// you seek a dcliglitfitl It is belle)- lo suffer onee peninsula, look about you. llum lo be forever on your —Motto 01 Micliig.in, TYNEWS gunrd. Seventy-third year, No. 28 INGHAM COUNTY NEWS, MASON, MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, JULY 14, 1932 12 Pages Enters Lists To Oppose Dickinson Wants To Be Clerk iNYBALLOISMN mnmiui SUIUGiSICOUNIY • INSipiECIi mimmmi NOKWElECIil ONIIiES imM H. n, LoNGVB.Va AND fl, n, DKAN VVKSK OF SaOO oFnOUKo FOR TWO OLD .^lE.MUFKS AIIIO KIC- BAMi RIIOKIVEK A.SK.S RIOTURN AUK OHoSKN. V couxrv F.\ii{ Si<:i{ii:.s. TUKMCo, rWO ARE DKFEATIOI). olf' COLXTV DEPOSITS. I'rtvslilciit of Sdliool Boiiril nucJiires New Board ConipDsm! Of Hulett, Eb­ UuLSiMg Unitcfil Oils, Miison^ Le.sile Conri Rules 'rhnt; Biinils of li'iirnicr .Mlisnii Scliool riiiiinc.cs In .And Siockhriilijc IC.vpeclcd To erly, ISeliiiMioNt, Becker .Anil llciilniy Coiutlnon. , WlicellJr Chosen Mondav. Directors Aro Slill BiniMng, .Many ICiiI.er ICIhuination. Witiie.sscs Culled. i Aflcr three ballots were taken at Honors wei'o nbout equally divided the annual school meeting Monday One of the features of the 1932 Ing­ n tlie Okemos Consolidnlod school Taking of testimony in tho suit of night I-I, B, Longyear, veteran school ham county fair will be the baseball election hold Monday night. Two ot Cai'l Fors, I'occivor tor tho .\meriean ! board mcmbei', was returned lo office, championship title race between the the membei's of tlio retiring boai'd Slate Savings bank ot Lansing, ' The iii-st two ballots failed to yield a four strongest teams in the county. wei'o rc-oiecled and two were defeat­ iigaiiist Tnghnin counly tor t;he i'eliirn majority to any candidate. On the The loams tentnlivoly picked by the ed. C. L. Hulett and Aionzo Eberly oP $94,2(10.77 willuli-iiwn by County third ballot Mr, Longyear received a fair committee arc the United Oils ot were I'otui'iicd to tho board. Ralph Troiisul-oi- Hubert Bullen o'n Dcconi- Lansing, Mason, Stockbridge and Les­ Tenny and Irvin Wilkins lost out. The bcr 21, 1931, the last ihiy on which i majority and was'declared elected, J, lie. Tiie games will bo played on ! B, bean was given a majority on the fifth member of tho retiring boni'd, A. the bnnit wlis open for business, be- August 24, 2r> and 26, during the coun­ B. Keesler, was not a candidate but g-nn in circuit court in Lansing liist first ballot to fill the unexpired term ty fair at Mason. of V, J, Brown who resigned three Percy Wheeler was nominated by him Thursday. Tlic trial wns continued Joy O. Davis of tVlason is chairman and was elected. Friday. Tuesday and Wednesday and , weeks ago. il is expected Hint the balance rif this No nominations were made wlien ot tho baseball committee of the fair. The school election at Okemos this Ho states that a purse of ,$200 has al­ week will be needed before the lionr- the electors were called upon to year wns unusual in that all five mem­ Ings before .Iiulgo Collingwood are vote for a member for the full three- ready been secui-od for the elimination bers of tho board had to be elected. compielod. year term. iMr, Longyoar's term cx- contest. The purse will bo divided be­ The situation wns the result of strife tween winners and losers with the Tho case hns many i-nmificiitions. ' pircd and it was the post held by him extending over several years. Last Not only is the suit between the bank that was to bo filled. With no nomi­ largest share going lo tlic loam which year when O. J. Becker and E. M. HERBERT E. KIPKE emerges as champion. Present plans nnd the county being heai'd but other nations made, the total of 8'1 votes Moore failed to qualify within the 10- evidence ot transactions between the was divided among 38 candidates, Mr, A graduate of Michigan Stato col- call for a game between Stockbridge day period proscribed by law the pos­ fVROLD H. MOVER and a Lansing team, probably Alder­ THEO A. THOMPSON Ml-. tVtoyer won liis wings ns an blink anci the city of Lansing and Longyear received 30 and .7. B. Dean lego last year, Herbert E. Kipkc of Mr. Thompson, publisher of the itions lo which tliey were elected were Lansing, is a candidate for the repub­ man Kircher's scrappy United Oils, .iviator diii'lng tho VVoi'kl War. He numerous" firms and individunls is .10. Mrs. VV. E. C. McCowan received Wiliiamston Enterprise, and ardent declared vacant. C. L. Hulett and boing brought out. The dii-oclors of six votes, Arthur .Tewett and Mrs. K. lican nomination as county