14_044803 bindex.qxp 12/11/06 10:38 PM Page 301 Index See also Accommodations and Restaurant indexes, below. GENERAL INDEX Aquinnah, 67, 70 boating, 114–115 accommodations, 289–291 outdoor activities, 114–116 Aquinnah Beach (Gay Head), restaurants, 126–127 AAA (American Automobile 6, 273 traveling to, 112 Association), 55 Area code, 55 visitor information, 112, 114 The Academy Playhouse, 185 Armchair Bookshop, 140 The Barnstable Comedy Club, Accommodations Art galleries. See also Arts and 128 best, 8 crafts Bartlett’s Ocean View Farm, 260 family-friendly, 50–51 Dennis, 140 Baseball reservations services, 50 Martha’s Vineyard, 272, Bourne, 88 tips on, 50–55 282–283 Brewster, 152 Web surfing for, 37–38 Nantucket, 242 Chatham, 168 Actors’ Theatre of Nantucket, Orleans, 180 Dennis, 139 262 Provincetown, 217–218 Falmouth, 97 Addison Art Gallery, 180 West Barnstable, 118 Harwich, 159 Adventure Isle, 88 Art House, 229 Hyannis and Cotuit, 116 African-American travelers, 35 Arts and crafts Orleans, 179–180 Agricultural Society Annual Live- Brewster, 152 Yarmouth, 131 stock Show and Fair, 281 Chatham, 168–169 Bass River Beach, 129–130 Agricultural Society Livestock Dennis, 140 Baxter’s Boat House, 128 Show and Fair, 25 Falmouth, 98 Bay State Cruise Company, Airfares, 37, 41–42 Harwich, 160 44–45 Airlines, 28, 39–40 Martha’s Vineyard, 282 Bay State Cruises, 210 Airport security, 40, 41 Nantucket, 242 The Beachcomber, 13, 204 Albert Merola Gallery, 217 Orleans, 180 Beaches. See also specific Alley’s General Store, 299 Sandwich, 79 beaches American Automobile Associa- Wellfleet, 199–200 Barnstable and West tion (AAA), 55 Art’s Dune Tours, 213 Barnstable, 114 American Express, 20, 55 Ashumet Holly and Wildlife best, 5–6 Antiques and collectibles, 24 Sanctuary, 94 Bourne, 85 Brewster, 152 A Taste of the Vineyard, 24 Brewster, 148–149 Dennis, 139–140 The Atlantic House, 228 Dennis, 137 Falmouth, 97 Atlantic White Cedar Swamp Eastham, 187–188 Harwich, 160 Trail, 196–197 Falmouth, 92–93 Martha’s Vineyard, 282 ATMs, 19–20 Harwich, 158 Nantucket, 242 Attaquin Park, 109 Martha’s Vineyard, 272–274 Orleans, 180COPYRIGHTEDAtwood-Higgins House, 197MATERIALMashpee, 108 Provincetown, 216–217 Audubon’s Wellfleet Bay Wildlife Nantucket, 237–238 Sandwich, 78, 84 Sanctuary, 68 Orleans, 176–177 Wellfleet, 199 Autumn, 22 Provincetown, 211–212 West Barnstable, 118 Sandwich, 75 Yarmouth, 132 Truro, 205–206 Antiques Center of Cape Cod, ank Street Beach, 158 Wellfleet, 194–195 139 B Baptist Church, 272 Yarmouth, 129–130 Aptucxet Strawberry Festival, 24 Barnstable, West Barnstable, and Beebe Woods, 95 Aptucxet Trading Post Museum, environs, 25, 68, 111, 112–128 Beech Forest Trail, 197, 213 86–87 accommodations, 121–122 Belfry Inne and Bistro, 74 beaches, 114 Bellezza Day Spa, 99 14_044803 bindex.qxp 12/11/06 10:38 PM Page 302 302 INDEX Ben & Jerry’s, 126, 193, 228 Nantucket, 232–234, 241 Wellfleet, 195 Berta Walker Gallery, 217 Provincetown, 210 Yarmouth, 130 Biking, 31, 49, 70 Yarmouth, 129 Cape Cinema, 145 Barnstable area, 114 Books, recommended, 55 Cape Cod Bagel Co., 105 best routes, 6–7 Boston Harbor Cruises, 45, 210 Cape Cod Canal, 6 Bourne, 85–86 Bourne, 84–90 Cape Cod Canal Bike Path, Brewster, 