AJID R.EIIIND YOUt To Get Behlnd the Student Coa~t­ The Glenville Mercury dl'.a Pioneer Week Prolr"UII and Booat, Booa\o. Boaat. Official Weekly Student Publicati~n of Glenville State Teachers College Lyceum Chairman SECOND SEMESTER Best Looking ,COLLEGE TO GIVE A. L COTI1DJ. JITNEY PLAYERS TO BEGIN JAN. 31 TFJJ.S snJDENTS WILL BE HERE ON Four New Counea Will Be RADIO PROGRAM Offered; Advance Enroll· FEB. 2 ment U.Proa-reaa FRIDAY, FEB. II OFTRIPTO\mT WEDN~DAY·' Ethel Barrymore Colt to Ap­ Dun f.. Laban Whit.e announ~H Special Feature Will Be Heu.1 pear in Auditorium For tit. is semester "'''ill close Wednesday, Over Radio StatioD Second Time An. 28, at I o'clock and- the second WBLK itmuter will begin Monday, Jan. 31, MR. WHITING IN ·CHARGE :h c::«!s::~o;~e~~:b. i."" PRES. ROHRBOUGH SPEAKS c.;.,.._,. to Ciwe r-1----. Eighty-twc.. subj~ts •ill be ~trer· BDf:• ia Aft....._ ad ... here. the ser:ond semeetu; four of -~~~ MO.t Oltea ia CJaarae thie:h hne nc:>t bee-n offerH pre. ., ..............b 4loasly. 'Mie new subjHt.a are: Art Ethel Barrymore Colt, prin- e·plastic de&ign, two houniJ: Eng- Glenville State Teaehen cess of the theater's royal fam- 324 • the high school ne~paper, Colle.sre will broadcast over ily, and D ouglass Rowland hours; French 308• spo k ~n the West Virlinia network will appear Wednesday , Feb. J'rench, tw~ h.oun, ~nd _sociology tram WBLK, Clarklburg, !Feb- 2, in the College• auditorium, IO~ IJ)ro'r.lt:JN of the famaly, three ruary 11 , for thirty minuta Mr. Huater Whiting, abov~, it when the Jitney Playen of loun. beginning at S p. m., an:noa.. chairman of the Artiata' Couru New York City, who gave 'AdY8nce r~~stra t aon for the aec.- Mi¥ Josephine Riffee, above, of ces Dean H. L. Wh.ite, who b• ~ommittee, wboae eft'orta will Sheridan's "The Rivals" here oad Mntester wall be made t~day and Weston, recently •as voted the been appointed chairman of a 19 bring the J itDey Players here on last year, will return to cfvc tmnorro~, Jan. 111 and • m, Room bNt looking girl in tbe ' aenior committee to arrange a pro- February 2. matinee and evening perform-~- 01 • or In the oftk:e of the registrar. dus. Pictures of other winners gram. Pres. E. G. RohrbouP. ------ auces. 6U students now enro~ed are aaked in the student senior-raeulty elec· at a faculty meeting the paA The Players have cut Bouci- 1;0 register. le.avJag. Fees need will appear in :'uture issues of Tues day, named the com.mi&- MISS G. C. JAMES befor~ 31 t.iot~ cault's -· victorian comedy of aot: be- ·~td unt.al_ Ji!on:day.,. Jan. · this paper. tee, w hich in addition to Deaa TO STUDY INN. Y. manners "Lond on AB&urance,l' wh><h ~n"' ...,_bon doy fo• White, includes Miss Bertha to forty-five minutes a nd will ••• '"'"'""" · COUNCIL AGREES E. Olsen, instructor in millie. COLLEGE FRESHMAN SETS aence to Do Semester'• ~h~e !J:!e ape~= e•r~~"J. :. ON PIONEER WEEK ~~'ft.!