46 THE SENTINEL -- - _ . oft c (Concluded from page 41) (Continued from page 6) 6 6 6 u $ 6 6 K ^^ $ more difficult to get in these hard began, and the placing of so many times." thousand new volumes was made pos- And Yankel walked on faster, till sible only by the removal of duplicates, suddenly he took it into his head to useless volumes of no value, and by gaze back and see if the world looked using every available corner. TIRES so dark behind as it looked in front. There is at present no possible place No, it did not. A few yards behind for the placing of new books, if a ONE DOLLAR him there was a patch of light against larger building be not immediately the hedge. What might it be? Any- procured, or the present building en- TIRE SALE body could have told him that it was larged. Buy one tire at the regular low a little streak of moonlight that had price list and we will give you The question of funds was also an additional guaranteed tire struggled down through a fissure in precarious. The budget of the library for $1.00. Popular brand tires the wrack over head. A minute later is £112.50 monthly for salaries (five with written guarantee. Yankel looked around again. It was employees-including the directing li- still there, just as close behind, or a brarian; one assistant worker, one Cord, 10,000 Miles closer! The rift was shifting. S} Fabric, 6,000 Miles little janitor) plus another £12.50 for cur- "What makes you look around like rent expenses.- This latter sum was Sja The most sensational tire bar- that?" asked Yenta. mostly used for paying the high rates C gains are offered at our Annual "Nothing. I thought-" And then 3 > I Dollar Sale, which will last two demanded for the transportation of C , weeks only. Come early and get Yankel was silent, and glanced back books from Jaffa to Jerusalem. There our stock. the pick of again. There it was, only it looked are no funds available for binding and different now, and it was- beginning buying books. This of course is greatly S | Regular Price List of SALE PRICE to take shape; it resembled-what did detrimental to the preservation of the SONE TIRE TWO TIRES it resemble? Yankel set his teeth books. The question of buying and C Size Fabric Cord Fabric. Cord firmly to bite his fear dead between fixing shelves with no funds at hand, - I30xI3 $10.70 $14.70 $11.70 $15.70 them. Then he turned round once 31x4 16.90 21.90 17.90 22.90 is also acute. 32x4 more, and this time he found out what 3 3 19.99 23.90 20.90 24.90 With the work of reorganizing the x4 20.90 24.90 21.90 25.90 it was. 3 8 x4/ 21.90 25.90 22.90 26.90 "She is coming behind us," he library in June, 1920, began also pro- 85x4/ 29.90 38.90 30.90 ,39.90 whispered, breaking into a run. paganda work for supporters abroad. "Who-what is?" asked Yenta,, The support given by interested work- Tubes, all sizes......$1.25 quivering. ers in America, England, Germany, "She with a white face. Come, let Holland and Italy has already been Open Evenings and Sunday us run; we can run faster than she. mentioned. In Switzerland a commit- She could never catch us when she tee, the Pro-Bibliothical Judaica was BEDFORD TIRE CO. wanted to give us a beating." founded which has just now com- 3 STORES And so they ran on, with beating menced its activities. Committees breasts and flying breath. And when were also formed in Austria, Czecho- 2101 S. MICHIGAN AVIENUE they had run across half the world, as Slovakia, France, Portugal and Spain. it seemed to them, Yankel looked Through the activities of these com- 802 W. JACKSON AND 5414 BROADWAY again across his shoulder and a sob of mittees several small gifts of books Phone Orders Call Calumet 0253 or Hay market 2969 terror broke from his lips. were sent to the library. The library "She is still following," he gasped. has now about 120 newspapers and $ $ $ $$ $ S$' $ $ magazines from abroad. The number _ $ L- $ --I "She is close behind. She wants to - catch me and drag me back to say the of volumes catalogued is now about 'Mourner's Sanctification' for her fifty thousand. The management had * I I IIpc~~~-- ~ lgaa every morning and afternoon. Faster, to ask its supporters to collect not only Yenta, faster." books but also funds. This