149 Bournedale Stone, 87 69, 85–87 Cape Cod Rail Trail, 6, 68, Bourne Scallop Festival, 25–26 Cape Cod Canal Cruises, 87–88 137, 177, 188, 195 Box Lunch Cape Cod Canal Visitor Chatham, 166 Falmouth, 105 Center, 86 Dennis, 137 Provincetown, 228 The Cape Cod Children’s Eastham, 188 Wellfleet, 203 Museum, 109 Falmouth, 93 Breakwater Beach, 148 Cape Cod Cooperage, 160 Harwich, 158 Brewster, 146–157 Cape Cod Factory Outlet Martha’s Vineyard, 268–269, accommodations, 153–155 Mall, 88 275–276 beaches and recreational Cape Cod Maritime Museum, Nantucket, 235, 238 pursuits, 148–150 119 Orleans, 177 historic sights and museums, Cape Cod Melody Tent, 128 Provincetown, 212 150–152 Cape Cod Museum of Art, 138 Sandwich, 75 kid stuff, 152 Cape Cod Museum of Natural Truro, 206 nightlife, 156–157 History, 69, 150–151, 167 Wellfleet, 195 restaurants, 155–156 Cape Cod National Seashore, Yarmouth, 130 shopping, 152–153 66, 69, 196–197, 213 Bird Watcher’s General Store, special events, 23, 24 Cape Cod Potato Chips, 116–118 180 traveling to, 148 Cape Cod Rail Trail, 6, 68, Bird-watching, 22–23 visitor information, 148 137, 177, 188, 195 Chatham, 166 Brewster Historical Society Cape Cod Repertory Theatre Falmouth, 93 Antiques Fair, 24 Company, 156–157 Martha’s Vineyard, 276 Brewster Historical Society Cape Cod Theatre Project, 107 Nantucket, 238 Museum, 150 Cape Maritime Week, 23 Sandwich, 76 Brewster in Bloom, 23 The Cape Playhouse, 139, 144 Wellfleet, 198 Brewster Ladies’ Library, 150 Cape Pogue Wildlife Refuge, 277 Blogs and travelogues, 38 The Brewster Store, 152 Cap’n Tobey’s, 261 Boating (boat rentals). See also Brooks Academy Museum, 159 Captain Bangs Hallet House Canoeing; Kayaking; Sailing The Brotherhood of Thieves, Museum, 132 Barnstable area, 114–115 259, 261 Captain Edward Penniman Bourne, 86 The Brown Jug, 79 House, 189 Brewster, 149 Bucket shops, 41–42 Captain Francis Pease House, Chatham, 166 Bucks Pond, 158 280 Dennis, 137–138 Business hours, 55–56 Captain John Boats, 45 Eastham, 188 Bus travel, 42–43, 49 Capt. John Boats, 210 Falmouth, 93–94 Buttonbush Trail, 189, 190 Carnival Week, 25 Harwich, 158 Car rentals, 38, 49 Mashpee, 108 Car travel, 43 Orleans, 177 Cafe Mews, 229 driving safety, 32 Provincetown, 212 Cahoon Hollow Beach, 5, 195 Castle in the Clouds, 160 Sandwich, 75 Calendar of events, 23–27 C. B. Stark Jewelers, 282 Truro, 206 Campground Beach, 188 Cedar Tree Neck Sanctuary, Wellfleet, 195 Camping, 51–52 276, 277 Boats, ferries, and cruises, Canoeing Cellphones, 39 44–47, 49. See also Fishing; Bourne, 86 Chapin Beach, 137 Whale-watching Brewster, 149, 150 Chappaquiddick Island, 270, 272 Barnstable, Hyannis, and Eastham, 188 Chase Park and Bowling Green, environs, 116 Falmouth, 94 164 Bourne, 87–88 Harwich, 158 Chatham, 7, 66, 163–176 Chappaquiddick, 270 Mashpee, 108 accommodations, 169–172 Dennis, 137–138 Orleans, 177 beaches and recreational pur- Falmouth, 93 Sandwich, 75 suits, 164–167 Martha’s Vineyard, Truro, 206 historical sights, 167–168 264, 266–267 kid stuff, 168, 169 14_044803 bindex.qxp 12/11/06 10:38 PM Page 303 GENERAL INDEX 303 nightlife, 175–176 Cove Gallery, 199–200 Escorted tours, 47–48 restaurants, 172–175 Craigville Beach, 114 Etherington