www.losenrecords.no www.musikklosen.no 7090025831041 [email protected] LOS 104-2 LOS Fax. + 47 22 19 81 82 81 19 22 47 + Fax. March 11, 2011 11, March Tel. +47 22 19 82 82 82 82 19 22 +47 Tel. Release: MusikkLosen Ole Mathisen Ole Enjoy a day in Sylling with us. with Sylling in day a Enjoy (“Systems Init,” “Paolo Entrante”) - the music was flowing from the first note on. on. note first the from flowing was music the - Entrante”) “Paolo Init,” (“Systems immediate and exploratory. So much so that we decided to include the recorded soundcheck soundcheck recorded the include to decided we that so much So exploratory. and immediate It was really wonderful to have the opportunity to record with Per and Paolo; our rapport was was rapport our Paolo; and Per with record to opportunity the have to wonderful really was It how we all hear music and approach music making. music approach and music hear all we how Jon Christensen, and sound engineer Jan Erik Kongshaug; 5 guys that have strongly influenced influenced strongly have that guys 5 Kongshaug; Erik Jan engineer sound and Christensen, Jon CD to the “founding fathers” of Norwegian Jazz: Jan Garbarek, Terje Rypdal, Arild Andersen, Andersen, Arild Rypdal, Terje Garbarek, Jan Jazz: Norwegian of fathers” “founding the to CD was released, a recording that changed Norwegian Jazz forever. We would like to dedicate this this dedicate to like would We forever. Jazz Norwegian changed that recording a released, was 2010 marks 40 years since the seminal album “Afric Pepperbird,” by the Jan Garbarek group group Garbarek Jan the by Pepperbird,” “Afric album seminal the since years 40 marks 2010 to MIDI devices and various processors, no overdubs. no processors, various and devices MIDI to atmospheres and textures were created in real time, triggered from our instruments with pitch pitch with instruments our from triggered time, real in created were textures and atmospheres Per and I had, in addition, decided to explore our respective electronic set-ups. All electronic electronic All set-ups. electronic respective our explore to decided addition, in had, I and Per exemplify these ideas, with tempos and melodic lines being completely fluid and malleable. malleable. and fluid completely being lines melodic and tempos with ideas, these exemplify wise, and harmonically. The compositions “Elastics,” “Depth Conditioning,” and “Buoyancy” “Buoyancy” and Conditioning,” “Depth “Elastics,” compositions The harmonically. and wise, adaptability - about stretching the music in a variety of ways: dynamically, emotionally, time time emotionally, dynamically, ways: of variety a in music the stretching about - adaptability to communicate, and, as the title of the album suggests, this music is about flexibility and and flexibility about is music this suggests, album the of title the as and, communicate, to composition, when to return to specific written material etc. I believe this enhanced our ability ability our enhanced this believe I etc. material written specific to return to when composition, our instincts and musical sensibilities in terms of cuing when to enter a new section within a a within section new a enter to when cuing of terms in sensibilities musical and instincts our An interesting feature of Per’s studio is that there are no sight lines. We had to rely entirely on on entirely rely to had We lines. sight no are there that is studio Per’s of feature interesting An session. written especially for this place. All the music on this album was composed specifically for this this for specifically composed was album this on music the All place. this for especially written bucolic setting not far from the cities of Drammen and Oslo. My piece, “Syllinghymne, “ was was “ “Syllinghymne, piece, My Oslo. and Drammen of cities the from far not setting bucolic of Sylling, Norway, nestled between mountains at the end of lake Tyrifjorden - a spectacular spectacular a - Tyrifjorden lake of end the at mountains between nestled Norway, Sylling, of On a beautiful day in June 2010, the three of us went into Per’s basement studio in the village village the in studio basement Per’s into went us of three the 2010, June in day beautiful a On Ole Mathisen – Per Mathisen – Paolo Vinaccia / Elastics. Elastics. / Vinaccia Paolo – Mathisen Per – Mathisen Ole Ole Mathisen Per Mathisen Paolo Vinaccia and broadcasting of the music on this CD is a violation of applicable laws. applicable of violation a is CD this on music the of broadcasting and All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication, public performance performance public duplication, Unauthorized reserved. rights All Per Mathisen Per ISRC: NO2NJ1004. Made in Norway. in Made NO2NJ1004. ISRC: Paolo Vinaccia Paolo © 2011 Losen Records www.losenrecords.no [email protected] [email protected] www.losenrecords.no Records Losen 2011 © Ole Mathisen Ole LOS 104-2 LOS and broadcasting of the music on this CD is a violation of applicable laws. applicable of violation a is CD this on