~ Researcher: Jessie Embry Site No. ------- Date: June 6,1978 Utah State Historical Society Historic Preservation Research Office Structure/Site Information Form 1z o Street Address: 80 D Street Plat D BI.19 Lot 3 ~ u Name of Structure: T. R. S. u:: i= Present Owner: UTM: z Dr. William Dillon w o Owner Address: 80 D Street Salt Lake City, Utah 84-103 Tax#: 2 Original Owner: Charles R. Savage Construction Date: 1871 @, Demolition Date: w Original Use: single-family residential U) ~ ........z Present Use: Occupants: o E1f'Single-Family o Park o Vacant i= o Multi-Family o Industrial o Religious C z o Public o Agricultural o Other o o Commercial o ........w CJ Building Condition: Integrity: c( I?/ Excellent o Site o Unaltered [liJ' Good o Ruins ~Minor Alterations o Deteriorated o Major Alterations P~eliminary Evaluation: Final Register Status: 'ttl Significant o National Landmark 0 District o Contributory o National Register 0 Multi-Resource o Not Contributory o State Register 0 Thematic o Intrusion Photography: M 4 Date of Slides: ay, 1977 Date of Photographs: z Views: Front Side 0 Rear 0 Other 0 o J Views: Front 0 Side 0 Rear 0 Other 0 S Research Sources: z o Abstract of Title o City Directories o LOS Church Archives w o Plat Records o Biographical Encyclopedias ~ o LOS Genealogical Society ~ o Plat Map o Obituary Index u o U of U Library o o Tax Card & Photo o County & City Histories o BYU Library o o Building Permit o Personal Interviews o USU Library o Sewer Permit Jt Newspapers o SLC Library o Sanborn Maps r!!f' Utah State Historical Society Library ~Other Bibliographical References (books, articles, records, interviews, old photographs and maps, etc.): Clarence S. Barker, "Early LDS Convert takes Golden Spike Photos, II ' Sal t Lake Tribune, April 6, 1947, Utah State Historical Society biographical files. Preston Nibley, "Stewarts of Mormonism: C.R. Savage," Church N'ews Deseret News, April 18,1953, Utah State Historical Society biographical files. Arley F .. Savage, "C.R. Savage, Utah Photographer," Sons of the Utah Pioneers News, vol. 10, no.4- (July-August,1964-),p.7. "Charles Savage,"State Register Files, Utah State Historical Society. Salt Lake Tribune, "List of Buildings," January 1, 1891 p. 13 80 D Street - l87l@ 5 Arch itectiBu i Ider: UJ Building Material-adohei-£rame- Building Type/Style: Ita J j ana te a:: ...:J De'scription of physical appearance & significant architectural features: U (Include additions, alterations, ancillary structures, and landscaping if applicable) UJ !:: :I: U a:: J < I The design of this two-story home shows influence of the Italianate Style popular in the mid-nineteenth century. It has the characteristic rectangular massing, low roofs, and strong paneled hd bracketted cornice of wood. At the southwest corner is a two story egmental bay window. Over the wooden paneled fro'nt door is an art .lass transom. It is probable that the house began as a much smaller iuilding in 1871 and has been added to and altered over the years. The broad front porch with its wrought iron balcony railing, the hori­ zontal bands of windows in the projecting front bay, and the narrow shutters flanking all the windows, may repre: 2nt twentieth century alterations. Statement of Historical Significance: 6 o Aboriginal Americans o Communication o Military o Religion > Agriculture o Conservation o Mining o Science a:: o o o Architecture o Education o Minority Groups o Socio-Humanitarian ...en o The Arts o Exploration/ Settlement o Political o Transportation :I: o Commerce o Industry o Recreation Its Italianate Style, materials and massing contribute to the architectural character of the Avenues. This house is significant because Charles R. Savage, a prominent Utah photographer, who was known throughout the intermountain west had this house built in 1871. His son-in-law, J. Rueben Clark Jr., bought the house. Clark was United States ambassador to Mexico and a member of the LDS first Presidency. Savage was born in Southhampton, England in 1832. When he was fifteen years old he met Thomas B.H. Stenhouse, a Mormon missionary and also a photographer. A year later Savage joined the Mormon Church. Besides introducing Savage to Mormonism, Stenhouse also introduced him to the world of photography and Savage decided to learw all he could about the business. Savage served an LDS Mission to Switzerland and studied photography in England and France. In 1857 he decided to go to the United States. When he landed in New York, he didn't have enough money to continue to Utah so he got a job working for Samuel Booth Printing. In 1859 he started work for a Mr. Stenhouse in Brooklyn. In 1859 Savage received a special mission call from George Q. Cannon to go on a mission to Council Bluff. By 1860 he had enough funds to go to Salt Lake City. When he arrived in the city he sold his oxen to buy a lot on the corner of 2nd Avenue and D Street. He built a home there in 1871. Savage opened his first photography shop in 1860 with Marsena Cannon, a pioneer photographer. He later formed a partnership wi.th George M. Ottinger and opened the Rocky Mountain Bookstore. 