MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2018 Ball in PICTURE THIS, LYNN Saugus Shutter Society Town capturing community Meeting’s By Bella diGrazia court FOR THE ITEM By Bridget Turcotte LYNN — A local photog- ITEM STAFF rapher is using his skills to build a community that SAUGUS — Town Meeting mem- looks at Lynn through a bers will be asked to fund proj- different lens. ects ranging from an overhaul of Isaac Davila, the creator the basketball court at the Evans of the Lynn Shutter Soci- School park to a complete stormwa- ety Facebook page, moved ter system analysis. to Lynn more than two Town Manager Scott Crabtree decades ago. The idea be- asked the Board of Selectmen to hind this community-driv- call a Special Town Meeting for en page, which allows Monday, April 9 at 7:30 p.m., prior members to post and view to the scheduled annual meeting photographs from around in May. He said the purpose was to the city, developed more ensure certain projects receive ap- than two years ago. proval without missing out on crit- “I wanted to show the ical summer months for construc- good side of Lynn, because tion. people always burn the “Sometimes, if Town Meeting goes city and are scared by it longer, you run into the fall and because of its bad repu- winter and you might not be able to tation of being a ‘sin city,’ get some of the projects done,” said but I just don’t see it that Crabtree. way,” said Davila. “I want PARKS AND PLAYGROUNDS to show people the good Included in the 14 articles is an light in Lynn because allocation of undetermined amount there is so much here and of money for the design, construc- the scenery always chang- tion, and repair of parks and play- es, you just can’t beat it.” grounds. Davila, who was born in Two park-related articles passed Arecibo, Puerto Rico, is a in 2017: one for $500,000 to repair family man with a wife, and maintain existing playgrounds two children of his own and a second for $500,000 to add and three stepchildren, security, lighting and cameras to who for the most part, are Bristow Street Park, Veterans Me- his biggest muse. Besides morial Elementary School, and Bel- running the Lynn Shutter monte Middle School. Society, the local photog- “We’re trying to do additional rapher takes professional ITEM PHOTO | SPENSER HASAK parks and playgrounds as a priority portraits on the weekends for the town,” said Crabtree. Isaac Davila, administrator for the Lynn Shutter Society Facebook page, says his Neither the basketball nor tennis SHUTTER, A7 favorite place to photograph in Lynn is the seawall along Lynn Shore Drive. courts at the Evans School play- ground are regulation sized. He hopes that changing that will alle- viate overcrowding and equipment misuse at the recently renovated Veterans Memorial park. LYNN MEANS BUSINESS “We would have a place for the older kids when they get out of school to play basketball and allow the Vets’ school kids to play at their EforAll is court,” he said. RIVERWALK PROJECT fabric of the Crabtree also wants money ap- propriated for the design and con- community struction of the RiverWalk path. The state Seaport Economic Coun- By Gayla Cawley cil awarded Saugus grant money ITEM STAFF for the project. A proposed RiverWalk will con- LYNN — Ludia Modi, nect the town-owned boat ramp, an up-and-coming entre- Lobsterman’s Landing, and the preneur who lives right bike and pedestrian lanes planned in the city, celebrates her as part of the Belden Bly Bridge African culture by craft- project. It will also improve public ing head wraps out of fab- access to the Saugus River, promote ric from her native Sierra foot traffic for the Department of Leone, pieces she says are Recreation and Conservation res- meant to empower women toration project at the Rumney of color and help them feel Marsh, and encourage commercial like the queens they are. fishermen and recreational boat us- Modi, 26, is the found- ers to visit the area. er of the lifestyle brand The idea for a community River- Rooted Wraps. She makes Walk was developed during a series the head wraps, or African of resident meetings in 2013. A Wa- accessories, right in Lynn, terfront Mixed Use Overlay District using fabrics from Sier- was adopted by Town Meeting in ra Leone, where she was 2014. The Seaport Economic Coun- born and raised. In Sier- cil grant will match 20 percent of ra Leone, she said women the $3.1 million price tag. are always wearing head STORM WATER UPDATES wraps. COURTESY PHOTO Crabtree is asking Town Meeting Her head wraps, which to fund an analysis to address an come in bold patterns and Ludia Modi, of Lynn, is one of eight nalists who was selected to