
A Big Top in a Small Place: At the Sign of, COII I illtled from page 15 ITA A Model Hobby the Prevemion of Drug and Alcohol Abuse Among Children symbolizes the care that we, as Freemasons, give our decorated to duplicate the circus designs youth. It was inspired by a window at the exactly. They are set up in three rings, William A. Carpenter Chapel at the under a big tent; a sideshow completes Patton Campus. AN OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE RIG HT WORSHIPFUL G R AN D LODGE OF FREE AND ACCEPTED MASO NS OF P ENNSYLVANIA the display. The layou t is currently on display at a friend's private m useum in VOLUME XXXV NOVEMBER • 1988 N UMBER4 Be thlehem, P e nnsylvania, w h ere "children of a ll ages" come to see his incredible work. Bro. Stugard, who is now eighty-six Construction Begins on Independent Living Community Models years old, has resided a t the Masonic Bro. Lawrence Stugard is a lifelong Homes at Elizabethtown for the past T he em b lem of the Libra ry a nd enthusiast of the circus. Bro. Stugard saw twelve years. He has been a member of Museum of the Grand Lodge of Pennsyl­ his first circus when he was four, and his Muncy Lodge No. 299 for the past sixty vania has been used since the early part of interest never waned. H e has followed years. He also holds m embership in the this century. It contains the ever-burning the "Big T op " for his entire life, and has Scottish Rite and in the Shrine. lamp of knowledge, within the fa m iliar seen every major circus and circus per­ In connection with his interest in the Square a nd Compass, surrounded by a former in his lifetime. circus, Bro. Stugard is pro ud of the fact garter which is symbolic of fa ith. As his interest in the circus grew over that he has held memberships in the the years, Bro. Stugard reached the point Circus Fa ns' Association, the Circus where he wanted a circus of his own, and Model Builders and the Circus Historical he began carving one o ut of wood. H e Society. carved every performer, every animal and Bro. Stugard keeps one of his carved every wagon , comple ting over one elephants on display in his room at the hundred elephants and wagons for his - ------ ----- - - ---- -- - -------- ~ Masonic H omes as a memento of his The Master Builders l display. Each p iece has been painted and lifelong love and interest. I A HistoT)• of the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania Enclosed is 111) check 01 monc) order in the amount of S fm purchasing the follo"·ing \olume(s) of Masonic T emple the :\lASTER Bl'ILDERS: One Nonh Broad Street Second Class Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598 POST AG E i\ la ke check payable to Gtand Sea·etary. PA ID \ 'olume I _ _ @ S22.95 S _ _ _ Philadelphia, PennsylVi:lnia \ 'olume II __ @$22.95 S ___ and Additional \ 'olume III __ @ S22.95 Offices Slip C.ase __ @ S 5.00 S ___ T otal Enclosed S ___ Sl11p to: . \dd!t~' Arthur J. Kurtz, R. W. Grand Master and W. Scott Stoner, R. W. Deputy G rand Master, on Construction Site of Independent Living Community Models. C.111 Stale Z•p Full scale models of a n apartment and a cottage are shown and were completed in time for "Autumn Day" a t the Masonic Homes, rl'l t'phmu: (arc:a cult-) held on Saturday, October 22, 1988. T he ribbon cutting ceremony, performed by Bro. Arthur]. Kurtz, R.W. Grand Master, was the The above prices in< Jude main event of the day. Masons and their fa m ilies were escorted through the a ttractively decora ted models throughout the day. taxes, postage and handling costs. T hrough prior articles in T he Pennsylvan ia Freemason, several thousand Masons have expressed an interest in our newest Mail to: concept of living at the Masonic Homes and have been p rovided with the p reliminary info rma tion . A survey which accompanied T he Library & :\luseum this information has been returned by hundreds of those receiving the information wishing to be included on our priority list. POST MASTER: Send address changes to above. The :\ lasonic Temple H you have not received o ur new brochure on the Independent Living Community, please contact the Masonic H om es and a copy Please include complete imprint of address on your postal return clippi ng. One :'\otth Broad Su eet will be sent to you. Philadelphia, PA 19107-2598 colliil111ed 0 11 page 5 16 @ The Grand Master Speaks... Help to a Brother door, or a neighbor down the street, may with unanimity. I sincerely and trul y The following