Vol. 34, No. 1 January/February 2006 2006 ICA Officer Nominations Must Be Made by February 20 Members wanting to submit nomina- United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Pales- kins U; Karen J. Ross, Coventry U; and tions for the Fall 2006 ICA officer elec- tine, Arab League, Afghanistan, Azer- Caja J. Thimm, U of Bonn. Questions tions have until February 20 (deadline baijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, on the nominating process may be di- for receipt) to do so. In those elections, Myanmar, Cambodia, India, Indone- rected to Sandi Smith at smiths@msu. ICA will choose a president-elect-se- sia, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mal- edu. lect, a student board member, and two dives, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sin- board members-at-large. Under the gapore, Sri Lanka, Tajikistan, Thailand, Send nominations to arrive no later protocol adopted in 2000 to promote Turkey, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and than February 20, 2006, to: better worldwide representation on Vietnam. the ICA board, one of this year’s board members-at-large must come from the Any ICA member may nominate any Dr. Sandi Smith East Asia region, and the other from other ICA member for office. Nomi- Michigan State U West & South Asia region. nations must include a letter of nomi- Department of Communication nation and statement about the candi- East Lansing, MI 48824 The East Asia region, as designat- date’s credentials and record of service USA ed by the UNESCO Statistical Year- to ICA. Nominees will be asked to pro- book, includes China, Hong Kong, Ja- vide a vita and list of references. pan, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, North Ko- Online balloting will open on Septem- rea, South Korea, and Taiwan. West Sandi Smith, Michigan State U, heads ber 15 and continue until October 1. & South Asia includes Bahrain, Iran, the Nominating Committee. The com- Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, mittee also consists of George Cheney, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, U of Utah; Rajiv N. Rimal, Johns Hop- Publications Committee Seeks Editor for Human Communication What’s Inside ICA January/February Newsletter 2006 Research The ICA Publications Committee is so- Nominations should be submitted by 2 President’s Message liciting nominations for editor of Hu- Mar. 31, 2006. Self-nominations are Student Column man Communication Research to suc- welcomed. 9 ceed James Dillard, whose terms ends at 14 News of Interest the close of 2006. A completed nomi- Queries and nominations should be ad- nation package should include a letter dressed to Teresa L. Thompson, Chair, 15 Division & Interest from the candidate, two to four letters ICA Publications Committee, Depart- Group News of support from publishing scholars fa- ment of Communication, University miliar with the candidate’s work and of Dayton, Dayton, OH 45469-1410. 19 Calls for Papers experience, and a letter of institutional Voice: 937-229-2379. Fax: 937-229- 23 Positions Available support from the candidate’s home in- 2055. Email: [email protected]. stitution. & Other Advertising 1 P R E S I D E N T ‘ S International Communication Association 2005–2006 Board of Directors Executive Committee Jon Nussbaum, President, Robert T. Craig, Past President, Pennsylvania State U U of Colorado Message Wolfgang Donsbach, Immediate Jennings Bryant (ex-offi cio), An International Standard of Past President, U of Dresden Finance Chair, U of Alabama Scholarly Excellence Ronald Rice, President-elect, Michael L. Haley (ex-offi cio), U of California, Santa Executive Director Barbara by Jon Nussbaum ICA President Members-at-Large Sherry Ferguson, U of Ottowa Joseph Man Chan, Chinese U Ted Zorn, U of Waikato Student Members I have been asked well over of Hong Kong Dafna Lemish, Tel Aviv U Tema Milstein, U of Washington thirty times (to date) during Karen Ross, Coventry U Qi Yang, U of Maryland my year as ICA President to write letters of evaluation for Division Chairs & ICA Vice Presidents individuals who are being con- David Roskos-Ewoldsen, Information Systems, U of Alabama sidered for tenure and/or pro- Beth LePoire, Interpersonal Communication, U of California, Santa Barbara motion by their departments, Holli Semetko, Mass Communication, Emory U colleges, or universities. Th ese Steven Corman, Organizational Communication, Arizona State U invitations to evaluate the Min-Sun Kim, Intercultural & Development Communication, scholarly excellence of individual research and service pro- U of Hawaii Gianpetro Mazzoleni, Political Communication, U of Milan grams (rarely am I asked to evaluate teacher eff ectiveness) Lynda McCroskey, Instructional & Developmental have been forwarded from all over the world and from col- Communication, California State U-Long Beach leges and universities with quite a variety of research and John Lammers, Health