participate in the ongoing storm water runoff problem. EforAll Lynn Winter Accelerator Program. Modi, an entrepreneur, is the founder of EFORALL, A7 Rooted Wraps, head wraps made of fabric from her native Sierra Leone. SAUGUS, A7 Search is on for new Peabody Public Services director By Adam Swift lic Services is an extremely diffi- the mayor. day. INSIDE ITEM STAFF cult and important position that By upping the maximum sal- Councilor-at-Large Anne Man- really impacts everyday lives in ary, Bettencourt said the city ning-Martin supports the may- The man that fell to PEABODY — As David Teren- Peabody,” said Mayor Edward A. can ensure it attracts qualified or’s request. But she suggested Earth. A3 zoni, director at Public Services, Bettencourt Jr. “From plowing, candidates for the job. While the the educational requirements • moves to head the Water Depart- to highways, to water treatment maximum salary for the director be raised so a Bachelor’s degree March for Our Lives ment, the search is on for a new and water distribution, to our is $119,000, Terenzoni’s salary is would be required and a Master’s wrap-up. A5 director. landfill and engineering services, $114,000. preferred. The Public Services director this is a job that requires a wide The new Public Services di- “If we do want the best candi- In Sports Hundreds take part has lots of responsibility in a city range of skills.” rector would not necessarily be dates, we should match the quali- in Hibernian 5K of 53,000 residents, with paving, The City Council approved up- hired at $135,000, but raising the ty or experience to the maximum road race. B1 plowing, and potholes just the tip ping the maximum salary for the upper limit gives the city flexibil- salary,” she said. of the iceberg. position to $135,000 a year, up ity, the mayor said. The position “The position of director of Pub- from $119,000 at the request of is scheduled to be advertised to- SERVICES, A7 OBITUARIES ..............................A2 POLICE/FIRE .............................A6 COMICS/DIVERSIONS ........... B4-5 HIGH 38° VOL. 140, ISSUE 91 NATION .....................................A3 LOOK! .......................................A8 CLASSIFIED ........................... B6-7 LOW 28° OPINION ...................................A4 SPORTS ................................ B1-3 PAGE A8 ONE DOLLAR A2 THE DAILY ITEM MONDAY, MARCH 26, 2018 OBITUARIES Stephen A. Daley, 74 Carol Ann Graham, 73 Paul W. Gagne Jr., 37 1943-2018 ORMOND BEACH, his wife Sarah, of LYNN — Carol Ann children Mark, Mi- DELAND, FL — Mr. his wife Judy of New FL — Stephen A. Kensington, N.H., Jef- (Crowell) Graham, age chael and Justine, Paul W. Gagne, Jr. 37 Hampshire, Marie Mc- Daley, of Ormond frey S. Daley and his 73, a lifelong Lynn and great-grandchil- years of Lynn Massa- Neil and her husband Beach, Fla. and Wells, wife, Laurie of North resident, died sud- dren Eric, Kaliann a chusetts died unex- Greg of South Caroli- Maine, and formerly Port, Fla., and Jen- denly at her home on and Kaison; daugh- pectedly in Deland, na, Sharon MacLean of Lynn, passed away nifer Rosenthal and Mar. 20, 2018. She ter Kelly Kellett, Fla. on Mar. 16, and her husband on Tuesday, Mar. 20, her husband, William was the daughter of her husband Rich, 2018. He is the son Richard of Rowley 2018 at the age of of Wayland and his the late Earle R. and their children John, of Paul and Barba- and Barry Pitucha of 74. Born in Lynn on three beloved grand- Katherine I. (Redden) April and Anna, and ra (Pitucha) Gagne. Lynn. He also leaves June 6, 1943, he daughters Alexan- Crowell, and wife of great-grandchildren He was born in Sa- several cousins in- was the son of the late Thom- dra and Ava Daley and Zelda the late John Graham. She Jayson and Jenna; daughter lem and Raised in Lynn. He cluding Todd Gagne. He is the as F. and Louise (Doyle) Daley Rosenthal, and his brother, was a graduate of Lynn Clas- Heather Ward, her husband was a graduate of St. Pius V grandson of the late Tom and and husband of the late Ann Thomas F. Daley, Jr of Lynn. sical High School. Rich, and their children, Brit- School and Lynn English High Betty Gagne and the late Ja- (Walsh) Daley. Service information: Funer- Carol had worked for Transi- ney, Richard and Mae; son School. He has lived in Lynn nine and Stefan Pitucha. Stephen had a perfect at- al from the CUFFE-McGINN tron, and later as an English Richard and his family; her most of his life and the past Service information: Paul’s tendance record for over 25 Funeral Home, 157 Maple St. Language Tutor for Operation sisters; Vida Colby, Loretta 3 years in Florida.
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