 Ampelus headland 37.75 26.75 2 Amphicaea 38.642319 22.598214 1 Amphissa 38.518403 22.374172 2 Anagyrous 37.8300155 23.804843 1 Anaphlystus 37.625 23.875 1 Anaua 37.8891725 29.8094275 1 Andros island 37.85 24.86 9 Angites river 40.75 23.75 1 Antandrus 39.5785 26.791496 2 Anthele 38.800123 22.510613 2 Anthylla 31.168066 30.205127 2 Troad 39.7564735 26.1547495 3 Anticyra 38.375439 22.626059 4 Celaenea 38.06830103 30.16906628 2 Aphetae 39.146291 23.312404 9 Aphidnae 38.2055285 23.8361515 3 Aphrodisias island 36.6756166 27.9642085 1 Erythea island 36.5 -6.5 1 Apidanos river 39.25 22.25 2 Apis 31.398216 27.042137 1 Apollonia 42.420355 27.694272 11 Arabia 29.5 45.5 20 Red Sea 19 39.5 16 Arabian mountains 28.75 31.25 2 Arados 34.857075 35.85843317 1 Araxes river 38.5 46.5 14 Arcadia 37.56771905 22.16538609 13 Argilus 40.7819725 23.8123785 1 Argolid 37.64320371 22.92074302 1 Argos 37.631561 22.719464 28 Armenia 39.5 40.5 9 Taucheira 32.53639933 20.56729767 1 Artace 40.402952 27.796268 2 Brauron 37.926189 23.9937505 2 Artemisium 39.0140455 23.2213755 39 Azotos 31.7608365 34.65407 2 Ascalon 31.6659785 34.545947 1 Asia 40.309275 23.060368 1 Asia Minor 39.6308847 30.98885428 122 Asine 37.5358925 22.868915 1 Asopus river 38.375 23.625 15 Assa 40.369294 23.830518 1 Assyria 41.5 34.5 13 Atarbekhis 30.713606 30.828784 1 Atarneus 39.093987 26.927974 7 Athens 37.97517647 23.72634517 140 Athos peninsula 40.24683418 24.29514773 14 Athribis 26.511376 31.665497 1 Athrys river 43.062716 25.605924 1 Atlantic Ocean 42.27233685 -7.22415288 2 Attica 38.05199883 23.8189911 53 Auglia 29.1521035 21.2952075 3 Axios river 41.0572437 22.5226845 3 Aziris 32.683784 22.880611 3 Babylon 32.53878346 44.42361764 41 Babylonia 32.5 44.5 2 Bactra 36.7615135 66.9006005 3 Bactria 37.5 67.5 2 Barce 32.49965333 20.87174333 13 Belbina island 37.476608 23.92397 1 Bisaltia 41.25 23.25 1 Bisanthe 40.978415 27.508023 1 Bistonis lake 41.03 25.12 1 Boeotia 38.34668803 23.18467753 28 Boibe lake 39.75 22.75 1 Bolbitne 31.400949 30.414682 1 Bermius mountain 40.525805 22.010422 1 Borysthenes river 51.80271567 32.01361653 16 Borysthenes 46.691895 31.901597 1 Bosporus 41.119444 29.075278 13 Bubastis 30.57238231 31.51108534 12 Bura 38.14267 22.2065 1 Buto 31.196554 30.7446365 13 Brundisim 40.638663 17.9429115 1 Bubassus 36.75 28.25 1 Byzantium 41.005902 28.9738815 11 Agylla 42.00483958 12.10058028 2 Caicus river 38.9471678 27.0057354 4 Iapygia 40.75 17.75 4 Camarina 36.8602887 14.46942038 3 Canobus 31.313404 30.0580595 2 Cappadocia 39.25 35.75 5 Caria 37.038339 27.423639 10 Carchedon 36.84837212 10.32340778 3 Casisn mountain 31.2116 33.0779 2 Caspian Sea 42.67595671 49.98680535 4 Plynus harbor 31.552706 25.152644 1 Caucasuc mountain range 42.34818717 