Hare Krishna Centre - Leicester, UK - Devi Danu And The Shiva Lingam Of Ireland Written by James Robinson Cooper Friday, 08 May 2015 14:50 - Last Updated Sunday, 30 August 2020 22:16 In County Meath, Ireland, upon the hill of Tara sits a mysterious stone known as the Lia Fail ( the stone of destiny ). For thousands of years, up until 500 AD, the kings of Ireland were coronated upon this stone. History informs us it was one of the four legendary treasures brought to Ireland by the Tuatha De Danann, the other three being the Dagdas cauldron, the spear of 1 / 4 Hare Krishna Centre - Leicester, UK - Devi Danu And The Shiva Lingam Of Ireland Written by James Robinson Cooper Friday, 08 May 2015 14:50 - Last Updated Sunday, 30 August 2020 22:16 Lugh and the sword of light of Nuada. The Tuatha De Danann means the children of the Goddess Danu, who are said to have ruled over Ireland some 4000 years ago. Danu is considered to be the mother of all Irish Gods and in Wales they honour her as the Goddess Don, Don and Danu being one and the same. Danu is also known as Anu, in county Kerry there are two mountains named after her which are known as the Paps Of Anu. Patricia Monaghan in her book " the encyclopaedia of Celtic mythology" writes " Most significantly we find an Irish divine race, thought to represent the God of the Celts called the Tuatha De Danann, the people of the Goddess Danu". In her book Valerie Estelle Frankel writes " It is believed that the Celts started with the concept of a mother Goddess named Danu ( meaning water from heaven ). The name of the Danube river is derived from Danu and evidence shows that Celtic civilisation evolved at the headwaters of the Danube river around this time. Water was venerated as the source of life, personified by Danu. Numerous rivers in Europe bear her name, such as the Don rivers of England, France, Scotland, and Russia. The Irish called themselves the "Tuatha De Danann" the people of the Goddess Danu ". The Goddess Danu descends from the Vedic tradition, she is the daughter of Daksa and wife of Kashyapa Muni. Its interesting how in the Irish tradition her father is known as Dagda which is similar to Daksa espescially when we consider the "K" and "G" and their phonetic similarity. In Sanskrit the word Danu means "flowing water" she was know as the Goddess of rivers, being the daughter of Daksa she was also the sister of Sati the wife of Lord Shiva. For those billion plus souls who follow and practice Vedic tradition the Lia Fail stone is recognised as the Shiva Linga, espescially when one considers its Vedic and family connection to Goddess Danu, Sati and Lord Shiva. 2 / 4 Hare Krishna Centre - Leicester, UK - Devi Danu And The Shiva Lingam Of Ireland Written by James Robinson Cooper Friday, 08 May 2015 14:50 - Last Updated Sunday, 30 August 2020 22:16 ItfrominThisbetweenofdies,himveryandInbeholdingGoddessUponreturnsreturnedladyDanu.AswassacredChristianityfailedTheGodddess is thishisthea a a asultimatelymagical Christiansthe ofsymbolismmuchtheCeltic if storypower,Arthurstheylegendworld howeverherthelakesto protector mother tothe of his Excalibur destroyedreveredalake, mate.Goddessawash thesaw amother sword,reflectionsword andhemotherof deathtriad orwithIsle continuesArthursheherwhichGoddess, places originally Theseshrinesof with similar andof andtheir andnatureExcaliburtransformedand wizards,accepts Danuthrough theAvalon ofonce thissymbolism worshipped histhe ancientas proclaimingrampant thewells are to in the was samereclaimslifeArthur ring againthat themysterious the remnantsinthe is ancientladywithinor knownthe offeredstories returnedritual ring into ofGoddesssymbolrededicated ignorance revolvesreinforcesas of Danucarethroughoutthat Arthur