Bowling Green State University ScholarWorks@BGSU BG News (Student Newspaper) University Publications 3-17-1959 The B-G News March 17, 1959 Bowling Green State University Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation Bowling Green State University, "The B-G News March 17, 1959" (1959). BG News (Student Newspaper). 1469. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 4.0 License. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the University Publications at ScholarWorks@BGSU. It has been accepted for inclusion in BG News (Student Newspaper) by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks@BGSU. Weather Thought For The Day uccess U full of promise Ull Partly ctsedy today, and a little man gat It; than it is a last i»r lhan Mondar. r^ yaar's neit, from which the bird ' ffiSB-GJ&tk has flown. —H. W. Beecher VoL43 Bowling Gram State Unlrmity. Bowling Green, Ohio. Tueeday. March 17. 1959 No. 37 1959-60 Officers Will Be Elected Thursday; McLean, Koby, Sanderson Prexy Candidates Students will go to the polls, Thursday, to select Stu- Dance Party To Honor dent Body Officers, nine Stu- dent Council members, upper- class officers, and two Direc- Newly Elected Officers tors-at-Large for the Union Artivilies Council for 1069-60. An rll-campus Election Dance The all campus election will be I'arty, through .special permission held from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mann Elected AWS of the University Social Policy To insure a quick and accurate Committee, will honor the newly tabulation of the votes, the bat President,- 5 Others elected officers on election dny, lots for this election will he count Thursday. The dance will be held ed by IBM machines in the Regis- in the Grand Ballroom from 8 to trar's Office. Robert Pelton, chair Attain Top Positions 11:15 p.m. man of the Student Elections Barbara Mann, Kappa Delta, During intermission, all of the Board, has announced. It will mark election results will be announced. was elected president of the Asso- tV first time that such machines Also at this time, the winners of have been used to tabulate cam- ciation of Women Students for the all rumpus Charity Drive will pus election results. 1969 60. Thursday, as approximat be announced and plaques award The results of the election will ed. be announced ut the aMrampus Kor this, the last danrt' before Election Dance Party, which is spring recess, all girls may receive being held the night of the elec- McLEAN SANDERSON KOBY 11:30 permissions. tion. Tickets will be required for the Students who are student teach Jack Granfield, and Sam Baio. dance, and will be issued at the ing or will not be on campus to For junior class secretary: Lucy elections booths after voting in vote Thursday, may vote an ab- Burwell. Judy Creason, Karen ATO, TKE, Delts High Ranking; the all-campus election. Girls are sentee ballot from 6 to 9 p.m. Wright, Joan Kahl, and Kathleen to present the ticket stubs at their today and tomorrow in the Stu Maker. Candidates for junior class residence halls when they sign in. dent Body Office, third floor of treasurer; Sharon Swigart, Mary Dress for the affair will he Hunter, Ruth Bender, Jim Fluke, Fraternity Point Averages Stated casual, with sport coats, and flats, Poll watchers are needed by the Linda Steffen, and Judy Ticman. Alpha Tau Omega fraternity's MANN HAMER and it is a "stag or drag" dance. Student Elections Board to check stu- Sophomore Class Candidates combined grade point average of Frank Bridge and his Orchestra ely 900 University women cast dent credentials and to give out balloti. Running for sophomore class Kappa Sigs, Alpha Xi its actives and pledges, 2.606, was will supply the music. president are Ray McGuirc, Don their ballots. Mis* Mann received Each watcher will work only one hour higher than that of any other fra- 355 votes. Sandra Hamer, Alpha The dance is sponsored by the Pollock, Roger Carr, Bill Lawrence, during the I a.m. to S p.m. rotlng per- Win Barbershop Sing,- ternity last semester, according to Chi Omega, was elected first vice- Student Cabinet, Student Kir,' iod. This work will entitle the persons Don Hunter, Dave Gomersall, and president, being the presidential tions. Charities, and Communion to aclWt:y points as sub-committee mem- Uirry Rife. For sophomore vice- Only 8 Groups Enter a report from the office of Wal- candidate with the second highest tions Boards, and the Union Acti- bers ol the Elections Board. Anyone president: Jim Stoneman, Ron lace W. Taylor Jr., dean of men. number of votes, .101. Marge Zan- vities Dance Committee. interested should contact Peg Fase. Alp- Sherer, Richard Breitbart, George Kappa Sigma's barbershop quar The