The Diocese of Lake Charles lcdiocese.org Vol. 38, No. 12 St. Louis Catholic graduates largest class in history LAKE CHARLES -- Bishop Glen John totaled $2,759,627 and did not include Loui- Provost was the featured speaker at the 2012 siana TOPS funding, which will not be known commencement ceremonies for 178 gradu- in later in June. ates of St. Louis Catholic High School. This Members of the Class of 2012 were Richard was the largest senior class in the history of Nathaniel Alston, Jared Christopher Amiot, the school, according to administrators. Nekko Chenning Andrepont, Sal Michael In his remarks, Bishop Provost told the Ange, Anne-Claire Babineaux, Olivia Nichole graduates, as well as their parents, friends Babineaux, Camille Alexandra Baca, Kayla and the clergy present, that they should con- Nicole Baca, John Michael Baggett, Juliann sider that present that consider that they have Marie Baggett, Onje’le Brook Bailey, Janie free will and have been given the intelligence Ruth Baird, Allison Marie Bartek, Joshua and spiritual gifts to make good choices in James Benoit, Anthony Joseph Bercier, Pat- life. The Bishop advised seniors to build their rick Joseph Bice, Caleb Lee Billedeaux, house on the sound foundation of the body Madison Clare Blackwell, Anne Marie Bono, of Christ. As graduates move on to the next Shelby Lane Borders, Sam Houston Boyer, Ga- phase of their lives, he asked them to keep in brielle Grace Brame, Kara Rae Breaux, Colin mind that when they build their house, they Joseph Broussard, Ava Elizabeth Brown, and should keep God a part of it, or their labor will Sean Michael Byrd. Ellen Carlisle Carleton, be in vain. Bishop Provost reminded gradu- Brittney ReneÇ Celestine, Ariel Lee Chap- ates that God is always with them, and that man, Annie Catherine Charles, Jodi Simone they should be faithful to the principles they Chatters, Harrison Connor Chinn, Samuel have been taught in their Catholic education. Knapp Chol, Carla Paloma Choucino, Christo- He encouraged them to be wise and think pher Michael Cironi, Emily Anne Clark, Mar- twice before they act, considering the conse- lon Joseph Collins II, Nicholas Austin Com- quences of their actions. bre, Aaron O’Neil Conrad, MaryKate Francis Valedictorian Victoria Knollmeyer noted Core, Christopher Paul Darbonne, Brett Aus- in her talk that the class had grown together tin Derouen, Amber Elizabeth Doiron, Chloe’ from their first moments as freshmen four Ellen Dore’, Douglas Ryan Dousay, Benjamin years ago and that the Class of 2012 had Lee Drouilhet, and Garrett Michael Dufrene. Caryn Meschwitz, left, and Timothy Montet, right, are shown with their St. Louis “grown to greatness” and thanked her class- Also, Matthew Connor East, Scarlett Merle Awards along side Bishop Glen John Provost, who presented the awards, and Rev- mates for “growing with me to be the best East, Robert Allen Ehlers, Kelsey Austin El- class we could be.” lender, Shaquesha Britney Evans, Harrison erend Marcus Johnson, Rector of the school, at the 2012 Commencement Exercises. Jonathan Vogel pointed out that the Class David Flynt, Kelli Aline Fontenot, Matthew of 2012 was “either going to be the class of the Alphonse Fontenot, Tiffany Nicole Fontenot, LeBleu, Lance Paul LeBleu, Caitlyn Janae yce Roach, Rachel Joy Robinson, Desir- end of the world or the class to begin a new Jace Ray Foret, Martin Daniel France, An- Lewis, Mercedes Jane Lewis, Ryan Taylor aye Nicole Rosamore, Jordan Christopher cycle – a cycle of new life and begin again to thony Markell Frank, Catherine Claire Fruge, Logan, William Harrison Lorio, and Sarah Saltzman, Adelaide Alice Saucier, Barrett make order out of chaos.” This was in refer- Taylor Andrew Gagneaux, Matthew James Wakeley Lungaro. Collin Savoie, Ryan Louis Savoie, Alden ence to the purported end of the world proc- Gallier, Kelsey Deanna Gaspard, Andrew Also, Logan Paul Maes, Austin Gabriel Ann Schindler, Donald Paul Shetler, Lance lamations made through interpretations of John Gayle, Lindsey MaChelle Gobert, Daniel Mallett, Holden Paul Marceaux, Tanner Al- Michael Shuff, Brianca Fruge’ Sims, Caro- the Mayan calendar. Alonso Godoy-Martinez, Anna Kay Grantham, len Martin, Anna Grace Matz, Margaret Elise line Elaine Solari, Grace Elizabeth Solari, Bishop Provost and Father Marcus John- Logan Joseph Guidry, and Joyce Catherine Matz, London Kelsey Maust, Anna Beth McCo- Mia Louise Sperandeo, Catherine Elizabeth son, the rector of St. Louis, presented the St. Guillory nnaughhay, Katelyn Marie McCoy, Alexandra St. Romain, Jaden Arielle Sterling, Savan- Louis Awards to Timothy Montet and Caryn Also, Luke Michael Habetz, Hannah Lyn- Elizabeth McNeely, Caryn Emily Meschwitz, nah Marie Stevens, Hunter Drake Stidham, Meschwitz. The St. Louis Award goes to a nae Harless, Austin Louis Hebert, Catelyn Elizabeth Mae Miller, Remy Daniel Miller, Christopher Glenn Stout, Anthony Joseph male and female senior student voted as the Racquel Henry, Daniel Patrick Henry, Hunter III, Lauren Elizabeth Montelaro, Timothy Syon, Leon Charles Theriot, Amelia