Ad Populos, Non Aditus, Pervenimus Published Every Thursday Since September 3, 1890 (908) 232-4407 USPS 680020 Thursday, January 19, 2006 OUR 116th YEAR – ISSUE NO. 03-2006 Periodical – Postage Paid at Westfield, N.J. www.goleader.com [email protected] SIXTY CENTS Prosecutor’s Office Investigates Altercation With Ex-Chief, Officer By PAUL J. PEYTON AND police officers of the department,” Union County Prosecutor’s Office for SUZETTE STALKER review.” He said the police depart- Specially Written for The Westfield Leader Mr. Neal told The Leader during a telephone interview Tuesday after- ment has not received anything back WESTFIELD – The Union County noon. yet but expects to hear a response Prosecutor’s Office is investigating “It (the altercation) seems to have within the next two weeks. an altercation that allegedly occurred been instigated by the former chief,” Executive Assistant Prosecutor between former Westfield Police said Mr. Neal. Robert P. O’Leary said, “We (the Chief Bernard Tracy and town Police According to Police Chief John prosecutor’s office) cannot comment Officer Gregory Kasko. The incident Parizeau, Mr. Tracy “had come there on pending (investigations).” occurred during the evening of Janu- with his family to pick up some pa- Town Administrator Jim Gildea ary 4 at police headquarters. perwork (concerning) his retirement said that as soon as Chief Parizeau The Westfield Leader has learned dinner” that was being held two nights “caught wind of this, he acted very that Officer Kasko was doing routine later. swiftly and promptly” and forwarded police work behind the glass parti- Because the matter involved a chief the case to the prosecutor’s office. tion at the entrance to police head- of police – Mr. Tracy is still on the “I think the good news is that this quarters when Mr. Tracy reportedly books through the end of January – type of behavior from both sides can- attempted to accost the officer and Chief Parizeau said the incident “was not be tolerated,” said Mr. Gildea. had to be physically restrained by documented and then referred to the CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 another officer and removed from headquarters, according to Officer Kasko’s attorney, Julien K. Neal of BOE Agenda Includes Michael Pollack for The Westfield Leader Secaucus. OUT OF COMMISSION…Several crews from Union County respond to a three-alarm blaze on 563 Westfield Avenue in Mr. Neal said Officer Kasko passed Westfield. The fire affected the Westfield Family Practice of Dr. John Tabachnick and three apartment occupants. The Mr. Tracy on the way into the depart- Facilities, Insurance, Utilities building was evacuated and no injuries were reported. Chief Dan Kelly said it would be months until the building is habitable. ment. He went to the control area of By MEGHAN GILL on behalf of Dr. Foley. He explained the department – a secure area for Specially Written for The Westfield Leader that as of January 13, there were no police personnel only – when Mr. WESTFIELD – Superintendent of official budget guidelines from Gov- Blaze Causes Extensive Damage Tracy soon returned and started bang- Schools Dr. William Foley’s prelimi- ernor Jon Corzine’s office, no budget ing on the glass partition and asked nary 2006-2007 budget recommen- CPI (cap) rate set and no official Officer Kasko if he was whistling the dations, specifically capital projects, budget schedule. “Barney” television show theme. Mr. employee benefits and potential util- Reflecting on these issues, Mr. To Westfield Avenue Buiding Neal said the officer often whistles ity costs, were the highlight of Tues- Berman said, “This certainly doesn’t By MICHAEL POLLACK chief said. “No one was home in the ment occupants. The fire impacted but could not recall what he was whis- day night’s board of education meet- stop the board from moving ahead.” Specially Written for The Westfield Leader apartment at the time of the fire.” three individuals. tling when the altercation occurred. ing. A comprehensive list of capital WESTFIELD – On Monday, Janu- The fire was under control in an The fire department also responded “He (Tracy) took offense with that Robert Berman, board secretary, projects was discussed at the meet- ary 16, Westfield firefighters, along hour and the crews conducted a fire to a blaze at 517 Hort Street at 1:37 and had to be restrained by other presented the proposals to the board ing, including roof and parapet wall with 10 Union County fire depart- watch until 9 p.m. No firefighter inju- a.m. on Wednesday. repairs at Roosevelt Intermediate ments fought a three-alarm blaze on ries were reported either. “Many Chief Kelly said the fire began on School, Lincoln School parapet wall Westfield Avenue. teams (fire personnel) were used be- the first floor and spread to the sec- repair, repaving the driveway at Wil- The fire departments reported at cause of the