5021 Utah State Historical Society Property Type: 1 1 Site No. ________ Historic Preservation Research Office BATCH KEY 18 ' 4 04522 Structure/Site Information Form 1 Street Address: 000 B 0 o ST UTM: 13567 13568 z o ~ Name of Structure: T. 01 . 0 N R. 1.0 S. 1 <t U u: Present Owner: WASHING TON MU TU AL SAVI GS BAN DIL L ON~ B TTY ~ z 80 n o t ST w c Owner Address: SLC UTAH 841 , 3 Year Built (Tax Record): 1 B 90 Effective Age: 193 n Tax #: 0 4 02 0 6 Legal Description 0 1 Kind of Building: RESIDENCE CO M 50 . 25 FT N FR SW COR LOT 3 BLK 19 PLAT 0 SLC SU N 73 . 5 FT E 7 RDS S 73 . 5 FT W 7 RDS TO BEG 2 Original Owner: Construction Date: Demol ition Date: Original Use: Present Use: Building Condition: Integrity: Preliminary Evaluation: Final Register Status: o Excellent o Site o Unaltered o Significant o Not of the o National Landmark 0 District o Good o Ruins o Minor Alterations o Contributory Historic Period o National Register 0 Multi-Resource o Deteriorated o Major Alterations o Not Contributory o State Register o Thematic Photography: Date of Slides: Slide No.: Date of Photographs: Photo No.: 3 z Views: 0 Front 0 Side 0 Rear 0 Other Views: 0 Front 0 Side 0 Rear 0 Other o i= Research Sources: <t ~ o Abstract of Title o Sanborn Maps o Newspapers o U of U Library Z w o Plat Records I Map o City Directories o Utah State Historical Society o BYU Library :!: ::l o Tax Card & Photo o Biographical Encyclopedias o Personal Interviews o USU Library U o o Building Permit o Obiturary Index o LDS Church Archives o SLC Library c o Sewer Permit o County & City Histories o LDS Genealogical Society o Other Bibliographical References (books, articles, records, interviews, old photographs and maps, etc.): Researcher: Date: Street Address: Site No: 4 Architect/ Builder: w a: ~ ~ Building Materials: () w !:: J: Building Type/Style: () a: <C Description of physical appearance & significant architectural features: (Include additions, alterations, ancillary structures, and landscaping if applicable) Photus 5 Statement of Historical Significance: Construction Date: >a: o ~ ~ J: County STATE OF UTAH Salt Lake DIVISION OF STATE HISTORY HISTORIC SITES SURVEY (Type or Print - Complete Applicable Sections) f?~~/;)ij~~fo;r:::o:o/tooX\\~~)~::o/:/\(/:?:/Y:{~):wr\:::::})})!I?t3::~??\\/! i;~\\o:\??/.~o(:?f~)(?o::/:~!1~~;}.:r\{~.::::'~o;oY:~ ~~ :~~}!":ot~f/\\):/·:)(\?~i~:o~~~ir)jjj}jj!~o:Ni[ifi~jft~;{Yn}; Common: t and/or Historic: Charles Savag~ Home r~~~t~ij)QAr'Qi\t~~f::~::)/~f{/l\?:\\\}i°(:::{)~~!/:~:;~:;?::'o;:::N/::::{:io(:}\~\\(:o~o:.::: :/:}(~;:}:\:\::'\):::'=S>///\)~~~o{)o:o:':'~: ~::o:\?{~\~~::o//~:S:/i//(o/!.))(o:::~}:)~\}:":o;;~t:o~:~}{{j Street and Number or Other Description of Location 80 D Street City, Town, or Township Salt Lake CitOy State I Code I County: I Code UTAH I 49 I 1 PRESENT USE (Check One or More as Appropriate) Agricultural o Government 0 Park o Transportation o Zoning (Specify) 0 o Commercial o Industrial 0 Private Residence 0 Other (Specify) o Comments o o C Educational Military Religious ::J o o o rot < Entertainment 0 Museum o Scientific 0 Owners Name: Dr. William H. Dillon Street and Number 80 D Street City or Town: (state o Zip Code I Code ~~lt T o~kp r.itu ° ° I [J.{~::::.~~411~i.~;~tm~~~p.~~:~~,~~r~W/iiiY{(~~:~~H!:)!.:~~~~o\:W}?~\!if.(:o:~H:)?\~{}~~;~::i:~:;~?S{ro:t:)}(/:!\\.)}o~~o}~:~t;';::?~::o:/;??(:{::o::)}o:o)o{/;\it~o Courthouse. Registry of Deeds, Etc: Street and Number: CJ) ;:t' m Z City or Town: Zip Code I Code QI 3 r 49 m Approximate Acreage of Nominated Property: title of Survey Records: Date of Survey: Federal o State o County 0 . Local o Depository for Survey Records: o Street and Number: QI S City of Town: 1State : Zip Code I Code l Form HSS-1/69I3M (Check One) CONDITION Excellent 0 GoodO FairO Deteriorated 0 Ruins 0 Unexposed 0 (Check One) (Check One) INTEGRITY Altered o Unaltered o I Moved 0 Original Site 0 Describe the Present and Orginal (if known) Physical Appearance A large two-story house; original section built qf adobe in 1871; two-story brick rear section added after Savage's death in 1909.
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