.. I ,I 0 I Rhode Island Jewish Holiday Shopper HERALD Special Section Inside The Only English-Jewish Weekly in Rhode Island and Southeastern Massachusetts VOLUME LXIH, NUMBER 52 KISLEV 4, 5754 / THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1993 35( PER COPY Holocaust Memorial Dedicated on Kristallnacht Anniversary by Alison Smith Kristallnacht and all that fo l­ steel Star of David that looks as Herild Reporter lowed it, one could see that the if it had grown out of the center After 12 years of work, a beginning of a cold night, near of the courtyard. Six black steel memorial to the 6 million men, the end of the year, was exactly bars or legs rise from the star, women and children who per· the right time for this ritual. The a nd attached to each leg, several ished in the Holocaust has been only betler, if impractical, time feet above g round, isan angular erected in the cou rtyard of the might have been the hour just piece of black steel that is remi­ Rhode Island Holocaust Memo­ before midnight. niscent of a broken swastika. rial Museum. From the angular pieces of Thededical'ion service for the steel spring huge black-painted memorial was scheduled for 5 The memorial must be shields,or wings, stamped here p.m. Tuesday, the anniversary and there with the yellow out­ of Kristallnachl, the night of bro­ seen in three line of a Star of David, and in­ ken glass. The sun had set by the dimensions, walked scribed with the names of the time the walled courtyard filled concentratio n camps and a quo· with guests, and penetrating around, studied, to be talio n from Ezekiel in Hebrew cold was having its effect. People a nd in English, Chapter 37, verse sat hunched over,or stood close fuJJy appreciated. 12: "Thus saith the L-rd G-d: together, instinctively conserv­ Behold, I will open your graves, ing body heat. Sketches o f the memorial and cause you to come u p out of The oncoming d arkness and don't rea lly capture its essence. your graves, 0 My people; and cold made some wond er if the It must be seen in three d imen­ I will bring you into the land of timing was right for an outdoor sions, walked around, stud ied, Israel" ceremony like this, but study· to be fully appreciated. Inter­ Clustered above the shields, ing the memoria l, and listening pretations vary, bu t basically the tapering to a narrow juncture, to the speakers describe monument rises from a flat black aresymbols reminiscentofram's horns, and then the memorial flares out against the sky, sug­ Ruling Expected on Jewish Home gesting hands lifted in suppli­ Testimony in the case o f the Jewish Home, brought by four of its cation, or the six petals of a former residents, finished last week on Nov. 10. A ruling by flower, or another, triumphant Star of David. Superior Court Jud ge Richard J. Israel is expected as early as late AN EXPRESSION OF TRIUMPH - Against the evening sky, this week. The sculp tor, Barney Zeitz, talked with his guests, gestur· the Holocaust memorial awaits its d edication last week on the Richard J. DeRienzo, a n accountant fro m Lefkowitz, Garfinkel, anniversary of Kristallnacht, in the courtyard of the Rhode Champi and DeRienzo, the Jewish Home's accountants, took the ing with his ha nds as he told Island Holocaust Memorial Museum. Hu11/d plroto by Ali so11 Smitlr stand Nov. 10. (Continued o n Page 20) Boundaries Survivor Recounts His of Jericho Story on Kristallnacht by Taylor Holland out five years ago after being Her,1Jd Reporter angered by an article stating the Discussed On the night of Nov. 9, 1938, Holocaust never happened. He Heinz Sandelowski arose from has been speaking a l schools, bed to sta nd w ith his family and c?llegesand organizations ever at Talks watch their temple be burned to since. by Cynthia Mann the ground by Nazis. "I wil\ tell you young people JERUSALEM (JTA) - Al­ This was Kristallnacht,or "the what to look for ... the danger­ though few d etails were re· night of broken glass," in Ger­ ous signs," he said. "G-d forbid leased, last week's negotiations many and Austria. Jewish syna­ it should ever happen again." on implementing Palestinian gogues, houses, stores and holy Sandelowski recounted that self-rule in the Gaza Strip and books were burned or looted and Adolf Hitler, who had just come West Ba nk town of Jericho con· up to 30,000 Jews were arrested to power, made scapegoats of eluded w ith reports that and sent to work camps. lhe Jews, saying they were re­ progress had been achieved. His to rically, Kristallnacht sponsible for the depressed Ger· Nabil Sha'ath, the Palestine marks the beginning of the Nazi man economy. Liberatio n Organization's chief atrocities against