NORTHWEST FLORIDA SPECIES LIST This list, which contains shells found in the onshore and offshore waters of the Florida Panhandle, was prepared by the members of the Gulf Coast Shell Club. The list is arranged alphabetically by family. The numbers to the left of the shell name refer to the corresponding species as found in American Seashells, Second Edition by Dr R. Tucker Abbott. An asterisk indicates that a name change to the family, species, genus, (or all) has occurred since publication. Shells annotated with a superscript 1 indicate form names that may or may not be valid but are useful for identification. Shells annotated with a superscript 2 are shells from the 1994 Keeler and Robertson survey of the Apalachicola Marine Estuary and immediate offshore areas and represent species not currently held by GCSC members but that are deemed native to our area. Common name for the shell and its normal adult size range columns are included. There are 635 shells (including forms) on this list as of the latest update in March, 2013. Our thanks go to Dr. Harry Lee of the Jacksonville Shell Club for his assistance in this compilation. A caution: Any list of this type is subject to frequent name changes as the science involved progresses. GASTROPODA Family/Genus/Species Common Name Size (mm) ACTEONIDAE 3888 Acteon candens Rehder, 1939 Rehder’s Baby Bubble 5-10 3887 Acteon (Rictaxis) punctostriatus (C B Adams, 1840)* Pitted Baby Bubble 3-8 APLYSIIDAE (Nudibranch) Aplysia fasciata Poiret, 1789 Mottled Sea Hare 50 4166 Aplysia dactylomela Rang, 1828 Spotted Sea Hare 100-125 ARCHITECTICIDAE 0938 Architectonica nobilis Roding, 1798 Common Sundial 20-64 0943 Psilaxis krebsii (Morch, 1875) Beaded Sundial 7-13 BUCCINIDAE 2425 Antillophos candeanus (d’Orbigny, 1842)* Beaded Phos 12-30 2398 Engina cf. corinnae of authors, non Crovo, 1971 9-13 2411 Gemophos tinctus (Conrad, 1846)* Tinted Cantharus 19-32 2413 Hesperisternia multangulus (Philippi, 1848)* Ribbed Cantharus 10-32 Hesperisternia multangulus grandanus Granda’s Ribbed Cantharus 10-32 (Abbott, 1986)* Ameranna florida Garcia, 2008 Flowery Cantharus 30 Ameranna milleri (Nowell-Usticke, 1959) Miller’s Phos 11 2412 Solenosteira cancellaria (Conrad, 1846)* Cancellate Lesser Whelk 15-36 BULLIDAE 4000 Bulla occidentalis A. Adams, 1850 Western Striate Bubble 13-44 BURSIDAE 1781 Bursa granularis cubaniana (d’Orbigny, 1842) 1 Granular Frogsnail 25-66 1777 Bursa rhodostoma thomae (d’Orbigny, 1847) St Thomas Frogsnail 13-45 CAECIDAE 0885 Caecum antillarum Carpenter, 1857 2 Antillean Caecum 1.3-1.7 0867 Caecum bipartitum de Folin, 1870 2 Bipartite Caecum 2 0879 Caecum clava de Folin, 1867 2 Blade Caecum 2-3 0877 Caecum cooperi S. Smith, 1860 2 Cooper’s Caecum 4-5 0874 Caecum floridanum Stimpson, 1851 2 Florida Caecum 3-4 0875 Caecum imbricatum Carpenter, 1858 2 Imbricate Caecum 3-4 0866 Caecum puchellum Stimpson, 1851 2 Beautiful Caecum 2 0868 Caecum textile de Folin, 1867 2 Textile Caecum 2 0895 Meioceras nitidum (Stimpson, 1851) 2 Little Horn Caecum 2-3 1 Family/Genus/Species Common Name Size (mm) CAECIDAE (Cont’d) 0895a Meioceras cornucopiae Carpenter, 1859 2 Horn-of-Plenty Caecum 2-3 0895b Meioceras cubitatum de Folin, 1868 2 Smooth