" " Minutes of the 5th Meeting of the Steering Committee of the State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority, I-Iaryana (State CAMPA, Haryana) held on 03.06.2013 at 11.00 AM under the Chairpersonship of the Sh. P.K. Chaudhery, lAS, Chief Secrctary, Governmcnt of Hal'yana in the Committee Room of the Chief Secretary, Civil Sccretadat, Chandigarh The 51h Meeting of the Steering Committee of the State Compensatory Afforestation Fund Management and Planning Authority, Haryana (State CAMPA, I-Iaryana) held on 03.06.2013 at 11.00 AM under the Chairpersonship of the Sh. P.K. Chaudhery, lAS, Chier Secretary, Government of Haryana. Following committee . members attended the meeting:­ I. Sh. Ramendra Jakhu, lAS, Addl. Chief Secretary and Financial Commissioner to Governinent of Haryana, Forest D,epartment 2. Sh. Sanjeev Kaushal, lAS, Principal Secretary to Government of Haryana, Financial Planning Department 3. Sh. A.I(. Goyal, IFS, Addl. Principal ChicI' Conservator of Forests, Government of India, Ministry of Environment and Forests, Northern Regional Office, Chandigarh 4. Smt. (Dr.) Arnarinder Kaur, 1175, Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Wildlife, Haryana 5. Dr. D. I-Iembram, IFS, Conservator of'Fqrests, Forest Conservation, Haryana 6. S11. C.R. .Jotriwal, IrS, Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, I-Iaryana and Member Secretary, Steering Committee State CAMPA, I-Iaryana Sh. R.I<.. Sapra, 1175, Addl. Principal Chief Conservator of Forests, Forestry, Haryana attended the meeting as special invitee. Following agenda items were discussed in theI~ecting and decisions takcn:- Agcndal: Revicw of the physical and /Inandal progrcss of activities undertakcn during 2012-13 ..' The Member Secretary presented the progress of activities uncJertaken during 20/2-/3 which were approved by the Steering Committee in its fourth meeting held uncler the Chairmanship of the Chief Secretary, I-1aryana on 4.9.2012. He informed that out of Rs. 1766.77 lacs approved by the Committee ('or the year, an expenditure of Rs. /478.52 lacs has been incurred 011 val:iolls activities relating to management and conservation of ('orests ancl wildlife till 31.03.2013. The delails of physical and financial progr,ess till 31.03.2013 were as follows:­ 1. -Activities Unit Approved by Steering Progress till- Committee 31.03.2013 -Physical Financial Physical Financial target target (Rs. in (Rs. in lacs) lacs) Compensatory No. o~ 440552 525.74 439495 I 490.10 afforestation plants Research and tree 74.50 8.30 improvement Assisted natural Ba. 120 22.41 105 15.83 regeneration Plantation of tall plants I RKM I 350 152.72 364 140.65 in linear forests I I Plantation on ridges in IRI(M I900 I326.78 I~-I 320.51 I linear forests ----------- I f-- II I ...j PlaI1tation of native Ea. 20 46.59 20 39.02 species in Saraswati forests, Kaithal 7. Treatment 0C Sukhna 100 ha. 102.00 100 ha. 1102:00 catchment plantation and and other other soil activiti conservatio es n activities 8. 1-[~~-(T---~cci~I:;:;~;tion---by-rH~-1. -1"850' 1165.44 -------1"850 -1159.91 I plantation 9~---r Linear tree-groo~es ,----- RI(M 200 75.:45 206 72.85 r ---Urban ~v~'~lI;---- RKM_IOO==~68.5_0 ----==-_ 23.13 10. Trainilig 32.00 • 1.66 -~-------_._~---- -----~-~ .. -_._-----~~-,- ~--_._- II. Protection of forests 65.00 58.34 .- -- ~,~--------._-_.~_._-------­ 12. Construction ofbuilciingNo. 4 57.00 18.05 for frontline staff 'I 3-:-T Soil-- an~I---;~10ist~ll·e--I------I--------125.00 --·-I----~I 24.50 conservation 14. I Maintenance of fire 25.00, 25 OO lines ' -------~------ --- ------ 15. Installation of tube wells No.' 6 15.00 5 12.50 ---1---------_·16., Conservation __·_-----------_and .._--------_..,---------_133.19 .._--------.. 127.39d -I , ~~~~~g:~~~~~l~:·2~v~:ife______ .__ ,,_. ,,~ ~"" ~ " 'e 'I 2 (, The Chief Secretary pointed out that progress in some activities namely research and tree improvement, urban fore~try, training and construction of buildings for frontline staff was not up to the satisfactory level. The issue of urban forestry was discussed in detail. The. Additional CS, Forests suggested to formulate plan and execute city plantation in consultation with Deputy Commissioners and concerned local authbrities in order to make the programme successful. The Member Secretary informed that the progress with relation to this component is less because barbed wire fencing in most cases is yet to done. The Committee expressed concern on protection of these plantations in absence of fencing. The Memb~r Secretary assured the Comniittee that fencing will be completed as early as possible. The progress in relation to other activities was found to be satisfactory by the Committee. Agenda 2: Post/acto approval of few activities undertaken during 2012-13 The Member Secretary presented few activities for post facto approval of the Steering Committee. The details of these adivities were as follows: (i) Renovation of part of Van llhawan, Sector 6 Panchkula An expenditure of Rs. 25.80 has been incurred for renovation of buildings {} in Van Bhawan. The amount has been disbursed from the interest accruea from the fixed deposits in the bank. The National CAMPA Advisory Council in its 3~d mceting held on 24.6.2010, decided that infrastructure at the Headquarter lever could be developed by using money accrued as interest on the FDs of tlle·State CAMPA a.ccount. .