May 19, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H3583 The bipartisan legislation we are considering Sec. 302. Establishment of Institutes. ‘‘(3) build community engagement through today will strengthen our nation’s economic Sec. 303. Activities of Institutes. involvement in sports; and Sec. 304. Authorization of appropriations. competitiveness by helping to create an envi- ‘‘(4) promote the extraordinary gifts and TITLE I—REAUTHORIZATION OF SPECIAL contributions of people with intellectual dis- ronment that encourages innovation and facili- OLYMPICS ACT abilities. tates growth. Among other things, the bill SEC. 101. REAUTHORIZATION. ‘‘SEC. 3. ASSISTANCE FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS. makes critical investments in, and improve- Sections 2 through 5 of the Special Olym- ‘‘(a) EDUCATION ACTIVITIES.—The Secretary ments to, the Manufacturing Extension Part- pics Sport and Empowerment Act of 2004 (42 of Education may award grants to, or enter nership, which will help this vital program bet- U.S.C. 15001 note) are amended to read as fol- into contracts or cooperative agreements ter address the needs of our nation’s small- lows: with, Special Olympics to carry out each of and medium-sized manufacturers. The bill will ‘‘SEC. 2. FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. the following: ‘‘(a) FINDINGS.—Congress finds the fol- ‘‘(1) Activities to promote the expansion of also help ensure that students have the train- Special Olympics, including activities to in- ing necessary to secure a good-paying job in lowing: ‘‘(1) Special Olympics celebrates the possi- crease the full participation of people with their community by requiring MEP centers to bilities of a world where everybody matters, intellectual disabilities in athletics, sports inform local and regional community colleges everybody counts, and every person contrib- and recreation, and other inclusive school of the skills needed by area manufacturers. utes. and community activities with non-disabled America COMPETES also focuses the Na- ‘‘(2) The Government and the people of the people. tional Institute of Standards and Technology United States recognize the dignity and ‘‘(2) The design and implementation of on creating jobs, supporting competitiveness, value the giftedness of children and adults Special Olympics education programs, in- cluding character education and volunteer and meeting the needs of our nation’s private with intellectual disabilities. ‘‘(3) The Government and the people of the programs that support the purposes of this sector. United States recognize that children and Act, that can be integrated into classroom America COMPETES is the cornerstone of adults with intellectual disabilities experi- instruction and are consistent with academic our nation’s global competitiveness, and to- ence significant health disparities, including content standards. day’s reauthorization bill represents another lack of access to primary care services and ‘‘(b) INTERNATIONAL ACTIVITIES.—The Sec- critical step in implementing the innovation difficulties in accessing community-based retary of State, acting through the Assistant agenda. I ask my colleagues to join me in prevention and treatment programs for Secretary of State for Educational and Cul- chronic diseases. tural Affairs, may award grants to, or enter supporting this important legislation. into contracts or cooperative agreements Mr. GORDON of Tennessee. I yield ‘‘(4) The Government and the people of the United States are determined to end the iso- with, Special Olympics to carry out each of back the balance of my time. the following: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The lation and stigmatization of people with in- tellectual disabilities, and to ensure that ‘‘(1) Activities to increase the participa- question is on the motion offered by such people are assured of equal opportuni- tion of people with intellectual disabilities the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. ties for community participation, access to in Special Olympics outside of the United GORDON) that the House suspend the appropriate health care, and inclusive edu- States. rules and pass the bill, H.R. 5325. cation, and to experience life in a non- ‘‘(2) Activities to improve the awareness The question was taken. discriminatory manner. outside of the United States of the abilities The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the ‘‘(5) For more than 40 years, Special Olym- and unique contributions that people with opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being pics has encouraged skill development, shar- intellectual disabilities can make to society. ing, courage, and confidence through year- ‘‘(c) HEALTHY ATHLETES.— in the affirmative, the ayes have it. ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary of Health Mr. HALL of Texas. Mr. Speaker, on round sports training and athletic competi- tion for children and adults with intellectual and Human Services may award grants to, or that I demand the yeas and nays. disabilities. enter into contracts or cooperative agree- The yeas and nays were ordered. ‘‘(6) Special Olympics provides year-round ments with, Special Olympics for the imple- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- sports training and competitive opportuni- mentation of on-site health assessments, ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the ties to more than 3,000,000 athletes with in- screening for health problems, health edu- Chair’s prior announcement, further tellectual disabilities in 26 sports and plans cation, community-based prevention, data proceedings on this motion will be to expand the benefits of participation collection, and referrals to direct health care postponed. through sport to hundreds of thousands of services. people with intellectual disabilities within ‘‘(2) COORDINATION.—Activities under para- f the United States and worldwide over the graph (1) shall be coordinated with appro- EUNICE KENNEDY SHRIVER ACT next 5 years. priate health care entities, including private ‘‘(7) Research shows that participation in health care providers, entities carrying out Ms. FUDGE. Mr. Speaker, I move to activities involving both people with intel- local, State, Federal, or international pro- suspend the rules and pass the bill lectual disabilities and nondisabled people grams, and the Department of Health and (H.R. 5220) to reauthorize the Special results in more positive support for inclusion Human Services, as applicable. Olympics Sport and Empowerment Act in society, including in schools. ‘‘(d) LIMITATION.—Amounts appropriated to of 2004, to provide assistance to Best ‘‘(8) Special Olympics has demonstrated its carry out this section shall not be used for Buddies to support the expansion and ability to provide a major positive effect on direct treatment of diseases, medical condi- tions, or mental health conditions. Nothing development of mentoring programs, the quality of life of people with intellectual disabilities, improving their health and in the preceding sentence shall be construed and for other purposes, as amended. physical well-being, building their con- to limit the use of non-Federal funds by Spe- The Clerk read the title of the bill. fidence and self-esteem, and giving them a cial Olympics. The text of the bill is as follows: voice to become active and productive mem- ‘‘SEC. 4. APPLICATION AND ANNUAL REPORT. H.R. 5220 bers of their communities. ‘‘(a) APPLICATION.— Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘(9) In society as a whole, Special Olym- ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—To be considered for a resentatives of the United States of America in pics has become a vehicle and platform for grant, contract, or cooperative agreement Congress assembled, reducing prejudice, improving public health, under subsection (a), (b), or (c) of section 3, SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. promoting inclusion efforts in schools and Special Olympics shall submit an application (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as communities, and encouraging society to at such time, in such manner, and con- the ‘‘Eunice Kennedy Shriver Act’’. value the contributions of all members. taining such information as the Secretary of (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- ‘‘(10) The Government of the United States Education, Secretary of State, or Secretary tents for this Act is as follows: enthusiastically supports the Special Olym- of Health and Human Services, as applicable, Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. pics movement, recognizes its importance in may require. ‘‘(2) CONTENT.—At a minimum, an applica- TITLE I—REAUTHORIZATION OF SPECIAL improving the lives of people with intellec- tion under this subsection shall contain each OLYMPICS ACT tual disabilities, and recognizes Special Olympics as a valued and important compo- of the following: Sec. 101. Reauthorization. nent of the global community. ‘‘(A) ACTIVITIES.—A description of specific TITLE II—BEST BUDDIES ‘‘(b) PURPOSE.—The purposes of this Act activities to be carried out with the grant, Sec. 201. Findings and purpose. are to— contract, or cooperative agreement. Sec. 202. Assistance for Best Buddies. ‘‘(1) provide support to Special Olympics to ‘‘(B) MEASURABLE GOALS.—A description of Sec. 203. Application and annual report. increase athlete participation in, and public specific measurable annual benchmarks, Sec. 204. Authorization of appropriations. awareness about, the Special Olympics long-term goals and objectives, and out- TITLE III—ESTABLISHMENT OF EUNICE movement, including efforts to promote comes to be achieved through specified ac- KENNEDY SHRIVER INSTITUTES FOR broader community inclusion; tivities carried out with the grant, contract, SPORT AND SOCIAL IMPACT ‘‘(2) dispel negative stereotypes
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