Revelation and Science Vol. 02, No.02 (1434H/2012) 109-114 Great Muslim Physician and Islamic Jurist: A Portrait of Ibn Al-Nafis Mohd. Shuhaimi Ishak1* and Sohirin Mohammad Solihin2 1Department of General Studies 2Department of Qur’an and Sunnah Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge, IIUM Abstract The aim of this paper is to examine the life and works of Ibn al-Nafis, and to assess his contributions to the fields of medicine and Islamic jurisprudence. The paper sheds light on his background (including his extensive study of medicine) and his scholarly writings on both medicine and Islamic jurisprudence, with emphasis on the theoretical frameworks he developed for the two disciplines. As he was a man of ideas and a prolific writer, the study also traces the opinions others had of him to determine his intellectual impact on his contemporaries and those who came after. Finally, the paper assesses and discusses the validity and value of his medical theories and his views on Islamic jurisprudence, to explain why they have won him the admiration of his fellow Muslim scholars. Keynotes: Ibn al-Nafis, contribution, contemporaries, medicine, and Islamic jurisprudence Abstrak Kajian ini bertujuan untuk mendedahkan sumbangan dan hasil penulisan Ibn al-Nafis dalam bidang perubatan dan perundangan Islam. Pandangan lain semasa berkenaan dengan kerangka teori beliau yang menyentuh aspek kedua-dua disiplin juga dikemukakan. Selain itu, latar belakang sejarah dan kajian perubatannya yang meluas juga dikupas serta melihat pendapat orang lain terhadapnya sebagai seorang yang memiliki banyak idea dan penulis yang prolifik. Kajian ini juga menumpu kepada kesahihan teori perubatan dan pandangan perundangan Islam beliau yang dikagumi oleh rakan-rakan yang sezaman dengannya. Kata kunci : Ibn al-Nafis, sumbangan, sezaman, perubatan, perundangan Islam Introduction called as Abu al-Hasan. Certain source says that his The scholar under study is one of the great Muslim name is written with the word kha instead of Ía. Then, physicians that immensely contributed to the field of it becomes AbË al-Kharm instead of AbË al-×azm. medicine and Islamic jurisprudence. Apparently, the Another source mentions that his name is ÑAlÊ al- system of education then was integrated between Jarm with the beginning of letter jim which indicates religious and worldly knowledge which, at the end, the name of certain Arab tribe. While the word al- produced scientists who were knowledgeable in two QureishÊ is more likely that he belonged to the tribe of major aspects of discipline. The contribution of Ibn al- Qureshite.i NafÊs in the field of medicine was acknowledged both Born in Damascus in 607 Hijriyyah and died in 11 of by the Western and Eastern scholars and even his Dhu al-QaÑwdah in Cairo, in 787 Hijriyyah (18 theory of medicine became major parts of their study. December 1288) at the age of 80 years.ii During that To know more details about him the study traces the time, Damascus was under the reign of Sayf al-DÊn origin and educational background of Ibn Nafis. since 595 H/1199M. He was widely known as sulÏÉn Though there are number of opinion about his exact al-ÑÉdil (just leader). He went to Cairo and lived name, however, the most accurate one is ÑAlÉ al-DÊn there until the end of his life.iii AbË al-ÑAlÉ ÑAlÊ b. AbÊ al-×azm al-QurashÊ al- DimishqÊ al-MaÎrÊ. In certain source it is written as The views of contemporaries on Ibn al-Nafis AbË al-×asan instead of AbË al-ÑAlÉ. However, a The intellectual and scholarship of Ibn al-Nafis grew German orientalist, Meyerhof, is very much doubtful in Damascus, which was regarded, during his lifetime, on the authenticity of his name on the ground that he as the center of excellence in medical knowledge did not get any progeny, which was impossible to be where Ayubid rulers focused priority of development on science and medicine. The city was characterized *Corresponding author: Mohd Suhaimi Ishak with peace and tranquility when other parts of the Department of General Studies world experienced heavy conflict for their own Kulliyyah of Islamic Revealed Knowledge, International interests. Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), Gombak NËr al-DÊn Muhammad ibn Zinky took initiative to E-mail: [email protected] establish a library which stored diversity of discipline. Great Muslim Physician and Islamic Jurist: A Portrait of Ibn Al-Nafis/Ishak M.S He also established medical center, which was later of medicine (madrasah li al-Ïib). Eventually, his known as Nasiri hospital (al-mustashfÉ al-nÉÎirÊ). In loyalists established the school of medicine under the fact, according to historical records, the initial name name of al-DakhwÉriyyah school. It existed for a long was bimaristan from Persian word. Bimar means period, and many leading physicians disseminated sickness, and sitan is house or place. In later stage it their thought and knowledge in that school. That became a specialist hospital that cured brain-related medical institution was sponsored financially by Badr illness. That hospital played an important role in the al-DÊn al-Muzaffar b. QÉdÊ BaÑlak in which, at the progress of medical science in Damascus where Ibn al- end, expanded the building with more facilities and NafÊs was intellectually nurtured.iv Many physicians, gave the name as al-NurÊ hospital in 637H/1239M).x especially from Bagdad, were attracted to offer their In Damascus, Ibn al-NafÊs also learnt medical services in that hospital and most of them studied science from an Israelite physician, ÑImrÉn al-IsrÉilÊ medicine under the guidance of prominent Christian (born in 561H/1165M) who came from medical family physician, AmÊn al-Dawlah Ibn TilmÊz al-BagdÉdÊ background, his father was also a physician trained by (d.559H/1164M). They brought most valuable Sheikh RiÌÉ al-DÊn al-RahbÊ. He gave medication to scholarly works on medicine such as al-QÉnËn fÊ al- members of royal family, AbË Bakr bin AyyËb and Ùib (Canon of Medicine) by Ibn SÊnÉ which became also King NaÎr b. al-MÉlik al-MuÑÐam. When he got the main reference in the hands of scholars such as ill, ÑImrÉn al-IsrÉilÊ exerted his efforts restless until Fakhr al-DÊn al-MardÊnÊ, Ibn NiqÉsh, Ibn al- he got recovered from the illness. This, later, made the MaÏrÉn and RiÌÉ al-DÊn al-RahbÊ (d. 630H/1233M).v king to grant him a big salary. Even the king asked One of the most favorite students under the tutorial him to reside in his house to be a part of the royal guidance of AmÊn al-Dawlah Ibn TilmÊz al-BagdÉdÊ family but he declined.xi was Muhadhab al-DÊn ÑAbd al-RaÍÊm ÑAlÊ known ÑImrÉn al-IsrÉilÊ also devoted his medical expertise as al-DakhwÉr (d.628H/1230M). Al-DakhwÉr’s in al-NËrÊ hospital and became the main assistant of specialization was on eye deceases and worked at al- al-DakhwÉr in which both ÑÑUÎaibah and Ibn al- NËrÊ hospital. Later in 607H/1210M) he was NafÊs were also under his guidance to undergo appointed by SulÏÉn Sayf al-DÊn as a chief of medical training. ÑImrÉn trained them effectively and physicians in Syria and Egypt; Ibn al-NafÊs learnt Ibn AbÊ ÑÑUÎaibah was highly impressed, he said, under his tutorial guidance.vi In the inception, Ibn “We got eye witness where ÑImrÉn demonstrated Nafis focused his study on eye decease which was kindness in giving treating to all patients.”xii apparently attempted to follow the footstep of his Those physicians were teachers of Ibn al-NafÊs in teacher to become eye specialist. The fact that Damascus. They demonstrated meticulous medical indicated his interest on eye decease can be seen with training to their students through diagnosing patients the first book that he wrote under the title of al- based on the symptom of the deceases.xiii Ibn al-NafÊs Muhadhab fÊ al-Kuhl al-Mujarrab and MiftÉh al- was trained in a scientific environment. Both teachers ShifÉ fÊ al-ÑAyn.vii and students engaged in clinical discussion to come The work and advance achievement of Ibn al-NafÊs out with original findings to give proper treatment to in study of medicine, are described in the following patients. His teachers in the field of medicine kept on statement; urging him to involve in both practical and theoretical Within men of wisdom, he is the most knowledgeable study before he was delegated by high authority of person. With regard to the ascertainment of the law, he Ayyubid dynasty to Egypt along with his comrades is the most prolific writer, and in all branches of such as ÑAbd al-LaÏÊf al-Muhandis, YËsuf al-SibnÊ medical discipline, he is equal with the main tree and Ibn AbÊ ÑÑUÎaibah.xiv which spring out the light. In the West, he is equal to Aristotle.viii Ibn al-NafÊs in Egypt While his colleague, Ibn AbÊ ÑUÎaibah said, He departed Damascus for Cairo to continue his Ibn al-NafÊs (rahimahullah) was the only man of his medical service. It was not clear why he left contemporary, uniqueness of his century (farÊd Damascus, but may likely be due to socio-political dahrihi), and the most knowledgeable person of his situation, which was very volatile. So, he chose Cairo time. He mastered all branches of medical sciences the right place. Whatever the circumstance, because he and excelled his contemporaries. He was highly was successful in his medical career he received respected by all kings and got appreciation and big admiration and sympathy of MamlËk ZÉhir Baybars, amount of wealth incomparable with other physicians. who appointed him as the chief physicians.xv When he He was appointed as chief of physicians throughout arrived in Cairo he worked at al-NÉÎirÊ hospital which Syria and Egypt.ix was founded by ØalÉh al-DÊn in 1171.
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