fraternity with the highest Patrick, Doug llannerman, and Pat der, the third candidate, received ha Phi house. tet was named the men's division point average for actives alone 244 votes. Rosselli. was Tau Kappa Epsilon, 2.684, winner and the all campus winner the Education Bldg. As is true of Candidates for sophomore class While Delta Tau Delta's pledges 27 Pledged In voters Thursday, student identifi secretary: Joan Hciman, Virginia at the fifth Annual Phi Delta had the highest average for pled- cation cards must be presented to Horton, and Joyce Gruver. For Theta Barbershop Sing, before a ges alone, 2.277. sophomore treasurer: Ken Heck, receive a ballot. large audience in the Ballroom of Theta Chi Follows ATO Voting booths will be placed Bert Coburn, Linda Neubeck, Bob the Union Sunday night. Alpha Xi Informal Rush in the University Union lobby, the Heckman, and Greg Hilger. Delta's group was the women's Ranking next to ATO in the As the sorority open rush period first floor of the Administration Up For Union Director winner. Only two fraternities and combined point average was Theta began last week, 27 women were Bldg., the main lounge of Found- Candidates for Union Directors six sororities were entered in the Chi, with 2.442. Sigma Chi was ers, and at the mail boxes in Rod- ni Large are Gerry Elder, Don contest. second to TKF, in actives' point pledged to sororities. The infor llershbergor, Judy Creason and average, 2.56G, and ATO's pledges ger.s Quadrangle. Members of the women's winner mal rush will continue throughout Jim Hardy. were second to Delta Tau Delta in The candidates for the Student were Pat Ensign, Joyce Evuns, the semester. Campaigning for the various the pledge point average, with Body Officers and the members Mary Ann Bockrider, and Lindu candidates begins today, two days 2.269. STAHL WINTER Karh sorority may pledge as of the Council were nominated Gee. Kappa Sigma's quartet was prior to the election, with residence Diane Winter, with 512 votes, many women as needed to fill the by a nominating committee, com- composed of Jack Knight, Lynn The all fraternity men's average hall visits, and parades and post- was elected second vice president. chapter limitation quota of 85 posed of the senior members of Snyder, Dave Aten, and Ji-hn for last semester was 2..'135. Sev- The other candidate, Karen Wright, members, so long as the number the Council, after reviewing no- ers. Wichman. en fraternities' point averages for received 382 votes. Korcen Stahl of pledges doesn't exceed 35. Two minations received from the stu- The campaign rules state that both actives and pledges were be- printed material may be sent Chi Omega won second place low this. They are Phi Kappa Psi. is the new AWS treasurer, gaining sororities, Alpha Xi Delta and dents of the University. in the women's division, while Phi 517 votes to Diane Borclla's 363. Delta Gamma, have the maximum Nominating the candidates for through the mail if individually 2.326; Tau Kappa Epsilon, 2.306; addressed. They further state that Mu was the third place winner. Sigma Phi Epsilon, 2.287; Kappa Barbara Schulz and Carol Toth 85 membership so will not take the posts as Directors-at-Large for Theta Chi, the only other frater- any pledges during open rush. the Union Activities Council were no posters will be put in academic Sigma, 2.226; Alpha Kappa Ome- will fill the offices of recording buildings except on the Adminis- nity entered in the Sing, was nam- «nd corresponding secretaries, res- Those who have pledged thus (he members of the present UA ga, 2.160; Pi Kappa Alpha, 2.146; tration Bldg. bulletin board. ed second place winner for the and Delta Tau Delta, 2.076. The pectively. Their opponents were far during open rush are: Council. The upperrlass office Copies of the complete campaign men's division. all undergraduate men's average Barbara Drumm and Mary Lynn candidates were nominated at an ALPHA CHI OMEGA nil-campus nominating convention, rules have been sent to all candi- Other sororities entering quar for last semester was 2.203. Winter. Miss Schulz received 512 dates, according to Pelton, and tcts were Gamma I'hi Beta, Delta Sandra Chappell, Joanne Fre and then these persons were Other Combined Averages dey, Cloya Scott, and Dorothy failure to comply with them can Gamma, and Kuppa Delta. Pic screened by the members of the Combine*] point averages for Shankland. Elections Board. result in a fine of no less than $1 lures of the two winners will ap- or more than SI" and/or disquali- pear in Friday's issue of the other groups' actives and pledges ALPHA DELTA Pt Presidential Candidates fication as a candidate.
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