.* & • * i • * =^K jol \jl «» p r/U TP THE STUDENT NEWSPAPER OF MERCYHURST COLLEGE SINCE4929 ERIE. PA, ARTS& ENTERTAINMENT A Mercyhurst's WMCE could soon Kimball Review of "Rent" see format changes resigns' page 6 page 2 page 7 I Vol. 75 No. 8 Mercyhurst College 501 E. 3.8th StJErie, Pa. 16546 December 6, 2001 Open visitation permitted Starting to take shape... By Sara Seidle year, the freshmen representatives Editor in chief ignited the debate. Mike Foglio, a freshmen representative, explained The perennial call among Mercyhurst that the residence life committee took •A freshmen for a more lenient visita­ on the issue and collaborated with tion policy is finally being answered. Laura Zirkle, dean of residence life, Due to the efforts of Mercyhurst Stu­ to establish a plan for open visitation dent Government's residence life weekends. The plan was then submit- committee, two weekends per term ted to the MSG Executive Board and have been approved as open visita­ was approved. tion weekends in the freshmen resi­ Foglio and Byrnes both com­ dence halls. The first open visitation mented that the new policy is receiv­ weekend will take place Dec. 14-15, ing mixed reviews. ^There are some the weekend of the Winter Formal. freshmen that don't want full visita- Year after year, freshmen complain tion," said Foglio. According to about the policy that does not permit Byrnes, "There has really been a members of the opposite sex in resi-' mixed response from freshmen." dence halls overnight only to give up To combat this mixed response, the battle as sophomore year ap­ Byrnes said that the policy does come proaches and the freedom of the with some guidelines. He explained * 4 apartments moves to view. Last year, mat all guests will still have to sign Each day the Audrey S. Hirt Academic Center moves closer to completion as the Mercyhurst two MSG representatives! Kristen in and that there must be a "mutual community looks on. « T Brown and Liz Wilson, despite the agreement among roommates" be­ fact that they were sophomores and fore a member of the opposite sex living in the apartments, continued will be permitted to stay over. Zirkle to press the issue. According to Billy added that any guests that are not Byrnes, chair of the residence life signed in before the open visitation day evenings were not as available not be there," said Seddig. "I'm By Megan Eble committee and a senior representa­ weekend begins will be in violation as she had thought. After surveys working to try and be more creative tive, Tracy Fisher, last year's MSG of the policy. Staff writer were sent back, Rev. Seddig found in the text. Worship is the work of president, presented the idea to Dr. According to Zirkle, the number of The student body at Mercyhurst is Sunday evenings to be most re­ the people and we are all meant to William P. Garvey, college president. resident assistants on duty during this filled with a variety of different quested. participate." Garvey approved the initial proposal first open visitation weekend will be faiths. Approximately 800 students According to Rev. Seddig, one of Rev. Seddig initially formed a Prot­ that would allowjfor a certain num­ slightly increased. "This is the first have identified themselves as Prot­ the central focuses in worship is to estant worship because the students ber of weekends throughout the year one. We just want to make sure it is join together in corporate worship to were concerned that there was no to be designated open visitation successful. Because if it isn't, there estant, because of this Campus Min­ istry decided to take action in pro­ form community. In coming together sense of a Protestant community on weekends for various reasons. "I'm probably will^not be another one," the Protestant worship will sing, gain campus. "I'm hopefully going to en­ said Zirkle. viding those students' with the op­ willing to see it happen on occasion," portunity to develop and further their a perspective on life, listen to the courage that," said Seddig, "but I said Garvey. He added that visitation According to Byrnes, the weekends Protestant identity. Led by Protestant word read, affirm the faith that is can't do it alone." will not expand to more than two that are tentatively designated open minister Rev. Lyta Seddig, a Protes­ held, pray, participate in the Lord's The new scheduled Protestant wor­ times a term. visitation will include Homecoming tant worship has been developed foF supper and resolve to bring faith into ship will begin on Dec. 12 at 7 p.m Byrnes added that, despite the ini­ weekend, formal weekends in both anyone interested. everyday life. Through this all mem­ in the Prince of Peace Chapel. All tial approval, MSG's executive board the spring and winter. Little Sibs Mercyhurst welcomed Rev. Seddig bers will growjin their identity as students are welcome and encour­ took no further action on the issue weekend. Parent's weekend and Christians. aged to attend. last yearUNevertheless, again this Valentine's Day