lhe Jews, but At first the public laughed at negotiator, was q uoted as say· forSandelowski, who delivered Hitler'sclaims,butascondilions ing that the delegates to the talks a speech o n the 55th a nniver­ became worse in Germany, the between Israel a nd the PLO, sary of the da te at the Brown­ public started to back his fascist held in Cairo last week, ad­ RISO Hille l House, il means ideals. dressed for the first time the much mo re. "I was considered an enemy geographical boundaries ofJeri· For ma ny years after his im­ of the fatherland," he said. "Al cho that will be placed under migration to the United States school I was no t looked at any­ Palestine jurisdiction. in 1947, Sandelowski was told <Continucd on Page 18) The question of the future no t to s peak out regarding boundaries o f Jericho is one of Kristallnacht because it would the thorniest issues confronting feed the fi res o f anti-Semitism. Due to the Thanksgiving the negotiators, with the Pales­ " Life was hard for us survi· holiday, next week's 'WAIT TILL YOU S EE TI-IIS' -Ceil and Joseph Katz prepare to t1nians demandingsubslantially vorswhen wecamc lo thiscou n­ Rhode Island Jewish Herald lry," Sandclowski said . "We add to the supply of warm winter clothing for the needy at the more territo ry than the Israelis will be delivered on Friday. Temple Ema nu-EI Community Action Day, last week. a rc willing lo cede. kept o ur mouths shut." lltr1lld plwl o by A liso11 S,nil/, (ConlinuL-d on l'agc 19) 0utSandelowski finallycame THE RHODE ISLAND JEWISH HERALD, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1993 INSIDE THE OCEAN STATE Increases in Improved Pen­ VA Announces Increase in Benefits sion to veterans and DIC pay­ Manchester to ments to deceased veterans' More than 4,000 Rhode ls­ veterans and 1,500 surviving parents are set by law at the Headline R. I. ~'N land and Southeastern Massa­ spouses and child ren. same rate and date as Social Se­ s~ chusetts veterans and depen­ The new payments are auto­ curity increases. Grand Gala ~NEWS~ dents will receive a 2.6 percent matic and require no action by VA pensions other than the On Dec. 3 from 6:30 p.m. to increase in Department of Vet­ recipients. They range from an­ Improved Pension remain fixed c:::> BRIEFS n::, 12:30 a.m., the Rhode Island erans Affairs Improved Pen­ nual maximums of $7,817 for a at the rate in effect in 1978. ~ Convention Center will cele­ sion checks payable on Dec. 31 veteran without dependents to However, the income limits brate its grand opening in style The Turkey Trot Road VA announces. $ 17,585 for a veteran with that control eligibility for these at the Grand Gala. Proceeds of Race for Healthier Babies, According to Providence Re­ three dependents who is in programs are increased by 2.6 the event, which is being held sponsored by the Rhode gional Office Director Jo hn need of regular aid and atten­ percent, effective Dec. I . in the center's 20,000-square­ Island Chapter March of Montgomery, the increase, ef­ dance. Recipients of these pensions fective Dec. 1, applies to 2,500 Unlike compensation bene­ foot ballroom, will benefit the Dimes will take place Nov. may request transfer to the Im­ United Way of Southeastern 20 at Goddard State Park. fits paid to veterans disabled by proved Pension Plan at any New England. The 1-kilometer Fun Run illness or injuries related to mil­ time. VA reviews each request Headlining the evening will begins at IO a.m., the 5- itary service, pensions are af­ to advise beneficiaries which be singer/songwriter Melissa k.ilometer race at 10:30. All fected by income from other program would be most advan­ Fresh Fruit d Manchester recognized as one 5-Kentrants will receiveT· sources, so that the exact tageous. of the most compelling artists shirts. The 5-K entry fee is amount of the increase varies. VA pensions are paid to & Produce 'f/i/1 in contemporary music, her $15, the Fun Run is $5; call wartime veterans totally and career accomplishments in­ 781·1611. OPEN TO THE PUBLIC permanently disabled from cir­ Correspondenls Wanled clude two Academy Award Thursdays&Fridays9am-4:30pm If you would like lo cumstances unrelated to their THANKSGIVING HOURS nominations and a Grammy A nig ht of storytelling. correspond for lhe Herald military service and to needy Award. 9 A.M. TO 4 :30 P .M . survivors of wartime veterans. produced by the Little Rest Twesdoyl Wednesday, Navernber 23& 24 by writing aboul what is Singer /songwriter Ellie For further information or as­ Storytellers and the Rhode happening in your O'Donnell, a Rhode Island Island Storytellers, will J.
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