SOUTH ORANGE, MAP] 1 FOR SPRING C.W UOX. A t a m e e tin g h eld On T a w ta r nlKbc it tte dice of WtlUam ~A. Manda, Third street, plans m re laid tor the coming campaign, and a com­ mittee formed. Village President, Roy Clarke, was elected president of the organisation aad Charles R. Piper waa named treasurer.: A secretary was not ap­ pointed. Valentine J.'j Bill was chosen campaign manager. Attend­ ance at the meeting was slim. - A nominating committee, com­ posed of Mr, piper. Charles H. In- gersoll, Abraham Ball. Daniel Decker and Lawrence Corbett, was appointed: On motion of village Trustee George P. Seymour, Jr.. the committee will send a circular letter to voters re­ questing suggestions aa. to candi­ dates. Another meeting will be held Tuesday night. April t . w h en th e committee will report oa candidates. Ur. Seymour, John K. Torrens. Frederick Helmlinger. Captain George F. Seymour, Sr.. George Val- lin and Trustee Edmund K. Hixson were chosen as a finance committee. The following: were named aa leaders In their respective districts: John C. Bewley. David McCullough, Dr. W. W. Heberton. Mr. Helmlinger. Jor­ dan Morgan, Mr. Hixson. Joseph Graves, William H. McGowan, Joseph P. McGlnity, Alexander Beatrice and Sam Magilaro. WYOMING RED CROSS SOCIETY. The regnlar monthly meeting ot the Wyoming auxiliary of the Amer- , lean Red Cross met at the home ot i Mrs. M. R. Schenck. on Cedar street, to work tor hospital units. The meeting lasted from I A. if. io I Washington. D. i C-. during the past !NEW HOME TO BE is. of Millburn ave- week, has returned to his home, ERECTED IN MAPLEWOOD. P. M. Forty ladies were present and ly to spend a tew The live cent lunches which are W. S. Macintosh, contractor and much work was accomplished. being served st tbe Washington builder,1 is erecting a how house on thaws, who hhs been School at Millburn, by the Neighbor- property recently purchased on NEW JERSEY SUFFRAGISTS Khter, Mrs. Russell hood Association, have been ln opera- Walton road. It will be occrfpied aa PROVE PATRIOTISM. street, has returned tion for nine weeks.' In that time his home. Mr. Macintosh is asso­ ciated with A. V. and L.. V. Oakes. The New Jersey Woman Suffrage ‘hlladelphla. 1,683 lunches have been served. The t the Missionary So- lunches consist ot soup, cocoa, hash. Maplewood's oldest real estate firm. Association, in offering the services Baptist Church will beans and macaroni, with bread and They have many plans for the erec­ of Its organization to| the State In | lursday, and will ba butter. tion of new homes ln South Orange case ot war. proves conclusively that he Cradle RoU De- Supervising Principal Charles B. row m hip e n d Vic n iry. I V o e eOniing the suffragists are patriots ftrst. To Dyke and Rev. James W. 'Van Ingen to Maplewood. Mr. Macintosh erected meet the possible demand, all local d Hand Society, of will represent the township at the something like 140 houses ln West eh, met yesterday at supervising principals’ meeting, to be branches throughout tho State 4f*1 Joseph Rem bach, ot held next Thursday night, March SB, Orange, and has bees engaged in bus­ busily engaged In enrolling members at the Newark Normal School, iness for more than twelve yesrs. for relief work. An enthusiastic ma­ monthly meetings of A miscellaneous surprise was given His work should speak for itself. jority has volunteered, and In order rtment of the Fire night at ijhe home of School to mobilise efficiently the resources i be held tha ttrst Commissioner Marshall and Mra. t the month Instead Marshall tn honor of Miss Ethyl ot the organisation tho Executive Taylor. Of III Runyon street. Board ot the Association has elab­ (J,**. •*?“ Newark, f formerly ef Millburn. orated the form of enrollment blank *nt‘c, fl? ?"* ,.ir, Miss Taylor W ill be married Monday town at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Chureh. sePhail has accepted Nowmrk. to Mr, Carl Schwarts, of aaffenr for Mr. and ... ._. r. of Old Short Hills. Nowjxk. - Millburn, Sprfesgftsld, Union aad tlton, a driver, who X*’ s mule belonging to M »e«ai to Asbury park. Bonnet, ot Spring- _ .............. ' j ~ ecly.' Me «m work- OFFKRI21> l U w h o . th e — — ■ T O W . O. HOME GUARD. , w-7.".-_T .