NUTS NOTES Vol.19 No.1 January 1981 NUTS We Need You! The main aim of the NUTS is to produce annual ranking lists, as published in the UK Athletics Annual. There are more and more athletics meetings held each year, and most do not get reported in ’AW’. Unfortunately many pretty important fixtures are included in this category. Also ’AW' may not receive full details, and for our lists we, of course, need exact dates, Christian names, dates of birth etc. as well. The compilers of the various events and age groups need your help in gathering information. Please send in as much as you can, whether copies of official results, or just your own jottings. Over the past decade there has been a sharp fall in the flow of results from members, yet there has probably been an increase in the number of important meetings whose results do not get into ’AW'. Surely some NUTS members go to Athletics meetings! If you do, never assume, unless an ’AW* man is there, that results will be published. In 1980, for instance, the Southern Junior and Youths Championships were missed as were many county championships, including for the second year at least such important ones as Surrey and Warwickshire. Nor have we seen the South Western Championships, many BMC races and of course Stretford results. The list goes on! I am sure that there were NUTS members present at some of the above and other such •missing’ meetings. Please help to ensure that compilers have an easier task in 1981. At the moment we get many more details from end-of-year club ranking lists than we do from you during the season. The compilation process would be much easier if such results could be received during the season. I, and the other list co-ordinators such as Ian Hodge, Liz Sissons and Tony Miller, would also have less work to do during the winter, trying desperately to locate missing details. So let’s have some New Year Resolutions to collect and send in results, newspaper cuttings, snippets of information etc. Peter Matthews TO COMPILERS My grateful thanks to you all for all the hard work that you have done on your lists. Most of you are continuing in 1981, so very best of luck with your researches and compiling. Looking back at the 1980 lists: To some of you - please read the notes on compilation! It is most important that you present your lists in a standard format. Remember that they are used as the basis for the final typed lists, and it slows the typist if she (even such an expert as Liz) has to interpret. For instance dates should be as 25 Sep, not 25/9; venues - Hendon is London (He), Ashton Playing Fields = Woodford etc. Also do try to ensure that they are clearly legible. Index cards should be in exactly the same format as in the Annual, e.g. Christian Name in full with other initials, events abbreviated per standard. Peter Matthews - 2 - WORLD 100 ALL-TIME LIST (to 10.30) Summaries of Performances (Compiled by Richard Hymans) 9.95+ 10.00+ 10.05+ 10.10+ 10.15+ 10.20+ 10.25+ 10.30 Total 1958 1 1 1960 1 1 1964 1 1 1 3 1965 1 1 1967 2 3 1 6 1968 1 5 2 10 13 14 14 5 62 1971 1 1 6 8 1972 1 2 2 5 3 1 14 1975 1 1 1 1 4 1974 2 4 3 9 1975 2 1 5 11 12 2 33 1976 2 3 6 11 22 9 53 1977 1 1 1 8 13 20 32 6 82 1978 5 6 