(ii) Additional compensatory afforestation Additional compensatory afforestation had to bc carried out in some divisions. This occurred due to change in CA programme. A sum of Rs. 35.13 Jacs was spent for this additional plantation. The cxpenditure has bccn met with the fund approved by the Steering Committee in its fourth meeting. (iii) Additional plantation An additional target of 10 RKM in l:idge plantation and 20 RKM in tall plants was to be· achieved in FatehabaCi division. A sum of Rs. 10.42 Jacs was spent on these activities. The expenditure has been met with contingency money. (iv) Conservation and management of wildlik The Steering Committee in its fourth meeting approved construction of \ . earthen dam in Tibrian KI101 of Kalesa!; wildlife sanctuary with cost of Rs. 17.00 lac~. Instead or these activities, crate wire structure and bund in Sir Sikargah ,and silt detention dam in Khol Hi Raitan wildlife sanctuary have been constructed. No additional expenditure was involved for these activities; only activities and sites have be0n changed The Steering Committee accorded postfacto approval to above activities. 3 Annual Plan of Operation for.2013-14 . ~ The Member Secretary presented an Annual Plan of Operation for 2013-14 with an outlay of Rs. 1800.26 lacs. This included an APO of Rs. 672.38 lacs for compensatory afforestation, Rs. 1092.58 lacs for net present value and Rs. 35.30 lacs for contingency. Agenda 3.1: Annual Plan of Operation for Compensatory Afforestation (CA) According to the Forest (Conservation) Act, 1980, compensatory afforestation is one of the most i)nportant conditions stipulated by the Central Government while approving proposals for diversion of forest land for non-forestry purposes. A comprehensive schenie for CA is formulated and submitted to the Central Government for approval. CA is done over equiValent area of non-forest land or it is raised over degraded forest land twice i.n extent of the forest area diverted in respect of proposals of landowning agencies of the State Government and proposals of Central Government/Central Government Undertakings. ' The Member Secretary proposed that about 514585 saplings will be planted under {[ CA during 2013-14. Plantations will be raised in two models namely (i) plantation of tall plants and (i i) plantation on ridges in strip forests. The proposed CA target is 904.5 RKM for tall plants and 576.91 RKM for ridge plantation. Plantation will be carried out in CA sites approved by the Central GovernrnenL The cost of plantation will be Rs.545.85 Jacs. In addition, maintenance of plantations raised during last three years will be carried out for which about Rs. 126.53 lacs will be spent. Thus, total cost of compensatory afforestatiOn during 2013-14 will beRs. 672,38 lacs. The Additional. Chief Secretary, Forests ancl Additional PCCF, Gal, MoEF, Northern Regional Office pointed out that the targets for compensatory afforestation proposed to be allotted to the divisions of Central Circle are relatively on a higher side in comparison to the divisions in other circles. In addiJion, Additional PCCF, Gal, MoEF, Northern Regional Office .informed the committee that some CA plantations in Ambala ~\l1d Gurgaon divisions which were inspected byllim rcqulre improvcment in terms of surv;~1 rate and fencing for pl'otcctiol1 of plan talions. .,. (\ The Mcmber Secretary informcd the committee that propqsed CA targets have been worked out on the basis of the approvccl FCA cases for which compensatory afforestation has not yet been clone. In Central Circle, compensatory afforestation is pending for many approved FCA cases ancl therefore proposed targets for these divisions are rd.atively high. The Chief Secretary pointed out two important issucs with rclation to compensatory afforestation. First, plantatiotls raised along highways/roads are often ~ I._destrOyed due to widening of ro;ds. TI~lerefore, there should be long term planning fbI' ~~ ~ compensatoryeountel'~al'ts afforestation to avoid damage of plantations. DFOs should consult with ">"'-"" \ their PWD to identiiy highways/roads whieh will not be widened in the Future . ~ r ~) t~ 1<' ((&uX'c-s, .j ~r 1fl~~"y c0 4 to ~j,'~~~ V- f'-. ~ f\7 (+fce%-(s and then formulate compensatory afforestation scheme accordingly for approval of the . Government of India. Second, exotic species like 'eucalyptus should be avoided in 10::;. compensatory afforestation and this species may strictly be planted in rarest occasions such as In water logged areas.
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