Ward Sutherland Councillor, Ward 1 Historic City Hall P.O. Box 2100, Stn M, #8001A www.calgary.ca/ward1 T (403) 268-2430 Ward 1 Newsletter Volume 1, Issue 3 M a r c h 2 0 1 5 Special points Outcome of the Proposed Access from of interest: Crowchild Trail NW into Rocky Ridge/Royal Oak Shaganappi Pedes- trian Bridge Up- date new access from Crowchild der to reduce traffic conges- Haskayne Area Trail. Both councillors tion on Country Hills Boule- Structure Plan stressed at the time, that vard and to address con- Bowfort Road/ the proposal was just that cerns about truck traffic, TransCanada – a suggestion put forward The City of Calgary is in ne- Interchange for consideration. gotiations with the Province Roads Update– to develop several alternate 2015 Winter At the open house resi- truck route options to by- dents were given the op- pass the intersection at portunity to provide feed- Country Hills Boulevard and In light of the design proposal back, which was used in 85 Street. cost and community feedback, part to determine whether Inside this The City of Calgary has the project should pro- Councillor Sutherland is ex- i s s u e : decided not to proceed with the ceed. Residents were con- tremely pleased that the right-in only access from cerned that the congestion Province has come to the Engagement 2 Team Crowchild Trail. the feeling in and truck traffic problems table with this option. He my heart that I get when I’m existing on Country Hills believes that the re-routing Tuscany LRT 3 Boulevard would not be of truck traffic will provide With the closure of Rocky alleviated by the proposal. the best solution to the cur- Bowness Skat- 4 Ridge Road at Crowchild The residents closest to rent safety concerns that ing Party Trail, the communities of the proposed access road exist on Country Hills Boule- Bowfort Road 5 Rocky Ridge and Royal Oak voiced concern regarding vard and will reduce the Interchange asked for The City of Cal- increased noise, traffic and traffic congestion that the gary to provide an alterna- speeding, a reduction in access into Rocky Ridge Roads Update 6 tive access to the commu- their property values, as was meant to address. nities. well as the cost of the ac- Councillor Sutherland would Seniors Corner 6 cess road. On October 15, 2014, The like to thank Councillor City of Calgary and city In light of the design pro- Magliocca for his initiation Community 7 councillors Ward Suther- posal cost and community and negotiation of the extra Photos land and Joe Magliocca feedback, The City of Cal- truck route, which was in- sought feedback from gary has decided not to strumental in seeking an Ward 1 and Ward 2 resi- proceed with the ―right-in alternative solution for all dents as to whether or not only‖ access from Crow- parties. the communities wanted a child Trail. However, in or- Go online to view Ward 1‘s Newsletter http://www.calgary.ca/councillors/ward-1/Pages/ P a g e 2 Last call for volunteers to apply for Councillor Sutherland’s Engagement Committee Councillor Sutherland would Receive information and up- Interested applicants will be like to create an Engagement dates on upcoming events and sent the information of the time Committee composed of a di- initiatives, appropriately a maxi- and location of the meet and verse group of residents in mum once or twice per month; greet. At this time, the venue Ward 1 to provide him with and date is yet to be deter- Provide your valuable input on feedback on a variety of mu- mined. a variety of topics. nicipal issues. Please note Invitations will be sent out to that equal representation from Information collected through the prospective committee mem- all backgrounds is desired. To Engagement Committee will be bers to attend an informal meet- name a few: seniors; parents used as one form of input for ing. Due to a limited number of with young families; single par- Councillor Sutherland‘s decision- spots, successful candidates will ents; and/or those on a fixed making on topical issues. be contacted via telephone after or low income. Please send a note of your inter- the meeting. As a member of the Civic Com- est, as well as your name, tele- Thank you for your interest and mittee, you can expect to: phone number, email and resi- desire to make Ward 1 an even dential address to communica- better place to live! Participate in surveys, ap- tions and research analyst Chris- proximately a maximum of tine Louie at [email protected] once or twice per month via email or telephone; Shaganappi Pedestrian Bridge Update Originally, The City of Calgary planned to close rary closure of Shaganappi Trail will be postponed. Shaganappi Trail in January 2015 to lift the steel Lifting the bridge span will be postponed until March, span of the bridge. However, this was postponed date to be