Caecum 2-3 CALLIOSTOMATIDAE 0309 Calliostoma yucatecanum Dall, 1881 Depressed Topsnail to 17 0322 Calliostoma euglyptum (A. Adams, 1855) Sculptured Topsnail 16-28 0323 Calliostoma marionae Dall, 1906 Marion’s Topsnail to 30 0306 Calliostoma pulchrum (C. B. Adams, 1850) Beautiful Topsnail 5-16 0307 Calliostoma roseolum Dall, 1881 Rosy Topsnail 7-20 Calliostoma scalenum Quinn, 1992 Gulfstream Topsnail to 15 0309 Calliostoma tampaense (Conrad, 1846)* Tampa Topsnail to 24 0320 Calliostoma sayanum Dall, 1889 Say’s Topsnail to 38 0312 Calliostoma jujubinum (Gmelin, 1791) Jujube Topsnail 13-26 CALYPTRAEIDAE 1534 Calyptraea centralis (Conrad, 1841) Circular Chinese-hat 6-16 1563 Bostrycapulus aculeata (Gmelin, 1791) Spiny Slippersnail 14-38 1557 Crepidula fornicata (Linne, 1758) Common Atlantic Slippersnail 20-56 1558 Crepidula maculosa Conrad, 1846 Spotted snail 20-35 1570 Crepidula depressa Say, 1822 Eastern White Slippersnail 12-43 1541 Crucibulum auricula (Gmelin, 1791) West Indian Cup-and-Saucer to 29 1559 Crepidula convexa Say, 1822 Convex Slippersnail to 13 CANCELLARIDAE 2700 Agatrix agassizii (Dall, 1889)* Agassizi’s Nutmeg 7-14 2701 Axelella smithi (Dall, 1888)* Smith’s Nutmeg 7-20 2683 Cancellaria reticulata (Linne, 1767) Common Nutmeg 25-57 2695 Trigonostoma tenerum (Philippi, 1848) Fine-cut Nutmeg 15-25 2404 Tritonoharpa lanceolata (Menke, 1828) Arrow Dwarf Triton 13-50 CAPULIDAE 1511 Capulus incurvatus (Gmelin, 1791) * Incurved Cap Shell to 17 1510 Capulus ungaricus (Linne, 1758) Fool’s Cap 15-60 CASSIDAE 1743 Cassis tuberosa (Linne, 1758) King Helmet 100-225 1745 Cassis madagascariensis spinella Clench, 1944 Cameo Helmet 200-410 1747 Cypraecassis testiculus (Linne, 1758) Reticulated Cowry-helmet 20-85 1730 Sconsia grayi A. Adams, 1855* Royal Bonnet 30-71 1737 Semicassis granulata (Born, 1778) Scotch Bonnet 50-100 CAVOLINIDAE 4064 Cavolina tridentata (Forskal in Niebuhr, 1775) Threetooth Cavoline 5-20 4065 Cavolina uncinata (Rang, 1829) Uncinate Cavoline 4-15 4049 Creseis clava (Rang, 1828)* Straight Needle-pteropod 5-13 4062 Diacavolinia longirostris (Lesueur in Blainville, 1821)Longsnout Cavoline 3-10 4060 Diacria trispinosa (Blainville, 1821) Threespine Cavoline 5-13 CERITHIIDAE 1037 Bittiolum varium (Pfieffer, 1840)* Grass Cerith 3-7 0992 Cerithium atratum (Born, 1778) Dark Cerith 12-50 Cerithium lutosum Menke, 1828 Variable Cerith to 10 0993 Cerithium muscarum Say, 1832 Fly-specked Cerith 10-2 Bittiolum alternatum (Say, 1822) Alternate Cerith 3-10 CERITHIOPSIDAE 1048 Cerithiopsis greenii (C B Adams, 1839) Green’s Miniature Cerith 3-5 Cerithiopsis cf greenii (C B. Adams, 1839) Green’s Miniature Cerith 3-5 1085 Cerithiopsis iontha Bartsch, 1911 to 3.2 Cerithiopsis species 3-5 1050 Retilaskeya emersoni (C. B. Adams, 1838)* Emerson’s Miniature Cerith 6-19 1126 Seila adamsii (H. C. Lea, 1845) Adam’s Miniature Cerith 6-13 2 Family/Genus/Species Common Name Size (mm) CERITHIOPSIDAE (Continued) Seila cf. adamsii (H. C. Lea, 1845) to 22 CHROMODORIDIDAE 4258 Hypselodoris picta (Schultz, 1836) Zebra Doris (Nudibranch) to 75 CLATHURELLIDAE 3278 Glyphostoma oenoa (Bartsch, 1934) to 10 CLIIDAE 4052 Clio pyramidata (Linne, 1767) Pyramid Clio 4-21 COLUMBELLIDAE 