The University of Maryland Celebration of the One Hundredth Anniversary of the Founding of the University and Annual Commencement of Its Several Departments Item Type Brochure/Program Authors University of Maryland Publication Date 1907-05-31 Keywords University of Maryland Download date 26/09/2021 11:23:55 Item License https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/ Link to Item http://hdl.handle.net/10713/5117 1807 1907 Ube 'Ulni\"Jersit~ of mar~Ianh CELEBRATION OF THE ®ne llunbrebtb Rnni"ersarr OF THE Founding of the University AND Annual Commencement of Its Several Departments FRIDAY. MAY THIRTY-FIRST • NINETEEN HUNDRED AND SEVEN THE LYRIC BALTIMORE, MD. 10 A. M. ORDER OF PROCESSION I. Chiei Marshal. THE PROVOST OF THE UNIVERSITY AND GOVERNOR OF NJ:ARYLAND. THE VICE-CHANCELLOR OF THE UNIVERSITY AND CHAPLAINS. THE ORATORS OF THE DAY. THE REGENTS OF TI-IE UNIVERSITY. II. Marshal. PRESIDENTS OF UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES, AKD OFFICIAL DELEGATES. Ill. Marshal. NATIO~AL, STATE AKD CITY 0FFICI.\LS. SPECIALLY INVITED GuESTS. IV. Marshal. THE F ACULT IES OF TH8 U N IVERSITY. v. Marshal. CHAIRMAK A~D MEMBERS OF THE CENTENNIAL ExEeUTIVE CoMMITTEE. HoNORARY CoMMITTEE. ORDER OF EXERCISES 1. Music. March from "The Queen of Sheba." ................................ Gounod. 2. PRAYER, BY REv. P. C. G . \VA~, REPRESENTIKG His EMINENCE, CARDINAL GIBBONS. 3· Music. ''Academic Overture" ............................................. Brahms. 4· ADDRESS. PRESIDENT FR.\)ICIS LANDEY PATTON, of Princeton Theological Seminary. S· Music. "The Ride of The Valkyrie." ................ .. ..................... Wagner. 6. CoNFERRING OF DEGREES, BY HoN. EmviN \VARFIELD, LL. D., Governor of Maryland and Chancellor. Candidates for the Degrees "Bachelor of Arts" and "Bachelor of Sciences" presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Candidates for the Degree "Doctor of Medicine" presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Physic. Candidates for the Degree "Bachelor of Laws" presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Law. Candidates for the Degree "Doctor of J:?ental Surgery" presented by the Dean of the Fac­ ulty of Dentistry. Candidates for the Degree "Doctor of Pharmacy" presented by the Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy. 7· Music. "The University Ode." . ............................ .. ............ Hemberger. -words by EuGENE F. CoRDELL, M. D., '68. 8. AwARD OF PRIZES. 9· ADDRESS. PRESIDENT G. STANLEY HALL, of Clark University. 10. Music. "Hygeia." ...................... ............................... Hemmete1·. r 1. CoNFERRIXG OF HoNORARY DEGREES. 12. MUSIC. Largo. Handel. 13. BENEDICTION. RT. REv. ·WILLIAM PARET, D. D., Bishop of Maryland. 14. Music. Prelnde to Third Act "Lohengrin" ................................... Wagner. Music furnished by The Baltimore Choral Society, R. L. Haslup, Director. ]oHN------ lTZEL, Director of Orchestra. HONORARY COMMITTEE Ilis Excellency, Edwin W arfteld, Governor of l\Iary- ] ames L. McLane, Esq .... Baltimore. land. Ron. J. Barry Mahool. ... Baltimore. Alex. C. Abbott, M. D .... Philadelphia. Theodore Marburg, Esq .. Baltimore. Gen. Felix Agpus ........ Baltimore. Charles II. Mayo, M. D ... Rochester, Minn. Hon. Gordon T. Atkinson, William J. Mayo, M. D ... Rochester, Minn. l\I. D .................. Crisfield, l\Id. Theodore K. Miller, Esq .. Baltimore. Bernard N. Baker, Esq .. Baltimore. Judge Thomas ]. Morris .. Baltimore. Hon. Chas. J. Bonaparte .. Attorney General of the Robert Moss, Esq ........ Annapolis, l\Id. United States. Judge Alfred S. Niles .... Baltimore. Judge A. Hunter Boyd ... Cumberland, Md. Rev. Edward iver, D. D. Baltimore. Rev. F. X. Brady, S. J ... Baltimore. Charles P. Noble, M. D .. Philadelphia. Albert A. Brager, Esq .... Baltimore. Brig. Gen. Robert l\I. Surgeon General lJnited Geo. Stewart Brown, Esq. Baltimore. O'Reilly . States Army. Judge N. Charles Burke .. Towson, Md. William Osler, M. D ..... Oxford, England. President J as. W. Cain ... \Vashington College, Ches- William C. Page, Esq .... Baltimore. tertown, Md. Rt. Rev. \Vm. Paret, D. D. Baltimore. Francis King Carey, Esq. Baltimore. Judge James A. Pearce ... Chestertown, l\Id. Maj. James Carroll, M. D. United States Army. J. Rawson Pennington, Hon. John Lee Carroll ... Ellicott City, Md. M. D .................. Baltimore. Joseph Clendenin, Esq .... Baltimore. Elisha C. Perkins, Esq ... Baltimore. Rt. Rev. Leighton Cole- Jackson Piper, M. D ..... Baltimore. man, D. D ............. Wilmington, Del. Rev. Arthur Chilton Pow- Frederick M. Colston, Esq. Baltimore. ell, D. D ............... Baltimore. Wm. T. Councilman, M.D. Boston. Edward Raine, Esq ...... Baltimore. Judge John J. Dobeler ... Baltimore. John B. Ramsay, Esq.... Baltimore. Chas. E. Dohme, Ph. G .. Baltimore. Ron. Isidor Rayner. Baltimore. Richard H. Edwards, Esq. Baltimore. President Ira Remsen .... Johns Hopkins Uni1·ersity. Judge Thomas Ireland Surgeon General Presley Elliott ................. Baltimore. l\I. Rixey ............... United States Navy. President Thomas Fell .... St. J olm's College. Thornton Rollins, Esq .... Baltimore. J. D. Ferguson, Esq ...... Baltimore. John C. Rose, Esq ........ Baltimore. Fabian Franklin, Ph. D ... Baltimore. Rev. William Rosenau .... Baltimore. Frank Frick, Esq ........ Baltimore. Rt. Rev. llenry Yates Henry D. Fry, M. D ...... Washington, D. C Satterlee, D. D ......... Washington, D. C. John S. Fulton, M. D .... Baltimore. Rear Admiral Winfield George R. Gaither, Esq ... Baltimore. Scott Schley ............ United States ~avy. Robert Garrett, Esq ...... Baltimore. Judge Samuel D. Ron. James A. Gary ..... Baltimore. Schmucker ............ Baltimore. L. D. Gassaway, Esq ..... Annapolis, Md. Gen. Joseph B. Seth ...... Easton, l\Id. Rev. P. C. Gavan ........ Baltimore. Judge George M. Sharp .. Baltimore. John S. Gibbs, Esq ....... Baltimore. George B. Shattuck, M. D. Boston. His Eminence, James Car- Gen. Thos. ]. Shryock .... Baltimore. dinal Gibbons .......... Baltimore. President R. W. Silvester.. Maryland Agricultural Gen. John Gill of R ...... Baltimore. College. Hon. John Gill, Jr ........ Baltimore. Geo. H. Simmons, M.D ... Chicago. Daniel C. Gilman, LL. D .. Baltimore. Horace M. Simmons, M. D. Baltimore. Rev. John B. Goucher, William Simon, l\1. D .... Baltimore. D. D . .............. ... Baltimore. Brig. Gen. George l\f. Surgeon General U. S. Rev. Adolph Guttmacher .. Baltimore. Sternberg . Army, Ret. B. Howard Haman, Esq .. Baltimore. Rev. John Timothy Stone. Baltimore. Hobart A. Hare, M. D ... Philadelphia. Ron. Isaac Lobe Straus .. Baltimore. W m. Mozart Hayden, Esq. Baltimore. Bon. E. Clay Timan us ... Baltimore. Judge Chas. W. Heuisler .. Baltimore. Hon. Murray Vandiver. .. Havre de Grace, :'lid. Rev. ]. S. B. Hodges, Richard M. Venable, S. T. D ............... Baltimore. LL. D ............. ... Baltimore. Jacob W. Hook, Esq ..... Baltimore. S. Davies Warfield, Esq .. Baltimore. Wm. T. Howard, M. D ... Baltimore. Wm. H. Welch, M.D., Rev. Oliver Ruckel, D. D. Baltimore. LL. D ................. Baltimore. Rev. Alfred R. Hussey ... Baltimore. George Whitelock, Esq ... Baltimore. David Hutzler, Esq ...... Baltimore. Hon. Wm. Pinkney Whyte. Baltimore. Smith Ely Jelliffe, M. D .. New York. Judge Pere L. Wickes .... Baltimore. Michael Jenkins, Esq ..... Baltimore. Henry Williams, Esq ..... Baltimore. Henry S. King, Esq ...... Baltimore. George R. Willis, Esq . ... Baltimore. Rev. Arthur B. Kinsolv- Henry M. Wilson. M.D .. Baltimore. ing, D. D ... .......... Baltimore. Rt. Rev. Luther B. Wil- A. Leo Knott, Esq ....... Baltimore. son, D. D .............. Chattanooga, Tenn. Ron. Ferdinand C. La- James T. Woodward, Esq. New York. trobe .................. Baltimore. Judge D. Giraud Wright.. Baltimore. Eugene Levering, Esq .... Baltimore. Surgeon General \Valter U. S. Marine Hospital Daniel Lewis, M. D ...... New York. \Vyman . Service. T. H. Lewis, M. D ....... Westminster, Md. .
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