MACROFAUNA ON ROCKY SUBSTRATES IN THE PORSMARK BIOTEST BASIN MARCH 1984 - MARCH 1985 Pauli Snoeijs (*) and Kerstin Mo (**) September, 1987 * Växtbiologiska Institutionen, Box 559, 75122 UPPSALA ** SNV, Miljökontrollaboratoriet, Mkk, Box 8005, 75008 UPPSALA keywords: macrofauna, nuclear power plant, cooling water, Forsmark Biotest Basin, Baltic Sea THIS REPORT CAN BE ORDERED FROM: Naturvårdsverket Informationsenheten Box 1302 171 25 SOLNA Sweden ISBN 91-620-3397-2 ISSN 0282-7298 CONTENTS page PREFACE 1 1 INTRODUCTION 2 1.1 Background 2 1.2 Previous studies 3 2 DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA 5 2.1 The Biotest Basin 5 2.2 The sampling si tes 7 3 MATERIAL AND METHODS 8 4 ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS 11 5 RESULTS 15 5.1 Species composition 15 5.2 Diversity 25 5.3 Interactions between nacrofauna and algae 31 6 DISCUSSION 34 SUMMARY 37 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 37 REFERENCES 38 APPENDIX I: CODES USED FOR THE DIFFERENT TAXA 43-44 APPENDIX II: SPECIES LISTS WITH ABUNDANCE SCORES 45-55 PREFACE The research presented in this report is part of a larger project concerning the effects of cooling water flow froa the Forsaark Nuclear Power Station (Units 1 and 2) on the dynamics of the benthic ecosystea. Previous publications within the project deal with aicrophytobenthic bioaass, priaary production, environmental factors (Snoeijs, 1985, 1986), description of aacro-algal vegetation (Snoeijs, 1987) and radionuclide concentration in diatoas (Nötter and Snoeijs, 1986). This report presents the results of an investigation of consumers (aacrofauna) occurring on rocky substrates in the hydrolittoral. Saaples fro» sites both with and without thermal discharge from the power plant were studied during the period March 1984 - March 1985. - 1 - 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 BACKGROUND If the environmental conditions of a biotic comunity change, its species composition will change. Thus for a proper understanding of the human iapact on the benthic systea a quantitative analysis of its constituent species is essential. Power stations using cooling water for discharging waste thermal energy change the aquatic environaent in the discharge area by an overload of temperature. Enhanced temperature changes the species coaposition of faunal communities as different species have different temperature optima and tolerance ranges. Enhanced temperature also affects algal species composition and biomass, which in its turn influences the fauna in its food supply and availability of shelter. A higher temperature increases the metabolic activity of the fauna (Ankar, 1977). Besides temperature, other environmental factors possibly influencing the fauna are altered by the discharge of cooling water in Forsnark. The absence of ice cover in winter might for certain species result in a longer active period and/or more generations per year than under normal circumstances. Artificial flow can be of influence on the outcome of interspecific competition. Salinity oscillations in the area are relatively small, and are thus regarded as having a minor influence on the macrofauna. The aims of this study are: 1: To compare the faunal assemblages in the hydrolittoral algal belt in the discharge area of the power plant with those in areas not receiving thermal discharge, in terms of species composition and community structure. 2: To relate the occurrence of certain macrofauna with algal cover. - 2 - 1.2 PREVIOUS STUDIES Parallel to aacrofaunal species composition and abundance presented in this report, aicrophytobenthic bioaass (aainly consisting of diatoas), and aacro-algal species coaposition and cover-abundance, were studied froa the saae saaples (Snoeijs, 1985 and 1987). Enhanced teaperature and higher light availability (no ice cover in winter) resulted in higher diatoa bioaass throughout the year, especially in vinter and spring, and a tiae-shift of the vernal blooa towards earlier in the year. In teras of percentage cover-abundance, blue-green and green algae increased with teaperature, while red and brown algae and diatoas decreased with teaperature in the interval between the ainiaua (0°C) and the aaxiaua (25.7°C) water teaperatures that were aeasured during the investigation period. Because of an extension of the period with optiaal teaperatures for diatoas, these were aost favoured in the systea. Lower diversity and greater doainance of one or a few species over the other species was caused by theraal discharge at sites with fast-flowing water, but the opposite occurred at sites with quiescent water, aainly because of a greater number and higher abundances of blue-green algal species and thread-like green algae at the latter sites. Hacrofauna of soft bottoas has been studied since 1978 (the Biotest Basin was built in 1977); the results have been published for the years 1978-1983 by Mo (1984). Froa 1978 to 1980 (no cooling water