determined. While the postponement af- because the steel structure did not fit onto the fects the initial proposed lane closures, it does not pillars as expected. impact the scheduled opening timeline of spring 2015. The contractor and consultant confirmed that The City is working with consultants and contractors there were two steel crossbeams that conflicted to solve these challenges. The budget pro- with the pre-constructed bridge ramps. As a re- ject remains at $5.9 million. Stakeholders will be not sult, there will be modifications required in order ified when the new lift date is scheduled, potentially to ensure a correct fit to secure the installation. in March, 2015. Until this work is completed, the second tempo- Volume 1, Issue 3 P a g e 3 Report on the Tuscany LRT Station public will invited to the launch Please note that 80% of people event for this piece. For more in- in the area must sign the peti- formation, please view the public tion. After the restriction is imple- art page. mented, each residence will get The Automated Public Toilet, lo- two permits. cated in the Rocky Ridge Park and Enforcement of the parking re- Ride lot, has been painted by local striction is done by the Calgary artist, Roman L‘Abbee, with his Parking Authority. If there are is- three-sided mural titled sues with parking after the re- ‗Flotsam‘. Pictures are available striction is in place residents on the project web page will take should contact them at 403-537- place in 2015. 7100 or email at cpaenforce- [email protected] The Community Cultural Develop- ment will engage the community Construction in a yet-to be determined art pro- Landscaping and finishing work ject. Three community members at Tuscany station will be com- Tuscany Station – Passenger Counts have participated on the jury se- pleted this spring. While there lection for the artist for this pro- Passenger counts show that the Tus- are some repairs for concrete ject. Engagement will take place cany CTrain Station serves approxi- work, any work conducted will in 2015. mately 11, 000 weekday customers. not impact stations users. This figure exceeded the planning Kudos—Park and Ride Use estimate of 9,000 weekday custom- ers. Of particular note was the high Calgary Parking Authority ana- percentage of customers who walk, lyzed the percentages of cars cycle or who are dropped off at the registered to residents of Tus- station. Thirty-six percent of custom- cany, Rocky Ridge and Royal Oak ers take the bus, 26% were dropped and found that 88% of the total off, 10% park and ride, 25% walk parking is from local communi- and 3% cycle. A survey of 620 re- ties, indicating community cut spondents showed that 10% of cus- Residential Parking by the LRT through is at best, minimal. tomers were new transit users who Residential parking restriction Kudos to Calgary Transit‘s team: previously used a car to commute. zones have been established for Neil McKendrick; Doug Morgan; The statistics taken from the survey the areas around the station. Abdou Souraya; Minh Huynh; and is based on passenger counts con- Anyone interested in restricting Christopher Gusa for their in- ducted in mid-September 2014. parking needs to call 311 to ask house strategy. Thanks to Rocky for a petition. 311 will mail out the Ridge and Tuscany‘s CA presi- Art Update petition and residents can then dents, Pamela Davis and Kelli choose restrictions on hours, Bill Pechet‘s sculpture ―Roger That‖, Taylor for their contribution to the days, and times. will be installed in June 2015 and success of the park and ride at Tuscany Station. P a g e 4 Go online to view Ward 1‘s Newsletter http://www.calgary.ca/councillors/ward-1/Pages/Newsletter.aspx Skating Party Success— Reopening of Bowness Park It was heartwarming to see the ness Park in order to protect the hundreds of people who came vulnerable stage of grass growth. out on February 7th, 2015, to However, by doing so, the park is celebrate the reopening of now open, instead of the pro- Bowness Park. Bowness Park is jected year of 2016. one of the oldest parks in Cal- The City of Calgary and the Bow- gary, and skating at the lagoon ness Community Association did is a long tradition for thousands an amazing job hosting the skat- of people. ing party. Thank you to everyone Since the 2013 flood, it has who waited so patiently for the been a long struggle to reno- park to reopen. vate the park. Last year, The City had to make a difficult de- Photo Credit: STS, 2015 cision to completely close Bow- Ward Sutherland Haskayne Area Structure Plan South Bearspaw Area Structure Plan (ASP) was re- named Haskayne Area Structure Plan due to the his- tory of the site and the many contributions made by long time area residents, the Haskayne Family.
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