2162 Aesopus stearnsi (Tryon, 1883) 2 Stearn’s Dovesnail 3-6 2114 Astyris lunata (Say, 1826) Lunar Dovesnail 2-6 2045 Columbella rusticoides Heilprin, 1886 Rusty Dovesnail 10-15 2055 Costoanachis hotessieriana (d’Orbigny, 1842)* Hotessier’s Dovesnail to 7.7 2048 Costoanachis translirata (Ravenel, 1861)* Well-ribbed Dovesnail 10-19 2053 Costoanachis semiplicata (Stearns, 1873)* Semiplicate Dove snail 10-16 Costoanachis scheltmae to 10 Costoanachis species to 7 2110 Nitidella ocellata (Gmelin, 1791)* White-spotted Dovesnail to 13 2056 Parvanachis obesa (C. B. Adams, 1845)* Fat Dovesnail 3-6 2056 Parvanachis ostreicola (Melvill, 1881)* to 4.3 Suturoglypta iontha (Ravenel, 1851) Lineate Dove Shell 6-10 2149 Nassarina glypta (Bush, 1885) Engraved Dove to 5.8 Steironepion minus (C. B. Adams, 1845) 2 Lesser Phos 6 CONIDAE 3187 Brachycythara biconica (C. B. Adams, 1850)* Biconic Top-turrid 6-8 2784 Conus anabathrum burryae Clench, 1942* Mrs. Burry’s Cone to 35 2801 Conus armiger Crosse, 1858* Armored Cone 22-40 2779 Conus spurius f. atlanticus Clench, 1942 Florida Alphabet Cone 40-80 2800 Conus atractus austini Rehder & Abbott, 1951 Austin’s Cone 33-80 2787 Conus delessertii Recluz, 1843 Sozon’s Cone 29-100 2802 Conus ermineus Born, 1778 Agate Cone 24-103 2793 Conus stearnsi Conrad, 1869 Dusky Cone 12-18 2782 Conus amphiurgus f. juliae Clench, 1942 Julia’s Cone 35-54 2783 Conus philippi Kiener, 1845 Phillippi’s Cone 17-51 2794 Conus stimpsoni Dall, 1902 Yellow Cone 25-60 3232 Cryoturris cerinella (Dall, 1889) Waxy Mangelia to 12 3234 Cryoturris fargoi McGinty, 1955 Fargo’s Mangelia 10-18 3249 Cryoturris dorvilliae (Reeve, 1845)* 2 Dorvill’s Mangelia 10.5 Daphnella reticulosa (Dall, 1889) 12 3401 Daphnella corbicula Dall, 1889 7-11 3012 Drillia canna (Dall, 1889a) Reed Turris 5.5-15 3270 Glyphostoma gabbii (Dall, 1889) Gabb’s Tooth-turris 15-20 3183 Glyphoturris quadrata (Reeve, 1845)* Square Glyph-turris 5-8 3182 Glyphoturris rugirima (Dall, 1889)* Thick-lip Glyph-turris 5-8 3257 Ithcythara lanceolata (C. B. Adams, 1850) Spear Mangelia 4-20 3243 Kurtziella atrostyla (Tryon, 1884) Brown-tip Mangelia to 9 3242 Kurtziella limonitella (Dall, 1884) Punctate Mangelia to 16 Kurtziella margaritifera W. G. Fargo, 1953 Pearl-studded Mangelia 8 3246 Kurtziella perryae (Bartsch & Rehder, 1939) Perry’s Mangelia to 12 Kurtziella serta (Fargo, 1953) Wreath Mangelia to 10 2992 Mitromorpha biplicata (Dall, 1889)* 5-8 3266 Nannodiella oxia (Bush, 1885) Glassy Dwarf Turrid 5 3267 Nannodiella vespuciana (d’Orbigny, 1847) Vespucci’s Dwarf-turris 5 3236 Vitricythara elata (Dall, 1889)* Elongate Mangelia to 5 3 Family/Genus/Species Common Name Size (mm) Conidae (Continued) 3303 Pyrgocythara filosa Rehder, 1943 False Mangelia to 7 3304 Pyrgocythara plicosa (C. B. Adams, 1850) Plicate Mangelia 6-13 3305 Pyrgocythara hemphilli Bartsch & Rehder, 1939 Hemphill’s Mangelia to 9 Pyrgocythara species 3245 Rubellatoma diomedea Bartsch & Rehder, 1939 Red-brown Mangelia to 10 3244 Rubellatoma rubella (Kurtz & Stimpson, 1851)* Reddish Mangelia to 11 3160 Stellatoma stellata (Stearns, 1872)* Stellate Turris 4-10 Tenaturris dysoni (Reeve, 1846) Dyson’s
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