/^ Ho • <f Octokx^r igsi ADRI^It PHMilldlD miisTHE il40lNiEERING FiiHiiTY! ...n^v-..:'^ iiSb INSIDE ... SEX "PLENTY OF COVERAGE OF SCANDEL,lfN AND SHEEP SEX... HUMAN INTEREST ... THE ROYAL CORGIS SPEAK OUT ON NUCLEAR DISARMAMENT ... MORE SPACE FOR HUMOUR AND SATIRE ... FAIR AND IMPARTIAL TREATMENTOF ISSUES... EVERYTHING YOU WANTTO READ ETC ... DEFINATELY NOT FOR THE FAINTHEARTED... ediforiai Queensland University Sludent Union Elections were held a couple of weeks ago, as you probably gathered by the proliferation of gaudy election pamphlets, posters and CONTENTS candidates. In a record turn out overtwo thousand siudents cast their vote. Although this 3 PLANET SEIZED, AGAIN The QIT Union is in disarray again. was more than usual it was still only about one in every nine students. President, Lindsay Lawrence, goose-stepped into the office of "Planet", the And whalof the results? The "OrdinaryStudenls" wiped the board, winning all fourof the Union newspaper, and took control of the presses. Could it be that he fears for full-time, paid positions and a majority on Union Council. Both the Sludent Action for his election chances? JO BESLEY reports... Free Education and the Right Alliance teams won a couple of executive positions and a few faculty rep positions on Council. Bul what does this mean? 4 YOUR GUIDE TO THE FITZGERALD INQUIRY Who's squealing I can't pretend lo be an unbiased observer. I was a member of the vanquished SAFE on who, who's grabbing their superannuation and running, and who is going to team, and ran forthe posilion ofWomen's Rights Vice President. Having made this clear I would like to venture a few comments on the nature of the eleclions and studenl union jail? KAREN FLETCH ERspenf a few days afffte Law Courts trying to find elections across the country... out... Basically Ihe Queensland Union Elections was a victory for the ALP. The identity of the 6 PETERSEN'S ERECTION A grisley subject, we know, but we can't let "Ordinary Siudents" was not obvious from their campaign. II was nol meant to be. The existence ofa LaborStudents team pul most voters off the scenl. It was a deliberate ploy, dirty old men get away with indecent acts in a public place. JOB ES LEY and it worked. looked into the issue, with some trepidation... Studenl Union elections all over Australia are being won by the ALP. At Monash, Mel­ 7 SQUATTING Our Melbourne correspondent ADAM HUGH ES, took a bourne and RfvllT in Victoria they had very big wins, similar to the situation up here. look at the solution many poverty stricken Victorians have found to the inner- I believe that students have a place in the ALP, agitating and organising for reform within city housing shortage... the party. I am not opposed to ALP siudents running in union eleclions, nor to the formation of ALP clubs on campuses. What bothers me about the situalion at the mo­ 9 AN D NOW, TH E BUDGET Paul Keating played the hero in the recent ment is that, with ALP control of student unions, the fees campaign will decrease in federal budget but was it all just a hot northerly wind in a low pressure system? intensity and effectiveness. Dirk Nooses and his "Ordinary Students" ran a desperate and deceitful campaign. 10 PETER GARRETT: RIGHTS AND WRONGS Peter Garrett has Members of the SAFE team suffered terrible character assassination, loosely based on become involved in the fight for democratic rights in Australia. KAREN the fact that most of their candidates were left of centre and interested in social issues such as feminism. Land Rights and Environmentalism, as well as Ihe highly socialist FLETCH ER spoke to him about what the Constitution can do for ideal of free and accessible education. Using their "We are not student politicians" Queenslanders, and whether the Australia Card has really gone away... cover. Dirk and the ALP club bunch sniped al Iheir opposition, calling them "lesbians", "communists" and "looneys". 13 THE WINNER SUPPLEMENT The magazine for winners hits the Well, they got their wish. They have been elected. Now il isthe task of siudents lo ensure street again, with the drum for high fliers and police constables. Violence is still that they are not able to quell the anti-fees campaign. Dirk has said Ihat he will continue fun, fi/laud is still dead and frog people are having sex with a difference. It's all with the campaign if students want him to. He has shown no intention of actually trying to there! find out if studenls wanl him to. so il is up to us to show him. The Hawke Government are hoping students willgoaway and leave them to inlroduceterliary fees in peace. They are 21 REDGUM SHOOT THEIR LOAD Redgum played a benefit concert for counting on the likes of Dirk Moses to help them, whether Dirk realises it or nol. the Union Fighting Fund to get