*NIC 50003 N,:~ tr* 'I,.er DEFENSE4. COMUICTIN AGNC DEFENSE COMNIAINSORAGEINCY:c.. BROCHURE *-*:::1I DECEMBER 1985* DTIC 6ZLECTIE FEB 13 9860D .4 lj IMPMO STATEM4ENT A.... 14." ~Approved tot public releas4 * - Diftributioin Unhlimited I*.4.. ý co .4 00 CL~ cr 0) vi)0 NCLASSFE REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE Ia. REPORT SECURITY CLASSIFICATION lb. RESTRICTIVE MARKINGS 2a. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION AUTHORITY 3. DISTRIBUTION I AVAILABIUTY OF REPORT Distribution Statement A b. DECLASSIFICATION I DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE Approved for public release A. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT N.UMBER(S) 5. MONITORING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER(S) NIC 50003 . OF PERFORMING QRGANIZATION 6b. OFFICE SYMBOL 7a. NAME OF MONITORING ORGANIZATION ~tFnternationa~ Al (ifapplicable) Defense Data Network DDN Network Information Cente Program Management Office . ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIPCode) 7b. ADDRESS (City, State, and ZIP Code) McLean, VA 22102 Menlo Park, CA 94025 NAME OF FUNDING /SPONSORING 8b. OFFICE SYMBOL 9. PROCUREMENT INSTRUMENT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER ORGANIZATION (Nfappl~cabie) PROGRAM PROJECT TASK WORK UNIT r,,, ELEMENT NO. NO. ESSIONSNO. NO. 1. TITLE (include Security Classification) ARPANET Information Brochure (Unclassified) -f- 7t '" P-RS N •'. PERSONAL AUTHOR(S)Dennett, Stephen; Feinler, Elizabeth J.; Perillo, Francine a. TYPE OF REPORT 13b. TIME COVERED 14. DATE OF REPORT (Year, Month,Day) 5. PAGE COUNT FROM TO 851200 50 -5 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION COSATI CODES 18. SUBJECT TERMS (Continue on reverse if necessary and identify by block number) FIELD GROUP SUB-GROUP ARPANET; Host registration; TAC access; Terminal Access Controller; Domains; Network protocols; Network informati ' I:.-ABYFACT~~L verse if peces~f y and identify by block number) fn ormat on •rhure provides general, basic information about the ARPANET V... Sand the procedures to follow to become a part of it. Some of the subscriber access procedures described include information about feeder TSRs, TAC connection, host " - registration procedures, and domains. It includes information on ARPANET management and >•. policies, hardware and software modifications, and the protocols used by the network. It "*- also features sections describing the different services available to network users. How . to contact people at the PMO and at DARPA is also explained. , ISTRIBUTION/AVAILABILITY OF ABSTRACT 21. A ECURIT CLASSIFICATION S UNCLASSIFIED/UNLIMITED SAME AS RPT. DTIC USERSs e ""&Wea F:f2•INDIVIDUAL I 22b. fygncu A 22c. OFFICE SYMBOL -AN.-" f eN-LE b 41) A59-6187C ) EJ 292 "•. FR173~ ~ ~ MA ~ ~ 8 APR eition may beuseduntil -* FORM 1473, A3tb teexhauste-d. s. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE g"k "" •All other editions are obsolete. UNCLASSIFIED SECDAIIIdLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE E. Redfield SRI International 333 Ravenswood Ave. Menlo Park, CA 94025 S*. - V SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE i DEFENSE COMMUNICATIONS AGENCY 4P~~* AfeIct ARPANET INFORMATION BROCHURE DECEMBER 1985 Editors: Stephen Dennett Elizabeth J. Feinler Francine Perillo - 'P.. Adiinlcpe fti oietmyb bandfo h D ewr Information Center, SRI International, 333 avenswood. Avenue, Room E21 el Park, CA 94025 or from the Defense Technical Information Center (OTIC), Cameron /*> Station, Alexandria, VA 22314 "NO 0:- NIC 50003, DECEMBER 1085 N~ UNIX is a registered trademark of AT&T Bell Laboratories.. TELENET is a registered trademark ol GTE. TYMNET is a registered trademark of TYNMIET Inc., a subsidiary * of McDonnell Douglas Corporation. ? . ARPAINETlInformation Brochure. Printed and bound in the United States of America. nInformation Center, SRI International, Menlo Park, CA 94025. ii, 'I ~ Date: December 1985 * -94025. -•- *- • ,' * *l. NIC 50003, DECEMBER 1985 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The ARPANET Information Brochure was prepared by the DDN Network Information Center (NIC) for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency and the Defense Data Network Program Management Office of the Defense Communications Agency under contract number DCA-200-83-C-0025. The NIC wishes to acknowledge the valuable assistance of Lt. Col. Bob E. Baker of the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Andrew Hogan of the Defense Data Network Program Management Office, and Alan Hill of BBN Communications Corporation in the preparation of this document. • ' Li ~ Acceslon For NTIS CRAMI Unannounced 0 Justification ...........................-.. BY..................... Distib*Jtioii I * .