Provincial Provinsiale Gazette Koerant Free State Province Provinsie Vrystaat Published by Authority Uitgegee op Gesag NO. 76 FRIDAY 14 NOVEMBER 2014 NO. 76 VRYDAG, 14 NOVEMBER 2014 PROCLAMATION PROKLAMASIE 35 Declaration of Township: Thabong: Extension 19 …………….. 2 35 Dorpsverklaring: Thabong: Uitbreiding 19 ……………...……….. 2 MISCELLANEOUS Applications For Public Road Carrier Permits: Advert 170 …....…….. 5 Advert 172 …………. 44 NOTICE KENNISGEWINGS The Conversion of Certain Rights into Leasehold …………..……….. 99 Wet op die Omskepping van Sekere Regte tot Huurpag ……………. 99 PLEASE TAKE NOTE: THE LAST PUBLICATION OF THE PROVINCIAL GAZETTE FOR THE YEAR 2014 WILL BE ON 12 DECEMBER 2014. THE NEXT PUBLICATION WILL BE ON 16 JANUARY 2015 ...…. 103 PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 14 NOVEMBER 2014 / 14 NOVEMBER 2014 2 PROCLAMATIONS PROKLAMASIES ________ ________ [NO. 35 OF 2014] [NO. 35 VAN 2014] DECLARATION OF TOWNSHIP: THABONG: EXTENSION 19 DORPSVERKLARING: THABONG: UITBREIDING 19 By virtue of the powers vested in me by section 14(1) of the Townships Kragtens die bevoegdheid my verleen by artikel 14(1) van die Ordinance, 1969 (Ordinance No. 9 of 1969), I, S M Mlamleli, Member Ordonnansie op Dorpe, 1969 (Ordonnansie No. 9 van 1969), verklaar of the Executive Council of the Province responsible for Cooperative ek, S M Mlamleli, Lid van die Uitvoerende Raad van die Provinsie Governance, Traditional Affairs and Human Settlements, hereby verantwoordelik vir Samewerkende Regering, Tradisionele Sake en declare the area represented by General Plan S.G. No. 1037/2005 as Menslike Nedersettings, hierby die gebied voorgestel deur Algemene approved by the Surveyor General on 14 November 2005 to be an Plan L.G. No. 1037/2005 soos goedgekeur deur die Landmeter- approved township under the name Thabong, Extension 19, subject to Generaal op 14 November 2005 tot ‘n goedgekeurde dorp onder die the conditions as set out in the Schedule. naam Thabong, Uitbreiding 19, onderworpe aan die voorwaardes soos in die Bylae uiteengesit Given under my hand at Bloemfontein this 28th day of October 2014. Gegee onder my hand te Bloemfontein op hede die 28ste dag van Oktober 2014. S M MLAMLELI S M MLAMLELI MEMBER OF THE EXECUTIVE COUNCIL LID VAN DIE UITVOERENDE RAAD COOPERATIVE GOVERNANCE, TRADITIONAL AFFAIRS AND SAMEWERKENDE REGERING, TRADISIONELE SAKE EN HUMAN SETTLEMENTS MENSLIKE NEDERSETTINGS CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT AND OF TITLE STIGTINGS- EN EIENDOMSVOORWAARDES The township THABONG EXTENSION 19, situated on Portion 6 of the Die dorp THABONG UITBREIDING 19, geleë op Gedeelte 6 van die farm Homestead 668, Administrative District Ventersburg, Free State, plaas Homestead 668, Administratiewe Distrik Ventersburg, Vrystaat consisting of 1339 erven numbered 32704 to 34042 and streets as bestaan uit 1339 erwe genommer 32704 tot 34042 en strate soos indicated on General Plan S.G. No. 1037/2005. aangedui op die Algemene Plan L.G. No. 1037/2005. A. CONDITIONS OF ESTABLISHMENT A. STIGTINGSVOORWAARDES: A.1 Since this land is subject to unfavourable foundation conditions, A.1 Aangesien die gebied onderhewig is aan ongunstige foundations for new buildings and extensions to existing funderingstoestande moet fondasies vir nuwe geboue en aan- buildings should be designed by a Professional Civil Engineer bouings aan bestaande geboue deur `n Professionele Siviele as prescribed by the National Building