University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 New Mexico Historical Newspapers 9-9-1920 The veE ning Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 09-09-1920 The veE ning Herald, Inc. Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/abq_eh_news Recommended Citation The vE ening Herald, Inc.. "The vE ening Herald (Albuquerque, N.M.), 09-09-1920." (1920). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/ abq_eh_news/2051 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the New Mexico Historical Newspapers at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Albuquerque Evening Herald, 1914-1922 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. copy Ml IAIj MAKKT. best r""; NKW YOHK. Bent. Par atlver, domestic, unchanged; rnreism tS Copper, nominal; electrolytic spot, r flrptemher and rtowr 1 O1 . Tin etedy; spot and nearby 4B.0O; Iron Irregular; No. 1 northern 15. ou. t&l.OOtTbl.OO: So, I north 141.00. VOI.PMH 11. TBS Tfl DAY IT NUMIlKIt 1(0. ASSOCIATED PKtai.lCWI ALBUQUERQUE, NEW MEXICO, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1920. KIWI BarrtSS H7 OIIATE FOR FIV STATE J ill i.j Mayor of Cork Fi::0 QUOTA LIST CITED BY CQX riOMUlATED Weaker But May MQREQUAKESIfi REPUBLiGAnS Live 4 More Days 1:1 cAOPAisfi fu::d mmz$ V TNI tc mil ft 5E55 0N INIMX, a. Lord Mayor BUT REPUBLIC'S REJECTED IT GOLPLETDG MacHwiney, of Cork, who In Innirw atcd In Hrlxton nrlnun and hss been on hunger strike aine A u Runt 11. av staeciATi gunuhdmr drlvi-- In cltloa?" aakud paamd a very bud nticlit, iinil com- f1f . CHICAGO. Sepl. C'hargea by Senator Iteed. PULL OF IIIGIDEHTS plained sum In In th morning uf cl.i-nea- according a issued Governor Cox that the republican "Yea air," TICKETTODAY to bulletin fixed In- DMC elfdcter-initiatio- n had quntaa and planned early toduy by Cox any the Irish In "Bo if Governor or other league. A physician, who tensive fund raising drive) at you or- - fil cilicfl, man charge had plan for hi Hi least and that the national &1 unden-atate- a'.lendcd in considered in much hod part asaeaatng In eltlea, he simply Larrazolo Within 30 Vptes of Goal, But Hit Home weaker than he wan yesterday, King Visits Ruins and committee a in the didn't he?" mayor wa visited Inst city quota were admitted on- tho Martinez, Strong and The lord Investigating "Yea air." night by Fiithor Patrick M.tcKwtmv. stand before the senate RehRtor Heed attempted to- bring County, San Miguel, Turns From Armijo and a cousin, who Mild hi was surprised Gives Assistance To commit te today by Harry M. Uls.tr. annuitant to W. Upham, republi- out that the docuntrnt wcth which Sargent Named for to lli.d the prisoner so Weill. lit Fred Mr. Illalr displaced form 101, wa not erlnta would can nMlnnal treasurer. Bernalillo Swings Into Line and Puts Jurist Over belief that tho Survivors. Reading; pro intended for that purpose, and asked not come lor three or four day. from a document Cleve- Another Term. by Mr, Iltalr, which, he how Dudley H. Itlossom, of The noon hu lift In Imurd by the duced said. I r waa - land, who test led yesterday. had On the Third Ballot Bursum Leads Winning league nialnd that signs of atrophy of cnt nut in lieu of the much da- o I av tN aaeaeiArsa ctiMed "form 101" Henator Heed able to follow the form the skin hid appeared anil thnt an plan, exactly. If ho had never ace n All doubt M to Judge Merritt n the may or h arm were UOMB, Hnpt. 9. Another vio- brought out that tho treasure of Fight for Mechem. cotiscnucnee fice organ lao intonidve it. ' being massaged and bandaged. lent eurthqiihko occurred in the planned to explained cam- 0. Mechem eligibility for the drive In 64 crtle. three more than Mr. Blair that th been Kmilia district at 2:115 o'clock OUlo governor paign plan wa commonly used for nomination for governor has the mentioned when money hospitals, Y. M. C. By GUTHRIE SMITH thiH mornintr, eauginpf Iokh of liven he rend hi list of 51 at Pittsburgh. drive for cleared away through the prompt no A. buildings and in wur drive and In ni(lit session that was tcuse, dramatiu ami Mini with color- COST OF WARSHIPS damuge. From the sat document Henator hiwT In action of Governor 0. A. Larr- and important Iteed rend that the local chairman that all hi assistant worked ful tho republican stato convention chose Judge Jlerritt In "ac- such activities and knew the general asolo in aooeptlnfr J adge Mechem FLORKN(K. Hni.t, The appointed each city