
'INTERCOLONIAL LA REGION CANADIEHr!E ISSUE TAMR NUMERO 6 CANADIAN REGION decembre 1982/janvier 198J December 1982/January 1983 Happy Holidays Joyeux Noel ( d~ c embre 1982/janvier 19d j - - -------------- ---·-- -- ---- - December l~b~/Ja~uary lYb J SEC?ETARY/TR EAS UR ER ' S REPORT RAPPO?T DU SECRETAIRE/TRESORIER FINAN CES : ( as of Dec . 3, 1982 ) Income : Balance on hand 2 . 1 6 Dues 17.32 TOTAL 1 9.48 Expenses : Intercoloni a l 27.46 Pri nting 7 . 49 Postage 7 . 50 'rOTAL 42.45 FINAN CES : ( j usqu ' a le 3 dee . , 1 982) Revenu : Balance 2 . 16 Co t i sations 17 . 32 TOTAL 19. 48 Depenses : Intercolonial 27 . 46 impression 7.49 postes 7. 50 TOTAL 42.45 BALANCE ,.------- 2).50 -------------------. MEM BER SH IP : 5 members SOCIETARIAT : 5 membres LA REGION CANAD fENNE TAMr~/ AAf•iF' Our deht may appear ala rmin ~ but CANADTAN hEGTOi~ we should not panic yet . ~any - of th costs reflected in th0se fi gur es are EDI'I'OB AND REl'RESEN'I'ATIVE : actually costs involved in s et~ in g up Don Lej tch the Rc~ion ' s o r ~anization e . g . 1 n1 ~ 0 Foi-(}!J t; Drj_ 11' mcmhership cards . These figures also Sarni:' , On t~~rio r eflec some of the debts of the i!/T ?!I!~ previous administration, wh ich this administration had to pay. It is my EDJ'11 EUJ\ l'..T REl'HESEN'l'i\ll r : belief that the Canadian Region will Don Lei tel: be operating at or near the " Break 1A40 , prom . ForPst even" point a t this same time next Sarnia (Ontario) y ear , 1983. N?T ?HA I must admit that I am disappointed in the low number of members that we DU ES have attracted , but there a r e ~alid tlJ.. 00/year in Canada reasons for the poor response . $J,75 (U . S Funds )/ y0ar in U. S . Canadian TAMR mem bers have bee. $ 6 . 00/year in Commonwealth Nations disheartened before when previous (othe r than Canada) attempts to re - oreanize the Region $6. 50/year Overseas - failed, This time , we mu st prove that we can succ eed before they put thei r CO TISATIONS faith in t he Canadian Reg ion aga in. L~$/ anne e au Canada As well , the recess i on has cut the J.75$ (E .-U.)/ annee aux E. - U. number of dollars we have to spend , 6$/annee dans les i'lations de so now we must think twic e before Commonwealth (excepte le Canada) spending . All t hese reasons are G. 50/annee d ' outre-mer justi fiabl e , but wi th a cood 1983 , we shoul d qu ickly s t art to a ttrac t n ew Deadline for next i s sue : member s to the TAMR and the Canadian Da ~e limite p our le numer o proc hai r • Re g i on. December J , 1982 , - Don Lei t ch J decembr e , 1 982 . ---- ---- ---- ~ d e8embre 1982/janvier 1983 J December 1982/January 198J NARROW GAUGE ATLANTIC - STYLE : CN ' s Newfoundl and Divi sion by Don Lei tch Over the l ast c oupl e of yea r s, several a r t icl es on the White Pass and Yukon Railway have been pri nted i n the rail fan press but l ittl e mention has been made of Canada ' s other major narr ow gauge railway , Canadian National's Newfoundl and Di vision. The Newfoundland Di vision began its history i n 1881 as the Newfoundland Rail way when the government of the Briti sh col ony iss ued the line a charter. Ho wever , it was not until 1897 that the first train made the trans- insular trip from St. John ' s to Channel - Port- aux- Basques , Nfld. (a distance of 875 km). In 1949 , upon the admission of Newfoundl and into Confederation as Canada ' s tenth province , the Newfoundl and Rail way became part of the Canadian National system. CN Marine ' s ferry service is the principal transportation link for freight cars and automobiles with the mainland . The eight-hour trip between North Sydney , Nova Scotia and Channel-Port- aux- Basques can be an interesting experience for those who r.ave n ever been on one of these large ferries. Railfans getting off the ship in Channel-Port-aux- Basques should take note of CN ' s trans - shipment area. Here , standard gauge cars are mounted on J foot 6 inch trucks for the trip across the island. After leaving Channel-Port-aux-Basques , the railfan in his car will have a relatively easy time following trains on the island as the tracks are parallel to the Trans - Canada Highway for much of the route . The only disappointment for the rail fan visiting the province is the l ack of passenger train service , instead CN operates a bus service . Newfoundland has been without passenger train service for several years now , --5'-:incc th d-em:ise of th famous "Ncw-fi-e {-mlle-t", However, this disadvantage is outweighed by the advantages of interesting equipment , operations and people on this quaint b ut modern narrow gauge railway . As for the future , railfans can look forward to many years of narrow gauge railroading in Newfoundland as Cana ian National doe s not feel the need to convert the island ' s rail lines to standard gauge nor do they believe that it would be economically feasibl e . So , go ahead and make your plans to visit Newfoundland . CN ' s Newfoundland Division awaits your discovery. Newfoundland tourist information is available from: Ministry of Tourism Newfoundland and Labrador St. John's , Newfoundland __,,) ,,.:, I ( / QUEBEC / / NEWFOUNDLAND / /, ,,;; I J:e ct•Anticosti / NEWFOUNDLAND --, ,....----~~T~hd Fall s .,.,,... ' -; - \\ ,_/ Trans-Canada . ' I Highway Channel- // · St. John ' s CN Nfl d. P ort - aux - Basque~~- ~ ·~ .; Division _, 'tlffo rth Sydney NOVA SC O'rI A __ _?ecembre 1982/janvier 195J December 1982/January 19d3 ·Flashes * En bref - send any railway relatgd news clippings or other information · for "F lashes" to the Edi tor. The White Pass and Yu kon Railway shut down for t he winter on Oct. 8 , 1982 . The shutdown is a result of a loss of customers o Two large mines, United Kenya Mines Ltd, and Cyprus Anvil, have s hut down for the winter s eason, This marks the first time since the Klondi ke Gold Ru s h of 1898 that no c0mmerc i al mining will be done in the Yukon during t he wintero Containerized freight will b e shipped from Vancouver to Haines , Alaska. It will then be shipped by truck over the Alaska Highway to points in Alaska and the Yukon. Service will resume on May 1 , 1983, The White Pass and Yukon will again run passenger excursions this summer. The White Pass and Yukon Railway has ordered four new locomotives from Bombardier Inc. of Montreal. The 1200 h.p. DL5J5Es will be numbered 111-114. Co nrail has agreed to sell its Canadian assets to Canadian National and Canadian Pacific. Assets include the Canada Southern Railway ; the international bridge at Niagara Palls , Ont .; the international tunnel at Windr;or , Ont. and a branchline to Beauharnois , Que, At the time of printinF , specific details were not available . The Province of Saskatchewan and Via Rail Canada will spend $10 million to renovate Regina ' s Union Station. The station will be converted to a joint rail and bus depot . The station presently serves the " Canadian" and the "\rtJinnipep;-Rerc;ina- Saska toon" tr2in . Cal~ary real estate agent Jim Fetterly is hoping to ~et the Provinc0 of Alb rta to buy his proposal to start a daily , winte r-season train from Banff, Alberta to Calgary. Canadian Pacific would be willing to rent the " rail space" to the province if the provinc was interested. The Alberta Ministry of Touri sm liked the idea but suggested that it would be politically unpopul ar because Via Rai l recently cut rail service to the province 's other ski resort , Jasper . Fetterly ' s " Ro cky Mountain Special" would cost $500 000 to get started. The Thurso Railway of Thurso , Qu6bec has purchased another used GE 70 -ton diesel unit, this time from Georgia . The Thurso Rwy . will be scrapping its GE 25 - ton unit #6 .. The Thurso Rwy . presently owns ' three other GE 70 -ton uni ts. Canadian National has t aken delivery of JOO new woodchip g ondola cars. The cars were built i n CN' s Transcona shops in ~'Jinnipeg. The 200 cubic metre g ons will suppl ement the chi p car fleet in thE St. Lawrence Regiono Canadian National has converted 11 0 of its 91 -tonne hoppers to sel f -­ steering h oppers by replacing the traditional trucks with the new self-steering trucks. The new des i gr, results in JO% less W8 a r on the Nheel and r ail . CN plans on using these hoppers on its line to Prince ~upert , British Columbia. ~dece.rnbre 1982/janvier 1983 5 December 1982/January 1983 ~- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the hot line ~· sur le fil Le nouveau constitution de la Region Canadi enne presentera aux membres au mois de fevri er. Si vous avez des suggestions, envoyez-le s a mot, s'il vous plaft. J e vous souhaite un joyeux Noel et une bonne et heur euse annee. The n ew constitution for the Canadian Region will be presented to the membership in February for voting . However , I would welcome any sugg e stions that you may have on our proposed constitution.
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