lARTON TELLS GOP TWO BRITISH WARSHIPS TO WIN FAITH NOW ORDERED TO PROCEED 1f»» PUT IN ROOSEVELT S ajs People DemanJ A PUb , J A P S SCRAMBLE TO MALLORCA ISLAND Urpe.Bro.dUVr.JPr.; PQR COHON AS Destroyers Depart Saddenly ' gram, Declares Railroads, . aunn\ Duce Advises Franco From Gibraltar For Italian ^ Mast Have Lower Rates. LIU b ILAl HrbU To Use ^Moderation* Airplane Base; Believed Indianapolis, June 29 — (A P ) — Imports Banned, 47 Types Rep. Bruce Barton (R.. N. Y .l. said A Warning Gesture To In Bombing of Ships today the “mass feeling" of faith — Of Articles Barred From whether "well founded or lU-found- Stop Attack On Steamers. ed"— In President Roosevelt was Production, As Screw Of Rome, June 29.— (A P ) — A spokes-.7name free ports In western Spain "the controlling political Influence man for the Fascist regime de- (Insurgent-held) where "honest of our day," and advised the Re- clared today that Italy had advised traffic" would have free entry. liOiuJon, June 29.— (A P ) — publican party to try to capture General Francisco Franco, the Cayda said the bombings were W ar Needs Is Tightened. Two British destroyers, the that faith for Itself. In a plain- Spanish Insurgent leader, to use fully justified and asserted that f spoken keynote speech prepared for "moderation" tn hla efforts to pre- "the Spanish command has not Imogen and the Isis, were or- the Indiana state Republican con- vent British and other foreign ships tombe(i British ships but contra- dered suddenly to Mallorca to- Tokyo, June 29— ( A P )— Wild ex- vention, Barton projected a party from bringing supplies to. govern- band ships.” He went on: campaign program which would ac- day from Gibraltar. citement prevailed In textile mark- ment Spain. •The rule that the flag covers the cept the New Deal reforms deemed The Admiralty described the eta today as manufacturers’ agents ’The spokesman, the noted editor merchandise certainly can not gov- "soimd," but would put national ad- Vlrglnlo Gayda, said, however, that ern In a struggle which has for Its movement as “routine” in con- ministration back in the hands of a fought frantically to buy the last Stalled at Scranton. Pa., by rain and a strike of workmen who refused to take a wage cut, Rlngllng Italy approved of the tombing of end the life and fortune of an entire nection with the Nyon anti-pi- "Republican party cleansed, chakt- shreds of raw cotton with the pub- Brothers-Barnum * Bsllcy’s "Greatest Show on Earth" folded its "big Top" for the summer at an unpre- vessels carrying contraband but nation.’’ ened, re-dedicated to service." racy patrol. lication of a government decree or- dentedly early date. Here workmen are folding the canvas to ship it along with other equipment to disclaimed any Italian responsibility The Fascist spokesman denied He told the convention that to The Italian-operated air- dering factories to quit producing a tha circus winter quarters at Sarasota, Fla. therefor. tjiat Lord Perth had" "menaced" Ignore the President’s popular ap- long list of cotton cloth and Iron In an Inspired article In the Glor- Italy In any way or brought up the plane base at Palma, Mallorca, peal was “blindness; to Inveigh products for domestic use. Giving nale D’ltalla, Ga](da disclosed the question of "Italian responsibility is the source of many of the against It Is political Insanity." Japan’s economic thumbscrews an^ content of the conversation last for the bombings." People Demand Plan insurgent air raids on the coast other twist as a result of the Chi- night between the Earl of Perth, N o doubt, said Gayda, the British “ 'Give us a plan.’ the people cry. of government Spain and Brit- nese war, the decree waa designed PROBERS TO CHECK Britain’s ambassador, and, Eorclgn ambassador talked about Spanish 'Show us 4 picture,’ ’’ he went on In part to promote export trade, Minister Count Galeazzo Cltno. affairs "with calm words” and "In- ish shipping in Spanish wa- ; "Here, In broad outlines. Is the STATE SEN. LAWLOR, particularly of cotton textiles, with- The editor said Clano told Lord vited" the Italian government to use Republican Iplclure: We see a lanji ters. Mallorca is 150 miles east Perth that Franco already had Ito “Influence In persuading General In which no more great fortunes are' out Increasing raw cotton imports. WILLIAMS’ SPEECH of Spain. taken a series of measures to give Franco to change hIs 'aerial war likely to be ama.saed: a land where Pleading with the people to re- May Halt Attacks main calm, the government assured the British government satisfaction policy." those who now have great fortunes Observers connected the move- them that present stocks of raw NAMED IN BRIBERY with regard to the long list of Rumors are Denied will be compelled to put those for- bombings of British ships, against ment of the destroyers with reports cotton would be sufficient to last Idslnuations that Italy was di- tunes Into production for the pub W PA Official Asked Work- which London has protested vigor- from Rome that Premier Mussolini thls^year. Thereafter .