43.91754747 7 Caunus 36.827092 28.623687 2 Cephallenia island 38.2 20.59 1 Cephisus river 38.75 22.75 1 Cyrauis island 34.7865653 11.2342661 1 Chalestra 40.704218 22.781173 1 Calcedon 40.983393 29.025789 3 Chalcis 38.457139 23.621937 8 Charadra 38.640939 22.489574 1 Khemmis 31.25 30.75 7 Chersonese 40.33333 26.5 33 Chios 38.37641 26.1342335 23 Cilicia 36.25 33.25 14 Cimmerian Bosporus 45.35 36.65 4 Cithareon Mountain 38.1850025 23.2505528 11 Cnidus 36.6881795 27.3728385 4 Aea 42.5 42.5 3 Colchis 42.5 42.5 3 Colophon 37.9928 27.1975 6 Colossae 37.79309567 29.25807167 2 Copais Lake 38.447092 23.068726 1 Corcyra island 39.666667 19.75 8 Corinth 37.89994717 22.89867949 28 Coronea 38.391204 22.957112 1 Cyrnus Island 42.10333162 9.20007744 6 Crete island 35.21812427 24.98084071 16 Haemus 47.5 30.5 2 Croton 39.0811675 17.127966 17 Cycladic Islands 37.04154642 25.13951238 2 Cyzicus 40.38979473 27.8836882 6 Ister river 47.11498303 15.07723123 47 Daphnae 30.8610335 32.171528 3 Dardanus 40.079727 26.37442 2 Dascyleium 40.377645 28.674196 3 Decelea 38.13302775 23.79187175 3 Delium 38.3462075 23.661354 2 Delos settlement 37.400439 25.267471 26 Delphi 38.482289 22.501169 87 Branchidae 37.384829 27.256115 8 Dicaea 40.99287 25.165653 2 Dion 40.355943 24.163782 1 Thebes 25.67602907 32.6339435 26 Dipaea 37.541156 22.254905 1 Dodona 39.54638507 20.78936797 14 Doriscus 40.873623 26.164008 14 Dyrmus 38.7086695 22.5585205 1 Dryopia 39.25 20.75 2 Dyme 38.144625 21.551425 1 Dyras river 38.75 22.25 1 Dysorum Mountain 41.25 22.75 1 Ecbatana 34.799294 48.512209 9 Cheidorus river 40.75 22.75 2 Echinades Islands 38.25 21.25 1 Edonia 40.785833 23.848889 1 Eion 40.7893235 23.872848 6 Elaeus 41.115693 31.297325 9 Elatea 38.629841 22.7658245 1 Elephantine 24.09 32.889 16 Eleusis 38.041101 23.537401 15 Elis 37.891781 21.375091 12 Encheleis 42.5 18.5 1 Enipeus river 39.25 22.25 1 Amphipolis 40.8387 23.849638 2 Epium 37.56585 21.784671 1 Ephesus 37.94218342 27.34551256 15 Epidaurus 37.6334625 23.16015635 9 Erasinus river 37.75 22.75 3 Eretria 38.399266 23.7918065 15 Erineus 38.694365 22.415737 1 Erochus 38.623689 22.540903 1 Irasa 32.541066 23.004063 2 Erythrae 23.004063 26.47994 5 Eryx 38.036517 12.583607 2 Islands of the Blest 25.57314636 29.06223406 1 Tyrrhenia 42.42102875 11.75274412 3 Euboea Island 38.53 23.87 22 Euhesperidae 32.109789 20.091198 2 Euphrates river 34.60658363 41.35968197 10 Euripus 38.4672145 23.598502 6 Europe 42.5 27.5 56 Europus 40.946148 22.111673 3 Gadira 36.52898544 -6.29361434 1 Gaeson river 37.75 27.25 1 Galepsus 40.200006 23.688564 1 Cadytis 31.5202095 34.451719 3 Constantia 31.530845 34.433158 1 Gela 37.0630925 14.2584705 9 Geraestus 37.75 24.75 2 Gerrus river 46.8769956 35.44448539 5 Gigonus 40.326285 