~ ~·::~~~h.Robertlloa. Huelwood's "Lady Audlef"s Senet"' RECORD FOR TRA·VEUNG Tentati'le plans of the eollliDlU.. Work at Columbia -an old.fa.shion.ed thriller whieh lk WHILE IN HIGH SCHOOL Plana For Collece'a Fint Pro- caU for a t\ve minute speeeb .,. Playen are using aa a succee.or to ..-am of Thi:a KiDcl Out- Pre1. Rohrbough on "The P~ tranled to the West Cout Miss Goldie Clare James, instru~~ t.heir melodrama, "Munter In the By travelinc twice the distanoe lillled I..t Nia'ht and Character of the Collep," a :: :~:!. t~~tt~lt:~s!~edft7! ~:.i: ~::v:i:l;~.!:::~:~~h~ ~o~: Old Red lhm." In the eveoing, the around the world, Wayne Williams Glenville's Studen Council lbt ~~==:~f .m::~~d~~ f~ : Ida usembl:r addrea. "'fhst Vlrcinia lege next aeme~ter to attend Colum· ~~;r;;: :::m::ese~!y~~~~;l :m::~.~ ~~e D~:~~=~~~ se~o: n:~~t~uder::o;~ night outlined plans the Col. matlca supervised by Miu Roberteoa. II. oftllv•"'... all, not a b~d ;lace in which ~:wu;~r~rs:':~u~h;e:=~s :~ go t.o Miss Colt and M.r. Rowland, w'ho during ~i s four years of high school. lege's fi rst Pion~r We_: k-.a pro· D.. n White will do tbe an t~ounc~. .. were weU received lut year as Mr. Williams traveled 70 miles a gram designed to carry the aims This is one of a series of t~- ~~~~~!'~:.=·:::;;;,:;:•:nte er!7oy:~di:o~~ ~~~tTuV::~ey~IIT:: ~7:ac~::. :~1 '~!o~u:;':t~ i:Y ~:: !:·ufi:&Y=:~ fo~ fo:;e~~a~~i~:iii :~d ~:::;:s ;:e!~e ~i:~:!on ~~;~ =~e3 ,;_o~~; ~~se:!~'!c:ch o~ 1 come wert and a 10uthern roote !';:::e~r .:: :'~~ ;~~=wi~~ ::e:~~~ Lo,·e, Charles Atkino Gret.cben 50.400 milu which is more than ::~:l:.,at~d t~:e;:~rli~sa~:~:i-~~/~~: sta~~adcut.s ~heduled are: ...... ~~~=a= ;!.:rf:k =~ ti:tu~ members: Dr. 1 C. L. Underwood, g:;:::· .~:n::;; ~~rr::: Thomas "i~e :~e r!i:~~::~n;;n:i::e ;;;~~: !ering four years of higher educa- shaU College, January 21, WeBS; joanaey. Witb him on the trip the John R. Wagner and A. F. Rohr· ~r. Williams only missed four days. tion. Morris Harvey College, Janua.TJ' Zl. put &UJIUDer were Mrs. CottrUJ, Mn. bough. BIS:HOP WELCH TO H•ving submitted the plsn to IWCHS; Davis and Elkins Collep. Maey Belmic a sister and Mr and Mis$ J a91~ announce~ that her EXAMINATIONS BEGIN JAN. 20 Pre.s. E. G. Rohrbough and havinJr February 18, WBLK; Wut Vi.,.mia 4 !;'d~~g~J.nplke, his tt0n-i~-law ~~~:~u _:JUa::t!~~ed :a:~n~ol~~ BE HERE JAN. 2 ~e;:;e:0~!:r?~ot;d~re~::ina~un::~ ~~~=~~~tyBr!'::;::~oll~~e, w:.~ Jlr CottriU wa1 impressed partie· health and zooloCY. In the lield of ReYiYal Serftcea iD Proc-reu Te tt.a!:!~.:e;~:~o :•p .c::~: on rangements for setting the necessary 4, WBLK; West. VirJinia Wellepa 1 alu•!_~tb ::h::ed a:.e:tic~:e':~ ~~te;e:'=~~;b;!!, ;;_ ;kre:ennd_~; at Methodist Episcopal machinery in motion. • College, March 11, WBLK; New&;... A 8 .;:u_ivtrsity of j~... wi*" its awonftd the filtrable V1n1s, whieb Church Th~=~Y:::i;~~i::~ c:!