-Uple fibre rectly responsible for the bombings 11c good, or to have them legrally re. ously. had interceded with Insurgent Gen- distributed. and synthetic products will be used were strongly denied. "The conduct These measures, Gayda said, eralissimo Francisco Franco in an Instead. of the war and employment of "But It Is a land where the power CHARGE, IS STRICKEN ers To Keep Friends In were: effort to halt attacks on British Ves. to tax, which has been rightly term- Retailers Near I*anir equipment must be left exclusively First, Franco had given orders sels. ed ’the power to deetroy,’ Is used Exporters were jubilant since the to the will and decision of the that British ships should not be at- Both Mussolini's action and ths not to destroy but to stimulate. order wlll^*TOv+fhM3reIr) machines Power; Talk Unfortunate. Spanish commander", Gayda wrote. tacked while navigating. Admiralty’s were believed to be rs. "W e see a land where the farm with more rirr^materiaUbut retail- Any interference from Italy, he Reported Seriously lU From Respect British Flag suits of Increasing pressure on problem and the railroad problem ers were thrown Into a near panic. said, would be "a contradiction of Second, ho had ordered that the Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and the tariff problem, the houelng Scenes r e ^ b l l n g a frenzied bar- Spanish Independence, which Italy Washington, June 29.— (A P ) — British flag be respected as far as at home to do something to stop ths problem and the relief problem are L A T E N E WS respects and Intends to respect.' gain counter sale developed as they Ruptured Appendix; Had Tha Senate campaign funds com- possible In Spanish government attacks. treated not as separate problems ■The Perth-Ciano conference pro- battled to acquire every available porta. While worahlps are privileged to but as Integral parts of the-greater mittee checked up further today scrap of finished cloth. Third, Franco was willing to call at Mallorca at any time It was whole. W e see our soli conserved by Just Recentiy Recovered on a W P A official’s speech urging (Contlnned on Page ’^ o . ) Promulgated by Selhln Deeds, the FLASHES! believe<l the present movement was federal edd; we eee faelllUee for the minister of commerce, with the slo- the unemployed t o .. Rasp their In th*.nature of a "gesture" to com- free enrage of ot]rphjtf*viv)!|0' wc gan, "toward victory with all re- friends In power. mand the Insurgents’ attention and see an end to the program of scare* From Pneumonia Attack. sources and efforts," the decree list- SIGNS FLOOD CURB BIIX at the same time quiet opposition 9| Ity.” Chairman Sheppard (D., Tex.) ed 47 types of articles which will Hyde Park, N. 'Y., June 29.— (A P ) Parliament. Tens of Thousands of Jobs said, however, there was llttlo the be banned from production after — President Roosevelt announced to- committee could do beyond Its NYE INCREASES HIS LEAD Opposition members of Parlll^ "But we see railroads rehabllltat Waterbury. June 29.— (A P ) July 1, and announced 34 additional day that he had signed the 8386,- ment have been getting more and ed and tens of thousands of unem statement yesterday terming “un-, types of goods would be banned State Senator Joseph H. Lawlor, 500,000 onilbus flood control bill more sarcastic in asking where the ployed workers back at work— not fortunate" the address by Audrey July 18. one of five men charged with ac- “with some reluctance." British Navy was while ships flying by the strangulation process of Williams, deputy W P A sdfKlnistra- The newspapers reported that Asserting that It “1b unnecessary tor. OVER GOVEIWOR LANGER the Union Jack were being sunk. higher rates, but by the Ilfe-glvlng cepting a bribe while a member of | Ikeda’s hand trembled as he signed for nte to emphasize the importance Chamberlain was heckled by ths process of very low rates. Prosper. "W e have expressed our disap- the decree, but they found some the 1935 General Assembly, was re- ol carr.ring on a large and continu- opposition again at today’s session Ity, as every sensible man knows, ported today In a critical condition proval of the speech," Sheppard of the House of Commons. ing program to eliminate floods, told reporters. "There Is not much consists of volume multiplied by as a result of a ruptured appendix.
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