June 2015 | Sivan-Tamuz 5775, Vol. LXX, No. 5 Next event June 18th SJF Sponsors FEDx Networking Series Are you a lo- Steve Greenberg, SJF President, Effingham County. The participants cal Jewish pro- talked about the establishment of the were a great mix of young adults and fessional who new series: “The goal of the series is more mature community members; would like to to bring speakers and information some were people who were new to build a stronger that are not normally available, and the community and others were life- Candle Lighting Times business com- use the opportunity to educate our long residents of Savannah. Partic- Friday, June 5 8:10pm munity and at Jewish community about the broader ipants networked over food (heavy the same time Savannah and regional non-profit and hors d’oeuvres) and drinks (beer & Friday, June 12 8:13pm David Herskovits strengthen the business communities. FederationX wine) from 5:30—6:15pm and then Friday, June 19 8:15pm impact of our will be a venue to connect people of sat down to hear Jake Shapiro speak. Friday, June 26 8:17pm Jewish community in the world all ages, backgrounds and interests, All were all captivated by Jake’s Friday, July 3 8:17pm around us? Whether you are a recent and help establish relationships go- energy, his great enthusiasm for Friday, July 10 8:15pm college graduate or a seasoned busi- ing forward. We have timed the pro- making films and doing business in ness owner, an associate or a senior grams to address busy schedules. It is our coastal region, and the influence partner; FEDx, the new initiative of the hope of SJF that by bringing peo- of his Jewish upbringing on his sen- In this Issue the Savannah Jewish Federation for ple together we plant the seeds for fu- sibilities. Everyone who attended left On the Personal Side, p2 all professionals, is for you. ture Jewish community growth – one eager for the next event. Federation President’s message, p3 FEDx events offer a unique space of our most important missions.” FEDx2 will be held on Thursday, Executive Director’s message, p3 and opportunity to facilitate collegial FEDx launched on February 26th June 18th. The speaker will be David Vital Statistics, p5 relationships in the business commu- this year with a program featuring Herskovits, CEO of Energiya USA, Four Questions, p7 nity in Savannah and the surround- Jake Shapiro, CEO of Moon Riv- the U.S. affiliate of Israel’s Energiya I on Israel, p8 ing area. Professionals are given the er Studios. More than 50 members Global Capital, an international so- JEA Centerpiece occasion to meet and connect with of the community came to mingle lar development firm. Energiya USA Condolences, p10 other influential businesspeople and and to hear about how Jake and his recently signed a power purchase Lasting Legacies, p11 Movie Spiel, p11 leaders, while growing a connection partners decided to locate and build to the Savannah Jewish community. a Hollywood-like movie studio in It’s a Funny Thing, p13 continued on page 6 Also Featured Next Team JEA Signed at 2015 Annual Meeting Exhibits Celebrating Chinese The stadium was full when Team members, the first ever scholar- Jews — Two shows, side-by-side JEA came to the plate at the JEA’s ships from the Kay Becker Israel at the JEA in June, will exhibit rd th stories of Jewish life in China; p4 103 Annual Meeting on May 20 . Fund (see Lasting Legacies in this Approximately 200 members of the issue) were presented to Tomer community turned out to congrat- Locker and Nathan Luskey, Mazel Tov Graduates — Our ulate outgoing who both annual tribute to high school and President Arlene will trav- college graduates; p9 Ratner on her el to Israel successful term this sum- and to welcome mer, Tomer in the new Presi- with NCSY JEA Past President Paul Kulbersh pulls from his bag of dent, Joel Green- and Nathan tricks while installing new President Joel Greenberg berg, and Board of with Ramah. Directors. The Har- ering commitment to the JEA; and to The base- vey Rubin Award JEA Children’s and Camp Director ball-themed was presented to DJ Horton, who she called the “pied event was carried Elise Shernoff presents the Harvey Rubin Award, Melanie Ourhaan, piper of the JEA,” for his remarkable through to per- in memory of her brother, to Melanie Ourhaan an outstanding stewardship of the program. fection, thanks to young student at JEA Executive Director Adam So- the always careful planning of Car- St. Andrews recognized for her ath- lender delivered an update on the ol Towbin Greenberg (Joel’s busi- letic ability in tennis and volleyball, state of the organization, including er half), who was recognized at the her leadership skills, community ser- a tribute to the Finance Department meeting with a special proclamation