discharge) the total nuaber of macrofauna individuals increased, Chironomidae and Gammarus spp. were aost favoured by the construction of the basin. After the discharge of cooling water had started (1980) the total number of individuals decreased, but stayed higher than in 1978. Chironomidae, Macoma baltica and Gaamarus spp. decreased in numbers, while Corophium volutator, Paludestrina jenkinsi and Oligochaeta were most favoured by the cooling water discharge. Chironomiuae in the vegetation at 2 to 4 m depth were studied in the area before and after the Biotest Basin was built by Eriksson (19b5). Funnel traps were used to gather the specimens. Eggs hatched at least one month earlier due to cooling water supply. Species preferring colder and more oligotrophic environments uecreased, while species preferring warmer, less exposed and more eutrophic environments increased. The occurrence of Tanytarsini and Orthocladiini decreased and that of Chi ronomini stayed about the same. Studies on macrofauna between vegetation in areas of the Baltic Sea with similar salinities to Forsmark have been published by e.g.: Haage and Jansson (1970) and Haage (1975; 1976), for Fucus vesiculosus and Zostera marina dominated communities in the Asko area in Sweden; by Lappalainen and Kängas (1975a; 1975b) and Lappalainen et al. (1977) for Fucus vesiculosus and Zostera marina dominated communities, by Hällfors et al (1975) for Cladophora glomerata dominated - 3 - coBBunities, by Verhoeven (1980) for Ruppia dominated coaaunities, and by van Vierssen (1982) for Zannichellia doBinated coaaunities in the Tvärainne area in Finland (see Fig.l). The Cladophora belt in the upper littoral of the Baltic Sea as a systea has been extensively studied by Jansson (1966, 1967, 1969 and 1974). The Cladophora belt is a nursery ground and substrate for faunal organises (Jansson and Wulff, 1979). ATLANTIC OCEAN USSR USSR SOUTHERN RK0N»A BALTIC PROPER BASIN FRG POLAND Fig.l: Location map of the Porsmark Biotest Basin _ 4 - 2^ DESCRIPTION OF THE AREA 2.1 THE BIOTBST BASIN The study area is located near the Forsmark Nuclear Power Station on the Swedish east coast, about 70 km north of Uppsala at the southern end of the Bothnian Sea (see Fig.i). The power plant consists of 3 boiling water reactors. Unit 1 (900 HV) became operational in 1980; Unit 2 (900 HU) has been operating since 1981, and Unit 3 (1050 HU) since 1985. The total electrical output for the units 1 and 2 together is thus 1800 HV, but the total thermal output is 5400 HV. This overdose of thermal energy is taken away by cooling water. The cooling water for the power station is taken from Asphällsfjärden, which is connected to Oregrundsgrepen and has a salinity of 5-6 °/oo. It is led into the units 1 and 2 via inlet conduits and is heated up as it passes through the reactor cooling system. A tunnel under the sea-bed of 2350 m length carries the heated water out into the Biotest Basin (see Fig.2), from where it is released into the sea. The (artificial) Biotest Basin may thus be regarded as something between a river and a lake, with more features of one or the other at different sites within the basin. The Biotest Basin has a surface-area of 0.9 km2, a mean depth of 2.5 m, and a maximum depth of 5 m; its total volume is 2.3OO.OOO m3 (Andersson, 1983). The construction, connecting five small islands with dams, was finished in 1977, and the supply of cooling water was started during the second half of 1980. Leakage through the dams is about 6% of the flow. The bottom of the Biotest Basin consists of solid rock, sand and stones. Oregrundsgrepen is an area of little organic sediments, but in the Biotest Basin at less exposed, deeper sites, organic material has been accumulating since the power station started its operation. The water is heated 8-10°C as it passes through the reactor cooling system; this is also the temperature elevation in the larger part of the basin, as compared to natural waters in its surroundings. The lagoon (see Fig.2) has a lower temperature than the rest of the basin. The vertical temperature variation is generally only a few tenths of a degree Celsius, and seldom greater than 1°C (todersson, 1983). The cooling water flow rate at full operation is 86 mVs. This results in a flow rate at the outlet of 2 m/s, and for the main flow within the basin, 10-30 cm/s (Andersson, 1983). Most of the water (70-90%), is transported between the intake channel of the power station and the outflow channel from the Biotest Basin within 3-6 hours, where it flows fastest. The lagoon, an area partly separated from the rest of the basin by a ca. 400 m long pier, has a retention time of up to a few days: here the water is quiescent. Part of the lagoon is closed off from the rest of the basin; four grey seals live here. There is a stand-by outlet where part of the cooling water can be released directly from the tunnel into the sea.
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