:EBRUARY 1947 COLLEGIAN (Su Page 4) 35 CENTS ~ $Cription Rate ~ E YEAR $3.75 HE C HESSMEN pictured at t he left T are molded of genuine Tenite ­ the fi nest pl ast ic material obtainable. StUl'dy and pl"klCtical, t hey wil! stand hard usage. The men <lre weighted to prevent them f rom tipping over dlll'ing pl <lY. T he bases a re felted. The design conforms to the Staunton pat· tem, These beautiful chessmen are made in two sizes, as described below: Standa rd Si>:e; This size is Intended fol' us .. on boards with 1*", 2 ~ 01" :n lJ~ squares. In tile plloto at tile ,e ft, II lan<lard !; izf' mcn al'e sho wn 011 a bOil I'd with 2" squares. T hiR I~ t he most pOllular sbe fo r home Ilse. King hol ght: 2%". Dase (llnmetel': 1 -1\,~ . Student S il.e: This size is inbmtled for U!lf Oil hoanls with l 'h~ . 1%" or l* w squarel!. King height 2%". Base diame ter: 1,.',, ". Both sizes are available In Black an{ h'ory or Heel and Ivory as WHeel below. FINEST QUALITY - AMERICAN MADE PLASTIC CH SSMEN STANDARD SIZE SETS : F or dimensions a nd details of t he se sets, seo description above. No. 125 CIll ack & Ivory) 01' No. 126 (Red & Ivol'Y); Complete set of standard size chessmen, weighted a nd fe lted, In De Luxo leatherette over wood fra me bo)(. lied wooll divisi ons and clo th plldded lid. Attrllcllvely e mbossed . , .. _ $11.50 No. 80 (Black & Ivory) or No. 81 CUed & [vory): Complete set of stnndard s ize or No. 126 chessmen. weighted and fel ted. in Standard Sll.c Set in De LUli e Box t wo section simulated leather elise $6.95 No. 1(}() (Black & Ivory) or No, 101 ( Red &. Ivory): Complete set of s tandard size 70 or No. 71 chessmen, NOT weighted and NOT felted, Student Si>: e Set i n 2·Seet ion Sal( In cardboard box , with Instruc· t ionll for weighting. t h o men .... $1.50 STUDENT SIZE SETS: F or d imensions, lIee description at lOp. No. 70 (Black & Ivory) or No. 11 (Hed & Ivory); Complete set of student s ize chessmen. weighted and felte d. In two section almulated leHlher cllse $4.95 No. 35 (Bla ck &. Ivory) or No. 36 (Red & Ivory): Complete set of student size NO. 80 or No. 81 chessmen, weighted and felted, In Standard Si2:e Set in 2·S~c ti on Box cal"dboard box. .. .. .. .. $1.50 Student Si >:e Set in Ca rdboard 8 0_ CHESS REVIEW ' Hf "'UI/,., ( HUS Al AGllllNf [OilED " PU8LI SifED BY I. A. Horowitz &. Kenneth Harkness INDEX -EATURES icture Guide to Chese . , . ... 27 ales of a Wood pusher ..... , .. ,1 4 his Made Chen History .. ..... 16 FACING THE FACTS It seems obvious tb.at we cannot just . S. Championship Game,. ..... 10 divide the map of the Unjted States up AST mOll th. in this s pace, we began into small geogl"nj)hlcal sections, hold a EPARTMENTS L a discussion of U. S. Chess Cham· tournament in each section and QUa lify I,)ions hlp procedure and made sOllie s ug· , lIess Caviar . .. ... ......... 9 a n equal 01' random lIumber o[ players Chen Movies ..... .. .. __. .. 20 gealioll s concerning the IHun ber ot com· from each tournament. , . petltol1l a nd the seeding or mastel'S. ,Game of th.e Month . ........ 18 E ven if It were possible to hold COli' We recommended that twenty players ~Games from Recent Events .. 22 tests In h u ndreds of small a reas, these compete fOl' the cilamplonshlp In ]948, praph lc Endil'lgs ... ... , ..... ,13 could only be pl'elimlnal'y contests, to Including twelve seeded muSlers. As Jt ('ostal Chen . .... .. ..... ...... 31 be fo llowed by seml·rina l toul"llamen(s. Is unlikely, however, that more than ten eaders' Games ....... _.... ,37 Wherc, then, wJJJ the semi·finals b. e of the seeded masters would actually olitaire Chess . ...... .. , .... .. 39 held? ])Iny, there would be room fOl' at least he World of Cheu .. ' " .. ' .... 5 ten unseeded l)layel"s. To 1Ulswel' these ques tions intelllgenlly To decide how candldlltes s hould be we Inust be I) rovlded wi th statistics on the chess pOl) ulatlon of the United E DITORS quaurled fOI" the U. S. Championship Is • not cnsy. In considering the problem, It S ta tes. \Ve must know the relative d is· I. A. H orowitz pos ition o r chessplayel's throughout the Kenneth H ark neu Is well to bear in m ill d these Important obJectives: coun try. ASSOCIATE E DITORS 1. 