13 22 31 9 86 1979 1 3 6 23 32 45 13 123 1980 2 1 10 18 34 55 10 130 616 '(by 111 2 7 18 46 95 156 252 60 athletes) Leading Performers (15 performances or more) Harvey Glance 5 11 11 13 1 41 Steve Williams 2 3 5 9 14 4 37 Silvio Leonard 1 1 2 3 9 10 8 2 36 Houston McTear 1 5 8 11 3 28 Pietro Mennea 1 5 6 10 2 24 Steve Riddick 1 3 5 11 4 24 Stanley Floyd 1 3 5 6 7 22 Mel Lattany 1 1 1 5 9 4 21 Eugen Ray 4 5 1 3 4 17 Don Quarrie 1 2 1 6 6 1 17 Allan Wells 1 3 4 7 2 17 Valeriy Borzov 1 3 1 3 7 1 16 Hasley Crawford 1 2 6 5 1 15 13 performers (12.8% of performers) with 515 performances (51*19% of performances) Editorial Note Hopefully members will take note of the Chairman’s remarks on Page 1. Everybody’s support in this regard is essential! The content of this issue is again fairly varied. It would be nice, however, to receive more articles or counterbalance the statistical compilations. There has been a good response for Who’s Who in the NUTS, which will be continued in future issues. One or two should not be taken too seriously! The depth in the UK All Time list for performers (just over 250) is about right; however the depth for performances (approx 450) could be thought to be excessive for a 32 page issue and a similar depth to the performers list (of 250) could be more realistic in the future. Your comments would be welcomed. With regard to All Time lists, if there is anyone who would like to compile one for 100/200/LJ/ HJ, again let me know. In the last issue Peter Matthews compiled the UKAT Lists for 3OO-6OO-1OOO (men & women) and the amendments to 1979 Lists and Richard Hymans put together the 1980 World Merit Rankings - my apologies to them for not giving them credit at the time. finally, all contributions for the next issue will be very welcome. T.L-S. - 3 - U.K. ALL TIME 110m HURDLES PERFORMERS LIST (Compiled by Ian Hodge) 13.65* Berwyn Price 15.08.51 London (CP) 25 Aug 75 (2.95) 13,69 (1 < Moscow,USSR 18 Aug 73 (Nil) 13.66* David Hemery 18.07.44 (1) Edinburgh 18 Jul 70 (2.9) 13.72 (2) Zurich,Swi 1 Aug 70 (0.1) 13.71 Mark Holtom 6.02.58 (2) London (CP) 6 Sep 80 (-0.3) 13.79 Alan Pascoe 11.10.47 (1 ) Edinburgh 17 Jun 72 (1.2) 13.83 Wilbert Greaves 25.12.56 (1) Birmingham 25 May 80 (1.6) 13.99* Bob Danville 6.01.55 (2) London (CP) 14 Aug 76 (2.6) 14.10 (4) London (CP) 4 Jul 76 (2.0) 14.08* David Wilson 7.09.51 (I)h2 London (cP) 15 Jul 72 (2.85) 14.21 W London (CP) 15 Jul 72 (1.65) 14.10 Graham Gower 25.05.47 (3) London (CP) 15 Jul 72 (1.65) 14.14 Mike Hogan 9.05.43 (2)h1 Porto Alegre 5 Sep 65 14.16 Mike Parker 2.05.58 (4)h5 Mexico City 16 Oct 68 (0.3) (10) 14.16* Mark Hatton 13.02.57 (4) London (CP) 14 Jul 79 (3.2) 14.55 (3) Cwmbran 28 May 78 (1.1) 14.17* C.James Kirkpatrick 9.06.50 (3) London (CP) 15 Jul 74 (4.4) 14.19 (3) Edinburgh 16 Jun 73 (1.9) 14.18 Chris Breen 2.06.48 (3) Dieppe,Fra 13 Jul 75 (1.1) 14.19* Alan Cronin 20.09.46 (5) London (CP) 25 Aug 75 (2.95) 14.21 (5) Dieppe,Fra 13 Jul 75 (1.1) 14.20 Stuart Storey 16.09.42 (5)h2 Mexico City 16 Oct 68 (1.7) 14.25* Angus McKenzie 29.12.54 (3) London (CP) 21 May 80 (2.5) 14.28 (3) Birmingham 25 May 80 (1.6) 14.35 Gary Oakes 21.09.58 (2) London (CP) 5 Jul 80 (1.5) 14.37 Daley Thompson 50.07.58 (2)d