~7-.7w. Tho W est Orange Home Guard haa m s ~*tTTrlT-» by Dr r»c*,T*d “ » •* « ■» aeroplane Is. sad was later able from Harry B. Mingle, o t L lew elly n home. Tuk. tha Onard will hold drills on m ill, o f m thi ft itfMtti on tit polo froaodi m a basfasas trip u> | of tbs Eaaax Connty Country Club. A dignified house like Worth ba* ] ot* emphasis upon sharply tailored j For Good & Cabinet Work Jttrta to be worn w ith Separate blouses | and topped by Jacket* that are shorter j iouth Orange andjVicinity, Telephone than any we have worn for two y e a r s .1 EDWIN WIC1 These jackets are n o t fitted to the fig- ! ■ VIOl Schlesinger & Son ore, but are a compromise between a I c*pe and a coat. 30 COTTAGE STRE1 nlah you with Estimate*. (Workmanship Worth uses a great deal o f serge, a n d also gaberdine and the new kind o f NEWARK STUDIO: Satisfaction Guaranteed, New Features Which French Au­ lephona- So. Orange 1064 or call on alpaca which France has been exploit­ thorities Are Introducing ing for two year* with little success in America. H e a lso u se s a very thin In This Country. j voile and several kinds o f Chinese pon- : gees under their various names, such 20 V alley :St. S O U T H ORANGE as shantung and tusssh. HIGH WAISTLINE IS FAVORED Worth never goes in for an eccentric KING SALES COMPANY silhouette, but this season he has thrown in his lot with those who are Pew Coat 8ults Have Seen InventacL making narrow skirts. He has pro- ! 445 MAIN STREET The Auto Paris, Thie Work Being Left tV dnced the peg-top skirt, as we are be­ SOUTH OSANGK Americans—Round D ecolletagel ginning to call it over here. EAST ORANGE for Evening Qowna. Tbe American buyers are doubtfhl Wnjt C. Jutiemahn, Pres. concerning the fullness that is put Into the waistline of this skirt to make ' i\ k ' a t j r a B l N There are some dressmakers ^ ) L still holding out that they w ill the barrel effect at tbe hips; the older duce the width of the hems American woman does not care for a JTTLE SHOP T H E C O R N E R or suits, but hm’t It rathex^^^H jp thick, bulky waistline, so our shops 4 hold out agaiast a Paris over here are working on the idea of Repair Shop No. 22 VALLEY STREET, SOUTH ORANGE has been accepted by th^^^^^B^o eliminating the plaits which are used Diy Tel. 808— Night Tel. 946 buyers? • ( jnow at the waist belt and are thinking Naturally a change in the ijput a gpheme of substituting yokes and of the skirt ia a drastic thin£^^|^^HL< PPl^ying the fullness to the lower edge ICommercial Bodies Parts and Accessories not be lightly regarded by dr«g^^H o f them. ers, tailors or the public. It l ^ R The High Waistline. garment that fashion takes jdK K t Jenny, Doeulllet, Worth and several Le Master Institute 1118 SSSS^ J ’t 001 serious somersaults. The wro^p cu* Of their colleagues have introduced the KING SALES COMPANY of a skirt pots one more completely ihlgli waistline into afternoon and eve­ out of the fashion picture than ontk ning frocks. This is almost as seri­ Thu sch>ol 'maint iins a hissh p >sit» *i» in the esteena of the business community, m e 6 0 4 0 likes. Even the stoic and the phtfosJ ous a change in the silhouette as the ] whicn oonceedea its authority in matters of accounting and husiaess procedure. pher among women cannot success­ narrowing of the skirt hem. If one j I t euj >y a ivpitarioj * fo r integrity lor fair dealing, anj a prestige rarely attained fully stand this test. I t a woman can­ ia adopted, the other must be, for the by an instituti of this kind. not buy a new skirt cut according to low, medieval waistline, which is at J KKGUi.AK COUtWh) - the new pattern, she will cook up some the hips, connected with a melon- j Secretarial Shortkuid Commercial Normal schem e in the sew ing room by wj&ltli shaped skirt, is too ugly to think about. \ an old skirt can be let out or Whenever a skirt has been full be- j Write j Call or ’Phone for Catalogue Hi The voice of the prophet was liftfM klo w the hips and narrow at the ankles, j early in the winter, foretelling the ' It*, (It has been hlgh-waisted. This waist- CHARLES A. LE MASTER, President coming of narrow skirts in the early ■lihe has been obtained in many ways; ELMORE TEA ROOM spring, but few listened. The ffrin som etim es the material is cut to fit a makers shrugged their shoulders, th e d eep inner belt and corded or bound AND GIFT SHOP ready-to-wear manufacturers kept on t o it s upper edge; again, it ia plaited in making skirts with four and five yards sm all groups at sides and back.
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