Philippine Rise Integrated Conservation for Enduring Legacies through Ecosystem Support Services (PRICELESS) Part I: Project Information GEF ID 10568 Project Type FSP Type of Trust Fund GET CBIT/NGI CBIT NGI Project Title Philippine Rise Integrated Conservation for Enduring Legacies through Ecosystem Support Services (PRICELESS) Countries Philippines Agency(ies) CI Other Executing Partner(s) Executing Partner Type Department of Environment and Natural Resources- Biodiversity Management Bureau Government GEF Focal Area Biodiversity Taxonomy Focal Areas, Chemicals and Waste, Waste Management, Plastics, Biomes, International Waters, Coral Reefs, Climate Change, Climate Change Adaptation, Disaster risk management, Private sector, Climate information, Innovation, Livelihoods, Climate resilience, Climate Change Mitigation, Technology Transfer, Biodiversity, Species, Threatened Species, Illegal Wildlife Trade, Mainstreaming, Tourism, Fisheries, Certification -National Standards, Ceritification - International Standards, Protected Areas and Landscapes, Productive Seascapes, Coastal and Marine Protected Areas, Productive Landscapes, Supplementary Protocol to the CBD, Acess to Genetic Resources Benefit Sharing, Financial and Accounting, Influencing models, Convene multi- stakeholder alliances, Deploy innovative financial instruments, Strengthen institutional capacity and decision-making, Transform policy and regulatory environments, Demonstrate innovative approache, Stakeholders, Private Sector, Individuals/Entrepreneurs, Capital providers, Financial intermediaries and market facilitators, SMEs, Beneficiaries, Local Communities, Communications, Awareness Raising, Behavior change, Education, Public Campaigns, Civil Society, Academia, Community Based Organization, Non-Governmental Organization, Type of Engagement, Gender Equality, Gender results areas, Access and control over natural resources, Capacity Development, Participation and leadership, Access to benefits and services, Knowledge Generation and Exchange, Gender Mainstreaming, Women groups, Gender-sensitive indicators, Sex-disaggregated indicators Rio Markers Climate Change Mitigation Climate Change Mitigation 0 Climate Change Adaptation Climate Change Adaptation 0 Duration 60 In Months Agency Fee($) 329,656.00 Submission Date 3/23/2020 A. Indicative Focal/Non-Focal Area Elements Programming Directions Trust Fund GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) BD-2-7 GET 3,662,844.00 10,364,000.00 Total Project Cost ($) 3,662,844.00 10,364,000.00 B. Indicative Project description summary Project Objective By 2025, the Philippine Rise Marine Resource Reserve of 352,390 hectares, consisting of a 49,684 hectares Strict Protection Zone and a 302,706 ha Multiple Use Zone, is conserved and better managed, protecting globally significant biodiversity while facilitating the sustainable use of its marine resources and generating livelihood benefits for adjacent communities Project Component Financing Project Outcomes Project Outputs Trust GEF Amount($) Co-Fin Amount($) Type Fund Component 1: Improved management of the Technical Outcome 1.1: Output 1.1.1: GET 945,000.00 1,900,000.00 Philippine Rise Marine Resource Reserve Assistan Improved management Multi-sector and multi-agency functional Protected Area Management Board (PRMRR), meeting e-NIPAS (Expanded ce effectiveness of the 352,390 established and operational. National Integrated Protected Area System) hectare PRMRR requirements. Output 1.1.2: PRMRR Management Plan finalized to include biodiversity, spatial Target: # of ha under improved zoning, physical detection system and enforcement, communication, education, management; the 352,390 ha public awareness (CEPA), protected area financing, and M&E approved with multi- PRMRR improves its METT stakeholder input taking into account gender, indigenous people (IP) and local score by 20 points from a community considerations. baseline of 51/102 Output 1.1.3: Republic Act or draft legislative measure filed to be considered by Philippine Congress to institutionalize the protection of the PRMRR. Output 1.1.4: Decision-making protocols, operational manual, and checklists agreed to among all relevant agencies and stakeholders ensuring speedy and effective decision-making and action to guide the operation of the Protected Area Management Board (PAMB) and the protected area fund that finances PRMRR management. Component 2: Improved protection of the Investme Outcome 2.1: Output 2.1.1: GET 945,000.00 1,000,000.00 PRMRR Strict Protection Zone (SPZ) through nt Improved management and Biodiversity data and other information gaps addressed to develop specific awareness-raising, education, and protection of biodiversity within protection measures for the recently submitted KBA of the entire PRMRR enforcement of laws within the strict the 49,684 ha of the Strict