Gotzis,Aut 18 May 80 (0.1) 14.41 Neil Gerrard 13.05.55 (3 London (CP) 5 Jul 80 (1.5) 14.41* Tony James 22.08.56 (5 London (CP) 14 Jul 79 (3.2) (20) 14.42 (4) London (CP) 51 Aug 79 (-0.8) 14.44* Peter Hildreth 8.07.28 (5) Cardiff 24 Jul 58 (3.5) 14.68 (4)h4 Melbourne,Aust 27 Nov 56 14.46 Peter Kelly 2.O8.55 (2)h1 London (CP) 4 Jun 76 (0.2) 14.50* Howard Rooks 27.06.44 (5)h1 London (CP) 15 Jul 72 (2.7) 14-85 (4)h2 London (CP) 14 Jul 73 (0.8) 14.52 Laurie Taitt 28.05.54 (4)h2 Tokyo 17 Oct 64 (-0.4) 14.54* Robert Davidson 5.O8.48 (5)h2 London (CP) 15 Jul 72 (2.85) 14.90 (4)h1 London (CP) 14 Jul 73 (Nil) 14-58 Chris Marshall 5.04.62 1 Perugia,Ita 20 Aug 80 (Nil) 14.60 Ian Ratcliffe 19.09.57 (2)h Bochum,GFR 5 Jun 78 14.61 Glenn MacDonald 7.09.58 (5) Birmingham 11 Aug 79 (1.9) 14.62* Alan Murray 24.01.45 (5)h2 Edinburgh 17 Jul 70 (3.1) 14.63* Alan Sumner 18.04.59 (1) Edinburgh 21 Jun 80 (30) 15.06 (5) Birmingham 20 Sep 80 (1.0) 14-65 Philip Barthropp 22.04.59 (8) London (CP) 8 Aug 80 (1.6) 14.66 Alan Drayton 29.09.51 (1 )d Winterthur,Aut 19 Aug 79 14.72* Stewart McCallum 15.02.50 (4) London (CP) 15 Jul 74 (4.4) 14.91 (2)h1 London (CP) 15 Jul 74 (1.4) 14.76 Bob Birrell 6.05.58 (5)u4 Rome,Ita 5 Sep 60 (Nil) 14.77* Robert Parker 50.09.52 (7)h2 London (CP) 15 Jul 72 (2.85) 14.78 Trevor Clifton 16.10.56 (4) London (CP) 18 Aug 79 (1.1) 14.81 Hugh Jones 13.10.59 (5) Birmingham 25 May 80 (1.6) 14.85* Stuart McAslan 28.04.62 (2) Edinburgh 21 Jun 80 15.07 (2) Birmingham 25 May 80 (°.2) 14.85 Jack Morgan 51.12.50 (3) Birmingham 20 Sep 80 (1.0) 14.89 Ross Willard 9.05.61 (4) Birmingham 20 Sep 80 (1.0) (40) 4 14.89* Trevor Carrington 21.06.60 (1) Cleckheaton 22 Jul 79 (2.3) 15.09 (I)h1 Cleckheaton 22 Jul 79 (1.9) 14.89w Nicholas Alexander 7.04.60 ( 5) Dublin 19 Aug 79 14.99 w Sittard,Hol 17 Aug 80 14.90 Malcolm Kindon 28.05.53 (6) Cwmbran 11 Jun 77 (-1.5) 14.90* Richard Gyles 17.08.51 (5) London (CP) 15 Jul 74 (4.4) 15.05 (4) London (CP) 26 May 74 (0.5) 14.91* Richard Palmer 15.11.54 (2)h1 London (CP) 26 May 74 (5.2) 14.93 (5)h1 London (CP) 15 Jul 74 (1.4) 14.92 Stephen Burke 24.01.59 (7) London (Cp) 25 Aug 78 (1.9) 14.94* George McCallum (3) Edinburgh 21 Jun 80 15.17 (5) Birmingham 25 May 80 (0.2) 14.95* Harold Bridgeman 20.10.60 (5) Cleckheaton 22 Jul 79 (2.3) 15.14 (8) London (CP) 5 Jul 80 (1.9) 14.96w Colin Boreham 26.05.54 (2) Dublin 22 Jul 79 15.18 (l)d Birmingham 5 Aug 79 14.98w Keith Purves 19.05.45 (6)h2 London (CP) 2 Aug 75 (4.1) 15.04 (5) London (Cp) 28 Jun 75 (1.4) (50 performers under 15.00) PERFORMANCES TO 14.29(LEGAL) 13.69 Berwyn Price (1) Moscow,USSR 18 Aug 75 (Nil) 13.71 Mark Holtom (2 London (CP) 6 Sep 80 (-0.5) 13.72 David Hemery (2) Zurich,Swi 1 Aug 70 (0.1) 13.73 Price (2) Lille,Fra 27 Jun 76 (1.5) 13.73 Price (1) London (CP) 4 Jul 76 (2.0) 13.74 Price (2) London (Cp) 25 Aug 78 (1.9) 13.76 Price (1) Edinburgh 16 Jun 75 (1.9) 13.77 Holtom (4) London (CP) 8 Aug 80 (1.6) 13.78 Price ( 5)b 1 Montreal,Can 28 Jul 76 (Nil) 13.79* Hemery (2) Athens,Gre 20 Sep 69 (Nil) (10) 13.79 Alan Pascoe (1) Edinburgh 1.7 Jun 72 (l .2) 15.80 Price (2)r1 Furth.WG 15 Jun 76 (-0.7) 13.80 Price (2 )s1 Lille,Fra 27 Jun 76 13.82 Price
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