THE WESTFIELD LEADER • THE LEADING AND MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NEWSPAPER IN UNION COUNTY YEAR—No. 48 Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, AUGUST 6, 1953 Bvory Thuradn 28 Pages—5 Cent* % Weeks Figures At Chest X-Rays to beJersey Central Takes Steps to Blood Collections Board Appoints Three to aygrounds Set Record Given Free Here Remove Signs at Underpass For Defense Use Teach In Local Schools Monday, Tuesday A minor whirlpool of protest ed as it is at the entrances to one End August 31 was in the making last week when of our town's most complicated Local Badminton Champion To Be civic-minded Weatfielders and oth- street intersections. Second is the McCorison Preaching At Local, State Health ers dedicated to the preservation patriotic angle. The poster in Summer Union Service 3 Elementary of the town's aesthetic values sud- question faces directly tho memo- Local Ambulatory Decided Today at Wilson Field Boards, TB League denly were confronted with two rial monument centrally placed in Donor Program to Join In Survey largo advertising posters at the the Plaza in honor of those who Summer union services, in which Teachers Resign oseph V. Horan, director of recreation for Westfield, has re- Broad street underpnss of the Jer- sacrificed their lives for us in the Function As Usual the Baptist, Congregational and record breaking figures showing enrollment at the end of six (See picture below) sey Central Lines. first World War. Incidentally, it Methodist churches are participat- Report Given On I at the town's playgrounds totaling 1,417. Attendance figures The Board of Health has an- Among the many Westfleld res- also faces one of Wcstfield's larg- The blood for defense program ing, will continue with the wor- 19 771. nounced a schedule of free chest idents who either wrote to this est and most impressivo churches. in Westfield will come tb an end ship service Sunday in tho First New Buildings Methodist Church. Tho Rev. Dr. lutstandinu features of the week were the handicraft exhibit and x-rays to be hold here Monday and newspaper or to the railroad di- So far as I know, there is no oth- Aug. 31. In a message to Addi- Joseph L. McCorison Jr., minis- hecker championship, won by Peter Higgins of Wilson with rectly about tho "commercializa- er similarly offensive advertising son C. Ely, chairman of the West- The appointments' of thrco new Tuesday of next week. ter of the Congregational Church, 0 Micioni of McKinley, second. tion of the Plaza area" was Rog- display in this particular section. field Chapter, Amcricun Rod euchcis to the Weatfield school A mobile unit of the State Do- will be tho preacher. Ho will 'oday the badminton championship will be played at Wilson er Stephens of 1486 Propect street, Third is the aesthetic angle, that Cross, from DeW;itt DeBarlow, ystem for the coming year were partment of Health will enable speak on "Encouragement from a charter member and past pres- is, the question of the town ap- chairman of the Plalnficld-North approved by tho Board of Educa- •ound and tomorrow BO chil- large numbersi cf residents to be God'B Word." Paul R. Grossman, ident of tho Westfield Art Associ- pearance generally, regarding ion in a 17 minute meeting Tues- will go to Yankee Stadium x-rayed rapidly. Thia type of unit Plainfield chapter, a copy of a tel- baritone, will sing "Prayer" ation and long active in Westfield which phase the Westfield Art As- day night in the Roosovelt Junior a big league game, Cowboy Players Committee is an innovation in Westfield this egram was enclosed from the Of- (Guion) and Miss Dilys Jones will civic affairs. sociation has already and long High School. They are Thomas like rodeos are next week's year. Previously, this service was fice of Defense Mobilization ' in be at the organ. The service starts since strongly registered its feel- LaCosta of South Plainfield, Miss 1 events. made available only by the Union Addressing his letter to Robert Washington, calling for the dis- at 9:60 a.m. All arc invited. ings. The Garden Club shares the Marcella Rose Solomon of Wyo- Wilson playground the out- Heads Named County Tuberculosis League at the L. Barbour, director of public re- continuance of operations. Art Association's objections. ming, Pa., and Mrs. Marie Marts ng event of thia -week was Board of Health office. The League lations fo' the Jersey Central, Mr. ODM, said there was no need for further collections because of of Pittsburgh, Pa. easure hunt. Peanuts were is co-operating with the State De- Stephens had this to says "Notwithstanding the forego- Productions Set For the truce in Korea. All donations Mr. LaCosta, who will teach i in the boughs of trees, partment and the local board in "Thursday last there was