herwhicha it theof Vedic byhideous depictsflavouredofby stonewhichtheof hands. of toandlake,manythis ofa isthreethrough symbolises asthethe transformedsword Yoniprospectivethismostrivers, them itspowerful uponKing. she Danu,the sword.childGoddess names, Taking nowomen, triadwithand probablyKing Britishandhas thisto water,coincidence TarasTheeating thephilosophy "StLingam.nature With theVedic givencycleitreceivingAnnis, mate.Annislady whoGoddessGuenevere,heAnne"Isles hill,wells,cycle ring, demonKingthe becomes whichof inGoddess.of gave theAni wasIninto ladyorderbirth wherethe sheof Arthurs magicandofferingpower Lia and ofeverlasting Blackisbirthnow lakemother ofappearsand water.thefor dressedcharacteristicMorganFail, the the Anuand The in seento wasdemise usdeathwellsAnnis, the willing femalelake,the the of totowisdom.adventAs a sword, through asLethe name informbestonelife,King andmother hewith the a hissymbolismsacrificea Fey rebornvirginhas moononce witch.she when offamous inbody everythingatheofHoly and water.aGoddessthefew. accepts destiny mary.sword choiceagainsymbolanew. thisisandthewells,form She armare FromAustriamergesappearskilometres.riversandDniepertheblackInVedicMuniagainmeaningDaityastanof EuropeDiti riversApara. andthesea.ofthissage - - into areEurope as Slovakiathe land,Black Donetsfromisthe meansSheWhat theKashyapa thenamedsimplyGoddess Goddess we her riversForest appearsblackwhose doesand - seethe come Hungaryaafter corruption Don. sea.Dniester landappears. Muniitinthis name, appears in throughoutthe placeInsay ofand -Daityas. Vedictown Aberdeenshire,Russiathe Croatia according payabout offromasnames Daityas, of its Goddesshomageits Eastern Donauthe ancientthemGermanyEurope -longest Serbia such Donto the come mainstream-to EuropeDanu. nameLancashire,eschingenas whenriver sonsriver -Danu wasBulgaria Turkistan, the is On oftwoDaityastan. - previously asoneDanavas. theDiti, she shetheof academia, she - of YorkshireDanube. 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Bali globe,such ofOn Bratan throughoutholytheir boththe as the water.Indonesianirrigation the andphysical island Shiva roughly BaliHere of system and Lingums.isBali, Islandwater thetranslated spiritual. it beautiful isis isof a saidThe revered Balinetwork Inits centralthat DanuBaliPura name forthe ofthey Ululis itstemple templesnamemeans the powerbuild Danu Supreme forwhich "theiras to TheBratantheir themake temples connectsGoddess Goddess.religionwater pictured things washeson is Danu grow, “Danuearth.herawesome,DanuAsarementionedsonsVedaDanunaspati MarutsDanu, divinebeing.mentionedalso of sheis Thetherepresents are Danu mentioneddescribed beings is sister Physical heavenly,earthyascalled described are- the in the of their themanifestationdescribedSudanavas primordialan Sati, asincontactLords ever-flowingtranscendent churning themainSudanavas. as is Vedas Danucita ofone rolewith aswatersDanuna, - of of Asuras, ofwasher Suas thethe stream DanuSodimension oneuponbeing - earthy toocean great Somathealthough populate its ofas which of richnessSanskrit neverthirteen personalitiesmanifestation, aofcelestialis river of milkcalled the creation thea thus simplegoingdaughtersofforDanavas goddess universe graceDanuda light, good, represents amongst takesback blackhowever, thewhich the areandwithof - millionsplace.Asvinis and DaksaoverflowingVishvedevasknown thepurifiesof goodonly connectswhitereality AlthoughDevas. are of given aprogeny.as years,partial and picture. describedAsuras,in with to onegeneral”orfertilises the Kashyapa anddisclosure universal Danu, The with In Danavas,Goddess shetheas . Danavas thetheVeda. the Rigis Gods Muni.alsoof the 4 / 4.
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