Kabbalah Kabbalah - By the blessing of G-d h”b With the knowledge of heaven d”sb Contents Everything belongs to Hashem. }”hl Kabbalah - Title Page Kabbalah Meditation from Torah to Self-improvement to Prophecy ● I. Introduction hawbn la rswm la hrwt }m twnnwbth hlbq ● II. Torah Prophetic Truth and Version - 11/1/2001 Talmudic Dialectic Hermeneutical This work in progress is intended to train one to experience authentic Reality kabbalah. Study the manual by browsing the table of contents, links, ● III. The Written Law and footnotes. Let your spirit be your guide and Ribono Shel Olam (the ❍ A. Torah Master of the World) will reveal what you need to learn next. The work ■ 1. Bereshis -- In the focuses on learning kabbalah through character improvement through Beginning – Genesis the theoretical, meditative, and practical kabbalah. While I have written down some of my own kabbalistic journeys, in the final analysis one ■ a) Parsha Bereshsis must choose his own path and with the blessing of G-d reveal another truth path to the Infinite. ■ b) Parsha Noach This work uses a Hebrew true-type font that should be downloaded and ■ c) Parsha Lech installed on a PC to view the work correctly. To install the Hebrew true L’hah type font: ■ 2. Shemot - Names - Exodus ● Open location heb_tt.zip ● ■ a) Parsha Save the file to a location on your disc Terumah ● Double click on heb_tt.zip and extract files to a directory ● Double click on Install_Hebrew.ttf.vbs ■ 3. Vayikra - And Called - Leviticus ■ 4. Bamidbar - In the Your Hebrew fonts should now be installed. For any questions, send Wilderness - Numbers email to [email protected]. The following tables are in the left frame. ■ a) The Positive Commandments WHAT’S NEW (examples from the Concise ● Labels on Figures and Tables Book of ● Single file version for global searching km.htm Mitzvoth) ■ b) Balak ■ 5. D’varim - Words - Deuteronomy ■ a) Musical Notes, Vowels, Table of Contents Crowns, and Letters ■ b) Avarice Table of Tables ■ c) Practicing the http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (1 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah Mitzvoth, Living in the Table of Equations Land of Israel ❍ B. Prophets Table of Figures ■ 1. Y’hoshua - G-d Saves - Joshua ■ 2. Shofteem - Judges ■ 3. Shmuel - Samuel ■ a) King David and Avishalom ■ 4. Y’shayahu - Isaiah ■ 5. Hoshua - Hosea ■ 6. Yoel - Joel ■ 7. Haggai ■ 8. Malachi ❍ C. Writings ■ 1. Yov - Job ■ 2. Mishle - Proverbs ■ 3. T’hillim - Psalms ■ 4. Divrei Hayamim Aleph - Chronicles 1 ● IV. The Oral Law ❍ A. Midrash ❍ B. Mishnah ■ 1. Perkei Avots ❍ C. Talmud ❍ D. Mishnah Torah ❍ E. Luzatto’s Works [TABLES] ■ 1. The Way of G-d - Derech Hashem ■ 2. The Path of the Just - M’silat Yesharim ■ 3. The Knowing Heart – Daat T’vunot ❍ F. Kaplan’s Works ❍ G. Nachman’s Works ■ 1. Rabbi Nachman’s Wisdom - Shevachey and Sichos HaRan ■ 2. Likutey Moharan ■ a) David’s praise ■ b) Bones ■ 3. Letter From Rebbe http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (2 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah Nachman ❍ H. Moshe Cordovero [TABLES] ■ 1. The Palm Tree of Devorah ■ a) Binah ■ b) Hesed ■ c) Malchut ❍ I. Yonah of Gerona ❍ J. Sefer Yetzirah ■ 1. Golem ❍ K. Zohar ● V. Character ❍ A. Envy ❍ B. Chesed ❍ C. Charity ❍ D. Joy ❍ E. Anger ❍ F. Taunting, insulting, misleading slander ❍ G. Greeting Others ❍ H. Honor ❍ I. Forgiveness ❍ J. Conversations ■ 1. Calming a person down ■ 2. Showing respect to everyone ■ 3. True Speech ❍ K. Quarrels ■ 1. A Woman’s Nature ■ 2. A World Full of Strife ❍ L. Fear ❍ M. Judging People ❍ N. Observing Principles Consistently ❍ O. Truth ❍ P. Humility ❍ Q. Consideration ● VI. Cycles of Time ❍ A. Dimensions [TABLE] ❍ B. Months [TABLE] ■ 1. Nissan ■ 2. Iyar http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (3 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah ■ 3. Sivan ■ 4. Tamuz ■ 5. Av ■ 6. Elul ■ 7. Tishrei ■ 8. Heshvan ■ 9. Kislev ■ 10. Tevet ■ 11. Shevat ■ 12. Adar ❍ C. Weeks [TABLES] ■ 1. Rishon - Sunday ■ 2. Sheni - Monday ■ 3. Shlishi - Tuesday ■ 4. Revaee - Wednesday ■ 5. Hamishi - Thursday ■ 6. Sheshe - Friday ■ 7. Shabbat - Saturday ❍ D. Seasons ❍ E. Aging ● VII. In Search of the Gateway ❍ A. Gematria [TABLE] ■ 1. Amen ■ 2. 100 Blessings a Day ■ 3. Nature ❍ B. Numerology [TABLES] ■ 1. Alphabet ■ 2. Single Numbers ■ a) Number 1 ■ b) Number 2 ■ c) Number 4 ■ 3. Compound Numbers ■ 4. Higher Compound Numbers ❍ C. Star Wisdom [FIGURES] ■ 1. Recording Star Patterns in a Journal ■ 2. Star Meditation ❍ D. Divination ■ 1. Tarot ■ 2. Urim and Tamim ■ 3. Lots of Jonah ■ 4. Page Turning ■ 5. Verse of a Child’s http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (4 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah Study ■ 6. Dream Questions ❍ E. Tzaddik ❍ F. Intelligence ❍ G. Soul ❍ H. Seven Tests ● VIII. Dreaming ❍ A. Unconscious Dreams ❍ B. Lucid Dreaming ❍ C. Spiritual Dreaming ■ 1. Hypnotic Dreaming ■ 2. Prophetic Dreams ■ a) Food ■ b) Learning ■ c) Purity ● IX. The Power of Prayer ❍ A. T’hillim ■ 1. Ten Psalms a Day ■ 2. Marriage Psalms ■ a) For Men – Psalm 128 ■ b) For Women – 31, 32, 70, 72, 124 ■ 3. The Songs of Ascent ■ 4. Hallel ■ 5. Improving oneself - Midos ❍ B. Siddur [FIGURE] ■ 1. Introductory Prayers ■ 2. Offerings - Asiyah - World of Doing ■ 3. Psalms - Pseukei D’Zimra - Yetzirah - World of Formation ■ 4. Shema - Beriah - World of Creation ■ 5. Amidah - Atzilut - World adjacent to G-d ■ 6. Concluding Prayers ■ a) Ntzor Lshoni ■ b) Tahanun ■ c) Alenu ■ d) Kaddish ❍ C. Requests http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (5 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah ■ 1. Bypassing Obstacles ■ 2. Calling out to G-d ■ 3. Amongst the Grasses ■ 4. Shachris - Morning Prayer Answers - Jan. 21, 1994 - 9 AM ❍ D. Short Service ■ 1. Short Prayer Service - Jan. 15, 1997 ❍ E. Temple ❍ F. “Psalms for a Sunny Day” by Samantha Grier ■ 1. PSALM I ■ 2. PSALM II ■ 3. PSALM III ■ 4. PSALM IV ■ 5. PSALM V ■ 6. PSALM VI ■ 7. PSALM VII ■ 8. PSALM VIII ■ 9. PSALM IX ■ 10. PSALM X ■ 11. PSALM XI ■ 12. PSALM XII ■ 13. PSALM XIII ■ 14. PSALM XIV ■ 15. PSALM XV ■ 16. PSALM XVI ■ 17. PSALM XVII ■ 18. PSALM XVIII ● X. Hypnosis ❍ A. Introduction ❍ B. Keeping a Journal ■ 1. B”H - By the blessing of G-d ■ 2. Date ■ 3. Time ■ 4. Location ■ 5. Text ❍ C. Trust Yourself ■ 1. Fears ■ 2. Self-hypnosis ❍ D. Exercises ■ 1. Cheveul’s Pendulum http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (6 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah ■ 2. Experiment 1: How does it Work?282 ■ a) Experiment 1 