story was related to us by suggested that Bro. Deordio go to the Jones kept in consta nt touch with Mrs. ever know. intend to address many of these items in Bro. Francis A. Deordio, P.M. and Secre­ hospital. Deordio with regards to her husband's I would hope that every Brother would the very near future. tary of Pocono L odge No. 780. Very reluctantly he agreed, and a progress. be proud to wear the Square and Com­ I am especiall y excited about our new -The Editors Philadelphia police car arrived and took When he was discharged from the pass, the only really recognized Masonic venture at E lizabethtown: The es­ him to the emergency room at Hahne­ hospital ten days later, Bro. Jones arrived sy mbol to those outside the Craft. I hope tabli shment o f a new Independent mann Hospital, accompanied by Bro. with Mrs. Deordio, and drove them that every Lodge would proudly display Living Community. T his new concept Jones. An ambulance was not sufficient home. Bro. Deordio was overcome with on their well-kept Lodge Building, a at our Masonic H omes is another service due to the fact that Bro. Deordio was such a display of Masonic friendship and large Square and Compass indicating we are offering our senior members and unable to lie clown. Upon arriva l at the brotherly love. that here is where Masons teach their their spouses. A new brochure, explain­ hospital, a team of doctors proceeded to It was a t the insistence of Bro. Homer u·uths and morality. ing the Independent Living Community examine Bro. Deordio. The diagnosis Jones that Bro. Dcordio went to the Also, in my travels, I find evidence of in depth, is being prepared and will be was that Bro. Deordio had an abdominal hospital, and Bro. Deordio states that "I our District Deputy Grand Masters going availa ble very shortly. aortic a neu rysm w hich required owe my life to that insistence." the exu·a mile to bring Blue Lodges into And finally, Brethren, a major reno­ immediate surgery. H e would also like to point out that harmony with the Grand Lodge. Each of vation of the Hospital Complex at our Bro. Jones, after consulting with the Bros. Michael J. Peters, P.M., Moderator these Deputies represents me to you, in Masonic Homes is being undertaken, doctors about the operation, took charge of the Sem inar, and John H unt, his District and likewise, you to me, in Bros. Homer Jones, D.D.G.M. and Francis A. whid1 will result in one of the Einest Dcordio, P.M. of Bro. Deordio's valuables, and returned D.D.G.M. of Masonic District "D," were G rand Lodge. I compliment these geriatric facilities in the entire counu·y. to the Masonic T emple. Meanwhile, also very much interested in his well Brethren for their excellence and efforts To finance these projects, of course, my Just about a year ago, on Saturday, Bro. Deordio was immediately rushed being, and visited h im in the hospital. made thus far this year on my behalf. Brethren, we will need the support of all November 21, 1987, Bro. Francis A. into surgery. T he patient was told by the Truly, the Grand Master does, indeed, our Lodges and our members. May I call Deordio was attending the Secretary's surgeon at a post-operative visit that he depend upon his District Deputy Grand Bro. Arthur J. K.urtz, R. W. ?rand Master your attention to the recent Masonic Seminar held at the Masonic Temple in had been experiencing internal bleed ing Masters. Homes Charities Appeal sent to all Philadelphia. Unfortunately, he did not when the operation started, and that he Rules for Submissions to A recently held Masonic Congress con­ Pennsylvania Masons; and I ask you to stay fo r the entire Seminar due to the would have lived only about three The Pennsylvania My Brethren: sisting of all the Masonic bodies within give it serious consideration ... T hank following incident. minutes had the opera tion been delayed. After ten months as your G ra nd our Commonwealth, reviewed common you. Shortly before the lunch break, he Meanwhile, back at the Temple, Bro. Freemason pro blem s, and suggested possible started to have sharp pains in his back. Jones arranged transportation home for Master, having visited Lodges and other '\'\' hen making submissions for solutions which would improve the H e fi gured it was the chair in which he two other Secretaries from the 50th Masonic bodies throughout the Juris­ publication in The Pennsylvania Fraternity in general. This was a prime District.
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