H250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 19, 1999 do to strengthen them. It is parents ranked 6th nationally in rushing de- season. Both players started every and it is teachers that know what is fense, and had one of the best overall game, and provided much needed sup- best for our children, and they are the defenses in the Nation. port to the offensive effort. Bryson, ones that we must empower. The Vol offense, led by now departed who started every game as fullback, The Dollars to the Classroom Act sig- offensive coordinator David Cutcliffe, rushed in one game for over 200 yards nals a dramatic shift in how Federal who took the top spot at the Univer- on 21 carries with four touchdowns. education dollars are delivered to our sity of Mississippi, powered through Mercedes Hamilton, who started Nation's schools. In today's system, opponents all season long. The new of- every game as offensive right guard, too many precious education dollars fensive coordinator is not new to ag- was a key blocker who helped lead the get lost in the bureaucracy, in the red gressive and successful play. Coach Vol offensive running game. Mr. tape. This money must be spent in the Randy Sanders, who took over the of- Speaker, without a doubt, most quar- classrooms, not on more bureaucracy. fensive reins during the Fiesta Bowl, terbacks would rather not have had to That is why the Dollars to the Class- was previously the quarterbacks and follow a player like Peyton Manning. room Act is so important. It represents running backs coach at UT. However, Tee Martin, the fantastic what our schools should be, schools Coach Sanders' first game saw his of- leader of the Tennessee offense, rose to where parents and local school dis- fense perform exceptionally well the challenge. tricts decide what is the best way to against the tough Florida State de- Under enormous pressure, Martin teach their children, not Washington. fense. The Volunteer offense had a tre- posted a tremendous season, complet- This legislation requires that 95 per- mendous season indeed, averaging over ing an NCAA record 24 consecutive cent of Federal funds be spent in the 211 yards rushing per game, leading the passes in a 2-game period against Ala- classrooms. This is one of our Repub- SEC and ranking among the top na- bama and South Carolina. lican education proposals. Currently tionally. His favorite receiver, Peerless Price, only 65 percent of funds actually reach Mr. Speaker, who else could assemble was another Vol who certainly lived classrooms for our children. They are such a great coaching talent and staff unto his name Peerless. He led the Vols spent here in the bureaucracy. but the greatest athletic director in with 61 catches for over 900 yards in Our children are our future leaders. the Nation, Doug Dickey? Coach 1998, and finished his career ranked It is strong moves like these that will Dickey has had amazing success in his third on UT's all-time list for recep- improve our local schools, and improve career at UT. As head football coach tions and receiving yards, and also had the quality of life for every American. from 1964 through '69, Coach Dickey a 100-yard kickoff return against Ala- I urge support for the Dollars to the put the UT football program back on bama. Classroom Act. the map, winning two SEC champion- Mr. Speaker, there were many key f ships and leading the Vols to high na- players and others that made this sea- tional rankings in several bowl game son a very special one for the Vols. As SPECIAL ORDERS appearances. I said before, the Fiesta Bowl gave the The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. For the last 13 years Coach Dickey Vols their second national title in 47 LAHOOD). Under the Speaker's an- has been a true leader in the field of years. nounced policy of January 6, 1999, and college athletics, and has built the Uni- The 1951 Volunteers, led by the Great under a previous order of the House, versity of Tennessee into a sports pow- Coach, General Robert Neyland, was the last the following Members will be recog- erhouse in the NCAA. Additionally, his Tennessee team to win the National cham- nized for 5 minutes each. efforts to build scholarship fundraising pionship. Some of the greatest names in Ten- f have led to an increase in UT's level of nessee football history came from that very giving from $800,000 to more than $9 TRIBUTE TO THE TENNESSEE team. Names like: Jim Haslam, Col. Gene million annually to the athletic de- VOLUNTEERS FOOTBALL TEAM Moeller, Gordon Polofsky, Bill ``Moose'' partment. Barbish, Herky Payne, Tex Davis, Boomer The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Mr. Speaker, the people