~nu!e~~ First, the Council, by secret b&l· ~:i:::t c;~::e, =! • WCE~: farm used largely far er'-' e&lll8l me&$1\L - ~ A union ruival..ia...i~ ~ k 1'{Aadll~ay, Jan. 26. announces ~e;'~:te:ls;;x!:;ni::i:!o =~ :.~ Much 25, WBLK; Salem CoU.... perimental pur,poaes, especially in _While In New York ~iu James the Methodist Eplseopal ChUMh, Dean H. Laban White. 0 J.O> A11ril I WBLK· Kanawha Co~ t1ae uouiag of plants. In Lewiston, :t!e.at~y at the lnternat•o_nal J:~ous_e, where services are held eal'h evening The schedule is as follows: dur.ing the week which is >:et to be April 8,' WCHS( Greenbrier eon.ce ldaJio. he vbited his son and daugh- w h 18 ene of four of Its ~nd tn at 7:30 o'<:lock. The revival was One hour courses, January 20 or dutgnated. Also the Councal recom- for Women, April 22, WCHS; allll "tel'·in-1aw, Mr. and Mrs. D. 0. Mos1;, the world. There a.re three. an t~ e 8tarted Sunctay, Jan. 9, and will be 21; two.hour courses meeting Tues· mended .th:Lt Pres. Rohrbough name West Virginia State College April aad aw one or the: !arrest lumber United Statu and one in Pans. M153 continued through Sunday, J an. 30. day and Thursday, January 20 and a committee of three faculty mem- 29 WCHS ' ~bills in the world--a mill w'bich J.ames stayed at the International Cottage prayer services wen con. 25;two·hour courses meeting Mon- :;::~::e~~ise as to best means a nd Tbe bro~dcut series ,started o-. \IMS band saws fifty-H\'en feet. long Hou!e the first semester of last yea.r duet&d last •·eek and will probably day and Wednesday or Monday and IOctober 22 and since then Shepher.t,. ud euta 100,000 feet or lumber when she was: a stlldent in Columbia be continued until the end of this Friday, January 21 and 24; three· Seniors elected by the Council are Storer College, Concord, Bluefield. nery <hour. He thought Seattle was University. week. The town has been divided in· hour courses. January 21, 24, and Dente! Garrett of Fletcher, Vorley Potom&e State, West Liberty, Betii- (ContlaiOH ")D paee ., She expects to resume her work to four .sections and services are 26; four-hour eourse:s. January 20, Rexroad of Camden·On·Gauley, Lee !my, and Becldey College have bee1l here apin aext June. held in homes that desire t.hem . The 21, 24, and 25. Summers of Summersville, Hillis on the air. DR. UNDERWOOD JS MONOXIDE GAS ESCAPES sections are: Northview, Main Street, Examinations are to be on the Cottle or Spencer, John W. Mowrey, Tbe West Virginia network ia· ROTARY SPEAKER ___ Btooklyn, and <:.:mden ~lat~. regular hours for recitation. Fewer Jr., of Clarksburg, and John Bar· eludes Station W...BLK at ClaTkabuJa; • ArErnoon 5er."lCe.!5 beg'lnnang at 2 hours than those assigned may be nett of Wheeling. WCBS at Charleston snd WPAB oil --- • Ch•rch. CO•Ill""'a•llob• oFt Tror A 1lil- t o'clock were started Sunday and will u:sed if in the judgment of the in- Regarding the yearbook, the Parkersburg.
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