~:Avallabidity Codes_ Dist AvahiSpcial a'id Ior lNC 50003, DECEMBER 1985 r 'A' ivj• I NIC 50003, DECEMBER 1985 ABSTRACT The ARPANET is an unclassified, packet-switched data network originally built by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) and used for Department of Defense computer science and networking research. It is now one of the subnetworks of the Defense Data Network (DDN) and,-4 as such, is managed by the Defense Data Network Program Management Office (DDN PMO). Policy for the ARPANET is established by DARPA and they also decide who may become subscribers. Subscribers are required to follow certain technical and administrative procedures to connect host computers or other equipment to the DDN. This document describes these procedures as they apply to the ARPANET, provides background and technical information on the ARPANET, and suggests sources of further information on protocol implementations and interface equipment. ) • •, Si i • NC 50003, DECEMBER 1985 ltl - -••S. i•31i l i- E - ---I 1-l NIC 50003, DECEMBER 1985 TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii ABSTRACT v SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 How To Use This Document 1 SECTION 2. ARPANET MANAGEMENT AND POLICIES 3 2.1 What is the ARPANET? 3 2.2 Management of the ARPANET 4 2.2.1 DARPA/IPTO 5 2.2.2 DDN PMO Responsibilities 5 2.2.3 IAB Responsibilities 6 2.3 ARPANET Access and Use Policies 7 2.3.1 Host Access Controls 8 2.3.2 TAC Access Controls 8 SECTION 3. SUBSCRIBER ACCESS PROCEDURES 11 3.1 Process Overview 11 3.1.1 Feeder TSRs 14 3.2 Backbone Hardware Requirements 16 3.2.1 Types of Service 16 3.2.2 Equipment Procureme-t and Costs 17 3.2.3 PSN Port Assignment 17 3.3 TAC Connection 17 3.4 Registration Procedures 18 3.4.1 Host Registration 18 ' 3.4.2 Host Addresses and Domains 19 3.4.3 LAN and Gateway Registration 20 3.4.4 User Registration 20 3.4.5 ARPANET TAC Access Registration 22 SECTION 4. ARPANET PROTOCOLS 23 4.1 DDN Protocol Handbook 23 4.2 TCP/IP Implementations and Vendors Guide 23 4.3 RFCs 24 SECTION 5. HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE MODIFICATIONS 25 5.1 Subscriber Software and Hardware Modification Requests 25 5.2 ARPANET Software/Node Modification Procedures 25 SSECTION 6. NETWORK INFORMATION SERVICES 27 6.1 DDN Network Information Center 27 vii NIC 50003, DECEMBER 1085 6.1.1 User Assistance Service 27 6.1.2 NIC Contacts 28 6.1.3 Online Servers 28 6.1.4 Documents 20 6.1.5 Online Files 30 6.2 ARPANET Network Monitoring Center 30 6.2.1 AMC Contacts 31 -- 6.3 Complaint Center/Unsatisfactory Service Reports 31 SECTION 7. KEY CONTACTS 33 7.1 DDN PMO Contacts 33 7.2 DARPA Contacts 33 7.3 Contacts for Specific Services 33 SECTION 8. REFERENCES 35 8.1 Cited References 35 8.2 Additional References 36 SECTION 9. GLOSSARY 37 APPENDIX. SITE PERSONNEL DUTIES 41 INDEX 45 Vill viii .. • : • :•:.: • .:,)•-.• :..:,e;,:-•)¢.::X•;• N:? ,• t;•.;• € •• •t,• . -. NIC 5000O3, DECEMBER 1085 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2-1: Hardware and Configuration of the DDN 3 Figure 2-2: Management of the ARPANET 4 Figure 3-1: ARPANET New Subscriber Request Flow 13 Figure 3-2: Sample Feeder TSR Template 18 Figure 3-3: Host Data 18 Figure 3-4: Technical Liaison Data 18 Figure 3-5: Host Administrator Data 19 Figure 3-6: Sample User Registration Template 21 Figure 5-1: Modification Request Procedure 25 Ai NIC 50003, DECEMBER 1985 INTRODUCTION SECTION 1. INTRODUCTION The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) may require its contractors or associated researchers to become ARPANET "subscribers" (sites which have host computers or other equipment connected to the network). In such cases DARPA requests authorization from the Defense Data Network Program Management Office (DDN PMO) to add the required equipment to the network. This document describes the steps necessary for potential subscribers to attach host computers or other equipment to the ARPANET. Administrative and technical procedures are included. References to documents and services, which will be helpful during the process of connecting equipment to the network, are also included and are designated by the number of the reference in brackets, e.g. (1]. 1.1 How To Use This Document "Section 1, the Introduction, explains how this document is organized. Section 2 provides background on the ARPANET, describes the current management structure, and states the criteria for becoming a subscriber. Section 3 presents the administrative and technical procedures necessary to bring a host onto the ARPANET. Different types of neLwork connections and associated costs are described. Section 4 discusses the protocols used on the ARPANET and the DDN, and tells how protocol implementations and documentation may be obtained. Section 5 describes the administrative procedures required for requesting modifications of network software or hardware. Sections 6 and 7 describe the services and personnel available to help with the process of connecting equipment to the ARPANET and with using the network. Section 8, References, contains citations and sources for publications which provide further useful information. This section explains how to obtain both hardcopy and online documents. ,* Finally, the Appendix contains important information on the duties assigned to local .a. network representatives. Wktz Introduction NIC 50003, DECEMBER 1985 Comments or suggestions f-r improvements to the document are welcome. Send these by U.S. mail using the Comments Form at the end of the document. or through network mail to: SUGGESTIONSaSRI-NIC.A"PA. -S. 2m 'N J.55 NIC 50003, DECEMBER 1985 ARPANET MANAGEMENT AND POLICIES SECTION 2. ARPANET MANAGEMENT AND POLICIES This section presents background on how the ARPANET evolved into what it is today, and how it is currently managed.
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