I have men- Boring, Any Myers, Pat Shires, Doug Atkins, previous order of the House, the gen- tioned thus far have contributed a Andy Kozar, Bob Davis, Bill Addonizio, John tleman from Tennessee (Mr. DUNCAN) is great amount to the success of the UT Michels, and Don Bordinger all shaped the recognized for 5 minutes. football program, but they alone could history of Tennessee football and put the vol- Mr. DUNCAN. Mr. Speaker, I have not have done it without a host of unteers on the map of NCAA football often said that in my district, the col- great Volunteer athletes. The Volun- powerhouses. ors orange and white are almost as pa- teer football squad achieved a perfect I know that the players of the 1951 team are triotic as red, white, and blue. That is season last year, and joined the 1951 extremely proud of the players and coaches of because orange and white represents Volunteers as the only other national the 1998 Volunteers. the official colors of the University of championship team in Tennessee foot- Finally Mr. Speaker, this year brought an Tennessee and the Tennessee Volun- ball history. end to the most outstanding college football teers football team, now the undis- The championship team was led by radio show in the history of the game. The puted NCAA national football cham- four captains, all of whom brought out- ``Voice of the Vols'' John Ward and his partner pion. standing leadership and exciting action Bill Anderson stepped down after the Fiesta Mr. Speaker, just a few short weeks to the Volunteer team. All American Bowl on January 4th. For over 30 years, Ward ago the Tennessee Vols completed a linebacker and co-Captain Al Wilson and Anderson have given Tennessee football perfect 13±0 season and earned their was the emotional leader of the Vol de- fans around the world chill bumps, calling first national championship in 47 years. fensive team, and perhaps in the big- every game with a heartfelt passion that is Under the eye of the great coach gest game of the season Al Wilson second to none in college football. The two Phillip Fulmer, the winningest active broke the single game individual are the longest-running broadcast pair in Divi- coach in the NCAA, who has now won ``caused fumble'' record in a match-up sion 1±A college football. about 85 percent of his games as the against Florida. Mr. Speaker, I congratulate the newly head coach, the Vols captured their Co-Captain and placekicker Jeff Hall crowned NCAA National Champion Ten- second consecutive SEC championship. had an amazing season, earning the nessee Volunteers and everyone who has To top it all off, Coach Fulmer was SEC all-time scoring record with 371 contributed to their perfect season. Go Vols! named both the SEC and National points in his career. He also had a Football Coach of the Year. game-winning field goal at the buzzer, f Many other people also have helped to win the season opener against Syra- make this past season more memorable cuse. More importantly, Jeff hall was THE SURPLUS AND SOCIAL than ever. The Vols defense, led by de- named an academic All-American and SECURITY fensive coordinator John Chavis, held 7 SEC player. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a opponents to 14 points or less and 8 to Co-Captain Shawn Bryson and Mer- previous order of the House, the gen- under 100 yards rushing this season. cedes Hamilton helped the Vol offense tleman from Michigan (Mr. SMITH) is The Vol defense ended the 1998 season dominate opponents throughout the recognized for 5 minutes. January 19, 1999 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H251 Mr. SMITH of Michigan. Mr. Speak- have a great opportunity, Mr. Speaker, that not a dime of America's social se- er, reports today indicate that the Of- to move ahead with truly saving social curity savings should be used for any- fice of Management and Budget is esti- security. It should not be just verbiage thing except social security, and that mating that there will be a $4.5 trillion that is politically popular, it should is what this bill will ensure. It will en- surplus over the next 15 years. I think make tough decisions to come up with sure that within the next 10 years the that is a tribute to the efforts of this a social security bill that can be scored three-quarters of a trillion dollars Chamber, of the Senate, and of the by the actuaries to keep social security owed to social security will be replaced President to work at reducing the ex- solvent over this next 100 years. with these marketable interest-bearing penditures of the Federal Government. Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to securities.
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