'fhe qUalifying tourname nts should As a public service to organized c hess. Jack Str aley RAuell we have prel)are d a statistical survey Jolm C. Rather be held under serious conditions fOl' the so le j) \II"I)()se of enabling stl'ong 1)layers ot this type. based on tbe national c ireu" CO NTRI BUTI NG EDITORS to compete fO I' Lbe l'ight to piny In tbe lation Of this magazine. Rcu~n I-'" e. Alber!. S. Pinkus, J. W. Collins Championship. Anticipating the cl'jUelsm that OUI" 2. The tournaments s hOUld be he ld in circulation is not an nccuI"Rte base for General Office.: 250 West 51th Street, dlffe l'e nt pa rts o( the United States to such a survey, let till pOint out these New York 19, N. y, Sale. Department facts: (Room 1~2~) open dally, except S ... n­ mu.ke It possible fm' candl<ilttes to com· <\I.YI, from 10 IL. m. 10 6 p. rn. Tel­ pete without travelling too tal' from their 1. T he sub~el ' lptlon JI st of CHESS HE· ephone: Clrde a-U58, homos. VIEW Is the largest lI D-to-date Itst ot UnJoJle!tfd man ... eripl. a nd photo_ 3. The numbe r or players (,lualUied k nown e hesl! pinyers In the United States. gr.phl will not be returned II nle .. ae_ 2. Mos t of the c ll'culalion was obta ined ~f'lInl.d by reu. rn pU talle and .elf­ from each tournament s hould depend .ddrnl.d envelope. upon the chess population of the a rea by advertising In newspa pe l'S all over tbe coulltry and in na tional magnzines, CHESS REVIEW \1 published monthly served by the con test. 'Y CHESS REVIEW, aso Welit 51th The tlrst objective Is extl'ernely im· 3. III common with a ll nationally-dls. S~ t . t-:ew York U, N . Y. Printed tribute tl periodicals, c irculation figures 111 U.S,A. Entered ... aecond-elau mat­ portant. It we are to develop more mas­ u r Mal' 5. au. at the POlt Ol'l'lce at lel'S in this country, strong I)layers Illust are not ar£ecled by the locatio n ot the Se ..· York. N, y, ... nder the Act 01 compete nndel" the conditions of master pUblishers. l.!lreh 3. 1819. contests. Brie fly, this means that the 4. The e<1ltol"lal contents <10 not local· Publleallon Datu: Published on the tourn nment should be scheduled at the ize the Ci rculation In ully way. News 10th of ~Il~h month preceding the date of Is:sue, A3 socond- 01'}.$1 mall is Often mte of not more than foul' rounds a week cove rage Is mainly or Inte l"ll utiona l and delayed, allow tWO weeks lor delivery national chess events. All a reas of the before concl ... dlng your COllY hae been If the contestants are worl<lng dm'ing the IoSI. day, 110t more than six roul1ds a week jf U. S. al'e represented In coverage or local SlJbscrl ptlon Rale.: One year $3.15, they are on vacation. The games should a nd regional cOll tests. The statistics 1.. 0 yean $1.00. thrce yeara $10.00 In themseh'es (tor instance, tbe circulation 1M United l;tatCl, U. S, PO.lleuion., be I)lnyed with clocks at a lime limit ot euad., l'e,,'folll.dIQnd. Spain and not more thall 40 m oves i n 2 hOlll"s per in C."llirornia) prove this point. PIa·Amerlean countri ea. Elsewhere: player, The to\lrnanlent should bo u ll der 5. The statistics a re cOIl (irmed. In a U,50 per yellr. competent management with a refe ree gene ral way, by the distributio n or c hess CIIa"~ 0' Addre .. : 1"ou. week3' no­ pl'esellt at all sessions. T he contest c lu bs thl'oughout the United S tates. ( A Iloe ~Quired r or change or addr ello!!. WlIt%' orderln!> a change pielllle r... r­ s hould. o r course, be he ld ror the sole sepa rate s u rvey Is being ma de on th is oWl In Addre.. atenell impression pUI"\)ose or qualiryillg candidates. but has not yet been completed.) from the wrnppcr or ... recent I$, ... e It There may be some d lffen'nce or opin· 'Ve do not claim that these s tatisticS j"tIII can. ,\ddren chllnge. cannot be made wilhoul tho Old addreu as well Ion In Inte rpl'eUng the second and third show tile relative distribution of a ll the Illbe new one. I)amgraphs above but we bellevo that people In the U. S. who own chess sets Copyright: CH ESS REVIEW Is copy­ IllOs t n;mders will agree that these are or who pl:ly the game occasionally.
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