Results - June 9, 1992 - 10:30 PM ■ 3. Experiment Six: What is Hypnosis Like?283 ❍ E. Hypnotic Induction Stages ❍ F. Automatic Writing ❍ G. Improvement ■ 1. Principles ■ 2. Performance and Sports ● XI. Meditation ❍ A. Healing Meditations ❍ B. Space travel [FIGURE] [TABLES] ❍ C. Letter Meditations [TABLES] ❍ D. Biblical narratives [FIGURE] ❍ E. Blue Skies ■ 1. The Seven Heavens of Asiyah ■ 2. The Seven Palaces of Yetzirah ■ a) Shamayim (Sham - Mayim : There is water - > Firmament) ■ b) Shemai Hashamayim (Water above the Waters -> Nehar Di-nur) ■ c) Zevul (Habitation -> prince) ■ d) Araphel (Fog or mist -> Torah) ■ e) Shehakim (Heavens) http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (7 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah ■ f) Mahon -> Aravot ■ g) Throne of Glory ■ 3. The Seven Chambers of Beriyah ■ a) Brickwork of Sapphire - First Chamber ■ b) Essence of Heaven - Second Chamber ■ c) Luster - Third Chamber ■ d) Merit - Forth Chamber ■ e) Love - Fifth Chamber ■ f) Desire - The Sixth Chamber ■ g) Holy of Holies - The Seventh Chamber ● XII. Up and Down the Tree of Life ❍ A. The 32 Paths of Wisdom [TABLE] ■ 1. The 32 Names of G- d in Genesis ■ 2. The 22 Letters 10 Numerals ■ 3. The 32 Levels of Consciousness ■ 4. “These are the travels of B’nai Israel” ❍ B. The Sefirot [FIGURES] ■ 1. The Ten Sefirot ■ a) Binah ■ b) Daat ■ 2. The Seven Double Letter Paths ■ 3. The Twelve Single Letter Paths ■ 4. The 3 Mother Letter http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (8 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah Paths ❍ C. 50 Gates of Understanding ❍ D. Sefirot Colors and Lights [TABLE] ❍ E. Sefirotic Worlds [FIGURES] ● XIII. The Other Side ❍ A. Turning Evil to Good ❍ B. The Evil Eye ❍ C. Evil Thoughts ● XIV. The Other Planes ❍ A. Primordial planes ■ 1. Adam Kadmon ■ 2. Expansion of the name Hashem ❍ B. Astral and Ethereal Planes ❍ C. Space Travel ● XV. Back to the Future ❍ A. The Storehouses of the Future ❍ B. Reincarnation ❍ C. Psychotic ● XVI. Dancing With Angels ● XVII. Health ❍ A. Organic Food ❍ B. Dental ❍ C. Skin ● XVIII. Music ❍ A. Even-Tempered Scale ❍ B. Pythagorean Diatonic Scale ❍ C. Fractals ❍ D. Fibonacci Ratio ● XIX. Math ❍ A. Euler’s Theorem ❍ B. Taylor Series Expansion ● XX. Science ❍ A. Special Relativity ❍ B. General Relativity ❍ C. Astronomy ● XXI. Family and Roles ❍ A. Marriage ❍ B. Children ❍ C. Getting Along with Others and Homeland http://www.cc.utah.edu/~rfs4/ (9 of 13) [1/6/2002 1:11:54 AM] Kabbalah ● XXII. Appendix ❍ A. Encounters on the Internet ■ 1. Bnei Baruch Kabbalah Forum ■ a) RaZ ■ b) Poem ■ c) Poem on mystic life ■ d) Yetzirah Plane ■ e) Colors ■ f) Hashmal ■ g) Lag Ba Omer ■ 2. Breslov Discussions ■ a) Nachal Novea Makor Hochmah ■ 3. Pluto ■ 4. Greek Qabalah ❍ B. Letters and Signs ❍ C. Names of G-d [TABLES] ■ 1. From the Gates of Light - Shaarey Orah ■ 2. The 12 Letter Name ■ 3. The 42 Letter Name ■ 4. The 72 Letter Name ■ 5. The 216 Letter Name ■ 6. Without Name ❍ D. Sidhartha ● XXIII. Glossary ● XXIV. Bibliography List of Tables 1. Table_1: Truth and Reality 2. Table_2: Creation Concepts 3. Table_3: The Four Universes and Our Connection to Them 4. Table_4: Ten Principle Steps for Spiritual Inspiration 5.
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