protection zone. Output 2.1.2: Protection Zone of the PRMRR Information management system designed and in place (under National Mapping and Resource Information Authority or NAMRIA) . Target: The Benham Bank, or 49,684 ha of the PRMRR, is under improved management Output 2.1.3: (ha) Communication, education, and public awareness (CEPA) materials produced, socialized, and disseminated that inform people about the value and biodiversity and fisheries importance of the area. Output 2.1.4: Community awareness raising conducted, targeted to elicit compliance with laws. Output 2.1.5: Enforcement measures put in place, including patrolling and better monitoring of illegal activities through detection systems, within the SPZ. Component 3: Sustainable resource use and Investme Outcome 3.1: Output 3.1.1: GET 1,503,423.00 6,900,800.00 livelihoods incentivized and enforcement nt Sustainable resource use Fishing productivity and income increased improved in the Multiple Use Zone of the incentivized within the PRMRR PRMRR. multiple use zone, covering 302,706 ha Output 3.1.2: Strategies developed and implemented for livelihood alternatives, biodiversity- friendly enterprises (BDFEs), and biodiversity-based value chains (BBVCs) Target: % of users operating in the multiple-use zone that adopt sustainable practices (TBD during PPG phase) Output 3.1.3: Incentive programs designed and piloted to promote compliance with resource-use rules and regulations. Outcome 3.2: Enforcement improved in the PRMRR multiple use zone Output 3.2.1: Mechanism designed and deployed for inter-agency enforcement coordination. Target: % of users complying with extractive use laws within the multiple use zone (TBD Output 3.2.2: during PPG phase) Enforcement measures put in place in the multiple use zone per management plan. Component 4: Monitoring and Evaluation Technical Outcome 4.1: Output 4.1.1: GET 95,000.00 45,000.00 plans inform adaptive management Assistan Monitoring and evaluation in Monitoring and evaluation plan developed ce place and used to facilitate adaptive management Output 4.1.2: Monitoring and evaluation plan implemented Target: 100% of required reports and evaluations Output 4.1.3: Final report on monitoring and evaluation plan completed Output 4.1.4: Knowledge Management plan designed and implemented Sub Total ($) 3,488,423.00 9,845,800.00 Project Management Cost (PMC) GET 174,421.00 518,200.00 Sub Total($) 174,421.00 518,200.00 Total Project Cost($) 3,662,844.00 10,364,000.00 C. Indicative sources of Co-financing for the Project by name and by type Sources of Co-financing Name of Co-financier Type of Co-financing Investment Mobilized Amount($) Recipient Country Government DENR, BFAR, DOST, PN In-kind Recurrent expenditures 10,164,000.00 GEF Agency CI Grant Investment mobilized 200,000.00 Total Project Cost($) 10,364,000.00 Describe how any "Investment Mobilized" was identified Co-financing from CI is considered investment mobilized as these are not recurrent funding but will be funding linked directly to this project. Co-financing from the government will contribute to the goals of this project and will be used during the duration of the project. Since these are government expenditures, these are considered in-kind and recurrent expenditures. Co-financing that is investment mobilized will be secured during the PPG phase. D. Indicative Trust Fund Resources Requested by Agency(ies), Country(ies), Focal Area and the Programming of Funds Agency Trust Fund Country Focal Area Programming of Funds Amount($) Fee($) Total($) CI GET Philippines Biodiversity BD STAR Allocation 3,662,844 329,656 3,992,500.00 Total GEF Resources($) 3,662,844.00 329,656.00 3,992,500.00 E. Project Preparation Grant (PPG) PPG Required PPG Amount ($) PPG Agency Fee ($) 150,000 13,500 Agency Trust Fund Country Focal Area Programming of Funds Amount($) Fee($) Total($) CI GET Philippines Biodiversity BD STAR Allocation 150,000 13,500 163,500.00 Total Project Costs($) 150,000.00 13,500.00 163,500.00 Core Indicators Indicator 2 Marine protected areas created or under improved management for conservation and sustainable use Ha (Expected at PIF) Ha (Expected at CEO Endorsement) Ha (Achieved at MTR) Ha (Achieved at TE) 352,390.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Indicator 2.1 Marine Protected Areas Newly created Total Ha (Expected at PIF) Total Ha (Expected at CEO Endorsement) Total Ha (Achieved at MTR) Total Ha (Achieved at TE) 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 Total Ha (Expected at CEO Name of the Protected Area WDPA ID IUCN Category Total Ha (Expected at PIF) Endorsement) Total Ha (Achieved at MTR) Total Ha (Achieved at TE) Indicator 2.2 Marine Protected Areas Under improved management effectiveness Total Ha (Expected at PIF) Total Ha (Expected at CEO Endorsement) Total
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