Regulations and such Ingenieur ontwerp word soos voorgeskryf deur die Nasionale Engineer must pay attention to the Geological Engineers Report Bouregulasies en sodanige Ingenieur moet ag slaan op die with reference to the soil conditions of the township which report Geologiese Ingenieurs-verslag, met betrekking tot die grond- is available at the Municipal offices in Welkom. toestande van die dorpsgebied, wat ter insae lê by die Munisipale kantore te Welkom. A.2 The erven of this town are classified in the following groups and A.2 Die erwe van hierdie dorp word in die hierondervermelde ge- are further subject to the conditions of title as set out in bruikstreke ingedeel en is verder onderworpe aan die eien- paragraph B: domsvoorwaardes soos uiteengesit in paragraaf B: PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 14 NOVEMBER 2014 / 14 NOVEMBER 2014 3 Groups Erven Conditions of title Groepe Erwe Voorwaardes 32705-32719, 32739-32758, 32761- B.1, B.2 Residensiëel 32705-32719, 32739-32758, 32761- B1, B.2 Residential 32813, 32815-32826, 32813, 32815-32826, 32828-32860, 32862-32919, 32921- 32828-32860, 32862-32919, 32921- 32960, 32963-32985, 32988-33031, 32960, 32963-32985, 32988-33031, 33038-33118, 33120-33139, 33141- 33038-33118, 33120-33139, 33141- 33170, 33172-33198, 33209-33234, 33170, 33172-33198, 33209-33234, 33236-33347, 33349-33386, 33388- 33236-33347, 33349-33386, 33388- 33489, 33491-33493, 33496-33544, 33489, 33491-33493, 33496-33544, 33547, 33550-33616, 33618-33640, 33547, 33550-33616, 33618-33640, 33642-33670, 33672-33684, 33687- 33642-33670, 33672-33684, 33687- 33709, 33712-33729, 33731-33772, 33709, 33712-33729, 33731-33772, 33774-33854, 33857-34037, 34039- 33774-33854, 33857-34037, 34039- 34042. 34042. Residential 32721-32738, 32759, 32986, 32987, B.1, B.2, B.8 Residensiëel 32721-32738, 32759, 32986, 32987, B.1, B.2, B.8 33032, 33034-33036, 33199-33206, 33032, 33034-33036, 33199-33206, 33494, 33495, 33711, 33494, 33495, 33711, 32961-32962, 33685, 33686. B.1, B.3 Business 32961-32962, 33685, 33686. B.1, B.3 Besigheid Community Gemeenskaps- facilities: fasiliteite B.1, B.4 Church 33140, 33348, 33617, 33730, 34038. B.1, B.4 Kerk 33140, 33348, 33617, 33730, 34038. B.1, B.4 School 32704. B.1, B.4 Skool 32704. B.1, B.4, B.7 School 33235. B.1, B.4, B.7 Skool 33235. B.1, B.4 Crèche 33671. B.1, B.4 Crèche 33671. B.1, B.4 Clinic 33546 B.1, B.4 Kliniek 33546 B.1, B.6, B.8 Municipal 33033, 33548, B.1, B.6, B.8 Munisipaal 33033, 33548, B.1, B.6 Municipal 33545, B.1, B.6 33545, Munisipaal (Library) (Laboratorium) Open Space Publieke Oop- ruimte B.1, B.5 Park 32720, 32760, 32814, 32827, 32861, B.1, B.5 Park 32720, 32760, 32814, 32827, 32861, 32920, 33037, 33119, 32920, 33037, 33119, 33171, 33207, 33387, 33490, 33549, 33171, 33207, 33387, 33490, 33549, 33641, 33710, 33641, 33710, 33773, 33855. 33773, 33855. B.1, B.5, B.7 Park 33208, 33856. B.1, B.5, B.7 Park 33208, 33856. B. CONDITIONS OF TITLE B. EIENDOMSVOORWAARDES The conditions of title mentioned in paragraph A, are applicable Die eiendomsvoorwaardes wat in paragraaf A hierbo vermeld and as follows: word, is van toepassing en is soos volg: IN FAVOUR OF THE MATJHABENG MUNICIPALITY TEN GUNSTE VAN DIE MATJHABENG MUNISIPALITEIT B.1 This erf shall be subject to a servitude of 2 metres wide along the B.1 Hierdie erf is onderhewig aan `n serwituut van 2 meter wyd langs rear boundary, 1 meter along the side and street boundary, as die