Condensed Technical Program USNC/URSI 15-19 May 1978 MONDAY, 15 MAY Room 0900-1200 B-1 Electromagnetics 0105 B-2 SEM 0109 E-1 Lightning, Spherics and Noise (Joint with F and H) 1105 1330-1700 B-3 Thin Wires 0105 B-4 Inverse Scattering and Profile Reconstruction 0109 E-2 CCIR Panel Discussion (Joint with F) 1105 F-1 Oceanography 1109 1700 Commission E Business Meeting 1105 1715 Commission B Business Meeting 0105 TUESDAY, 16 MAY 0830-1200 B-5 Scattering 0109 C-1 Impairments to Earth-Satellite Transmission 1101 F-2 Remote Sensing of the Atmosphere from Space 1109 1330-1700 B-6 Transmission Lines 0109 C-2 System Aspects of Antennas and Dual Polarization 1101 Transmission F-3 Scattering by Random Media and Rough Surfaces (Joint with 1109 AP-S and B) G-1 HF Radio Wave Absorption and Heating Effects 0123 1700 Commission C Business Meeting 1101 Commission F Business Meeting 0123 Commission H Business Meeting 0123 (continued on inside back cover) United States National Connnittee INTERNATIONAL UNION.OF RADIO SCIENCE PROGRAM AND ABSTRACTS 1978 Spring Meeting May 15-19 Held Jointly with ANTENNAS AND PROPAGATION SOCIETY INSTITUTE OF ELECTRICAL AND ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS Washington, D.C. ]!Q:!!: Programs and Abstracts of the USNC/URSI Meetings are available from: USNC/URSI National Academy of Sciences 2101 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20418 at $2 for meetings prior to 1970, $3 for 1971-75 meetings, and $5 for 1976-78 meetings. The full papers are not published in any collected format; requests for them should be addressed to the authors who may have them published on their own initiative. Please note that these meetings are national and they are not organized by international URSI, nor are the programs available from the international Secretariat. ii MEMBERSHIP United States National Committee INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RADIO SCIENCE Chairman: Dr. John V. Evans, Lincoln Laboratory, M.I.T.* Vice Chairman: Dr. C. Gordon Little, Environmental Research Labs, NOAA* Secretary: Dr. James R. Wait, Environmental Research Labs, NOAA* Editor: Dr. Thomas B.A. Senior, University of Michigan Immediate Past Chairman: Dr. Francis s. Johnson, University of Texas, Dallas* Members Representing Societies, Groups. and Institutes: American Astronomical Society Prof. Gart Westerhout American Geophysical Union Dr. Christopher T. Russell American Meteorological Society Dr. David Atlas Institute of Electrical & Electronic Engineering Dr. Ernst Weber IEEE Antennas & Propagation Society Dr. Robert C. Hansen IEEE Circuits & Systems Society Dr. Mohammed s. Ghausi IEEE Information Theory Group Dr. Jack K. Wolf Optical Society of America Dr. Michael K. Barnoski Liaison Representatives from Government Agencies: National Science Foundation Dr. W.K. Klemperer Department of Commerce Mr. Alan H. Shapley National Aeronautics & Space Administration Dr. Erwin R. Schmerling Federal Communications Commission (Vacant) Office of Telecommunications Policy Dr. John M. Kelso Department of Defense Mr. Emil Paroulek Dept. of the Army Mr. Allan W. Anderson Dept. of the Navy Dr. Leo Young Dept. of the Air Force Mr. Allan C. Schell iii Ex-Officio Members: Chairmen of the USNC-URSI Commissions: Commission A Dr. Ramon C. Baird Commission B Dr. Thomas A. Senior Commission C Dr. William F. Utlaut Commission D Dr. Kenneth J. Button Commission E Mr. George H. Hagn Commission F Dr. A.H. LaGrone Commission G Dr. Thomas E. Vanzandt Commission H Dr. Frederick W. Crawford Commission J Dr. K.I. Kellermann Officers of URS! resident in the United States: (including Honorary Presidents) Vice President Prof. William E. Gordon* Chairmen and Vice Chairmen of Commissions of URS! resident in the United States: Chairman of Commission A Dr. Helmut M. Altschuler Chairman of Commission J Prof. Gart Westerhout Vice Chairman of Commission B Prof. Leopold B. Felsen Vice Chairman of Commission E Mr. George H. Hagn Vice Chairman of Commission F Prof. Alan T. Waterman, Jr. Vice Chairman of Commission H Dr. Frederick W. Crawford Foreign Secretary of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences Dr. George S. Hammond Chairman, Office of Physical Sciences-NRC Dr. D. Allan Bromley Honorary Members: Dr. Harold H. Beverage Prof. Arthur H. Waynick NRC Staff Officer Mr. Richard Y. Dow * Member of USNC-URSI Executive Committee iv DESCRIPTION OF INTERNATIONAL UNION OF RADIO SCIENCE The International Union of Radio Science is one of 18 world scientific unions organized under the International Council of Scientific Unions (!CSU). It is commonly designated as URS! (from its French name, Union Radio Scientifique Internationale). Its aims are (1) to promote the scientific study of radio co!IlIID.lnica­ tions, (2) to aid and organize radio research requiring cooperation on an international scale and to encourage the discussion and pub­ lication of the results, (3) to facilitate agreement upon common methods of measurement and the standardization of measuring instru­ ments, and (4) to sti11n.1late and to coordinate studies of the scien­ tific