waa to C. Jleeliem, of Hoeorro, as candidate fur (jovernnr. nutntier cept the quota placed upon the city procedure, reeignatim. The governor accept- of dead from TueaMbiy'a rarthquako by Henator Heed read from th The to an- the national treasurer." ed the resignation wen it wu break Mechrin occurred at 1U:!0, when Sec Ilomcro NEEDED III WEST la steadily growlna ea addMlonal a aentenco say.ng a plan nounced that San Miguel desired to change its vote, and trans- Plan of campaign wa appended and aaked tendered this afternoon and an- come In. The latest advice "Hut he never did that to my copy plan. , t He for a of that nounced a a accessor would ferred -9 votes from Armijo to Mechem. While the big awicnihly L. from Flvaxsann bring the total of knowledge," Mr. fllalr Interjected. "Why. that waa form 101." Mr. that delegation was being polled, explaJned that the plun "In his mind aa'd, but later withdrew hia be named at once. The governor marked time as the Uornalillo the dead there up to 433. while In Vlgv was for the stale chairman of the Dlalr Lirranolo ebb One he lacked 1cm Would Reclaim Thou- 124 und 1.000 answer on ihe ground that he had left for B&nta Fe thia afternoon at fortunes reached the tide. minute nattl are dead uhout way and twang committee to ecleot question and de- In e It misunderstood the 3 :3d. He with Attorney Gen- than 30 votes to make him once more the standiird bearer of the re- sands of Acres. Gov. lujunrd. local chairmen iea. who then clared In aplta or th statement left would be by our Mr. I'p-hn- that publican forces and then, almost in the blink of an eye, he went In nearly three- mo re towns and confirmed In the substitute document, no n eral 0. 0. AJcrcn, who has been Cox Says. to ntnko It official and that Mr. plan wa o It, down under the waves of Mechem entlmsiuNin. vlllutfca aertoua damtge waa done and I'P bum ahould pass on to the local attuched one of his steunohest supporters Following the close on Kan Miguel's change of heart. lieruulillo a luiul population uf more than 0 chairman a city quota suggested by Hammers Wltnc. and campaign managers. .MMtatIS ronderrd homeless. the slate head. Hla testimony At Henator Uoed kept up hi fire on swung into line with 91 votes. This addition made 60J votes for 1). Aril-men- ti many finally as- HI'itKNA, Mont.. Hent. HI nor Mir hull, the mln later of point showed that the Idea the whiles and obtained After having rented from Mechem, and the whole audience broke into cheering and yelling. In lrhatf of the Icairuo of which he had In mind were V ejected sent to proposition that the national iigriculture, la vialtlng the outlying by pa- way appointed streimnu labors yentrduy relief to break suspense, which had been high adapted of went hla superior when placed on snd mean committee It was the nt to affair the mountainous district and giving uJI per, which waa tho fate of "form tho mate chairman, then sent paid 'ifteTinon snd last night, the werr pruavntrd t inlay by (.tovnr tension for nearly two hours. There followed the ruHtninarv baud here the aat lstance poihl. 101." worker to aid these chairmen and state convention began wagon stuff, delegation delegation stepping into procession nor Cox, deniooraltc prvitldt'ntltil rati Mr. Ilia produced a copy of that finally by taking money razeed by after the IvT-MH.I- ' at 2 300 IpK.I A DlKTItKT. form and when It waa compared to theao agendo approved their acta. o'clock this afternoon ami was then engaged in a triumphal march. Colfax, Dona Ana dldnte. He outlined what lu that . copy of same He wa if had ground th-a- matoi Int liuni'ftla to ROMK. More 1'ian A00 the the form which asked ntruction out nominations wilh th mwl Riwinrm hnrl f.rffrfitl thnir Hfilifl lleleirHl ions U'hen flip lllironr front wire prai Governor Cox aent com- been hutued slow up berauao of the pdaon peiixhetl In the earthquake had to the to Kpoed end precision of a well d floor and RallorifR hud become no preat that further announcement! n" fom tho un" dim; ater whdeh ahattered eltlea and mittee by Kdmund Moore, hi pen-so- n revelatlona lefore the committee. figured" aald a I repreHeniutive, governor up speed up," maehine. Proceed ing with - vitiligos In KmlHa. north of Florence the "Not to slow but to I'fjutu mil m llt'niu ill iin- fi nn iuiih. mil umi governor, coat of one Tuesday copy wan found to ho Incomplete. An snJd tho witness.
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