size of the structure, the ond. He said the homeowner was son Elementary School and erecting the scene that the Westfield Family amount of fire and the age of the outside the single-family dwelling a portable classroom trailer at Practice offices of Dr. John structure,” the chief said. when firefighters arrived. Jefferson Elementary School. The Tabachnick and others at 563 Icing posed a hazard on the ladders He said the fire, which was under estimated total for these projects is Westfield Avenue were evacuated and and did hamper some of the fire sup- control within an hour, was caused by $319,000. The portable trailer will no injuries were reported. pression activities. Extreme caution an electric space heater. Cranford cost $100,000, with an annual cost of Westfield Police Chief Dan Kelly was exercised the chief said, noting firefighters assisted at the scene, while $25,000 to lease the space. said he received a call at 3:05 p.m. that even the overspray on the hose the Mountainside and Scotch Plains “I’d like to postpone the Wilson indicating that there was an alarm froze. departments stayed on standby at fire driveway repaving. Maybe the town sounding at Dr. Tabachnick’s office. The fire impacted Neil Bradley, a headquarters on North Avenue. could help us out and reduce the cost His staff was told by the dispatcher to local real estate agent. Mr. Bradley Chief Kelly said the fire caused of this project significantly,” Dr. Foley evacuate the building. told The Westfield Leader that he re- “extensive fire damage to the first, stated. The Wilson repaving project The chief said on arrival there was turned home on Tuesday to bring as second and third floors.” could cost $65,000 if it is contracted smoke from the second floor apart- much of his personal belongings to The homeowner, Maureen out to a private company. Dr. Foley ment in the rear of the building. Fire his parent’s home as he can salvage. Scaliti, who the chief said was in explained that the town has the neces- conditions on the second floor ex- The chief, who returned to the scene her mid to late 40s, suffered first sary equipment for repaving projects. tended to the third floor apartment, to survey the damage, said “they won’t and second degree burns to her Traditionally, capital projects have which caused “extensive structural be occupying the building for quite legs and was taken to Overlook been funded through bonds and state damage to the second and third and some time.” When asked for a Hospital in Summit by the aid; however, Mr. Berman indicated moderate water damage to the first timeframe, he said it would be months. Westfield Rescue Squad. Her face Photo Courtesy of Brian Dunlap that there will be no aid for these floor.” No injuries were reported. Until then, he said Dr. Tabachnik and was also burned. Ms. Scaliti was SMOLDERING...The Westfield home at 517 Hort Street is engulfed with clouds projects, noting “we need to budget Because it was a three-alarm fire, his insurance company must negoti- released after treatment. of smoke late Tuesday night while the fire department attacks the flames. these 100 percent.” units from all over Union County ate to determine the next step. Chief The chief said the Westfield- The next budget items presented to responded. First, paid fire fighters Kelly believes that they will choose Mountainside chapter of the Red the board were employee insurance squads from Cranford, Roselle and to rehabilitate the site. Cross would temporarily relocate her. Federated Puts Lord & policies. The district obligation for Plainfield, along with Elizabeth and a The chief also noted that the local The department was also busy pension contributions for non-certifi- mutual aid task force from Clark Red Cross chapter offered their assis- Wednesday morning due to the in- cated employees will increase to 60 Township, Kenilworth, Union and tance in relocating the displaced apart- tense rainstorm. Taylor Chain Up for Sale percent next year, which reflects a Fanwood covered the rest of town, By CHRISTIE STORMS voiced a sentiment echoed by several $100,000 increase in the budget. while Garwood, Mountainside and Specially Written for The Westfield Leader other customers. “It’s a great place to The Oxford Medical insurance will Scotch Plains relieved the personnel Westfield Council Moves to WESTFIELD — Federated Depart- shop without having to go all the way increase by 11 percent, or $810,671. on the scene. ment Stores, Inc. announced its plans to the mall.” Delta Dental will increase by 6 per- The chief said that the number of last Thursday to sell its recently ac- Founded in 1826, Lord & Taylor cent, or $47,520. There will be no departments and determining who is Repeal Redevelopment Zone quired Lord & Taylor chain by the carries popular upscale designer la- increase in the prescription drug plan.
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