aspects of teleco!IlIID.lnications using electromagnetic waves, guided and unguided. The International Union itself is an organi­ zational framework to aid in promoting these objectives. The actual technical work is largely done by the National Committees in the various countries. The officers of the International Union are: President: Mr. J. Voge (France) Immediate Past President: Sir Granville Beynon (UK) Vice Presidents: Prof. W.N. Christiansen (Australia) Prof. W.E. Gordon (USA) Prof. V.V. Migulin (USSR) Prof. F.L.H.M. Stumpers (Netherlands) Secretary General: Dr. C.M. Minnis (Belgium) Honorary Presidents: B. Decaux (France) W. Dieminger (West Germany) J.A. Ratcliffe (UK) R.L. Smith-Rose (UK) The Secretary's office and the headquarters of the organiza- tion are located at Rue de Nieuwenhove, 81, B-1180 Brussels, Belgium. The Union is supported by contributions (dues) from 36 member coun­ tries. Additional funds for symposia and other scientific activities of the Union are provided by !CSU from contributions received for this purpose from UNESCO. The International Union, as of the XVIII General Assembly held in Lima, Peru, August 1975, has nine bodies called Commissions for centralizing studies in the principal technical fields. The names of the Commissions and the chairmen follow. V A. Electromagnetic Metrology Dr. H.M. Altschuler (USA) B. Fields and Waves Prof. J. van Bladel (Belgium) C. Signals and Systems Prof. B. Picinbono (France) D. Physical Electronics Prof; A. Smolinski (Poland) E. Interference Environment Dr. Ya. I. Likhter (USSR) F. Wave Phenomena in Nonionized Media Mr. F. Eklund (Sweden) G. Ionospheric Radio Dr. J.W. King (United Kingdom) H. Waves in Plasmas Dr. R. Gendrin (France) J. Radio Astronomy Prof. G. Westerhout (USA) Every three. years, the International Union holds a meeting called the General Assembly. The next General Assembly, the XIX, will be held in Helsinki, Finland in August, 1978. The Secretariat prepares and distributes the Proceedings of these General Assemblies. The International Union arranges international symposia on specific subjects pertaining to the work of one Commission or to several Com­ missions. The International Union also cooperates with other Unions in international symposia on subjects of joint interest. Radio is unique among the fields of scientific work in having a specific adaptability to large-scale international research programs, for many of the phenomena that must be studied are worldwide in extent and yet are in a measure subject to control by experimenters. Explora­ tion of space and the extension of scientific observations to the space environment is dependent on radio for its counnunication link and at the same time expands the scope of radio research. One of its branches, radio astronomy, involves cosmos-wide phenomena. URSI has in all this a distinct field of usefulness in furnishing a meeting ground for the numerous workers in the manifold aspects of radio research; its meet­ ings and counnittee activities furnish valuable means of promoting research through exchange of ideas. vi Steering Committee: G. Hyde, Steering Committee Chairman E. Wolff, Steering Committee Vice-Chairman L. R. Dod, Secretary to the Steering Committee R. Lang, Finance Committee Chairman L. Taylor, Arrangements Committee Chairman B, Keiser, Registration Committee Chairman S. DiFonzo, Banquet Committee Chairman R. Hyde, Family Activities Committee Chairman A, K. Jordan, Special Events Committee Chairman W. Kahn, I. Katz, Technical Program Committee Co-Chairmen A, Atia, Publications Committee Chairman V. Arens, AP-S Digest I. Katz, URSI Digest W. Ament, Goverment and Industry Committee Chairman , W. English, Publicity Committee Chairman w. Ament A. K. Jordan T. ap Rhys M. Jordan v. Arens w. Kahn A. Atia I. Katz A. Cheung B. Keiser w. nestler J. Lang D. DiFonzo R. Lang s. DiFonzo D. LeVine L. R. Dod M. Schneider w. English L. Schwab G. Hyde L. Taylor R, Hyde APS/URSI Technical Program Committee: w. Kahn, I. Katz, Co-Chairmen w. Ament A. H. LaGrone T. L. ap Rhys R. H. Lang v. R. Arens D. LeVine c. I. Beard R. Mittra F. w. Crawford R. Price w. F. Croswell L. J, Ricardi G. A. Deschamps T. B. A. Senior w. J, English J, P. Shelton L. B. Fels en M. I. Skolnik G. H. Hagn N. A. Spencer K. J, Harker c. T. Swift G. Hyde w. F. Utlaut A. K. Jordan T. E. VanZandt w. Kahn w. Wasylkiwskyj I. Katz E. A. Wolff I. w. Kay L. Young Editorial Assistants: A. A. Arens s. L. Hofmann R. I. Arens B. F. Kahn vii MONDAY MORNING, 15 MAY, 0830-1200 Commission B Session 1 ELECTROMAGNETICS Monday A.M., 15 May, Room 0105 Chairman: R. E. Kleinman University of Delaware, Newark, DE Bl-1 APPLICATION OF THE PLANE WAVE SPECTRUM TO EMP; SHIELDING 0830 EFFECTIVENESS: L. Q. Bowers and E. H. Villaseca, Harris Electronic Systems Division, Melbourne, FL The concept of the plane wave expansion technique is ideally suited to relating shielding effectiveness as measured by low­ level CW sources in the near field to the shielding effectiveness presented by a shelter to a uniform plane wave.
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