Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 2-6-1965 The Ledger and Times, February 6, 1965 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, February 6, 1965" (1965). The Ledger & Times. 4729. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/4729 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. — V. 11••=•.••- •."111•••••••-••=,••••.••••••••••• k • rt-- - te . rel.• ..... •, 5. ••• Nom 5, 1965 _ , La rgest The Only I Circulation "1 r Both In City Afternoon Daily 1 ,i s And In In Murray And 1 County 1 N\s\\:\11114 6 Calloway County 4G* ..................,......./ 4-- I is if they United Preerhtternational In Our lifitti Year Murray, orlace cite Ky., Saturday Afternoon, February (). 1965 Murray Population 141,100 ld get the Vol. LXXXVI No. 31 — • . DAILY ilf• Z. CARTER, EDUCATOR, DIES KENTUCKY POLITICS TODAY Seek Thieves Who - Key Point In Elections This- Designed Stole $235,080 In Death Follows Stroke While Gold Bullion . o Tighten -4s Year Is Control Of Senate t Resting In Southern Florida OCCUTHOMPTON. England tun) - Police on three continents sought W Z By WILLIAM BARRETT Leaf Carter. long time educator aened and he passed Control away this Kentucky political leaders Ana ob- -today for clues to the hieves who and United Press Intermational civic leader in Murray., died morning. servers Nene teat a key paint in sole $235.080 worth of old bullion this morning about 8 30 at a hos- this year's Kentucky elections a Ill • from the liner Ca.ptetown Castle Mr Carter was 66 years old He PADUCAH, Ky 1311 - Western pital in Port Charlotte, Plorida be control of the state Senate When the 27060-ton liner docked would have been 67 next Tuesday WASHINGTON OPT - Adminisa Mr -and Mrs Carter had gone to All agree the succees of IA Gov here Friday, It was discovered that Mr Carter retired from his posi- Mon farm off Ina Is have called Florida only about one week Harry Lee Waterfleld's spat with Its cargo of $24 million worth of ago tion as Director of Institutional Fal- r fast congremional approval of gold for a much needed oast, the adminiatraUon, brought Into ; consigned TO the Bank ucation for the Commonayealth • tal! des cried to tighten tobacco of England of the open in a speech here nearly was He suffered the stroke Kentucky on Seen & Heard prcluct-on controls. short by 20 bans, weighing a on Wed- January 1 At the I te/f) weeks ago i. tied to this point pound. ncaday morning and was placed in same time Mrs. Carter retired The. tobacco request came'ln an total of 560 from But Mere is little feehng the a Port Charlotte hospital in her position in Agnicukure Department rasort Ph- A night-long search of the ship critical the Division of Certi- move wit be suoonsegul }Weever, condition He was fication. day on a bill which would authorize by more than 70 detectives and slightly improved * Around all loot for , a hard-fought yesterday and to •I cam- timers to decide whether to ac- customs off wens who removed pan- regained coma-tout- The popular couple returned to pans in several Matelot& The,iuto of Herman K. FM.- ooritrol over rasa and key is shown after it struck the the number. of Sing from cabin will. dismantled recognised memo'", of Murray to resume residence at their Waterflekl by vinthe of his office the family es/ of Clyde Speed of Ma .rfie'd yesterday, Police said untie of toba000 an individual engine-room equipment and even and talked with them home at 711 Olive street. then de- MURRAY is also the presiding cancer of the crawled some However, his condition wor- /Speed failed to stop at the intnsction of Eighth' and nner can martsr ait Irma as over into the funnel uncovered cided to go to Florida in an effort Senate As such he alone cannot /Olive EllLs was badly shaken pp and was treated at the screszylie din harvest At no trace of the gold. to gain some needed resit and for hamper any adnunidration pro- Murray Hospital. acreage is controlled Police now theorize that the gold Mr Carter to regain strength He Man Overboard gram up for consideration But with that the federal tobacco supply- was smuggled ashore sometime aft- suffered a strove several month., Ile rested the • leis key aupporima on-his alde-an tP) rant er the Capetown Castle salted on ago but apparently had recovered Did Lim Shank effectIve bott'eneck is poreeible. The adesurilatration report to the Ian 14 from Dirnium-,--Sourti Atria Mr, Oarter Wii.S born in Callo- Theis Waterfieid's