Claire outstanding Christian student at the school by Allen Hodgkins, Maximilian Huber, Jacob Scott Montet, Joshua Graham Nickel, Alexis Thibodeaux, Hunter Gage Thibodeaux, Cole their peers and approved by members of the Matthew Hughes, Jacob Ryan Hughes, Haley Lashawn Nixon, Madison Olivia Nixon, Da- faculty. Marie Hutchins, Jacob Mark Ieyoub, Shaun vid Kurt Odenheimer, John Patrick O`Dowd, Michael Thomas, Mary Margaret Thompson, The awards, made possible the Lake Michael Ieyoub, Dallas Dayle Jagneaux, Mat- Hannah Alexis Oertling, Kirby Alexander Lex Alan Townsley, Thomas Douglas Towns- Charles Serra Club, are presented to students thew Payne Jester, William Craig Jones, Ben- Oertling, Chaz Michael Oubre, Alexander ley, Truc-Linh Tran Truong, Margaret Julia who have shown the following characteris- jamin Joseph Kaspar, Victoria Rose Knoll- Bonham Owen, Jordan Chance Palmer, Nina Tuminello, Joseph MichaelVanchiere, Kailey tics: Love of God and Neighbor, Strong Moral meyer, Joseph Dawson Koenig, Audrey Rene Zoe Perzo, Andrew Genin Pharr, Ali Renee Sue Venable, Cameron Joseph Victorian, Aus- Character, Desire to Serve Community, Cour- Kolde, Jacob Zachery Kraft, Catherine Lou- Piatt, Adrianne Michelle Poe, Christopher tin Paul Vidrine, Jonathan Peter Vogel, Mark age to Stand up for Christian Principles, a ise Laborde, Lauren Elizabeth LaFleur, Mary Taylor Portie, and Laura Len Pousson. Ryan Walter, Lakeyn Kristine Ward, Rachel Daily Christian Lifestyle, and Proper Use of Alexandra LaFosse, Blake Paul Lamendola, Also, Frederick Dupre Rau, Nicholas Elizabeth Wieschhaus, Denzel Marquise Wil- God-Given gifts. Randi Alexandra Landry, Savannah Pearl Abraham Reeves, Dayrun Antoinette Ride- liams, Tanner Jennings Wise, and Frank Allan Scholarship awards to the Class of 2012 Landry, Kristen Claire LeBato Amy Elizabeth aux, William Rhett Riquelmy, Brooke Al- Wood, Jr. Can you hear the voice of the Good Shepherd? LAKE CHARLES – Sun- activities and cooking. sheep will hear my voice,” day, April 29, was Good Shep- “The most consistently Father Long said. “The key herd Sunday, but it was also reported fact about the or- to following Christ in becom- World Day of Prayer for Voca- dinands though was that 71 ing a priest lies in the ability tions and Bishop Glen John percent had been altar serv- to recognize the shepherd’s Provost was the celebrant of ers,” Father Long said. “The voice.” a morning Mass in the Cathe- survey also reported that less Many voices are vying for dral of the Immaculate Con- than 10 percent had been in- the attention of youth. How Vocation coordinators from the parishes of the Diocese of Lake Charles attended Mass ception. At the conclusion fluenced by advertisement is it possible to distinguish or vocations awareness pro- on World Day of Prayer for Vocations in the Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception. of Mass, the Bishop blessed Christ’s voice from the oth- grams while over 70 percent At the conclusion of the liturgy, Bishop Glen John Provost blessed candles that the candles given to Vocation Co- ers? ordinators from the parishes had a regular practice of coordinators brought back to their faith communities to aid in the effort to pray for “They must learn His voice of the Diocese to bring back Praying the Rosary and Eu- more vocations to the priesthood and the religious life for the Diocese. to their faith communities so charistic Adoration.” by spending time with Him,” that the parishioners could He pointed out that this Father Long said. “In silence, pray for an increase in voca- should not come as a surprise in prayer and in reading tions. because the priesthood is a Scripture.” Blessed John Paul II Exhibit will The winners of the annual supernatural vocation, mean- Father Long noted that ev- Vocation Drawing Contest ing God creates the desire by eryone must do all they can were present and received His grace, not by one’s own to help cultivate in the young their awards from Bishop choosing. the possibility of a priestly open in February in New Orleans Provost before the final bless- “God does this often as a vocation by praying – praying ing. First place went to Sarah response to our prayers and in a particular way. NEW ORLEANS -- A mu- The Lubbock, Texas-based has previously served as the Miller, a parishioner of St. he does this in the silence of “You must pray for your seum exhibit on the legacy of National Exhibits Associa- general director of the Vati- Theresa of the Child Jesus the heart,” Father Long con- child’s vocation and you must Catholic Church in Carlyss. Blessed John Paul II will be- tion is running the exhibit can Museum. tinued. “Becoming a priest is prayer for yourselves to cre- Miller’s drawing was repro- gin its tour of United States tour under the leadership Many close advisors of the not like becoming a banker, a ate a culture of prayer that is at New Orleans’ Notre Dame of Father Malcolm Neyland, late pontiff have contributed duced on a prayer card dis- lawyer, or a doctor.
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