treasurer. on Wednesday, August 24. On the Aionzo Eberly wore appointed by the has announced lhat he is n csindidiitc following day Mason and Leslie will supporter ot conservation, is to oppose tor the republican nomination as tho bnnk aro nlso mndo parties to tho A. Zimmci'man eacii received five and Ho is a brother of Harry Kipkc and Luren D. Dickinson in the republican township board to fill the vacancies. suit. A. B. Bail and Dr. Gertrude O'Sulli­ Ray (Stub) Kipke. meet. On Friday the winner ot Wed­ Frank Blackledge resigned during tho county clerk. He' will oppose Ihi-ee primaries for the nomination as lieu­ oilier candldiites. riiiirjji' Irrcgulariilc.s van each I'occived four. L. H. Harri­ nesday's game will play the winner ot tenant governor. yeni' and A. B. Keesler was appointed tho Mason-Leslie contest for the coun­ Ono ot the major contentions in the son. Arthur Zickgraf and Mrs. Bertha by the scliool bonrd lo fill the vacancy. Ciise nppeai-s lo be whetiicr or not Mr. Shafer received two each. Ono vote ty championship. The cloctoi's Monday were called upon Well Mi)t(;lie(l Bullen was told tho bank was to close each was cast for Hariy E. Neely, lo vote for two ti'usloes for the term the day following Decembei' 21. Mr. Dr. L. A. Wileden, C. L. Bickert, .Tohn Tlie teams entering tho title chase of three years, one for a term ot two IRVEIEIIANEIRS Bullen states thnt he was not tokl Ihnt ^ NoxOn. Seweli Laxton, .liidge L. B. arc well matched. Stockbridge has ED IWSON SEEKING years and two for one-year terms. the bnnk was lo close but wns in- ono ot the strongest teams in the .McArthur, C. A. Parichiii'st and Sid­ mmm JL The winiiei's ot tho contests tor llio foi-med thfit due tn the economic con­ ney Culver. longlhy sei-ies of championship learns .1 ditions thnt the bnnk wns conlemp- developed there. The United Oils of tliroo-yoju- tci'ins wore George Bonu- NEOR nllllol, III 10. KII'KIC OF I.ANSING OSIOFE IR Inting a.moi-ger and Ihnl the dii-cctoi-s .Mr. Longyoar's vote was increased OKIiKI Lansing or some other strong Lan­ niont "and 0. J. Bockoi-. Mi-. Beau­ lICASlIKIOa'S IJACK. mont won out ovei' Ralph Tcnny, tor- ''•'^'"V''!,\Al'-A'*^^l'J'l'A.9l^ ,A\SI!V«i snliglit tho exchange ot county depo­ I'lom 3G lo" 43 on tlio second ballot. IN sing team will be'a worthy opponent WILLIA .ALSTON P U B L 1 .S II E R IS OPKN.S f'A.>IPAI<J\. sits fol- the i-otui-n of the $000,000 .1. B. Dean was given 23 votes, Arthur for Stockbridge. CANDIDATE FOR STATE OFFICE. I seci'olai'y, by 155 voles lo 117. O. Williiim |[. rfivcjoy of lA,<:\iv Also bond. .lewett eight, Mrs. Zimmerman four, Mason nnd Leslie have met twice IJ. Becker, wlio was elected last yoai- J. F. Wi'l)h of Liinsins;- Also .'MiiU«'s Sidney Culver three, Mrs. W. E. C. ICxpoctccI 'ro lOnter lAsin For ConscrviitioM <ir(tii|>s IOx|M!<',teil To hut who wns not allowed to servo be- Testimony hns boon inli-oduced lo Noniinlilion .As 'rroiisiircr. this year. The last encounter went callso of the 10-diiy qualifying ruling, .Announci'meiit, 'rli.il He Will show that many unusual trnnsnctions McCowiin and C. A. Pai-khurst two, 13 innings and was finally won by Back Theo. /\. Thompson, Chiirlcs Seek Clerk's Office. A. Sink Also In Race. defeated Irvin Wilkins, former treas­ occui-red on December 21 and claims and A. B. Ball, Dr. Gertrude O'Sulli­ Mason Ijy a score of 4 to 3. have been made thnt some of the bank van, L. I-I. Harrison and fMrs. Bertha Another Michigan Stale college urer, 152 lo 119. graduate lins decided upon public ser­ Horse Pulling Harold H. Moyer, aviator during tiic officiiils wore aware Hint the bnnk Shal'ci- each one. A total of 80 votes Another feature of fair week is tho Ingham county is to have a candi­ C. L. Hulett won the race for the World War, announced Wednesday vice as a career. Herbert E. Kipke two-year term and was returned to would not open fot» business the fol­ wns Cast on the second ballot but as liorse pulling contest. The past two date for the republican nomination as llifit he is a candidate for llie repub­ lowing day. of Lansing, has announced his candi­ lieutenant governor in Theodore A. the board. He was opposed by Dr. Mr. Longyear lacked two votes of years this event hns created high in­ lican nomination for county clork. Mr. The irregularities alleged by attor­ having a "majority, another vote was dacy for the republican nomination as Thompson ot Wiliiamston.
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