Communication, U of Illinois service missions. My average for the fi ve years prior to be- Christina Slade, Philosophy of Communication, Macquarie U Joseph Walther, Communication & Technology, Cornell U coming President was six letters a year. Debra Merskin, Popular Communication, U of Oregon Hochang Shin, Public Relations, Sogang U While I am always honored to write such letters, I am now Marian Meyers, Feminist Scholarship, Georgia State U wondering if I am asked because of my own research cre- Matt Jackson, Communication Law & Policy, Pennsylvania State U dentials, or because I happen to hold this particular posi- François Cooren, Language & Social Interaction, U de Montréal tion. As President of ICA, does my letter indicate a stamp Michael Griffi n, Visual Communication, Macalester College of approval by our scholarly association? Th is has caused to ask: what role should ICA play in setting standards of Special Interest Group Chairs scholarly excellence? Katherine Sender, Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, & Transgender Studies, U of Pennsylvania Th e Journal of Communication recently published an article Hiroshi Ota, Intergroup Communication, Aichi Shukutoku U Th omas Hanitzsch, Journalism Studies, Technische U Ilmenau by Ulla Bunz entitled “Publish or Perish: A Limited Author Isabel Molina & Kumarini Silva, Ethnicity and Race in Analysis of ICA and NCA Journals,” which has provided Communication, U of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign me, and I hope many of our ICA members, with some inter- James Watt, Game Studies, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute esting empirical data as to the upper threshold of individual scholarly productivity from 1999 to 2004 in selected ICA Editorial & Advertising and NCA journals. Th e problem when writing evaluation Howard Giles, U of California, Santa Barbara, letters, though, lies in whether the particular candidate for Chair, ICA Newsletter Committee Michael J. West, Publications Manager, ICA promotion and/or tenure meets or surpasses the publication and service standards set by his/her particular institution. ICA Newsletter (ISSN0018876X) is published 10 times annually Th is is complicated, naturally, by the diff erent defi nitions of (combining January-February and June-July issues) by the International scholarly excellence that each institution has created or is in Communication Association, 1730 Rhode Island NW, Suite 300, the process of creating. Washington, DC 20036 USA; phone: 202-530-9855; fax: 202-530- 9851; email: [email protected]; website: www.icahdq.org. ICA dues include $30 for a subscription to the ICA Newsletter for one year. Th e Even when asked to comment upon whether a particular in- Newsletter is available to nonmembers for $30 per year. Direct requests for dividual would receive a positive evaluation within my own ad rates and other inquiries to Mike West, Editor, at the address listed above. department/university, I have always considered that ques- News and advertising deadlines are Dec.10 for the January-February issue; Feb. tion unfair and quite impossible to answer. Nevertheless, I 10 for March; Mar. 10 for April; Apr. 10 for May; May 10 for June–June; July 10 for ICA January/February Newsletter 2006 August; Aug. 10 for September; Sept. 10 for October; Oct. 10 for November; Nov. 10 for December. (continued on page 4) 2 Register Now for ICA 2006 Preconference Workshops by Michael J. West 4. Internet and Development: Bridging the Digital Di- ICA Headquarters vide. Six preconferences have been scheduled over the four days The aim of this pre-conference is to form a network of leading up to the ICA 2006 Conference in Dresden. Three scholars to monitor the progress of and to research inter- of the preconferences will take place in Dresden, with the net governance, with a special emphasis on the internation- others in Munich, Erfurt, and Budapest. Registration for al aspects. the preconferences began on January 15 and continues un- til May 6. Registration fee is 100,00€ ($120.00 USD). The first preconference, titled “Influencing Outcomes: “Messages from Abroad: Foreign Political News in Glo- Communications Research and Global and Regional balized Media Landscape,” the third scheduled precon- Policy Transformations,” will be held June 16-17 at Cen- ference, will take place on Saturday, June 17, at Ludwigs- tral European University in Budapest. This preconference, Maximilians University (LMU) Munich, Kleine Aula, Ge- jointly hosted by the Philosophy of Communication and schwister-Scholl-Platz 1. The preconference aims at disen- Political Communication Divisions, will discuss the re- tangling the complex interactions between media, politics, lationship between research and policymaking, as well as and the public on an international level. Traditionally—one how the scholarly community can impact and influence
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