23.022765 1 Glisas 38.378178 23.390503 1 Gonnus 39.858934 22.498138 2 Gryneia 38.874665 27.069173 1 Gygaia Lake 38.614377 27.983474 1 Haliacmon river 40.25 21.75 1 Halicarnassus 37.0382205 27.423765 9 Halia 37.3082921 23.14481395 1 Alus 39.14854852 22.82234597 2 Halys river 41.6767598 35.9295291 10 Hebrus river 40.738634 26.029778 2 Hundred Isles 39.383342 26.602404 1 Helice 38.220538 22.144303 2 Heliopolis 30.131757 31.284786 11 Hellas 37.5 22.5 219 Hellespont 40.2 26.4 78 Elorus 36.84147655 15.10736185 1 Heraeum 37.39339007 13.28044 2 Heraeum 37.67287833 26.88922333 1 Tearus 41.023945 27.742027 1 Hermione 37.385218 23.243591 6 Hermus river 38.5178164 28.1112899 3 Patumus 30.552892 32.099321 1 Hiera Island 36.25 25.25 1 Tiarantus river 46.847661 20.2732883 2 Himera 37.970797 13.822496 3 Histiaea 38.946604 23.090527 7 Istria 44.5476 28.7748 2 Hyampolis 38.5946805 22.9187625 2 Hybla 37.567342 14.90091 2 Hydrea Island 37.339 23.484 1 Hyllus river 38.75 29.25 1 Hymettus Mountain 37.86213 23.798453 2 Hypanis river 47.5349319 31.3343727 12 Hysiae 37.510211 22.578143 2 Ialysus 36.41451 28.15629 1 Iberia 41.5 0.5 1 Ichnae 40.764014 22.591256 1 Ida Mountain 39.6922234 26.84234605 3 Idria 37.25 28.25 1 Is 33.6436 42.8215 1 Icarion Sea 37.5 26.333333 2 Troy 39.9575 26.238889 16 Illyria 41.5 19.5 4 Imbros 40.2333027 25.90081465 4 India 22.5 77.5 7 Indian Ocean -20 80 3 Indus river 29.0592303 70.12808435 2 Ionia 38.23600475 27.36322787 58 Ismarid lake 40.9973096 25.3111574 1 Myriandric gulf 36.579722 35.83 1 Italy 42.5 12.5 10 Itanus 35.2655385 26.263941 1 Ithome Mountain 37.13669067 21.950516 1 Fair Coast 38.033091 14.45267 3 Calydons island 36.983333 26.983333 1 Calynda 36.74707167 28.83233133 1 Camirus 36.336185 27.921195 1 Canastraean headland 39.75 23.75 1 Cane Mountain 38.9691667 26.8597222 1 Canobic mouth 31.25 29.75 3 Caphereus 38.25 24.75 1 Cardamyle 36.884777 22.237649 1 Cardia 40.548232 26.75081 5 Carene 39.17898 26.842283 1 Carcine 46.25451 33.290274 1 Hypacuris river 46.5 33.5 2 Carpathus island 35.583333 27.133333 1 Caryanda 37.126299 27.377983 1 Carystus 38.016541 24.420381 4 Casmena 37.073804 14.8362835 1 Casthanaea 39.571201 22.95459 3 Ceos island 37.616667 24.333333 3 Five Cities 36.9358039 27.8785015 3 Cercasorus 30.084523 31.21826 3 Carcinitis 45.203672 33.361389 1 Cindya 37.191684 27.650052 1 Cinyps river 32.5 14.5 4 Clazonmenae 38.36785825 26.77774005 5 Cleonae 40.214176 24.233651 1 Cnossus 35.2977445 25.163289 1 Coenyra 40.6711405 24.761705 1 Colias 37.875 23.625 1 Contadesdus river 41.75 27.25 1 Coresus Mountain 37.75 27.25 1 Cos island 36.844 27.17 6 Curium 34.6662275 32.883723 1 Crannon 39.4991145 22.304133 1 Crathis mountain

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