appeal was He gripped .her hand harder and unfortunately unanswered. Quality Flowers whirled her along with him, until sud- Valuable moral support has been denly there was a squeaking, sucking given to the library by the Palestinian AT POPULAR PRICES noise under their feet, and the ground government through its education became soft and spongy. department of its recognition of the Flowers Telegraphed all over U. S. and Canada within "The swamp-the swamp," whisp- library as an institution of "academic two hours ered Yenta. value." "Is it the swamp?" cried Yankel, ex- BOHANNON ultantly. "Then we shall escape her, after all; she can not follow us there MOVE TO EJECT JEWISH RESI- FLORAL CO. or she will get drowned." DENTS OF WISOKA. He looked around; the white face Telephones Randolph 1799-6696 75 E. Monroe St., Monroe Bldg. had got tired of looking for them. Warsaw (J. T. A.)-Eighty Jewish * They must be approaching near it; families numbering a few hundred - the ground was getting softer and soft- souls have been ordered to quit their er; and squelched and squeaked. Al- homes at Wisoka, near Zamozhki at ready the waters were playing about the expiration of the hundred year their ankles; they would be safe soon. lease. Fearing a recrudescence of the A Modern Home for Your Car And suddenly a great watery abyss recent Zwerzyniez affair, where sev- seemed to open before them; some- eral hundred people were given an body was gripping them by the feet, hour to settle their affairs, the Wisoka dragging them down, down, down- Jews have made several vain attempts The Edwards Garage and then the placid surface closed up to stay the ejection order. The mat- again, and looked innocent, as if noth- now in the hands of the Lublin WARREN W. EDWARDS CO. ing had happened. ter is And so Yankel and Yenta found a district court, where it is being vigor- A Better Class Garage for Autoists Who Care ously pressed by Rechtsanwalt Sakow- father that night-the same who had ski. The decision of the court is ex- bidden the moon paint the white face pected shortly. In the meantime, it 3731-3739 BROADWAY Phone Graceland 900.4 on the bramble hedge.-(The Ark.) is pointed out that the Count on whose estates the Jews have been living for Nature Does Nothing in Vain a century, a. professed liberal, has The Cynic-If you girls have to made no reply to the many appeals of hide your ears, what's the good of his tenants. having ears? The Flapper-Why, if we had no PINSK JEWS HARASSED BY ears, where would we hang our ear- MISSIONARIES. FENTON MUSIC COMPANY rings? Warsaw (J. C. B.)-Evangelical Hyde Park Shop Phone Sunnyside 4131 missionaries at Pinsk, erecting a home North Side Shop Kosher .Delicatessen for homeless refugees, are bent' on 1523-25 East 53d Street 4736-38 N. Racine Ave. NOW OPEN at Lake Park Avenue securing the site of several Jewish Broadway at Lawrence houses, reports say. Unable to obtain Telephone Fairfax 300 'Phone Edgewater 7600 ARCADIA FOOD SHOP the owners' permission, the mission- 4424 Broadway aries are attempting to intimidate the Your own We will gladly call and estimate on re- (At Montrose Avenue) Jewish tenants into leaving their pair work for any make phonograph Yours for homes. Workmen are said to have 'Neighborhood A Full Line of Fancy Groceries, We duplicate any Victrola offer made Courtesy and Domestic Delica- commenced digging on the Jews' prem- Imported ises, causing considerable damage to Shop by any VICTOR dealer in the city and Service Meats cies. Also Home Cooked the property. and Home-Made Bakery Goods Fresh Daily. Our Motto: "QUALITY, PRICES A vicar in Glasgow, having adver- tised for an organist, received the fol- DUST COVERS, SEAT COVERS, SIDE CURTAINS, RADIATOR COVERS, AUTO TOPS AND SERVICE" Phone Calumet 0865 Orders Delivered lowing reply: "Dear sir--I noticed If Your Car Needs Painting Call arid Get Estimate Will be pleased to have you give you have a vacancy for an organist us a visit and music-teacher, either lady or gen- SAMUELS & HIRSH tleman. Having been both for several Automobile Painting and Trimming 2431-41 Calumet Avenue N. DROSDOFF, Prop. years I beg to offer you my services." -Kind Words..
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