weekend. to Mercyhurst in September and she immediately put together worship for Rev. Seddig is working with her For anyone interested in the musi- Protestant students. The worship was head and heart to develop this wor­ cal aspects of the worship, Rev. held on Wednesday evenings last ship service in the best and most cre­ Seddig would love for you to bring Christmas on? Campus to term. However, because of low par­ ative way she can. your talents and instruments to fur­ ticipation, Rev. Seddig knew some­ "The focus of the traditional Prot­ ther capture the essence of worship. take place Dec. 8i thing was not working out to fully estant worship was preaching the For additional questions or concerns benefit the students. After an all cam­ word. The sermon was central, it Rev; Seddig can be reached at ext. "1 think it is one of the best things became very scholarly, and it need By Sarah Beth Kingery we do on this campus and it is evi­ pus survey, she found that Wednes­ 3348. -T- i A £* S Contributing writer dence of the Mercyhurst mission to reach out to the community," said Mercyhurst College will promote the Penny Hanes, associate professor of Anthrax hoax remains under investigation holiday spirit by once again holding accounting. Hanes, along with Cass its annual Christmas on Campus Shimek, associate dean of student with the security of the nation as a event,' an occasion that gives under­ development, advises the event. By Kristin Purdy more significant priority. tol University," said college Presi­ privileged children from the Erie All Mercyhurst College students Managing editor A week after the anthrax scare at dent William P. Garvey. community the chance to celebrate can participate by signing up to be Mercyhurst College, a firm in Cleve­ The second identical letter sug­ the magic of Christmas. buddies or dress up as characters. A month after the anthrax scare at land, Ohio received an identical let­ gests that someone is randomly se­ The event will be held on Saturday, Buddies will be assigned a child who Mercyhurst, the investigation is still ter. The appearance ofthe letter was lecting an address for these false Dec. 8 in the Carolyn Hermann Stu­ they will be in charge of for the af­ ongoing, with little progress or new identical to the letter received at anthrax scares, said Garvey. He con­ dent Union from L p.m. until 4 p.m. ternoon. They will help them with information. So far, the most infor- Mercyhurst. Along with a postmark tinued, "The FBI said there is almost During this time a variety of activi­ their crafts and encourage them to mation reported from the investiga­ from Cairo, Egypt, the envelope never a repeat of these incidents." ties are planned, including a photo participate in activities. tion is that there were no harmful shared the similarities of an identi­ With heightened alert in all offices, with Santa, a gift shop with crafts and Christmas on Campus is put to­ a repeat of an anthrax scare at the face painting* agents in the envelope, but the sub­ cal message inside, as well as identi­ gether by the business department stance is still unknown. cal penmanship. college is not likely. To conclude the day, Barry Clubs and organizations on campus, Mercyhurst College is waiting for McAndrew, english professor, will including the dance students, art - The FBI is currently investigating Strikingly, the envelope was not therapy students, Circle K, Alpha Phi the false threat, but the identity ofthe properly addressed, as the envelope the total costs ofthe investigation at read the story The Night before the college, which usually takes 45 Christmas. Gifts will also be distrib­ Sigma, Diversity 101, campus min­ letter sender is still unknown. With delivered to Mercyhurst College was uted to the children. Approximately istry. Council for Exceptional Chil­ the continuation of the war against not either. days. All costs will come out of a 100 inner-city children will be in at­ dren and the education department, terrorism, the investigation remains "The FBI is wondering if the mail contingency fund, which sets aside tendance. help out by collecting donations. low on the FBI's list of priorities, [sent to the rum] was meant for Capi­ $ 150,000 for college emergencies. I PAGE 2 THE MERCIAD DECEMBER 6.2001 CAMPUS NEWS • ' Radio format to appeal to students The meeting was sparked by a gen­ "Apparently there was a time where Sinatra"-type music. The next step Police and Safety By Annie DeMeo eral feeling of discontent with the sta­ students had an open format, mean­ for the students working to change Staff writer tion, according to John Hessler a jun­ ing that they could play whatever the program is to develop specific 7 i|ogf ior Mercyhurst Student Government they wanted, however the board of guidelines and present them to the Although Busta Rhymes will most representative who initiated the en­ trustees and the administration de­ necessary individuals said Hessler.
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