our Condom Vending Ivlachines back. I do nol claim that the SAFE team were a-political. Some of the candidates were from ihe HOWARD STRI NGER asked them some personal questions, and Resistance Club,justas someof the Right Alliancecandidates were from the Liberaland mentioned politics in passing... National parties. Throughout the campaign we maintained that every candidate stan­ ding for election was political in some way, some more than others. Obviously the 22 BISCUirS IDENTITY CRISIS Fans of the Commander will be "Ordinary Studenls" were more politically aslule than any of the olher candidates. I pleased to know we have let him remain on staff... Enemies of the Commander would argue that theywere, and are, also more politically dangerous than most will not, but what can we do? The man won't go away (If you have any KAREN FLETCHER suggestions regarding termination of his employment please send them to: The Editors, Semper Floreat, c/-The University of Queensland Student Union, There will be a meeting of the about-lo-be-lormed Free Educalion Club on Thursday St Lucia Q.4067.} OcloberSlh, in the Ryan Room, behind the Main Refectory. Siudents from all ends of the political spectrum are welcome. 25 ENGINEERS (AND OTHER ANIMALS) Finally engineers have made it into the pages of this stinking socialist feminist Arts student rag. Just who are they? What do they do? Why do they do it? Journalism student ADRIAN PHRENOlD,foo/cap/?ofogfrap/je/-ffa/f?ed/n the martial arts to find out... 28 UNION FO RUM Bluestocking Week. Election Results, Sexuality Workshops, Education News and some words of wisdom from the Student Legal Service... 30 LETTERS TO THE EDITORS - VALLEY VICE credits 31 MORE LETTERS - CROCODILE DUNDEE reaches c//Vnax LIVE IN CONCERl EDITORS: Karen Fletcher ONE NIGHT ONLY Howard Stringer i.i:(;i;.\iuiiv si.\c;i;u, (iLn.vuis i. LAYOUT ARTIST: David Holden so.\(; WKi I i;n i;Mi;inv\i.\i.R i;,\TOAoi{!)iN.\iKi: TYPESETTER: Lou Larder ;iiul SUB EDITING: Bex Biderbek PHILOSOPHER tif tlic BLUES GRAPHICS & PRODUCTION: David Holden Howard Stringer John Carey Peter Falconer F A r H ( R OF Glen Thompson Hannah Cutts BROWNIE Bex Biderbek PHOTOGRAPHY: David Holden McGHEE DUTCH TILDEfiS * JiM COIWAY Howard Stringer APPEARING PRINTING: Merino Litho, Wooloongabba THURSDAY 22N0 OCTOBER MAIN REFECTORY ADVERTISING: Jason Bright, Phone 371 2568 UNIVERSIlY OF QUEENSLAND PUBUSHER: Andrew Lamb, President U.Q. Union ST. LUCIA ''Off the planet" The editors of'Planet', QIT posilion. II seems that he uses the since Lawrence had nol returned when he 'Planet' staff. Lindsay Lawrence has weaknessess in the union constitution to promised, that il was OK for them lo send shown before that he considers 'Planel' as Union's newspaper justify his controversial actions - he takes the paper away. Although accustomed lo his own personal political hobbyhorse experienced an unhappy refuge in proclaiming constitutional Lawrence's outlandish behaviour, the and as is recorded on tape, he has said lo justice but totally disregards the ethics editors were shocked to find themselves the 'Planet' edilors, "I'll do anything to sense of deja-vu this week and moral justice involved in situations sacked when they felt that they had done drag you girls down?", on several when once again they that are not considered by the everything possible to get the paper occasions. found themselves locked constitution. proof-read. The election campaign here al The latest installment in the "Planet- The defamatory nature of the arlicles is Queensland University seems to indicate out of their office and the Lindsay Lawrence" saga began when the nol the only aspect causing contention. that efficieni use of union funds and paper confiscated by the president demanded that the edilors print Nearly all of them are personal attacks on accountability are issues that interest President, Lindsay five extremely defamatory arlicles that he members of union council, union office­ siudents, this is also the case at QIT. submitted well after the deadline. After bearers and employees. One is However because of the weaknesses in Lawrence. Readers may legal advice confirmed that the arlicles notification of QIT Union's intention to sue the constitution, the students al QIT are remember that Edition 3 were in fact maliciously defamatory and 'Semper' for their coverage of the lasl powerless in stopping corruption when it the editors were informed that a writ would take-over. The 'Planet' editors described occurs in their union. The mess that the (April) of 'Semper* carried a be issued if the arlicles went in, they did' the tone of the articles as "malicious, QIT Union is (now) in, shows that their story about the first lock-out not include Ihem.
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