vice and overall positive presence. and their contributions in helping the from the JEA in honor of her extraor- Ratner presented President’s JEA achieve solid financial footing. Joel Greenberg presented Arlene A Publication of Savannah Jewish Federation Federation Jewish Savannah of A Publication Street 5111 Abercorn Georgia 31405 Savannah, www.savj.org ServiceAddress Requested dinary accomplishments on behalf Awards to Savannah Jewish Feder- of the Jewish and general Savannah ation President Steve Greenberg for Ratner with a Woman of Valor trib- communities. his assistance and friendship during ute as thanks from the Board and the In addition to the business of the their presidencies; to Dayle and Aar- Rabbis of all three local Congrega- investiture of new officers and board on Levy for their continued, unwav- tions offered words and prayers. Savannah Page 2 | June 2015 jewish news www.savj.org Opinion Anti-Semitism on Campus: Old Wine in New Bottles by Abraham H. Foxman Abraham H. which, I believe, is lending force to rael – they were aware that, unfortu- calm and rational way, distinguish- Foxman has the anti-Israel forces on campus. nately, these bodies supported boy- ing between the real challenges Jew- been National Let’s be clear: There has always been cott actions against the Jewish State. ish students face without sending Allan Ratner, Director of the a measure of left-wing opposition to Rather, that there was no shame in alarm signals which could under- Savannah Jewish Anti-Defamation Israel on campuses, whether from introducing the candidates’ Jewish- mine the normal life on campus that Federation Vice League since 1987; faculty or some student groups. ness as the critical factor in assessing exists for most of them. President he is retiring next For sure they are more organized the candidacy. Jews in America have made too month. This piece today. Students for Justice in Pal- It is this linking of attitudes toward much progress over the last half-cen- first appeared in estine, the main organizing force Israel and attitudes toward Jews that tury to cause us to overreact. Still, we Abraham Foxman The Huffington behind the boycott, divestment and raises concern about the future of cannot afford to be complacent. We Post’s campus blog. sanctions campaigns, has refined and Jewish life on campus. Larry Sum- have to address these campus issues intensified its tactics and is popping mers, when president at Harvard, now before they expand further and As someone who has been critical up on new campuses every month foresaw this back in 2002 when there spin out of control, truly creating a about the sometimes overheated re- or so. Regardless of the fact that the was an effort to bring a divestment widespread worrisome atmosphere. action to what is taking place regard- BDS campaign has not gained much campaign to the university. ing Jews on campus, I also believe traction on campus in terms of hav- He, most importantly, rejected it, it is vital to monitor the situation ing any impact against Israel – many, decrying the abhorrent comparison of closely and to be able to reevaluate as if not most, of the boycott votes have democratic Israel to apartheid South things may change. been soundly defeated – it is creating Africa. He then went on to explain Savannah Jewish News I still believe that the vast majority a great deal of noise on campus and that while not all who advocated di- Published by the of Jewish students have normal lives beyond, raising a lot of attention, and vestment from Israel were motivated Savannah Jewish Federation 5111 Abercorn Street on campus where they can be com- contributing to the sense of discom- by anti-Semitism, even those who Savannah, GA 31405 fortable in their own skins and with fort of Jewish students. weren’t created a climate making an- (912) 355-8111 their Jewish identities. That is why a But the biggest change is the fertile ti-Semitism more palatable by the as- www.savj.org recent survey suggesting that more ground in which the anti-Israel com- sault on the good name of the Jewish SJF President: Steve Greenberg than 50 percent of Jewish students munity is sowing its seeds. State. SJF President-elect: Sherry Dolgoff SJF Vice President: Allan Ratner experienced anti-Semitism in one The trends that are appearing relate In effect, the attacks on Israel on SJF Secretary/Treasurer: Margie Levy form or another was disturbing. This to the perception of Jewish students campus are unleashing inhibitions SJF Executive Director: Adam Solender survey – which in my opinion was and their relations with other mi- against expressions of anti-Jewish SJN Editor: Lynn Levine flawed – was not a helpful reading of nority communities.
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