Fine Art, 282–283 shopping, 12, 168–169 Cranberry Festival, 26 The Expedition Whydah Sea Lab special events, 23, 27 Credit cards, 20 & Learning Center, 215 traveling to, 163 Crow Farm, 79 visitor information, 163 Crown & Anchor, 13, 229 walking tour, 163–164 Crystal Lake, 177 Fall, 22 Chatham Bars Inn, 164 Currency, 56 Fall Festival, 27 Chatham Candy Manor, 175 Customs regulations, 19 Falmouth, 71, 90–107. See also Chatham Fish Pier, 164 Woods Hole Chatham Glass Company, 168 accommodations, 99–101 Chatham Light, 164 Daffodil Festival, 23 baseball, 97 Chatham Light Beach, 164–165 Daggett House, 272 coffee and tea, 106 Chatham Maritime Festival, 23 Daylight saving time, 60–61 historical sights, 96–97 Chatham Pottery, 168 Debit cards, 20 itineraries, 63, 65, 68 Chatham Railroad Museum, Deep vein thrombosis, 30 nightlife, 106–107 163, 167 Dennis, 111–112, 136–145 restaurants, 101–105 Chatham’s Christmas Design Works, 132 shopping, 97–99 by the Sea, 27 Dexter Grist Mill, 75, 76–77 traveling to, 91–92 The Chatham Squire, 175 Dexter Rhododendron visitor information, 92 Cherrystone Gallery, 199 Festival, 23 Falmouth Christmas The Chicken Box, 13, 261 Digital photography, 54 by the Sea, 27 Children, families with. See Disabilities, travelers with, Falmouth Heights, 91 Families with children 32–33 Falmouth Heights Beach, 5, 92 Chilmark (including Menemsha) DNA (Definitive New Art) Falmouth Museums On The accommodations, 289–291 Gallery, 217 Green, 96–97 restaurants, 298–299 Doane Loop Trail, 189–190 Falmouth Road Race, 25 Chilmark Pottery, 282 Dr. Daniel Fisher House, 271 Falmouth Town Band, 107 The Chocolate Sparrow, Drinking laws, 56 Families with children, 34–35 193, 203 Driving safety, 32 accommodations, 50–51 Christmas in Sandwich, 27 Duck Creeke Tavern, 204 Barnstable, Hyannis, and Christmas Stroll, 27 Dudley Hallett Barn, 97 environs, 116–117 Christmas Tree Shops, 88 Dyke Bridge, 272 Bourne, 88 Christmas Weekend in the Brewster, 152, 157 Harwiches, 27 Chatham, 168 Cinemas, 107, 145, 199, East Beach, 273 Dennis, 139 204, 262, 301 Eastham, 186, 187–193 Eastham, 190–191 Claire Murray, 118, 244 Eat No Evil, 260 Harwich, 159–160 Clam shacks, best, 12 Eccentricity, 200 itinerary for, 68–69 Clayworks, 152 Economy class syndrome, 30 Martha’s Vineyard, 281 Cleveland, Grover, personal train Ecotourism, 36 Mashpee, 109 station of, 87 Edgartown, 8, 67, 70 Nantucket, 242 Climate, 22 accommodations, 284–287 Orleans, 180 Club Euro, 228–229 restaurants, 291–294 Provincetown, 216 Coast Guard Beach, 187 walking tour, 270–272 Sandwich, 78, 81 Cockle Cove Beach, 165 Edgartown Inn, 272 Wellfleet, 199 College Light Opera Company, Edgartown Regatta, 24 Yarmouth, 131 107 Edgartown Scrimshaw Gallery, Fancy’s Farm, 184 Conant House, 97 282 Farmhouse Antiques, 199 Consolidators, 41–42 The Edward Gorey House, Farm stands and markets The Cook Shop, 152–153 132–133 Dennis, 144 Coonamessett Farm, 98 The 1869 Schoolhouse Museum, Falmouth, 98 Corn Hill Beach, 205 190 Martha’s Vineyard, 299 Corporation Beach, 137 Eldred’s, 139 Sandwich, 79 Coskata–Coatue Wildlife Refuge, Electricity, 56 Fax machines, 60 238 Embassies and consulates, Federated
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