agter grens, 1 meter langs die sygrens en die straatgrens, so- well as any other servitude which is shown on the General Plan of wel as enige ander serwituut wat op die Algemene Plan van die PROVINCIAL GAZETTE / PROVINSIALE KOERANT, 14 NOVEMBER 2014 / 14 NOVEMBER 2014 4 the township, for the installation of municipal service dorp aangedui is, vir die aanlê van munisipale diensgeleidings connections over and under the erf and the officials of the oor of onder die erf, en die amptenare van die Munisipaliteit Municipality shall at all times have free access thereto for the het alle tye vrye toegang daartoe vir die doel van die purpose of the construction, maintenance and repair of the konstruksie, instandhouding en herstel van die dienste. Die 1 services. 1-metre servitudes may be relaxed to 0 (nil) metre meter serwitute kan verslap word deur die Munisipaliteit om 0 servitudes by the Municipality on one of the side boundaries. (nul) meter te wees op een van die sygrense. B.2 Buildings on this erf may primarily be used for residential B.2 Geboue wat op die erf opgerig word, mag hoofsaaklik vir purposes. The following uses may be permitted with the consent residensiële doeleindes gebruik word. Die eiendom mag slegs of the Municipality, namely places of public worship, places of met die toestemming van die Munisipaliteit vir openbare gods- instruction, social halls, sport and recreational purposes, diensbeoefening, plek van onderrig, gemeenskapsale, sport en institutions and medical suites and special uses. ontspanning, inrigtings, mediese suites en spesiale doeleindes gebruik word. Permissible coverage: 60% Toelaatbare dekking : 60% B.3 Buildings on this erf may primarily be used for business purposes. B.3 Geboue wat op hierdie erf opgerig word, mag hoofsaaklik vir The following uses may be permitted with the consent of the besigheidsdoeleindes gebruik word. Die eiendom mag slegs met Municipality, namely residential uses, places of public worship, die toestemming van die Munisipaliteit vir residensiële places of instruction, social halls, sport and recreational purposes, doeleindes, openbare godsdiensbeoefening, onderrig, gemeen- institutions and industries. Noxious industries are prohibited on skapsale, sport en ontspanning, inrigtings of industrie gebruik this erf. word. Hinderlike industrieë is verbode op die erf. Permissible coverage: 70% Toelaatbare dekking: 70% Provision of parking: Voorsiening van parkering: Business - 2.5 parking space per 100m² gross leasible area Besigheid - 2.5 parkeerplek per 100m² bruto verhuurbare (GLA). vloeroppervlak (BVO). B.4 Buildings on this erf may primarily be used for places of public B.4 Geboue wat op die erf opgerig word, mag hoofsaaklik vir worship, places of instruction, social halls, sports and recreational openbare godsdiensbeoefening, onderrig, gemeenskapsale, purposes and institutions. Residential buildings and the use of sport en ontspanning of inrigtings gebruik word. Die eiendom the erf for special purposes may only be permitted with the mag slegs met die toestemming van die Munisipaliteit vir consent of the Municipality. residensiële en spesiale doeleindes gebruik word. Toelaatbare dekking : 70% Permissible coverage: 70% Voorsiening van parkering: Provision of parking: Kerk - 1 parkeerplek per 6 sitplekke Church - 1 parking space per 6 seats Crèche - 1 parkeerplek per 20m² bruto vloeroppervlak.
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