You and the Family Life Cycle NE WAYto look at yourself and your family is through the concept of the family life cycle. The family life cycle denotes the stages a family goes through during its lifetime. Mod- ern-day families have a life span of 50 to 60 years. Most families go through five stages: 1) family founding; 2) child bearing; 3) child rearing; 4) child launching; and 5)DATE. empty nest. If you imagine your life inOF the family as an on-going cycle, it looks aboutOUT like this. The cir- cle represents a life spanIS of about 50 years. information: ;Family founding earing PUBLICATIONcurrent most THIS For http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog lid rearing L p Child launching Empty nest A Cooperative Extension Publication PNW 84 Reprinted June 1971 The family life cycle begins with marriage For example, during the first two years a and ends with the death of both partners. But, baby learns to speak in his parents' language, a family never endsit goes on through the to walk, to respond to "no no," to feed him- generations. Each family sends out its satellites selfhe learns many things. At each stage of during the launching stage to insure its con- his development through the years he learns tinuity. certain things and accomplishes certain tasks. The typical young couple starting marriage This is because his body has developed to the today can predict about a two-year interval be- point where he can manage these activities and fore the birth of the first child. The last baby because his parents and others have certain will probably be born about six years after expectations. marriage. This youngest child will be married The same concept of developmental tasks shortly after the parents' 25th wedding anni- applies to families. At each stage, certain tasks versary. More than half of the married years should be accomplished to enable the family to will be spent after the children are grown and move ahead to the next stage. away from home. The husband is likely to pre- The birth of children moves a couple into cede his wife in death, leaving the wife a widow the various stages. There is overlapping at each stage and the family is "moved along" for approximately 16 years of the family cycle. DATE. No two families will follow exactly the with the oldest child. Any one family may be same pattern, but the concept of a family life in OFseveral stages at any one time. cycle offers a helpful approach to managing Outside forcessocial and economic fac- OUTtorsaffect the family and its tasks at various family resources. IS An understanding of the various stages and stages. the approximate time couples can expect to information: spend in each stage will help you and your family develop your family spending and sav- Developmental Tasks ing plan. This understanding is importantPUBLICATIONcurrent in at Different Stages planning your housing, recreation, insurance, most and other resources. It influencesTHIS your home 1.Family founding management and all your planningFor for the i Establish a home. future. http://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalogi Become emotionally dependent on one Each stage has its beginnings in the stages another;emotionallyindependentof which have gone before and its fulfillment in parents. the future. Wherever an individual is at the i Work out ways of handling differences. moment, he has his roots in the past and is i Learn homemaking skills. moving toward the next stage of life. At each stage of development, families 2.Child bearing have certain tasks to accomplish. The concept i Learn about pregnancy, childbirth, and of family developmental tasks can be under- children. stood by comparing them to developmental i Gain understanding of new husband- tasks of individuals. Each child goes through wife relationship. various stages, depending on his age and what i Develop philosophy of child rearing. is expected of him. At each stage a child has i Accept responsibilities of parenthood. certain tasks to accomplish. i Understand the role of grandparents. 3.Child rearing i Continue to learn about children. i Adjust financial plans and housing to meet needs of children. i Assume responsibility for school and community betterment. i Become alert to particular needs of chil- dren at different ages. 4.Child launching i Discard folklore about love and mar- riage; gain insight and knowledge to help children. i Enlargechild'svocationalchoice by learning about new opportunities. i Give emotional support toDATE. children as they leave home for work, military serv- ice, school, or marriage.OF i Release children toOUT live their own lives. IS 5. Empty nest i Adjust to life asinformation: a couple after years as parents. i Accept the reality of your life's accom- plishments.PUBLICATIONcurrent i Learnmost about modern methods of child THISrearing to improve skills as grandparents. For i Preparehttp://extension.oregonstate.edu/catalog for and adjust to retirement. i Prepare for living alone. * * * * * Information about various stages of the family life cycle and developmental tasks for each stage is available from your County Extension Office. Prepared by Roberta C. Frasier, Extension family life specialist, Oregon State University, in cooperation with Extension specialists in other western states. Published and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914, by the Cooperative Extension Service, Oregon State University, Lee Kolmer, director; the Washington State University Ex- tension Service, John P. Miller, director; the Idaho Agricultural Extension Service, James E. Kraus, director; and the U. S. Department of Agri- culture, cooperating..
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