recent ablask,igs bubbtss Math Gov. atuorman of the Seri ite and House CV Cr. Its way here. way County and his parents died horard T -Breathing o - WM elville _ as-wait/lira committals said: The liner made (QUI' stops on the when he was at an early age His °eased the admiallagagion tomes We betleve that It is urgently— way-at Eaa London. Port Elizabeth -0/4 bane niece at -alasar Broalria to regroup and rammai the earth= detmostry to revise the present pro- and Capetown In South Africa and Grove where los„ parents Mx and Senate seats involved in the elect- duction and price eta/aim:Mon pro- at Das Palmas in the Canaries. • Mrs. John Carter lived for many ion ram for tobacco " stop on airline routes between Stu- year., Where Ezra Rank' Most observers in Geis part of the The report came on the heels of rope rid South America He received his elementary edu- mete an area which normalle wok, Proardent Johnson s statement, In- Aothorrtieb :n Elarope. Africa and cation in the county schools and Shopping Habits be considered a Waterfteld strong- 4uded in ha farm manage to South America are trying to trace attended Western State College. He The manager of the supermarket hold. wonder privately if the lieu- dtu: gross Thursioa, that the acre- the movements of nearly 1 000 peop- was a graduate of Murray State was so touched by the hard luck Oman. poyernor has the resources age -poundage control- plan "is le who marht have had access to College and received his master's Mary of the man with all the thud- hicessain to rope with the acknin- ne.dei" and that ..coadalerst.ort Use gold Degree from, The University of yea and 1110 Job. that he filed a cart laration in such a showdown bat- &amid aho be given to nitillatiga In The theft was not discovered un- Chicago with groceries and mid tle Os: • 1.. korona vitadh wil. make til all of the Capetown Castle's 187 He taught In rural schools and "Thew are ori me I hope they Tf the adrningstrahon tarns 'American tobacco more eamMentive paasemers and about half of Us later maaned the former Miss Mar- aitlp " Victory with ailmtegeteablon-haelted in world res.rtetti- 360 cerwmen had tor* ashore hare. tha Steve-neon After teaching for Misty-eyed, the man started Quas care:bastes wIssilleig. ober, doge this • hearings on the new to- That meant that the possibility that scene tune Mr Carter became but turned around leave Waterfleklt by laced \ control bill. sponsored the gold In hidden somewhere in mall carrier in the city arid attend- -Heed iumethang Mee" the ,Man- Hearty all agree again that walla' Sam -14 4 carter law B Everett Jordan and England could not be discounted dsrb his ager raked. jis reaps dome measure of moans 112111 automobile driven ,by Clyde Speed of Mayfield is Demo 3. Ervul Jr Nortb Carolina - as carripaurn -How about ray Green Memepir the 'WU= of thie shown resting partly In the yard of Mrs Robert Halls Oats, are scheduled to epos seat the osdruellai Gar i edforAl teCdlersorneligse" :P°61:h afarldtransialiutynat' PCetcat at man asked. stir his &emcee of fliterfellfit 'With bra car driven by Hernian X. Sins. Relsolay before •Iplenatt gubernatorial superintendent of CityNashosia is coveted :inanimation Ellis was coln2 ive'it going on Olive and .Mr: Speed was a— Water Sweeter To Guantanamo !Mt • *we he had held 4/6r seven- p Mamma ef the limed in IMO are rill. Departoutant re- 6 south on Eighth. Police said Speed failed to stop at the The Agricalture Wall years. The operator was about to doss The odds agetrut success in the suggested that Cloolfilat Intersection and was struck in the side. Four persons in' port Friday Mr carter was• number of the the doors of the Jammed (aerator °mare eamgrign are high acresse-poundage con- put the new where .when • very uppn gentleman push- Gov Breathete must have the co- the Speed car were injured in the accident whili occur- ,Naval Base Although First Christian church he quickly. kenos cat- Costly trol into effect served as auriday Ikt1001 Supertn- ed his way in The door oicasd in operation of the General Asiemblv red yesterday at 1:40 p.m. pricing system for ion on a new tendent teacher, cider and deacon. back of him but he didn't have to continue hu pratrams for Ken- conaderation titer Re DARRELL GARWOOD pines rteell to turn around and bad to away This means the administrat- for more than three months He was • veteran of World War I.
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