ing, in complete fairness to your had been earmarked for defense Women Plan Spanish in the Senior High School, crevices, shrubbery, stone November and April this survey. brought to my attention the two company's position, my under- exclusively and although tho pro- received his ' bachelor of science lent fissures, steps, door Many Wcstflelders are expected new 24 sheet posters just erected standing is that technically you gram represented a Red Cross degree from Rutgers University s, key holes, under baseball V. E. Rinehart of 641 Embree to take advantage of this health by your company at both the north are on sound ground. But, I like Campaign Bulletin service, it was operated under the n 1942 and his master of arts de- and various other out of the crescent, president of Community check-up. Locations and dates are and south sides of the Broad street to think that in view of the ob- direct control of the Office of De- jree from New York University [aces. At the blast of a whis- Players, has announced commit- as follows: underpass. In this connection jections stated earlier in this let- 10 boys and girls started a tee heads for its 20th season as Monday, corner of Broad and fense Mobilization. n 1949. He was an instructor in there appeared in last Thursday's ter, your road will look favorably 1 Dollars Growing Spanish at Rutgers from Febru- tampede. Loud whoops and follows: Elm streets; Tuesday, south side The copy of tho tologram ad- Westficld Leader the accompany- toward Ithe elimination of these ary, 1946 to June, 1953. were heard when a cache was Membership, Mrs. Leonard of CRR station. dressed to the Plainfield collec- For Club House ing letter of protest. I cannot posters in the very near future." Miss Solomon, commercial teach- ered. Tommy Ferriol was Harne; hospitality, Mrs. Francis Hours of operation on both days too strongly emphasize my com- Within 24 hours Mr. Stephens tion center follows: "Office of De- Members of tho Woman's Club ir in the Senior High School, re- ed first honors, Eileen Car- Ryan; construction, Carl Diehl; will be 10 to 12 a.m., 2 to 6 and plete sympathy with tho sentiment received the following reply from fense Mobilization as a result of of Weatficld have worked as ceived her bachelor of science de- lecond, and Mary and Jean design and painting, Howard 7 to 9 p.m. - expressed. Mr. Barbour: cessation of hostilities in Korea »ry, third. Tied for fourth Persons 16 years of age and has announced significant reduc- groups and as individuals this sum- ree from Misericordia College, Bredlau; costumes, Mrs. Freder- "At least three bases of objec- "Thank you very much for your Valerie Gibbs, Dorothy over may be x-rayed. Appoint- tion in defense requirements for mer to increase their club house Dallas, Pa., in 1950 and taught in ick Porter; hand properties, Miss tion come immediately to mind, letter of Aug. 3 calling my atten- Lower Camden County Regional Bobby Durgin and Karen Lois Wright; stage properties, ments are unnecessary. the first of which is the danger whole blood for fiscal year 1953- fund through .the "Make Your tion to the advertising posters re- 54. As result of this reduction Dollar Grow" campaign. High School in Lindenwold, from Mrs. James Burke. angle. Obviously the north side September, 1951 to June, 1853. (Please turn to page 2) all defense centers are being re- The campaign was sponsored by new mechanical baseball Also make-up, Mrs. Thomas poster will divert attention, locat- Mrs, Marts, elementary teacher and another the search for Newell; stage manager, Paul quested to cease operations effec- the club house project committee History of Golf tive August 31, 1053. In addition of which Mis. J. Russdl Freeman in the Lincoln School, is a gradu- s booty, has fascinated many Houck; sound, L. J. Peterson; 5-Year-Old Is Town's ate of • California (Pa.) State children. Bobby Poulsen, lighting, Palmer Quynn; board contracts'wlll co-operate and blood is chairman. Early in the summer Exchangites Set banks are being terminated effec- a dollar was sent to each member Teachers Normal School, and re- James, Anne Denholm, Val- members, Mrs. Henry Mereness, Third Polio Victim ceived her bachelor of science de- iibbs, Patty Goodman, Kitty Matthew Glass and Mr. Bredlau. Told Rotarians tive that date. This will advise of the Womaiib Club and affiliated you therefore that your center organizations. The Fortnightly, gree from the University of Pitts- Francis Smullen, Connie Mr. Rinehart has succeeded Mr. Judith Ann Comiskoy, 5 year Baseball Outing should begin to plan orderly ces- the Intermediates, the Junior burgh in 1953. She has had teach- s, Larry McBean and Dave Houck as president. Other offi- old daughter of Mr.
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