music the of broadcasting and Vinaccia MathisenPaolo MathisenPer Ole 831041 090025 7 LOS 104-2 LOS All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication, public performance performance public duplication, Unauthorized reserved. rights All LOS 104-2 LOS ISRC: NO2NJ1004. Made in Norway. in Made NO2NJ1004. ISRC: © 2011 Losen Records www.losenrecords.no [email protected] [email protected] www.losenrecords.no Records Losen 2011 © LOS 104-2 LOS Ole Mathisen Ole Vinaccia Paolo Mathisen Per Total Time 52.15 Time Total Coverdesign: www.studiosju.no Coverdesign: Front cover photo: Finn Aasum Finn photo: cover Front Losen Records LOS 104-2 LOS Losen Records 4.33 Himmelhvelving 11 Artists and Norwegian Musicians Union Musicians Norwegian and Artists 10 Kicks Ab Ab Kicks 10 This recording is supported by Fund For Performing Performing For Fund by supported is recording This ELASTICS Losen Records LOS 104-2 7.07 09 Channeling Channeling 09 Coverdesign: www.studiosju.no Coverdesign: Executive producer: Odd Gjelsnes Odd producer: Executive 6.32 08 Pols Pols 08 Total Time 52.15 Time Total Front cover photo: Finn Aasum Finn photo: cover Front 104-2 LOS Records Losen ELASTICS ELASTICS Mastered by Andy VanDette at Masterdisk, NYC Masterdisk, at VanDette Andy by Mastered 4.24 07 Buoyancy Buoyancy 07 Artists and Norwegian Musicians Union Musicians Norwegian and Artists Mixed by Ole at The Courthouse, NYC Courthouse, The at Ole by Mixed 4.29 06 Rabbagast Rabbagast 06 11 Himmelhvelving 4.33 Himmelhvelving 11 This recording is supported by Fund For Performing Performing For Fund by supported is recording This ELASTICS Paolo and Per Ole, by produced and Recorded 6.03 05 Syllinghymne 5.10 Syllinghymne 05 7.07 Ab Kicks 10 Executive producer: Odd Gjelsnes Odd producer: Executive Recorded June 7, 2010 7, June Recorded ELASTICS Elastics 04 6.32 Channeling 09 Mastered by Andy VanDette at Masterdisk, NYC Masterdisk, at VanDette Andy by Mastered 4.32 03 Depth Conditioning 5.10 Conditioning Depth 03 4.24 Pols 08 Mixed by Ole at The Courthouse, NYC Courthouse, The at Ole by Mixed Paolo Vinaccia: Drums, Percussion Drums, Vinaccia: Paolo 02 Paolo Entrante 1.26 Entrante Paolo 02 4.29 Buoyancy 07 Recorded and produced by Ole, Per and Paolo and Per Ole, by produced and Recorded and multiple effects multiple and 01 Systems Init 2.47 Init Systems 01 6.03 Rabbagast 06 Recorded June 7, 2010 7, June Recorded Per Mathisen: Acoustic bass, (el.bass on track # 1) 1) # track on (el.bass bass, Acoustic Mathisen: Per 05 Syllinghymne 5.10 Syllinghymne 05 Ole Mathisen: Tenor saxophone and multiple effects multiple and saxophone Tenor Mathisen: Ole 4.32 Elastics 04 Paolo Vinaccia: Drums, Percussion Drums, Vinaccia: Paolo 104-2 LOS LosenRecords 03 Depth Conditioning 5.10 Conditioning Depth 03 Elastics and multiple effects multiple and 02 Paolo Entrante 1.26 Entrante Paolo 02 Per Mathisen: Acoustic bass, (el.bass on track # 1) 1) # track on (el.bass bass, Acoustic Mathisen: Per 01 Systems Init Init 2.47 Systems 01 Ole Mathisen: Tenor saxophone and multiple effects multiple and saxophone Tenor Mathisen: Ole Ole Mathisen Per Mathisen Paolo Vinaccia Paolo Mathisen Per Mathisen Ole Elastics Elastics Elastics Ole Mathisen Per Mathisen Paolo Vinaccia Paolo Mathisen Per Mathisen Ole Vinaccia Paolo Mathisen Per Mathisen Ole Ole Mathisen Per Mathisen Paolo Vinaccia Paolo Mathisen Per Mathisen Ole Ole Mathisen Per Mathisen Paolo Vinaccia Paolo Mathisen Per Mathisen Ole Vinaccia Mathisen Paolo Mathisen Per Ole 1 Systems Init. Ole Mathisen, Ole Mathisen Publishing (ASCAP/TONO) Per Mathisen (TONO) 2 Paolo Entrante. Ole Mathisen, Ole Mathisen Publishing (ASCAP/TONO) Paolo Vinaccia (TONO) Jan Garbarek, Terje Rypdal, 3 Depth Conditioning. Ole Mathisen, Ole Mathisen Publishing (ASCAP/TONO) On a beautiful day in June about stretching the music in Jan Garbarek, Terje Rypdal, 1 Systems Init. Ole Mathisen, Ole Mathisen Publishingabout (ASCAP/TONO) stretching the music in Arild Andersen, Jon Chris- 4 Elastics. Ole Mathisen, Ole Mathisen Publishing (ASCAP/TONO) 2010, the three of us went a variety of ways: dynamically, Arild Andersen, Jon Chris- Per Mathisen (TONO)On a beautiful day in June a variety of ways: dynamically, tensen, and sound engineer into Per’s basement studio in emotionally, time wise, and tensen, and sound engineer 5 Syllinghymne. Ole Mathisen, Ole Mathisen Publishing (ASCAP/TONO) 2 Paolo Entrante. Ole2010, Mathisen, the three Ole of Mathisenus went Publishingemotionally, (ASCAP/TONO) time wise, and Jan Erik Kongshaug; 5 guys the village of Sylling, Norway, harmonically. The compo- Jan Erik Kongshaug; 5 guys Paolo Vinaccia (TONO)into Per’s basement studio in harmonically. The compo- that have strongly infl uenced 6 Rabbagast. Per Mathisen (TONO) nestled between mountains at sitions “Elastics,” “Depth that have strongly infl uenced the village of Sylling, Norway, sitions “Elastics,” “Depth how we all hear music and ap- 3 Depth Conditioning.
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